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Ursula K. Le Guin at VCON 1 in 1971.
GenreScience fiction, Fantasy, Literature, Tabletop game
Venue49°16′58″N 123°07′15″W / 49.2827°N 123.1207°W / 49.2827; -123.1207
Location(s)Vancouver, British Columbia

VCON is a fan run fantasy, gaming, and science fiction convention held annually in the metro Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada. It has been hosted by the West Coast Science Fiction Association (WCSFA) since 1993,[1] and by the Western Canadian Science Fiction Convention Committee Association (WCSFCCA) before that.



VCON is the oldest fan run science fiction convention across Canada and in the Pacific Northwest,[2] spawning other fan run conventions in these regions (especially the Pacific Northwest) including Norwescon, OryCon, Con-Version and KeyCon. The first "VCON" (which was actually called the Vancouver SF Convention) was held April 9 and 10, 1971 at the Hotel Georgia in Vancouver with Ursula K. Le Guin as Guest of Honour. Its sponsoring organisations included the University of British Columbia Science Fiction Society (UBC SFFEN), the B.C. Science Fiction Association (an offshoot of the UBC club) and the Simon Fraser University Science Fiction Society (SF3).[1]

Although 2011 was the 40th anniversary of the first VCON event, the event held in that year was VCON 37. This oddity in numbering occurred as a result of two things:

  1. For several years in the mid-1990s no official VCON event was held (though it was sometimes replaced by another WCSFA sponsored event without the VCON name, such as "The Science of Murder" in 1994 and "The Science of Survival" in 1995)[3]
  2. Due to various time and resource constraints there were two VCON events that were deliberately organized to be smaller and more intimate and which were given the "half numbers" of 18.5 and 19.5.[3]

VCON has hosted Canvention, Canada's national science fiction convention several times: VCON 14/Canvention 6 in 1986, VCON 26/Canvention 21 in 2001, VCON 32/Canvention 27 in 2007, and VCON 39/Canvention 34 in 2014. VCON has also hosted two Westercon, the travelling science fiction convention for Western North America, with Westercon 30/VCON 7 in 1977 and Westercon 44/VCON 19 in 1991.[3]



VCON is held on the Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend (the observed Canadian Thanksgiving holiday is always the second Monday in October). The registration desk and the member hospitality room opens at noon on Friday, with programming starting in the mid-afternoon, and the event continues until early Sunday evening.



Highlights include discussion panels, an art show, dealers’ tables, authors’ readings, game room, book launches, workshops, crafts, and a costume contest.[4]

VCON features a large art show, with original 2-D and 3-D work and prints by both professional and fan artists, as well as workshops and demonstrations by featured artists. Since the 1990s, there have also been two or more rooms devoted to tabletop and console (video) gaming.

The VCON spoof award, the Elron, is presented and selected passages of science fiction are publicly read. R. Graeme Cameron, president of the British Columbia Science Fiction Association (BCSFA), has stated that the name "Elron" is not an allusion to science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. The awards are reported each year in the BCSFA's science fiction fanzine BCSFAzine.[5]

During the Turkey Readings, panelists read selections from the worst published science fiction and fantasy fiction. Volunteers act out the story being read, and artists make a poster. Audience members can bid to make the reading stop or bid higher for the reading to continue. Funds raised go to CUFF, the Canadian Unity Fan Fund.[2]

VCON has hosted the Aurora Awards ceremony six times, most recently in 2018.[6]

VCON has a hospitality bar, room parties, and a Dead Dog party to celebrate the end of the convention.[2]

