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Reality Theory: Physiology&Medicine
[edit]- 1918 flu pandemic
- 3D bioprinting
- ABC (medicine)
- ABC model of flower development
- Abdomen
- Abdominal pain
- ABO blood group system
- Abortion
- Abrasion (medical)
- Abscess
- Abscisic acid
- Absorbed dose
- Absorption (pharmacology)
- Acceptable daily intake
- Accommodation (eye)
- ACE inhibitor
- Acetyl-CoA
- Acetylation
- Acid–base homeostasis
- Acne
- Actin
- Action potential
- Activator (genetics)
- Active site
- Active transport
- Acute (medicine)
- Acute coronary syndrome
- Acute kidney injury
- Acute liver failure
- Acute muscle soreness
- Acute radiation syndrome
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome
- Acute toxicity
- Acute-phase protein
- Adaptation (eye)
- Adaptive immune system
- Adenine
- Adeno-associated virus
- Adenosine diphosphate
- Adenosine monophosphate
- Adenosine triphosphate
- Adenoviridae
- Adherence (medicine)
- Adhesive bandage
- Adipose tissue
- Adjuvant
- ADP-ribosylation
- Adrenal gland
- Adrenaline
- Adrenergic receptor
- Adult
- Adult stem cell
- Advanced glycation end-product
- Advanced life support
- Adverse drug reaction
- Adverse effect
- Aerobic exercise
- Aerobic organism
- Aerobics
- Aestivation
- Aflatoxin
- Ageing
- Aging-associated diseases
- Agonist
- Agranulocyte
- Air embolism
- Airborne disease
- Airway management
- Alkaloid
- Allele
- Allergen
- Allergic rhinitis
- Allergy
- Allometry
- Allosome
- Allosteric regulation
- Allotransplantation
- Alpha helix
- Alternation of generations
- Alternative splicing
- Altitude sickness
- Ambulance
- Amino acid
- Amino acid synthesis
- AMP-activated protein kinase
- Amplified fragment length polymorphism
- Amputation
- Amylase
- Amyloid
- Amyloidosis
- Amylopectin
- Amylose
- Anabolic steroid
- Anabolism
- Anaerobic exercise
- Anaerobic organism
- Anaerobic respiration
- Anaphase
- Anaplasia
- Anatomical terminology
- Anatomical terms of location
- Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System
- Anatomy
- Androgen
- Anemia
- Aneurysm
- Angina
- Angiogenesis
- Angiography
- Angioplasty
- Angiotensin II receptor blocker
- Animal bite
- Animal disease model
- Animal nutrition
- Animal testing
- Ankle
- Anosmia
- Antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis
- Antenna (biology)
- Anthocyanin
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antiarrhythmic agent
- Antibiotic
- Antibody
- Anticoagulant
- Antidote
- Antifreeze protein
- Antigen
- Antigen presentation
- Antigen-antibody interaction
- Antigen-presenting cell
- Antigenic drift
- Antigenic escape
- Antigenic shift
- Antigenic variation
- Antihistamine
- Antihypertensive drug
- Antimicrobial
- Antimicrobial peptides
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Antinutrient
- Antioxidant
- Antiparasitic
- Antiplatelet drug
- Antisense therapy
- Antiseptic
- Antiserum
- Antitoxin
- Antivenom
- Antiviral drug
- Antler
- Antonine Plague
- Anus
- Apnea
- Apoptosis
- Appendicitis
- Appendicular skeleton
- Appendix (anatomy)
- Archegonium
- Arginine
- Arm
- Armlock
- Armour (anatomy)
- Aroma compound
- Arrhythmia
- Arterial blood gas test
- Arteriosclerosis
- Artery
- Arthritis
- Arthroplasty
- Arthropod cuticle
- Artificial cardiac pacemaker
- Artificial cell
- Artificial gene synthesis
- Artificial heart
- Artificial induction of immunity
- Artificial insemination
- Artificial lung
- Artificial organ
- Artificial ventilation
- Artificial womb
- Asepsis
- Asexual reproduction
- Asphyxia
- Aspirin
- Assay
- Assisted reproductive technology
- Assistive cane
- Asthma
- Astigmatism
- Atheroma
- Atherosclerosis
- ATP synthase
- Atrial fibrillation
- Attenuated vaccine
- Auricle (anatomy)
- Autoimmune disease
- Autoimmunity
- Automated external defibrillator
- Autophagy
- Autopsy
- Autoregulation
- Autosome
- Autotransplantation
- Auxin
- Avulsion injury
- Axial skeleton
- B cell
- B vitamins
- Baby bottle
- Bacillus
- Back pain
- Bacteria
- Bacterial cell structure
- Bacterial conjugation
- Bacterial growth
- Bacteriology
- Bacteriophage
- Bad breath
- Balance (ability)
- Bandage
- Barbell
- Barber
- Bark (botany)
- Barotrauma
- Basal metabolic rate
- Base pair
- Basic life support
- Basic reproduction number
- Basophil
- Bathing
- Beak
- Beard
- Beauty salon
- Benign tumor
- Beta blocker
- Bifocals
- Bile
- Binding site
- Bioavailability
- Biobank
- Biochemical cascade
- Biochemical switches in the cell cycle
- Biochemistry
- Biocontainment
- Bioelectricity
- Bioelectrogenesis
- Bioenergetics
- Biofeedback
- Biofilm
- Bioinformatics
- Biological activity
- Biological agent
- Biological hazard
- Biological immortality
- Biological life cycle
- Biological membrane
- Biological network
- Biological pathway
- Biological pigment
- Biological specimen
- Biological system
- Biological target
- Biologist
- Biology
- Biology and sexual orientation
- Bioluminescence
- Biomarker
- Biomarker (medicine)
- Biomarkers of aging
- Biomechanics
- Biometrics
- Biomolecular complex
- Biomolecular structure
- Biomolecule
- Biopharmaceutical
- Biopolymer
- Biopsy
- Bioreactor
- Biosafety
- Biosafety level
- Biosecurity
- Biosensor
- Biostatistics
- Biosynthesis
- Biotechnology
- Bird anatomy
- Bird's wing
- Birth
- Birth control
- Birth defect
- Birthmark
- Biting
- Black Death
- Blast injury
- Blastulation
- Bleeding
- Blepharoplasty
- Blister
- Blocking (martial arts)
- Blood
- Blood alcohol content
- Blood gas tension
- Blood gas test
- Blood in stool
- Blood lipids
- Blood plasma
- Blood pressure
- Blood protein
- Blood sugar level
- Blood sugar regulation
- Blood test
- Blood transfusion
- Blood type
- Blood typing
- Blood vessel
- Blood volume
- Blot (biology)
- Blunt trauma
- Blushing
- Body cavity
- Body composition
- Body fat percentage
- Body fluid
- Body hair
- Body mass index
- Body odor
- Body plan
- Body powder
- Body shape
- Body water
- Bodybuilding
- Bodybuilding supplement
- Boil
- Bone
- Bone density
- Bone fracture
- Bone grafting
- Bone marrow
- Bone mineral
- Bone morphogenetic protein
- Bone remodeling
