Hi I'am Scott. I'am currnetly a high school student. I've been "at" wikipedia for a while but haven't made any major edits(although I do forget to check the minor edit checkbox) but I made about 340 edits.
Being a Native speaker of 1337(leet for you n00bs) I'am a geek2. Even though I'm a geek I'am against MMORPG since you have to pay monthly fee. It's much funner to pwn n00bs in online games that less massive.
Relativator. Scenario: You are a Einstein theory of relativity fanboy. You see a Flat Earther and a crank so you decide to see how much energy you would make if you use E=mc2 — Einstein's famous equation to calculate how much energy you would if you convet them to pure energy. The Problem: tou live during the 1930 before calcultors were invented. The solution: A circular slide-rule to perform Einstein’s theory of special relativity. I think it would be intersting article to have on Wikipedia.
About wikipedia and some facts I might need to know for future edits.
These my notes about wikipedia
"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" is not the offical title(or atleast not yet annoced) 3rd movie in the Pirates of the Caribbean. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 should be used.
there is now a rebile source for the title and it is now Priates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
It looks Priates of the caribbean: At world's end is not going to be the title.
Need image for the realivator.
My name is Mark Wilson. I am a petrophysicist. I have a schematic of a rock I would like to substitute for your Fig.2 under the entry for 'Petrophysics'.
Could you do that for me? If so, email me at wilson.0955@yahoo.com and I will email you the jpg.
I may have additional info. to add. You did a pretty good job.