Guests of Honour

VCON Guests of Honour[7]
Last Name First Name Guest Type VCON # VCON Date More Info
Abbey Lynn GoH 26 (Canvention 21) 2001-05-05 Lynn Abbey
Ackerman Forrest J Fan GoH 15 1987-05-23 Forrest J Ackerman
Alexander Rob Artist GoH 20 1993-05-29 Rob Alexander
Anderson Jamie Supermarionation GoH 41 2016-09-30 Jamie Anderson
Armstrong Kelley Author GoH 33 2008-10-03 Kelley Armstrong
Barr Donna Artist GoH 17 1989-05-27 Donna Barr
Beagle Peter S. Author GoH 32 2007-08-20 Peter S. Beagle
Benford Gregory Science GoH 37 2012-09-29 Gregory Benford
Berry John D. GoH 13 1985-05-25 John D. Berry
Betz Al "Mr. Science" Toastmaster
Fan GoH
26 (Canvention 21)
Al Betz
Beveridge James Artist GoH 35 2010-10-01 James Beveridge
Bigelow Betty Fan GoH
Costuming GoH
26 (Canvention 21)
Betty Bigelow
Bigelow David Costuming GoH 26 (Canvention 21) 2001-05-05 David Bigelow
Blaylock James P. Author GoH 27 2002-10-12 James P. Blaylock
Bloch Robert Author GoH 13 1985-05-25 Robert Bloch
Bova Ben Author GoH 10 1982-05-22 Ben Bova
Brom Gerald Artist GoH 27 2002 -10-12 Gerald Brom
Brust Steven Author GoH 22 1997-05-26 Steven Brust
Byrne John Author GoH 08 1980-05-24 John Byrne (comics)
Cameron R. Graeme Toastmaster
Fan GoH
Cameron R. Graeme
Carr Terry GoH 05 1976-05-21 Terry Carr
Charish Kristi Author GoH 41.5 2017-10-27 Kristi Charish, Author
Cherryh C.J. Author GoH 19 (Westercon 44) 1991-07-05 C. J. Cherryh
Choi Eric Editor GoH 40 2015-10-02 Eric Choi
Chu Eric Film Design GoH 41 2016-09-30 Eric Chu
Clement Hal Author GoH 16 1988-05-28 Hal Clement
Coney Michael Toastmaster 20 1993-05-29 Michael Coney
Cook Monte Game Design Special Guest 27 2002-10-12 Monte Cook
Cramer John G. Science GoH 16 1988-05-28 John G. Cramer
Crispin A.C. Author GoH 24 1999-05-22 A.C. Crispin
Dahm (Sledge) Sharree GoH 13 1985-05-25 Sharree Dahm
Dale Heather Music GoH 35 2010-10-01 Heather Dale
de Lint Charles Author GoH 20 1993-05-29 Charles de Lint
DeBrandt Don Author GoH 19.5 1992-05-23 Don DeBrandt
Delany Samuel R. Author GoH 12 1984-05-26 Samuel R. Delany
Desjardins Shane GoH 25 2000-05-27 Shane Desjardins
deSouza Lar Webcomic GoH 34 2009-10-02 Lar deSouza
Dick Philip K. GoH 02 1972-02-19 Philip K. Dick
Dockrey Michelle "vixy" Music GoH 32 2007-08-20 Michelle Dockrey
Dorsey Candas Jane Canvention GoH 26 (Canvention 21) 2001-05-05 Candas Jane Dorsey
Duncan Dave Author GoH
Author GoH
Dave Duncan (writer)
Duncan Melissa Mary Canvention Artist GoH 39 (Canvention 34) 2014-10-03 Melissa Mary Duncan
Dyson George Science GoH 26 (Canvention 21) 2001-05-05 George Dyson (science historian)
El-Mohtar Amal Canvention Author GoH 42 (Canvention 38) 2018-10-05 Amal El-Mohtar
Ernest James Gaming GoH
Game Design Special Guest
26 (Canvention 21)
James Ernest
Fabris Tony Music GoH 32 2007-08-20 Tony Fabris
Fahnestalk Lynne Taylor Artist GoH 30 2005-10-08 Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk
Fahnestalk Steve Toastmaster
19 (Westercon 44)
Steve Fahnestalk
Finkbiner Beth GoH 14 (Canvention 6) 1986-05-24 Beth Finkbiner
Finkbiner Mike GoH 14 (Canvention 6) 1986-05-24 Mike Finkbiner
Forty Steve Fan GoH 40 2015-10-02 Steve Forty
Friesner Esther Author GoH 28 2003-10-11 Esther Friesner
Gajdecki John Media GoH 27 2002-10-12 Gajdecki Visual Effects
Gerrold David Author GoH 23 1998-05-16 David Gerrold