- Bony labyrinth
- Boron deficiency (plant disorder)
- Brachytherapy
- Bradford Hill criteria
- Bradycardia
- Brain
- Branch
- Breakthrough infection
- Breast
- Breast cancer
- Breastfeeding
- Breathalyzer
- Breathing
- Breathing circuit
- Breathing gas
- Bridge (dentistry)
- Bronchiolitis
- Bronchitis
- Bronchoconstriction
- Bronchodilator
- Bronchus
- Bruise
- Bubonic plague
- Bud
- Budding
- Bulb
- Bulbourethral gland
- Burn
- Burping
- Cachexia
- CAD/CAM dentistry
- Cadaver
- Caesarean section
- Cajal body
- Calcium channel blocker
- Calcium in biology
- Calcium metabolism
- Calculus (dental)
- Calisthenics
- Calorie restriction
- Calvin cycle
- Camphor
- Campylobacteriosis
- Cancer
- Cancer cell
- Cancer epigenetics
- Cancer immunology
- Cancer immunotherapy
- Cancer prevention
- Cancer screening
- Cancer staging
- Capillary
- Capsid
- Capsule (pharmacy)
- Caramelization
- Carbohydrate
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Carcinogen
- Carcinogenesis
- Cardiac arrest
- Cardiac cycle
- Cardiac imaging
- Cardiac muscle
- Cardiac output
- Cardiac pacemaker
- Cardiac stress test
- Cardiac surgery
- Cardiogenic shock
- Cardiology
- Cardiology diagnostic tests and procedures
- Cardiomyopathy
- Cardiopulmonary bypass
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- Cardiorespiratory fitness
- Cardiotocography
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cardiovascular physiology
- Cardioversion
- Carotenoid
- Cartilage
- Cartilaginous joint
- Cas9
- Case fatality rate
- Casualty lifting
- Catabolism
- Cataract
- Cataract surgery
- Catheter
- Causes of cancer
- Cell (biology)
- Cell adhesion
- Cell biology
- Cell culture
- Cell cycle
- Cell cycle checkpoint
- Cell damage
- Cell death
- Cell division
- Cell division orientation
- Cell fate determination
- Cell growth
- Cell isolation
- Cell junction
- Cell membrane
- Cell migration
- Cell nucleus
- Cell potency
- Cell proliferation
- Cell signaling
- Cell surface receptor
- Cell type
- Cell wall
- Cell-mediated immunity
- Cellular communication (biology)
- Cellular differentiation
- Cellular model
- Cellular respiration
- Cellular senescence
- Cellular stress response
- Cellulose
- Cell–cell interaction
- Cementum
- Central dogma of molecular biology
- Centrosome
- Cervical cancer
- Cervical cap
- Cervix
- Chaperone (protein)
- Checkpoint inhibitor
- Cheek
- Chemesthesis
- Chemical biology
- Chemical specificity
- Chemosynthesis
- Chemotaxis
- Chemotherapy
- Chemotropism
- Chest pain
- Chest radiograph
- Chewing
- Chickenpox
- Child
- Childbirth
- Childbirth positions
- Children's hospital
- Chills
- Chin
- Chitin
- Chlamydia infection
- Chlorophyll
- Chloroplast
- Chloroquine
- Chokehold
- Choking
- Cholera
- Cholesterol
- Chromatid
- Chromatin
- Chromatin remodeling
- Chromosomal crossover
- Chromosome
- Chromosome abnormality
- Chromosome segregation
- Chronic condition
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronic kidney disease
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Chronic pain
- Chronic toxicity
- Cilium
- Circadian clock
- Circadian rhythm
- Circulatory system
- Circumcision
- Cirrhosis
- Cis-regulatory element
- Citric acid
- Citric acid cycle
- Claw
- Clearance (pharmacology)
- Cleavage (embryo)
- Clinic
- Clinical pharmacy
- Clinical research
- Clinical trial
- Clinical urine tests
- Clitoris
- Clonal selection
- Cloning
- Cloth face mask
- Coagulation
- Cochlea
- Cocoliztli epidemics
- Coding region
- Coeliac disease
- Coelom
- Coenzyme A
- Cofactor (biochemistry)
- Coinfection
- Collagen
- Colonoscopy
- Color blindness
- Colorectal cancer
- Comb
- Combined oral contraceptive pill
- Common cold
- Comorbidity
- Comparative anatomy
- Compartmental models in epidemiology
- Complement system
- Complementarity (molecular biology)
- Complete blood count
- Complex traits
- Complication (medicine)
- Complications of pregnancy
- Compound eye
- Compression lock
- Computational anatomy
- Computational biology
- Computational genomics
- Condom
- Conductive hearing loss
- Conformational change
- Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
- Congenital heart defect
- Conifer cone
- Conjunctivitis
- Connective tissue
- Consensus sequence
- Constipation
- Contact lens
- Contact tracing
- Contagious disease
- Contraceptive implant
- Contraceptive sponge
- Contraindication
- Contrast (vision)
- Contrast agent
- Cooling down
- Copulation (zoology)
- Copy-number variation
- Cornea
- Coronary artery bypass surgery
- Coronary artery disease
- Coronary catheterization
- Coronary circulation
- Coronary CT angiography
- Coronavirus
- Corrective lens
- Corticosteroid
- Cortisol
- Cosmetics
- Cotton swab
- Cough
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 pandemic
- Cramp
- Cream (pharmaceutical)
- CRISPR gene editing
- Crohn's disease
- Crown (dentistry)
- Crutch
- Cryonics
- Cryopreservation
- Cryoprotectant
- Cryptobiosis
- CT scan
- Cure
- Cuticle
- Cyclic nucleotide
- Cyst
- Cytokine
- Cytokine release syndrome
- Cytokine storm
- Cytokinesis
- Cytokinin
- Cytomegalovirus
- Cytometry
- Cytoneme
- Cytoplasm
- Cytosine
- Cytosis
- Cytoskeleton
- Cytosol
- Cytotoxicity
- Damage-associated molecular pattern
- Dandruff
- Day spa
- Death
- Decompression sickness
- Decongestant
- Defecation
- Defective interfering particle
- Defibrillation
- Degenerative disc disease
- Dehydration
- Delayed onset muscle soreness
- Deletion (genetics)
- Denaturation (biochemistry)
- Dendritic cell
- Dengue fever
- Denitrification
- Dense connective tissue
- Dental abscess
- Dental anatomy
- Dental braces
- Dental dam
- Dental drill
- Dental explorer
- Dental extraction
- Dental floss
- Dental implant
- Dental impression
- Dental instruments
- Dental material
- Dental plaque
- Dental prosthesis
- Dental radiography
- Dental restoration
- Dental sealant
- Dental surgery
- Dental trauma
- Dentin
- Dentist
- Dentistry
- Dentition
- Dentures
- Deodorant
- Deoxyribose
- Dephosphorylation
- Depolarization
- Dermatitis
- Dermatology
- Dermis
- Designer baby
- Development of the human body
- Developmental biology
