User:Non Qui/Books/Tensorial Algebra
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Tensorial Algebra
[edit]25 à3 2014
[edit]- Glossary of tensor theory
- Multilinear algebra
- User:Prof McCarthy/Multilinear algebra
- Berezin integral
- Bilinear map
- Binet–Cauchy identity
- Bivector
- CP decomposition
- Cubic form
- Discrete exterior calculus
- Einstein notation
- Exterior algebra
- Grassmann–Cayley algebra
- Higher-order singular value decomposition
- Homogeneous polynomial
- HOSVD-based canonical form of TP functions and qLPV models
- Hyperdeterminant
- Interior product
- Lagrange's identity
- Multilinear form
- Multilinear map
- Multilinear subspace learning
- Multivector
- Paravector
- Pfaffian
- Plücker coordinates
- User:Prof McCarthy/Multivector
- Skew lines
- Symmetric algebra
- Tensor algebra
- Tensor field
- Tensor product of algebras
- Tensor product of modules
- Trace diagram
- Bilinear form
- Cartan–Dieudonné theorem
- Covariance operator
- Degenerate form
- Dot product
- Inner product space
- Isotropic quadratic form
- Symmetric bilinear form
- Symplectic vector space
- Convolution
- Cross product
- Cross-correlation
- Dirichlet convolution
- Frölicher–Nijenhuis bracket
- Lagrange bracket
- Lie bracket of vector fields
- Matrix multiplication
- Negacyclic convolution
- Nijenhuis–Richardson bracket
- Outer product
- Paraproduct
- Poisson bracket
- Schouten–Nijenhuis bracket
- Seven-dimensional cross product
- Tensor product
- Palatini identity
- Raising and lowering indices
- Tensor
- Abstract index notation
- Angular velocity
- Antisymmetric tensor
- Application of tensor theory in engineering
- Axiality and rhombicity
- Bach tensor
- Calculus of moving surfaces
- Cartesian tensor
- Cauchy stress tensor
- Characteristic polynomial
- Proofs involving covariant derivatives
- Codazzi tensor
- Contorsion tensor
- Cotton tensor
- Covariance and contravariance of vectors
- Covariant transformation
- Deformation (mechanics)
- Diffusion MRI
- Dyadics
- Electromagnetic stress–energy tensor
- Electromagnetic tensor
- Finite strain theory
- Four-tensor
- Fractional anisotropy
- Gyration tensor
- Holor
- Invariants of tensors
- Jordan and Einstein frames
- Kulkarni–Nomizu product
- Laguerre form
- Lanczos tensor
- Levi-Civita symbol
- Lisp Algebraic Manipulator
- List of moment of inertia tensors
- Manifest covariance
- Matricization
- Maxwell stress tensor
- Metric tensor
- Mixed tensor
- Penrose graphical notation
- Plebanski tensor
- Pseudotensor
- Pullback (differential geometry)
- Recurrent tensor
- Relative scalar
- Reynolds stress
- Ricci calculus
- Saint-Venant's compatibility condition
- Scalar-tensor theory
- Schouten tensor
- Schur–Weyl duality
- Segre classification
- SHEEP (symbolic computation system)
- Spherical basis
- Spin tensor
- Stewart–Walker lemma
- Stress (mechanics)
- Stress–energy tensor
- Stress–energy–momentum pseudotensor
- Structure tensor
- Symmetric tensor
- Tensor (intrinsic definition)
- Tensor calculus
- Tensor contraction
- Tensor density
- Tensor operator
- Tensor product of quadratic forms
- Tensor software
- Tensor-hom adjunction
- Tidal tensor
- Two-point tensor
- Two-vector
- Veronese surface
- Voigt notation
- Differential form
- Closed and exact differential forms
- Complex differential form
- De Rham cohomology
- Differential ideal
- Exterior bundle
- Exterior derivative
- Hodge dual
- One-form
- Positive form
- Solder form
- Stokes' theorem
- Two-form
- Vector-valued differential form
- Volume form
- Metric signature
- Curvilinear coordinates
- Tensors in curvilinear coordinates
- Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric
- Gödel metric
- Kasner metric
- Kerr metric
- Kerr–Newman metric
- Lemaître coordinates
- Lemaître–Tolman metric
- Peres metric
- Reissner–Nordström metric
- Weyl−Lewis−Papapetrou coordinates
- Bel decomposition
- Bel–Robinson tensor
- Belinfante–Rosenfeld stress–energy tensor
- Carminati–McLenaghan invariants
- Curvature invariant (general relativity)
- Einstein tensor
- Electrogravitic tensor
- Gravitational energy
- Kretschmann scalar
- Magnetogravitic tensor
- Metric tensor (general relativity)
- Petrov classification
- Ricci curvature
- Ricci decomposition
- Riemann curvature tensor
- Topogravitic tensor
- Weyl tensor
- Clifford algebra
- Algebra of physical space
- Classification of Clifford algebras
- Clifford bundle
- Clifford module
- Dirac algebra
- Gamma matrices
- Generalized Clifford algebra
- Geometric algebra
- Higher-dimensional gamma matrices
- Point reflection
- Pseudoscalar
- Spacetime algebra
- Split-biquaternion
- Twistor theory
- Weyl–Brauer matrices
- Spinor
- Dirac adjoint
- Dirac equation
- Dirac equation in curved spacetime
- Dirac equation in the algebra of physical space
- Dirac spinor
- ELKO field
- Fermionic field
- Feynman checkerboard
- Feynman slash notation
- Fierz identity
- Killing spinor
- Majorana equation
- Orientation entanglement
- Plate trick