Gibson William Author GoH
Fan GoH
19 (Westercon 44)
William Gibson
Giguère Georges see Guerin, Shae
Green Nancie Artist GoH 41.5 2017-10-27 Nancie Green
Greenwood Ed Game Design GoH 40 2015-10-02 Ed Greenwood
Guerin Shae Toastmaster 11 1983-05-20 Shae Guerin
Gustafson Jon Author GoH 09 1981-05-23 Jon Gustafson
Haber Karen Author GoH 30 2005-10-08 Karen Haber
Haldeman Joe Author GoH 40 2015-10-02 Joe_Haldeman
Hambly Barbara Author GoH 30 2005-10-08 Barbara Hambly
Heard Bruce Game Design GoH 39 (Canvention 34) 2014-10-03 Bruce Heard
Hendricks Aaron Podcasting Special Guest 34 2009-10-02 Hendricks
Hiebner Constantine GoH 18.5 1991-02-16
Constantine Hiebner
Herbert Frank GoH
Frank Herbert
Hogan James P. Author GoH 16 1988-05-27 James P. Hogan (writer)
Hopkinson Nalo Author GoH 28 2003-10-11 Nalo Hopkinson
Howes Catherine GoH 14 (Canvention 6) 1986-05-24 Catherine Howes
Huff Tanya Author GoH 33 2008-10-03 Tanya Huff
Hughes Matt Author GoH 32 2007-10-20 Matt Hughes (writer)
Hunt Tarol see Stephens, Ellipsis
Hyde Stan Artist GoH
Godzilla Fan GoH
Stan Hyde
Jackson Michael Media GoH 23 1998-05-16 Michael Jackson (actor)
Jackson Steve Gaming GoH 19 (Westercon 44) 1991-07-05 Steve Jackson (US game designer)
Johanson Karl Editor GoH 41 2016-09-30 Karl Johanson
Johanson Stephanie Art Director GoH 41 2016-09-30 Stephanie Johanson
Kare Jordin Science GoH 28 2003-10-11 Jordin Kare
Kaufmann Jerry GoH 19 (Westercon 44) 1991-07-05
Kernaghan Eileen Special Guest
Author GoH
14 (Canvention 6)
Eileen Kernaghan
King Matt Yang Podcasting Special Guest 34 2009-10-02 Matthew Yang King
Kleinbergen Adrian Artist GoH 28 2003-10-11 Adrian Kleinbergen
Kovalic John Artist GoH 38 2013-10-04 John Kovalic
Lafferty Mur Author/Podcasting GoH 38 2013-10-04 Mur Lafferty
Lassek Lisa Media GoH 36 2011-09-30 Lisa Lassek
Le Guin Ursula K. GoH 01 1971-10-3 Ursula K. Le Guin
Lockwood Todd Artist GoH
Special Guest
Todd Lockwood
Lynn Elizabeth A. Author GoH 18 1990-05-26 Elizabeth A. Lynn
Mackenzie Ashley Artist GoH 42 (Canvention 38) 2018-10-05 Ashley Mackenzie
McCharles Randy Fan GoH 30 2005-10-08
McIntyre Vonda GoH 09 1981-05-23 Vonda McIntyre
Marshall Don Podcasting Special Guest 34 2009-10-02 GeeksOn Podcast
Matthews Jaymie Science GoH
Science GoH
MOST Satellite
Goodwill Moon Rock History
Mattingly David B. Artist GoH 39 (Canvention 34) 2014-10-03 David Burroughs Mattingly
Metzger George Artist GoH 08 1980-05-24 George Metzger (artist)
Moskowitz Sam Fan GoH 15 1987-05-23 Sam Moskowitz
Ng James Artist GoH 37 2012-09-29 James Ng Art
Nicholson Ryan Media GoH 27 2002-10-12 Ryan Nicholson
Nielsen Hayden Patrick Editor GoH 19 (Westercon 44) 1991-07-05 Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Nielsen Hayden Teresa Editor GoH 19 (Westercon 44) 1991-07-05 Teresa Nielsen Hayden
Niven Larry GoH
Author GoH
Larry Niven
Normand Jean-Pierre Artist GoH 36 2011-09-30
Notkin Debbie GoH 12 1984-05-26
Oddsson Warren Artist GoH 19 (Westercon 44) 1991-07-05
Penney Lloyd Filk GoH 25 2000-05-27
Penney Yvonne Filk GoH 25 2000-05-27
Pohl Frederik Author GoH 14 (Canvention 6) 1986-05-24 Frederik Pohl
Powers Tim Author GoH 27 2002-10-12 Tim Powers
Priest Cherie Author GoH 35 2010-10-01 Cherie Priest
Raupp Roger Artist GoH 18 1990-05-26 Roger Raupp
Reichardt Randy GoH 14 (Canvention 6) 1986-05-24