- Diabetes mellitus
- Diabetes mellitus type 2
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Dialysis
- Diaper
- Diaphragm (birth control)
- Diaphragmatic breathing
- Diarrhea
- Diet (nutrition)
- Dietary fiber
- Dietary supplement
- Dieting
- Differential centrifugation
- Differential diagnosis
- Diffusion MRI
- Digestion
- Digestive enzyme
- Dioxygen in biological reactions
- Diphtheria
- Directionality (molecular biology)
- Disaccharide
- Disease
- Disinfectant
- Disposable soma theory of aging
- Dissection
- Distribution (pharmacology)
- Distributive shock
- Diuretic
- Diverticulitis
- Diverticulosis
- Diving medicine
- Dizziness
- DNA annotation
- DNA barcoding
- DNA condensation
- DNA damage (naturally occurring)
- DNA damage theory of aging
- DNA extraction
- DNA ligase
- DNA methylation
- DNA microarray
- DNA paternity testing
- DNA polymerase
- DNA profiling
- DNA repair
- DNA replication
- DNA sequencer
- DNA sequencing
- DNA supercoil
- DNA synthesis
- DNA transposon
- DNA vaccination
- DNA virus
- DNA-binding domain
- DNA-binding protein
- Doctor's office
- Dominance (genetics)
- Dormancy
- Dosage form
- Dose (biochemistry)
- Dose–response relationship
- Dosimeter
- Double fertilization
- Downregulation and upregulation
- Dressing (medical)
- Drowning
- Drug allergy
- Drug class
- Drug delivery
- Drug design
- Drug development
- Drug discovery
- Drug interaction
- Drug metabolism
- Drug overdose
- Drug repositioning
- Drug resistance
- Drug test
- Drug tolerance
- Dry eye syndrome
- Duct (anatomy)
- Dumbbell
- Dysentery
- Ear
- Eardrum
- Early pregnancy bleeding
- Ecdysis
- Echocardiography
- Ectoderm
- Ectotherm
- Edema
- Effective dose (pharmacology)
- Effective dose (radiation)
- Effector (biology)
- Egg
- Egg cell
- Eicosanoid
- Ejaculation
- Elastic fiber
- Elastin
- Elbow
- Electric organ (biology)
- Electric razor
- Electric toothbrush
- Electrical conduction system of the heart
- Electrical injury
- Electrocardiography
- Electrodermal activity
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Electron transport chain
- Electronic health record
- Electrophysiology
- Electrotonic potential
- Elimination (pharmacology)
- Embalming
- Embalming fluid
- Embolism
- Embryo
- Embryonic development
- Embryonic stem cell
- Emergency contraception
- Emergency department
- Emergency medicine
- Emergent virus
- Emerging infectious disease
- End-of-life care
- Endarterectomy
- Endocrine disease
- Endocrine disruptor
- Endocrine gland
- Endocrine system
- Endocrinology
- Endocytosis
- Endoderm
- Endodontics
- Endometriosis
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Endoscope
- Endoscopy
- Endoskeleton
- Endotherm
- Endurance training
- Energy homeostasis
- Enhancer (genetics)
- Enteric fermentation
- Environmental sex determination
- Enzyme
- Enzyme activator
- Enzyme assay
- Enzyme catalysis
- Enzyme inhibitor
- Enzyme kinetics
- Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique
- Eosinophil
- Epidemic
- Epidemic curve
- Epidemiological method
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
- Epidermis
- Epidermis (botany)
- Epididymis
- Epidural administration
- Epigenetic clock
- Epigenetic code
- Epigenetics
- Epigenome
- Epigenome editing
- Epinephrine (medication)
- Episiotomy
- Epistasis
- Epithelium
- Epstein–Barr virus
- Equivalent dose
- Erection
- Erogenous zone
- Erythropoietin
- Essential amino acid
- Essential hypertension
- Essential oil
- Estradiol
- Estrogen
- Estrous cycle
- Ethidium bromide
- Evo-devo gene toolkit
- Evolution of ageing
- Excretion
- Excretory system
- Exercise
- Exercise equipment
- Exercise intensity
- Exercise physiology
- Exertion
- Exocrine gland
- Exocytosis
- Exome sequencing
- Exon
- Exoskeleton
- Exosome (vesicle)
- Expanded genetic code
- External beam radiotherapy
- External fertilization
- Extracellular digestion
- Extracellular fluid
- Extracellular matrix
- Extracellular vesicle
- Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
- Eye
- Eye chart
- Eye color
- Eye drop
- Eye examination
- Eye shadow
- Eye strain
- Eye surgery
- Eyebrow
- Eyelash
- Eyelid
- Face
- Face powder
- Facial
- Facial hair
- Facial tissue
- Facilitated diffusion
- Falciparum
- Fallopian tube
- Family planning
- Fang
- Far-sightedness
- Fasting
- Fat
- Fatigue (medical)
- Fatty acid
- Fatty acid metabolism
- Feather
- Feces
- Feeding tube
- Female
- Female reproductive system
- Fermentation
- Fertilisation
- Fetal viability
- Fetus
- Fever
- Fibromyalgia
- Fibrous joint
- Fight-or-flight response
- Fine motor skill
- Finger
- Fingerprint
- First aid
- First aid kit
- Fish anatomy
- Fish fin
- Fission (biology)
- Fixation (histology)
- Flagellum
- Flap (surgery)
- Flatulence
- Flavin adenine dinucleotide
- Flavonoid
- Flexibility (anatomy)
- Flipper (anatomy)
- Floater
- Floral scent
- Flow cytometry
- Fluid balance
- Fluid compartments
- Fluid replacement
- Fluorescein
- Fluorescence in the life sciences
- Fluorescent tag
- Fluorophore
- Fluoroscopy
- Flushing (physiology)
- Follicle-stimulating hormone
- Food additive
- Food allergy
- Food browning
- Food chemistry
- Food coloring
- Food energy
- Food fortification
- Food science
- Foodborne illness
- Foot
- Footedness
- Footwork (martial arts)
- Force of infection
- Forceps
- Forehead
- Forelimb
- Forensic identification
- Forensic pathology
- Forensic science
- Forward genetics
- Foundation (cosmetics)
- Fovea centralis
- Fragmentation (reproduction)
- Frailty syndrome
- Frameshift mutation
- Free flap
- Free-radical theory of aging
- Frostbite
- Fructose
- Fur
- G protein
- G protein-coupled receptor
- G0 phase
- Gain of function research
- Gallbladder
- Gallstone
- Gamete
- Gametid
- Gametocyte
- Gametogenesis
- Gametophyte
- Gangrene
- Gap junction
- Gas exchange
- Gastric acid
- Gastritis
- Gastroenteritis
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Gastrointestinal tract
- Gastrulation
- Gel electrophoresis
- Gene
- Gene cluster
- Gene conversion
- Gene delivery
- Gene drive
- Gene duplication
- Gene expression
- Gene family
- Gene knock-in