- Pure spinor
- Rarita–Schwinger equation
- Spin connection
- Spin group
- Spin representation
- Spin spherical harmonics
- Spinor field
- Spinors in three dimensions
- Tangloids
- Triality
- Van der Waerden notation
- Nonlinear Dirac equation
- Two-body Dirac equations
- Quaternion
- 3-sphere
- Hurwitz quaternion order
- Quaternion algebra
- Bicomplex number
- Biquaternion
- Bivector (complex)
- Classical Hamiltonian quaternions
- Dicyclic group
- Dual quaternion
- Frobenius theorem (real division algebras)
- Generalized quaternion interpolation
- Hurwitz quaternion
- Hyperbolic quaternion
- Icosian
- Linked field
- Quaternion group
- Quaternion Society
- Quaternionic analysis
- Quaternionic projective space
- Quaternionic structure
- Quaternionic vector space
- Quaternions and spatial rotation
- 2 × 2 real matrices
- Rotations in 4-dimensional Euclidean space
- Slerp
- Split-quaternion
- Versor
- History of quaternions
- Binary polyhedral group
- Binary cyclic group
- Binary dihedral group
- Binary icosahedral group
- Binary octahedral group
- Binary tetrahedral group
- Outermorphism
- Blade (geometry)
- Comparison of vector algebra and geometric algebra
- Conformal geometric algebra
- Gauge theory gravity
- Plane of rotation
- Riemann–Silberstein vector
- Rotor (mathematics)
- Semi-orthogonal matrix
- Universal geometric algebra
- Invariant theory
- Bracket algebra
- Bracket ring
- Canonizant
- Capelli's identity
- Catalecticant
- Cayley's Ω process
- Chevalley–Iwahori–Nagata theorem
- Chevalley–Shephard–Todd theorem
- The Classical Groups
- Differential invariant
- Evectant
- Geometric invariant theory
- Glossary of invariant theory
- Gram's theorem
- Gröbner basis
- Haboush's theorem
- Hall algebra
- Hermite reciprocity
- Hilbert's basis theorem
- Hilbert's fourteenth problem
- Hilbert's syzygy theorem
- Hilbert–Mumford criterion
- Hodge bundle
- Invariant estimator
- Invariant of a binary form
- Invariant polynomial
- Kempf–Ness theorem
- Kostant polynomial
- Littlewood–Richardson rule
- Modular invariant theory
- Moduli space
- Molien series
- Newton's identities
- Nullform
- Osculant
- Perpetuant
- Polynomial ring
- Quantum invariant
- Quaternary cubic
- Quippian
- Radical polynomial
- Reynolds operator
- Riemann invariant
- Ring of symmetric functions
- Schur polynomial
- Semi-invariants of quivers
- Standard monomial theory
- Symbolic method
- Ternary cubic
- Ternary quartic
- Trace identity
- Transvectant
- Young–Deruyts development
- Symmetric function
- Quasisymmetric function
- Symmetric polynomial
- Adams operation
- Alternating polynomial
- Bender–Knuth involution
- Complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial
- Elementary symmetric polynomial
- Giambelli's formula
- Hall–Littlewood polynomials
- Jack function
- Jucys–Murphy element
- Kostka number
- Kostka polynomial
- LLT polynomial
- Ian G. Macdonald
- Maclaurin's inequality
- Monk's formula
- Newton polygon
- Newton's inequalities
- Pieri's formula
- Plethysm
- Polykay
- Power sum symmetric polynomial
- Ringel–Hall algebra
- Robinson–Schensted–Knuth correspondence
- Schubert polynomial
- Stanley symmetric function
- Symmetric product of an algebraic curve
- Symmetrization
- Vandermonde polynomial
- Young symmetrizer
- Young tableau
- Young's lattice
- Zonal polynomial
- Fock space
- Connection (mathematics)
- Affine connection
- Cartan connection
- Cartan formalism (physics)
- Christoffel symbols
- Conformal connection
- Connection (affine bundle)
- Connection (algebraic framework)
- Connection (composite bundle)
- Connection (fibred manifold)
- Connection (principal bundle)
- Connection (vector bundle)
- Connection form
- Connector (mathematics)
- Covariant derivative
- Development (differential geometry)
- Ehresmann connection
- Exterior covariant derivative
- Fundamental theorem of Riemannian geometry
- Gauge covariant derivative
- Gauss–Manin connection
- Grothendieck connection
- Holonomy
- Horizontal bundle
- Horizontal form
- Levi-Civita connection
- Linear connection
- Metric connection
- Moving frame
- N-connected
- Parallel transport
- Projective connection
- Schild's ladder
- Simply connected space
- Torsion tensor
- Vertical bundle
- Wormhole
- Curvature
- Cocurvature
- Constant curvature
- Curvature form
- Curvature of a measure
- Curvature of Riemannian manifolds
- Darboux frame
- Frenet–Serret formulas
- Gauss–Codazzi equations
- Gaussian curvature
- Levi-Civita parallelogramoid
- Mean curvature
- Menger curvature
- Non-positive curvature
- Principal curvature
- Radius of curvature (applications)
- Radius of curvature (mathematics)
- Prescribed Ricci curvature problem
- Prescribed scalar curvature problem
- Scalar curvature
- Second fundamental form
- Sectional curvature
- Torsion of a curve
- Total curvature
- Gauge theory
- Momentum
- Hamiltonian mechanics
- Dynamical systems theory
- Hamilton–Jacobi equation
- Canonical transformation
- Hamiltonian optics
- Geometric mechanics