Robinson Frank M. Author GoH 12 1984-05-26 Frank M. Robinson
Robinson Jeanne Author GoH 17 1989-05-27 Jeanne Robinson
Robinson Kim Stanley Author GoH 21 1996-05-18 Kim Stanley Robinson
Robinson Peter Podcasting Special Guest 34 2009-10-02 GeeksOn Podcast
Robinson Spider Author GoH
Spider Robinson
Rothfuss Patrick Author GoH 33 2008-10-03 Patrick Rothfuss
Runté Robert GoH 10 1982-05-22
Sawyer Robert J. Author GoH
Author GoH
26 (Canvention 21)
Robert J. Sawyer
Scarborough Elizabeth Ann Author GoH 18 1990-05-26 Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Schomburg Alex Artist GoH 15 1987-05-23 Alex Schomburg
Segal Thyrza Artist GoH 38 2013-10-04 Thyrza Segal
Shaw Bob Author GoH 17 1989-05-27 Bob Shaw
Sheckley Robert Author GoH 17 1989-05-27 Robert Sheckley
Silverberg Robert GoH
Author GoH
Robert Silverberg
Singer Jon GoH 09 1981-05-23
Sledge Sharree see Dahm, Sharree
Smedman Lisa Gaming GoH
Gaming Special Guest
Lisa Smedman
Smith Trestrail Verna GoH 19 (Westercon 44) 1991-07-05
Snellings Lisa Artist GoH 33 2008-10-03
Sohmer Ryan Webcomic GoH 34 2009-10-02 Ryan Sohmer
Springett Martin Artist GoH 32 2007-08-20 Martin Springett
Stephens Ellipsis Canvention Author GoH 39 (Canvention 34) 2014-10-03 Goblins (webcomic) (as Tarol Hunt)
Sternback Rick Artist GoH 40 2015-10-02 Rick_Sternbach
Stross Charles Author GoH 42 (Canvention 38) 2018-10-05 Charles Stross
Teves Miles Artist GoH 34 2009-10-02 Miles Teves
Tompkins Suzanne GoH 19 (Westercon 44) 1991-07-05
Turner Pat Artist GoH 26 (Canvention 21) 2001-05-04 Pat Turner Art & Illustration Studios
Tweet Jonathan Game Design Special Guest 27 2002 -10-12 Jonathan Tweet
van Vogt A. E. GoH 06 1978 A. E. van Vogt
Vance Jack GoH 07 1979-05-25 Jack Vance
Walsh Michael Toastmaster
Fan GoH
Michael Walsh (film critic)
Warren Bill Fan GoH 11 1983-05-20 Bill Warren (film historian and critic)
Warren Elizabeth Fan GoH 11 1983-05-20
Weber David Author GoH 39 (Canvention 34) 2014-10-03 David Weber
Wells Dan Author/Podcaster GoH 38 2013-10-04 Dan Wells (author)
White Ted GoH 08 1980-05-24 Ted White (author)
Wickham Sandra Toastmaster 39 (Canvention 34) 2014-10-03 Sandra Wickham, Author
Willes Christine Media GoH 34 2009-10-02 Christine Willes
Willis Connie Author GoH 37 2012-09-29 Connie Willis
Wood Susan Fan GoH 06 1978 Susan Wood (science fiction)
Zelazny Roger GoH 08 1980-05-24 Roger Zelazny

See also



  1. ^ a b Emanuele, Matisse (September 30, 2012). "Vancouver Convention draws science-fiction fans back year after year". The Ubyssey. Archived from the original on 8 October 2013. Retrieved 1 December 2012.
  2. ^ a b c Cameron, Graeme (June 1, 2016). "Soap Box Radio". Co-op Radio (Interview). Interviewed by Victor Schwartzman. Vancouver: CFRO-FM.
  3. ^ a b c Cameron, Graeme (April 27, 2019). "V from Vancouver". Canadian SF Fanzine Archive. WCSFA. Retrieved April 27, 2019.
  4. ^ Conner, Shawn (September 26, 2012). "VCON September 28". Inside Vancouver. Tourism Vancouver. Retrieved April 27, 2019.
  5. ^ Cameron, Graeme (April 27, 2019). "Elron Awards". Canadian SF Fanzine Archive. WCSFA. Retrieved April 27, 2019.
  6. ^ Trombi, Liza (October 28, 2018). "Aurora Awards". Locus Online. Liza Groen Trombi. Retrieved April 27, 2019.
  7. ^ Olson, Mark (March 17, 2019). "V-Con". Fancyclopedia 3. FANAC. Retrieved April 30, 2019.