- Gene knockdown
- Gene knockout
- Gene map
- Gene mapping
- Gene product
- Gene regulatory network
- Gene silencing
- Gene targeting
- Gene therapy
- Genealogical DNA test
- General practitioner
- Genetic architecture
- Genetic code
- Genetic disorder
- Genetic engineering
- Genetic engineering techniques
- Genetic genealogy
- Genetic linkage
- Genetic marker
- Genetic recombination
- Genetic testing
- Genetically modified virus
- Genetics
- Genetics of aging
- Genome
- Genome editing
- Genome evolution
- Genome instability
- Genome-wide association study
- Genomic imprinting
- Genomics
- Genotype
- Genotype–phenotype distinction
- Geriatrics
- Germ cell
- Germ layer
- Germ theory of disease
- Germinal choice technology
- Germination
- Germline
- Gerontology
- Gestation
- Gestational age
- Gibberellin
- Gill
- Gingivitis
- Gland
- Glasses
- Glaucoma
- Glomerular filtration rate
- Glucagon
- Glucocorticoid
- Glucocorticoid receptor
- Gluconeogenesis
- Glucose
- Glutamic acid
- Gluten
- Gluten-free diet
- Gluten-related disorders
- Glycan
- Glycan-protein interactions
- Glycation
- Glycerol
- Glycogen
- Glycogenesis
- Glycogenolysis
- Glycolysis
- Glycoprotein
- Glycoside
- Glycosylation
- Golgi apparatus
- Gonad
- Gonadotropin
- Gonorrhea
- Gout
- Graded potential
- Grading (tumors)
- Graft (surgery)
- Gram stain
- Granule (cell biology)
- Granulocyte
- Grappling
- Grappling hold
- Grappling position
- Grasp
- Graves' disease
- Gravitropism
- Green fluorescent protein
- Gross motor skill
- Ground substance
- Ground tissue
- Group A streptococcal infection
- Growth factor
- Growth hormone
- Guanine
- Guard cell
- Gums
- Gunshot wound
- Gut flora
- Gut–brain axis
- Gynaecology
- Gynoecium
- Haematopoiesis
- Hair
- Hair care
- Hair coloring
- Hair conditioner
- Hair dryer
- Hair gel
- Hair loss
- Hair removal
- Hair roller
- Hair straightening
- Hair transplantation
- Hair washing
- Hairbrush
- Hairdresser
- Hairstyle
- Hairstyling product
- Hand
- Hand sanitizer
- Hand washing
- Handedness
- Handkerchief
- Hard tissue
- Hayflick limit
- Head
- Head lice infestation
- Healing
- Health
- Health care
- Health care quality
- Health club
- Health data
- Health facility
- Health informatics
- Health information technology
- Healthy diet
- Hearing aid
- Hearing loss
- Hearing range
- Hearing test
- Heart
- Heart failure
- Heart rate
- Heart rate monitor
- Heartburn
- Heat exhaustion
- Heat illness
- Heat stroke
- Heating pad
- Helicase
- Helminthiasis
- Hematoma
- Heme
- Hemodynamics
- Hemoglobin
- Hemoprotein
- Hemorrhoid
- Hemostasis
- Heparin
- Hepatitis
- Hepatotoxicity
- Herd immunity
- Heredity
- Hermaphrodite
- Hernia
- Herpes simplex
- Herpesviridae
- Heterozygote advantage
- Hibernation
- Hiccup
- High-content screening
- High-density lipoprotein
- High-intensity focused ultrasound
- High-throughput screening
- Hindlimb
- Hip
- Hip replacement
- Histamine
- Histocompatibility
- Histogenesis
- Histology
- Histone
- Histone code
- Histone methylation
- Histone-modifying enzymes
- Hit to lead
- Holter monitor
- Homeobox
- Homeostasis
- Homeotic gene
- Homologous chromosome
- Homologous recombination
- Homology directed repair
- Hoof
- Horizontal gene transfer
- Horizontal transmission
- Hormonal contraception
- Hormonal therapy (oncology)
- Hormone
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Horn (anatomy)
- Hospice
- Hospital
- Hospital bed
- Hospital gown
- Host tropism
- Hot water bottle
- Hox gene
- Human back
- Human betaherpesvirus 5
- Human blood group systems
- Human body
- Human body weight
- Human brain
- Human challenge study
- Human chorionic gonadotropin
- Human development (biology)
- Human digestive system
- Human disease network
- Human embryonic development
- Human enhancement
- Human eye
- Human fertilization
- Human gastrointestinal microbiota
- Human genetics
- Human genome
- Human Genome Project
- Human germline engineering
- Human hair color
- Human head
- Human height
- Human iron metabolism
- Human leg
- Human leukocyte antigen
- Human microbiome
- Human mouth
- Human musculoskeletal system
- Human nose
- Human nutrition
- Human papillomavirus infection
- Human parasite
- Human physiology of underwater diving
- Human reproduction
- Human reproductive system
- Human sexual response cycle
- Human skeleton
- Human skin
- Human skin color
- Human tooth
- Human tooth development
- Humoral immunity
- Hydrostatic skeleton
- Hydroxyl radical
- Hygiene
- Hygiene hypothesis
- Hyperacusis
- Hyperaemia
- Hypercalcaemia
- Hypercapnia
- Hyperglycemia
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hypermobility (joints)
- Hyperoxia
- Hyperpolarization (biology)
- Hypersensitivity
- Hypertension
- Hyperthermia
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Hypha
- Hypocalcemia
- Hypodermic needle
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypotension
- Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis
- Hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis
- Hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis
- Hypothermia
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypovolemia
- Hypoxemia
- Hypoxia (medical)
- Hysterectomy
- Ibuprofen
- Ice pack
- Illegitimate recombination
- Imago
- Immortalised cell line
- Immune checkpoint
- Immune complex
- Immune network theory
- Immune response
- Immune system
- Immune tolerance
- Immunity (medical)
- Immunization
- Immunoassay
- Immunocompetence
- Immunodeficiency
- Immunoediting
- Immunogenicity
- Immunoglobulin therapy
- Immunologic adjuvant
- Immunological memory
- Immunology
- Immunosenescence
- Immunostimulant
- Immunosuppression
- Immunosuppressive drug
- Immunotherapy
- Implant (medicine)
- Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
- Implantation (human embryo)
- In vitro fertilisation
- Inactivated vaccine
- Incense
- Incidence (epidemiology)
- Incremental exercise
- Incubation period
- Incubator (culture)
- Indel
- Indication (medicine)
- Indigestion
- Indoor tanning
- Induced pluripotent stem cell
- Induced stem cells
- Infant
- Infant bathing
- Infant nutrition
- Infection
- Infection control
- Infectious causes of cancer
- Infectious mononucleosis
- Infectivity
- Infertility
- Infestation
- Inflammation
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Influenza
- Inhaler
- Injection (medicine)
- Injury
- Inlays and onlays
- Innate immune system
- Inner ear
- Insect bites and stings
- Insect morphology
- Insect physiology
- Insect reproductive system
- Insect wing
- Insemination
- Insertion (genetics)
- Insulin
- Insulin resistance
- Integral membrane protein
- Integumentary system
- Intensive care medicine
- Intensive care unit
- Interactome
- Interferon
- Intermediate filament
- Internal bleeding
- Internal fertilization
- Internal medicine
- Interphase
- Intersex
- Interspersed repeat
- Interstitial cystitis
- Interventional radiology
- Intracellular digestion
- Intracellular transport
- Intrauterine device
- Intravenous therapy
- Intrinsic activity
- Intrinsically disordered proteins
- Intron
- Invasion (cancer)
- Inverse agonist
- Iodine deficiency
- Ion channel
- Ion transporter
- Iris (anatomy)
- Iris recognition
- Iron deficiency
- Iron-deficiency anemia
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Ischemia
- Ischemic cascade
- Isogenic human disease models
- Isolation (health care)
- Isometric exercise
- Isoprene
- Itch
- Jaw
- Jogging
- Joint
- Joint dislocation
- Joint lock
- Joint replacement
- Juvenile (organism)
- Kegel exercise
- Keratin
- Keratoconus
- Ketoacidosis
- Ketone bodies
- Ketosis
- Kick
- Kidney
- Kidney disease
- Kidney failure
- Kidney stone disease
- Kinase
- Kinesis (biology)
- Kinetochore
- Kirschner wire
- Knee
- Knudson hypothesis
- Labia
- Labor induction
- Lactation
- Lactic acid
- Lactose
- Lactose intolerance
- Large intestine
- Larva
- Laryngitis
- Larynx
- Laser surgery
- Lateral flow test
- Laterality
- Laxative
- Lead compound
- Lead poisoning
- Leaf
- Lean body mass
- Leg
- Leglock
- Lens (anatomy)
- Lentivirus
- Leprosy
- Lesion
- Lethal dose
- Leucine
- Leukemia
- Leukocytosis
- Liberation (pharmacology)
- Life
- Life extension
- Life support
- Ligament
- Ligand (biochemistry)
- Ligand-gated ion channel
- Ligation (molecular biology)
- Light-dependent reactions
- Lignin
- Limb (anatomy)
- Lip
- Lipase
- Lipid
- Lipid bilayer
- Lipid hypothesis
- Lipid-lowering agent
- Lipogenesis
- Lipoprotein
- Liposuction
- Lipstick
- Liquid breathing
- List of drugs
- List of human positions
- Lists of diseases
- Lithotomy position
- Liver
- Liver cancer
- Liver disease
- Locus (genetics)
- Longevity
- Loose connective tissue
- Lotion
- Low birth weight
- Low-density lipoprotein
- Lower respiratory tract infection
- Luciferase
- Luciferin
- Lumen (anatomy)
- Lumpectomy
- Lung
- Lung cancer
- Luteinizing hormone
- Lying (position)
- Lymph
- Lymph node
- Lymphadenopathy
- Lymphatic system
- Lymphatic vessel
- Lymphocyte
- Lymphoma
- Lysine
- Lysis
- Lysosome
- Machine perfusion
- Macromolecule
- Macrophage
- Macular degeneration
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Maillard reaction
- Major histocompatibility complex
- Major trauma
- Malaria
- Male
- Male accessory gland
- Male reproductive system
- Malignancy
- Malnutrition
- Maltose
- Mammalian reproduction
- Mammary gland
- Mammography
- Mandible (insect mouthpart)
- Manicure
- Mascara
- Mass deworming
- Mass flow (life sciences)
- Massage
- Mast cell
- Mastectomy
- Maternal death
- Maternal recognition of pregnancy
- Mathematical modelling of infectious disease
- Mating in fungi
- Mating type
- Matrix (biology)
- Maximum life span
- Measles
- Mechanical ventilation
- Mechanism of action
- Mechanosensitive channels
- Mediated transport
- Medical alarm
- Medical certificate
- Medical device
- Medical diagnosis
- Medical error
- Medical genetics
- Medical glove
- Medical gown
- Medical history
- Medical identification tag
- Medical imaging
- Medical laboratory
- Medical prescription
- Medical record
- Medical research
- Medical sign
- Medical test
- Medical ultrasound
- Medical ventilator
- Medication
- Medicinal chemistry
- Medicine
- Meiosis
- Melanin
- Melanocytic nevus
- Membrane oxygenator
- Membrane potential
- Membrane protein
- Membrane transport
- Membrane transport protein
- Membranous labyrinth
- Mendelian inheritance
- Menopause
- Menstrual cycle
- Menstruation
- Menstruation (mammal)
- Meristem
- Mesoderm
- Mesopic vision
- Messenger RNA
- Metabolic acidosis
- Metabolic equivalent of task
- Metabolic network
- Metabolic network modelling
- Metabolic pathway
- Metabolic syndrome
- Metabolic waste
- Metabolism
- Metabolite
- Metabolome
- Metagenomics
- Metal toxicity
- Metamorphosis
- Metaphase
- Metastasis
- Metformin
- Methanogenesis
- Methionine
- Methylation
- Micro-encapsulation
- Microalbuminuria
- Microbial metabolism
- Microbiological culture
- Microcirculation
- Microfilament
- Micronutrient
- Micronutrient deficiency
- Microplate
- MicroRNA
- Microsatellite
- Microsurgery
- Microtubule
- Microvesicles
- Middle ear
- Midwifery
- Mineral (nutrient)
- Mineralized tissues
- Mineralocorticoid
- Minimal infective dose
- Minimally invasive procedure
- Minisatellite
- Miscarriage
- Mitochondrial disease
- Mitochondrial DNA
- Mitochondrion
- Mitosis
- Mobile genetic elements
- Mobility aid
- Mode of action
- Model organism
- Modelling biological systems
- Modes of reproduction
- Modified-release dosage
- Moisturizer
- Molecular biology
- Molecular cloning
- Molecular diagnostics
- Molecular genetics
- Molecular imaging
- Molecular marker
- Molecular motor
- Monitoring (medicine)
- Monoclonal antibody
- Monoclonal antibody therapy
- Monocyte
- Monosaccharide
- Morgue
- Morning sickness
- Morphogenesis
- Morphological symptoms of plant diseases
- Morphology (biology)
- Motility
- Motion sickness
- Motor protein
- Motor skill
- Moulting
- Moustache
- Mouth
- Mouth ulcer
- Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
- Mouthwash
- Mucilage
- Mucus
- Multi-stage fitness test
- Multiomics
- Multiple birth
- Multiple sequence alignment
- Mumps
- Muscle
- Muscle atrophy
- Muscle contraction
- Muscle fatigue
- Muscle hypertrophy
- Muscle tissue
- Muscular system
- Mutation
- Mutation accumulation theory
- Mycelium
- Mycosis
- Mycotoxin
- Myocardial infarction
- Myocyte
- Myoglobin
- Myosin
- Na+/K+-ATPase
- Nail (anatomy)
- Nail polish
- Nanomedicine
- Napkin
- Naproxen
- Nasal congestion
- Nasal spray
- Nastic movements
- Natural competence
- Natural killer cell
- Natural product
- Natural reservoir
- Naturally occurring phenols
- Nausea
- Near-sightedness
- Nebulizer
- Neck
- Necrosis
- Negative room pressure
- Neglected tropical diseases
- Negligible senescence
- Neonatal infection
- Neonatal intensive care unit
- Neoplasm
- Nephron
- Nervous system
- Nervous tissue
- Network medicine
- Neurulation
- Neutering
- Neutral mutation
- Neutral spine
- Neutrophil
- Newborn care and safety
- Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
- Nipple
- Nitrate reductase
- Nitrogen narcosis
- Nitrogenase
- Nitroglycerin (medication)
- Noise-induced hearing loss
- Non-celiac gluten sensitivity
- Non-cellular life
- Non-coding DNA
- Non-coding RNA
- Non-communicable disease
- Non-homologous end joining
- Non-invasive procedure
- Non-Mendelian inheritance
- Non-proteinogenic amino acids
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
- Norovirus
- Nose
- Notochord
- Nuclear envelope
- Nuclear lamina
- Nuclear medicine
- Nuclear pore
- Nucleic acid
- Nucleic acid design
- Nucleic acid double helix
- Nucleic acid hybridization
- Nucleic acid secondary structure
- Nucleic acid sequence
- Nucleic acid structure
- Nucleic acid structure prediction
- Nucleic acid tertiary structure
- Nucleobase
- Nucleolus
- Nucleoporin
- Nucleoside
- Nucleoside triphosphate
- Nucleosome
- Nucleotide
- Nursing
- Nursing home care
- Nutrient
- Nutrient sensing
- Nutrition
- Nutrition and pregnancy
- Nymph (biology)
- Obesity
- Obstetric labor complication
- Obstetrical bleeding
- Obstetrics
- Obstructive shock
- Occlusion (dentistry)
- Old age
- Oligonucleotide
- Oligonucleotide synthesis
- Oncogene
- Oncogenomics
- Oncology
- Oncovirus
- Onychomycosis
- Oocyte
- Oocyte cryopreservation
- Oogenesis
- Operating microscope
- Operating theater
- Operon
- Ophthalmology
- Ophthalmoscopy
- Optometry
- Oral administration
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Oral hygiene
- Oral rehydration therapy
- Organ (anatomy)
- Organ donation
- Organ of Corti
- Organ system
- Organ transplantation
- Organelle
- Organism
- Organogenesis
- Organoid
- Orgasm
- Original antigenic sin
- Orthodontics
- Orthomyxoviridae
- Orthopedic cast
- Orthopedic surgery
- Osmoregulation
- Ossicles
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoblast
- Osteocyte
- Osteoporosis
- Otoscope
- Outbreak
- Outer ear
- Ovarian follicle
- Ovary
- Ovary (botany)
- Over-the-counter drug
- Overdiagnosis
- Overdominance
- Overtraining
- Overweight
- Oviparity
- Ovoviviparity
- Ovulation
- Ovule
- Oxidation response
- Oxidative phosphorylation
- Oxidative stress
- Oxygen concentrator
- Oxygen evolution
- Oxygen mask
- Oxygen saturation (medicine)
- Oxygen therapy
- Oxygen toxicity
- Oxytocin
- Pacifier
- Pain management
- Palisade cell
- Palliative care
- Palpitations
- Pancreas
- Pancreatic islets
- Pancreatic juice
- Pandemic
- Parabiosis
- Paramedic
- Parasitic disease
- Parathyroid gland
- Parthenogenesis
- Passive immunity
- Passive transport
- Patch clamp
- Pathogen
- Pathogen-associated molecular pattern
- Pathogenesis
- Pathogenic bacteria
- Pathogenic fungus
- Pathology
- Patient
- Pattern recognition receptor
- Paw
- Pediatrics
- Pediculosis
- Pedicure
- Pedometer
- Pellagra
- Pelvis
- Penetrating trauma
- Penicillin
- Penis
- Pepsin
- Peptic ulcer disease
- Peptide
- Peptide hormone
- Peptide synthesis
- Performance-enhancing substance
- Perfume
- Perfusion
- Periodontal disease
- Peripheral artery disease
- Peripheral membrane protein
- Peristalsis
- Peritonitis
- Perm (hairstyle)
- Personal care
- Personal genomics
- Personal grooming
- Personalized medicine
- Perspiration
- Pessary
- Petal
- Petri dish
- Phage therapy
- Phagocyte
- Phagocytosis
- Pharmaceutical drug
- Pharmacodynamics
- Pharmacokinetics
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacophore
- Pharmacy
- Pharyngitis
- Pharynx
- Phase variation
- Phases of clinical research
- Phenotype
- Phenotypic screening
- Phenotypic trait
- Phenylalanine
- Phenylpropanoid
- Pheromone
- Phlegm
- Phloem
- Phosphatase
- Phospholipid
- Phosphorylation
- Photokeratitis
- Photomorphogenesis
- Photophosphorylation
- Photopic vision
- Photosynthesis
- Photosynthetic reaction centre
- Photosystem
- Photosystem I
- Photosystem II
- Phototaxis
- Phototropism
- Physical activity
- Physical activity level
- Physical examination
- Physical fitness
- Physical strength
- Physical therapy
- Physician
- Physiology
- Physiology of underwater diving
- Phytochemical
- Phytochemistry
- Phytochrome
- Pilus
- Pimple
- Pinocytosis
- Placebo
- Placenta
- Plague (disease)
- Plague of Justinian
- Plant anatomy
- Plant cell
- Plant cuticle
- Plant development
- Plant embryogenesis
- Plant genetics
- Plant hormone
- Plant morphology
- Plant nutrition
- Plant pathology
- Plant physiology
- Plant reproduction
- Plant reproductive morphology
- Plant stem
- Plasma protein binding
- Plasmid
- Plasmodium
- Plastic surgery
- Plastid
- Plastination
- Platelet
- Pleiotropy
- Ploidy
- Pneumonia
- Pneumonic plague
- Pocket mask
- Point mutation
- Point-of-care testing
- Poison
- Polio
- Polyamine
- Polyclonal antibodies
- Polygene
- Polygenic score
- Polymerase
- Polymerase chain reaction
- Polynucleotide
- Polyphenol
- Polyploidy
- Polysaccharide
- Poor posture
- Positive and negative predictive values
- Positron emission tomography
- Post-nasal drip
- Post-transcriptional modification
- Post-translational modification
- Postpartum infections
- Postpartum period
- Pouch (marsupial)
- Power training
- Pre- and post-test probability
- Precision medicine
- Preclinical development
- Precursor cell
- Pregnancy
- Pregnancy (mammals)
- Pregnancy test
- Prehensility
- Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
- Prelabor rupture of membranes
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Prenatal care
- Prenatal development
- Prenatal testing
- Presbycusis
- Presbyopia
- Prescription drug
- Preterm birth
- Prevalence
- Preventive healthcare
- Primary transcript
- Primer (molecular biology)
- Prion
- Proboscis
- Progenitor cell
- Progesterone
- Progestogen
- Prognosis
- Programmed cell death
- Progressive lens
- Projectional radiography
- Prolactin
- Prolapse
- Prometaphase
- Promoter (genetics)
- Prophase
- Prostaglandin
- Prostate
- Prostate cancer
- Prosthesis
- Protease
- Proteasome
- Protein
- Protein (nutrient)
- Protein aggregation
- Protein biosynthesis
- Protein catabolism
- Protein complex
- Protein design
- Protein domain
- Protein dynamics
- Protein family
- Protein folding
- Protein isoform
- Protein kinase
- Protein metabolism
- Protein phosphorylation
- Protein primary structure
- Protein production
- Protein purification
- Protein quaternary structure
- Protein secondary structure
- Protein sequencing
- Protein structure
- Protein structure prediction
- Protein subunit
- Protein superfamily
- Protein targeting
- Protein tertiary structure
- Proteinogenic amino acid
- Protein–ligand complex
- Protein–protein interaction
- Proteolysis
- Proteome
- Proteopathy
- Proteostasis
- Proton pump
- Psoriasis
- Puberty
- Pubic hair
- Puerperal disorder
- Pulmonary alveolus
- Pulmonary circulation
- Pulmonary embolism
- Pulp (tooth)
- Pulpitis
- Pulse
- Pulse oximetry
- Punch (combat)
- Pungency
- Punnett square
- Pupa
- Pupil
- Purinergic receptor
- Purinergic signalling
- Pus
- Push-up
- Pyruvic acid
- Quantitative trait locus
- Quantum biology
- Quarantine
- Quinine
- Quorum sensing
- Radiation burn
- Radiation protection
- Radiation therapy
- Radiation-induced cancer
- Radioactive tracer
- Radiobiology
- Radiocontrast agent
- Radiography
- Radiology
- Radiopharmaceutical
- Rapid antigen test
- Rash
- Razor
- Reactive oxygen species
- Reassortment
- Receptor (biochemistry)
- Receptor antagonist
- Receptor-mediated endocytosis
- Recombinant DNA
- Reconstructive surgery
- Recovery position
- Red blood cell
- Reference range
- Refractive error
- Refractive surgery
- Regeneration (biology)
- Regenerative medicine
- Regional differentiation
- Regulation of gene expression
- Regulatory sequence
- Regurgitation (digestion)
- Rejuvenation
- Remission (medicine)
- Renal physiology
- Renal replacement therapy
- Renin–angiotensin system
- Repeated sequence (DNA)
- Replantation
- Repolarization
- Reporter gene
- Repressor
- Reproduction
- Reproductive system
- Reprogramming
- Respiration (physiology)
- Respiratory disease
- Respiratory failure
- Respiratory rate
- Respiratory syncytial virus
- Respiratory system
- Respiratory tract
- Resting potential
- Restriction enzyme
- Restriction site
- Rete mirabile
- Reticular fiber
- Retinal scan
- Retinopathy
- Retrograde signaling
- Retrotransposon
- Retrovirus
- Reversal potential
- Reverse genetics
- Reverse Krebs cycle
- Reverse tolerance
- Reverse transcriptase
- Rh blood group system
- Rheumatic fever
- Rheumatism
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Rhinitis
- Rhinorrhea
- Rhinovirus
- Rhytidectomy
- Ribbon diagram
- Ribonucleotide
- Ribose
- Ribosomal RNA
- Ribosome
- Ribosome biogenesis
- Rickets
- Risk factor
- RNA interference
- RNA polymerase
- RNA silencing
- RNA splicing
- RNA vaccine
- RNA virus
- RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
- RNA-Seq
- Robot-assisted surgery
- Root
- Root canal treatment
- Root hair
- Rotavirus
- Route of administration
- Rubella
- RuBisCO
- Saccule
- Safe sex
- Safety razor
- Saline (medicine)
- Saliva
- Salmonellosis
- Sampling (medicine)
- Sanger sequencing
- Sap
- Sarcopenia
- Satellite (biology)
- Saturated fat
- Sauna
- Scabies
- Scale (anatomy)
- Scaling and root planing
- Scalp
- Scalpel
- Scar
- Scarlet fever
- Schistosomiasis
- Sciatica
- Sclera
- Scotopic vision
- Screening (medicine)
- Scrotum
- Scurvy
- Sebaceous gland
- Second messenger system
- Secondary hypertension
- Secondary sex characteristic
- Secretion
- Seed dormancy
- Segmentation (biology)
- Seldinger technique
- Selectable marker
- Semen
- Semen cryopreservation
- Semicircular canals
- Seminal vesicle
- Senescence
- Senescence-associated secretory phenotype
- Sense
- Sense (molecular biology)
- Sense of balance
- Sensorineural hearing loss
- Sepsis
- Septic shock
- Septicemic plague
- Sequence alignment
- Sequence assembly
- Sequence motif
- Sequencing
- Sequential hermaphroditism
- Serial interval
- Serology
- Serum (blood)
- Serum albumin
- Serum sickness
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
- Sex
- Sex assignment
- Sex change
- Sex chromosome
- Sex differences in human physiology
- Sex linkage
- Sex organ
- Sex reassignment surgery
- Sex selection
- Sex steroid
- Sex-determination system
- Sexual arousal
- Sexual characteristics
- Sexual differentiation in humans
- Sexual dimorphism
- Sexual dysfunction
- Sexual intercourse
- Sexual reproduction
- Sexual stimulation
- Sexually transmitted infection
- Shampoo
- Shaving
- Shaving cream
- Shingles
- Shivering
- Shock (circulatory)
- Shoot
- Shortness of breath
- Shoulder
- Sickle cell disease
- Side effect
- Signal transduction
- Sildenafil
- Silencer (genetics)
- Single cell sequencing
- Single-cell analysis
- Single-nucleotide polymorphism
- Sinusitis
- Sirtuin
- Sit-up
- Sitting
- Sjögren’s syndrome
- Skeletal muscle
- Skeleton
- Skin
- Skin condition
- Skull
- Sliding filament theory
- Small interfering RNA
- Small intestine
- Small molecule
- Small nuclear RNA
- Small RNA
- Smallpox
- Smooth muscle
- Sneeze
- Sniffing (behavior)
- Snout
- Social distancing
- Soft tissue
- Soil-transmitted helminthiasis
- Somatic cell
- Somitogenesis
- Sore throat
- Spa
- Space adaptation syndrome
- Space medicine
- Sparring
- Spawn (biology)
- Sperm
- Sperm bank
- Sperm donation
- Spermatocyte
- Spermatogenesis
- Spermatozoon
- Spermicide
- Sphygmomanometer
- Spinal disc herniation
- Spinal stenosis
- Spindle apparatus
- Spitting
- Spleen
- Spliceosome
- Splint (medicine)
- Sporangium
- Spore
- Sporocarp (fungi)
- Sporogenesis
- Sporophyte
- Sports injury
- Sports medicine
- Sports nutrition
- Sports periodization
- Sprain
- Squat (exercise)
- Squatting position
- Stab wound
- Staining
- Staling
- Stamen
- Stance (martial arts)
- Standard anatomical position
- Standing
- Starch
- Starvation
- Statin
- Steady state (biochemistry)
- Stem cell
- Stem cell theory of aging
- Stem-cell therapy
- Stent
- Stereocilia (inner ear)
- Sterilization (medicine)
- Sterilization (microbiology)
- Steroid
- Steroid hormone
- Stethoscope
- Stigma (botany)
- Stillbirth
- Stinger
- Stoma
- Stomach
- Stomach cancer
- Strain (biology)
- Strain (injury)
- Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence
- Strength training
- Streptococcal pharyngitis
- Streptococcus
- Streptomycin
- Stress (biology)
- Stretcher
- Stretching
- Strike (attack)
- Stroke volume
- Structural alignment
- Structural gene
- Structural motif
- Structural variation
- Stunted growth
- Subcutaneous tissue
- Sucker (zoology)
- Sucrose
- Sudden infant death syndrome
- Sulfur metabolism
- Sun tanning
- Sunburn
- Sunless tanning
- Sunscreen
- Super-spreader
- Superantigen
- Supergene
- Superoxide
- Superoxide dismutase
- Surgeon
- Surgery
- Surgical instrument
- Surgical knot
- Surgical mask
- Surgical suture
- Surrogacy
- Susceptible individual
- Suspended animation
- Swallowing
- Sweat gland
- Swelling (medical)
- Symptom
- Symptoms and discomforts of pregnancy
- Synovial joint
- Synthetic biological circuit
- Synthetic biology
- Syphilis
- Syringe
- Systems biology
- T cell
- Tablet (pharmacy)
- Tachycardia
- Tail
- Takedown (grappling)
- Tamoxifen
- Tampon
- Tandem repeat
- Tannin
- Tanning lamp
- Taq polymerase
- Targeted drug delivery
- Targeted therapy
- Tartaric acid
- Taste bud
- Taxis
- Tears
- Teeth cleaning
- Telehealth
- Telomere
- Telophase
- Temporal feedback
- Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
- Tendon
- Tentacle
- Terminal illness
- Terpene
- Testicle
- Testosterone
- Tetanus
- Therapeutic effect
- Therapeutic index
- Therapy
- Thermoregulation
- Thiazide
- Third plague pandemic
- Thorax
- Thorns, spines, and prickles
- Throat
- Thrombolysis
- Thrombosis
- Thrombus
- Throw (grappling)
- Throwing
- Thumb
- Thylakoid
- Thymic involution
- Thymine
- Thymus
- Thyroid
- Thyroid hormones
- Tinnitus
- Tissue (biology)
- Tissue culture
- Tissue engineering
- Tissue tropism
- TNM staging system
- Toe
- Toilet paper
- Tongue
- Tonsil
- Tonsillitis
- Tooth
- Tooth brushing
- Tooth decay
- Tooth discoloration
- Tooth enamel
- Tooth loss
- Tooth polishing
- Tooth whitening
- Toothache
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Toothpick
- Topical medication
- Topoisomerase
- Topologically associating domain
- Torso
- Tourniquet
- Towel
- Toxicant
- Toxicity
- Toxicology
- Toxin
- Toxoid
- Trachea
- Trachoma
- Trans-regulatory element
- Transcription (biology)
- Transcription activator-like effector nuclease
- Transcription factor
- Transcription translation feedback loop
- Transcriptional regulation
- Transcriptome
- Transdermal patch
- Transduction (genetics)
- Transfection
- Transfer RNA
- Transformation (genetics)
- Transgene
- Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance
- Translation (biology)
- Transmembrane protein
- Transmission (medicine)
- Transmission risks and rates
- Transpiration
- Transplant rejection
- Transposable element
- Transposon silencing
- Trauma center
- Treadmill
- Triage
- Trichomoniasis
- Trifocal lenses
- Triglyceride
- Tropical disease
- Tropism
- Trunk (botany)
- Trypsin
- Tryptophan
- Tubal ligation
- Tuberculosis
- Tubule
- Tumor antigen
- Tumor marker
- Tumor suppressor
- Tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues
- Tunneling nanotube
- Turgor pressure
- Tusk
- Tweezers
- Twin
- Tympanal organ
- Tympanic cavity
- Type 1 diabetes
- Typhoid fever
- Typhus
- Tyrosine
- Ubiquitin
- Ulcer
- Ulcer (dermatology)
- Ulcerative colitis
- Umbilical cord
- Underdominance
- Underweight
- Unsaturated fat
- Unsealed source radiotherapy
- Upper limb
- Upper respiratory tract infection
- Uracil
- Urea cycle
- Urethra
- Urgent care center
- Uric acid
- Urinary bladder
- Urinary incontinence
- Urinary system
- Urinary tract infection
- Urination
- Urine
- Uterine fibroid
- Uterotonic
- Uterus
- Utricle (ear)
- Vaccination
- Vaccine
- Vacuole
- Vagina
- Vaginal bleeding
- Vaginal delivery
- Vaginal discharge
- Valvular heart disease
- Variable number tandem repeat
- Varicose veins
- Vas deferens
- Vascular resistance
- Vascular tissue
- Vasectomy
- Vasoconstriction
- Vasodilation
- Vasopressin
- Vector (epidemiology)
- Vector (molecular biology)
- Vectors in gene therapy
- Vegetative reproduction
- Vein
- Veneer (dentistry)
- Venom
- Vergence
- Vertebra
- Vertebral column
- Vertically transmitted infection
- Vertigo
- Vesicle (biology and chemistry)
- Vestibular system
- Vestibule of the ear
- Veterinary medicine
- Viral disease
- Viral envelope
- Viral life cycle
- Viral load
- Viral replication
- Viral vector
- Viroid
- Virology
- Virtual screening
- Virulence
- Virulence factor
- Virus
- Virus classification
- Virus latency
- Visual acuity
- Visual impairment
- Vital signs
- Vitamin
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin deficiency
- Vitamin E
- Viviparity
- VO2 max
- Vocal cords
- Voltage clamp
- Voltage-gated ion channel
- Vomiting
- Vulnerable plaque
- Vulva
- Walker (mobility)
- Warfarin
- Warming up
- Wart
- Washing
- Water fluoridation
- Waterborne diseases
- Webbed foot
- Weight gain
- Weight loss
- Weight machine
- Weight training
- Wet wipe
- Wheat allergy
- Wheelchair
- Wheeze
- Whiskers
- White blood cell
- WHO Model List of Essential Medicines
- Whole genome sequencing
- Whooping cough
- Wilting
- Wnt signaling pathway
- Wound
- Wound healing
- Wrinkle
- Wrist
- X chromosome
- X-inactivation
- Xenotransplantation
- XY sex-determination system
- Xylem
- Y chromosome
- Yawn
- Yellow fever
- Yersinia pestis
- Yoga as exercise
- Zoonosis
- ZW sex-determination system
- Zygosity
- Zygote