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Babel user information
cs-N Tato uživatelka je rodilá mluvčí češtiny.
en-0 This user has no knowledge of English (or understands it with considerable difficulty).
sk-3 Tento užívateľ má pokročilé znalosti slovenčiny.
Users by language
This user has created a global account. Nnn1czech's main account is on Wikipedia (in Czech).
TyTéto uživatelce klidně tykejte.
The user comes
of the Czech Republic,
an Member State EU.
Tato uživatelka pochází
z České republiky,
členského státu EU.
The user not smoke before, do not smoke now and will not be.
Tato uživatelka nekouří, nikdy nekouřila a ani nebude.
It is approximately 7:51 AM where this user lives (Prague). [refresh]
This user believes in civility and assuming good faith.
This user has many userboxes..
Tato uživatelka má mnoho nálepek.

Jsem Češka (žena) a tak je skoro vše jak v angličtině, tak v češtině. Jazyk poznáte podle barvy.
I'm Czech (woman) and it is almost everything in both English also in Czech. Language can be identified by color.

I do not know English, everything is translated from Google translate and try to adjust to the most understandable form. (unless it is userboxes, which I found somewhere - mainly from this list). I be to precise - I know a little English - but really only a little.
Neumím anglicky a proto vše co je v angličtině (a nejsou to nálepky, které jsem někde našla - hlavně z tohoto seznamu) je přeloženo v Google překladači. Abych byla přesnější - trochu anglicky umím - ale opravdu jenom trochu.

So for any unintelligibly written text, or text that should be written (more/less) differently so sorry. (In Czech, the text is different)
Pro Čecha (nebo Slováka), který neumí anglicky není tato věta v AJ (anglickém jazyce) důležitá. Píšu tam: "Takže za případné nesrozumitelně napsané texty, nebo text který by měl být napsán jinak se omlouvám.(V češtině je text jiný.)"

PS. In both languages ​​it is written something a little different (eg. what is in the second sentence in the Czech language, means in English: "I can not English and therefore everything is in English (and they are not the userboxes that I found somewhere - especially from this list)is translated in Google Translate").
PS. V obou jazycích je psáno něco trochu jinak (např. to co je v druhé větě v anglickém jazyce, v češtině znamená: "Neumím anglicky, proto je vše přeloženo z Google překladače a snažím se to přizpůsobit co nejvíce srozumitelné formě (pokud to nejsou nálepky, které jsem někde našla - především z tohoto seznamu).").

The Czech Wikipedia of course I have a lot more editing and created pages.
Na české Wikipedii mám samozřejmě mnohem více editací a vytvořených stránek.

I created eg.:
Vytvořila jsem např.:
Aichmofobie (Aichmophobia)
Androfobie (Androphobia)
Decidofobie (Decidophobia)
Nevolnost (Nausea)
Zoofobie (Zoophobia)

Here is a list of labels that I created on en Wikipedia. And here userboxes created on en Wikipedia.
Zde naleznete seznam nálepek, které jsem vytvořila na cs Wikipedii. A tady nálepky vytvořené na en Wikipedii.

Userboxes can be found below. It can make about me learn something - like what are my favorite animals, about I'm interested, what I do not like...
Nálepky (anglicky userboxes) naleznete níže. Můžete se z nich o mně něco dozvědět - jako třeba jaké jsou má nejoblíbenější zvířata, o co se zajímám, co nemám ráda...

Favorite animals (Oblíbená zvířata)

I love almost all animals (I do not like insects and spiders). Here are my most favorite animals:
Mám ráda skoro všechna zvířata (nemám ráda hmyz a pavouky). Zde jsou má nejoblíbenější zvířata:

This user has a pet dog.
This user owns one or more dogs.
This user is a cat lover.
This user's favourite animal is the Tiger.
This user's favourite animal is the Lion.
This user's favourite animal is the Jaguar.
This user's favourite animal is the Dolphin.
This user's favourite animal is the Orca.

This user's favourite animal is the African elephant.
This Wikipedian loves horses.
This user likes dinosaurs.

Favorite colors (Oblíbené barvy)
Pink is one of this user's favourite colours.
G This user's favourite colour is Green.
Blu This user's favorite colour is Dark Blue.

Favorit food (Oblíbená jídla)

Yummy, yummy ...
Mňam, mňam...

This user is a chocoholic.
This user eats chocolate.
This user eats Nutella
This userbox is flavoured like Chocolate! Make up some cool new flavours of your own!
This user loves to eat pizza.
This user likes pie.
This user eats fries, or chips.
This user eats Jam
This user loves pancakes.
This user eats strawberries.
This userbox is flavoured like strawberries! Make up some cool new flavours of your own!
This user loves to eat pineapples.
PearThis user eats pears.
This user eats watermelon.
This user loves red bell peppers.
This user eats ham.

Interests (Zájmy)

What I am interested in what I like, etc.
O co se zajímám, co mám ráda atp.

This user's favourite subject is Zoology.
This user is interested in history.
This user is interested in psychology.
This user loves painting.
This user enjoys photography.
This user prefers Digital photography.
This user is interested in computer engineering.
This user loves the Summer.
This user loves sunny days
This user prefers warm weather.
This user loves to read.
This user is a swimmer.
This user likes most types of music.
This user plays the recorder.
This user likes jokes and humor.
This space is for rent.
This user admires the tropical rainforests.

About me (O mě)

Something about me that I do not like etc.
Něco málo o mě, co nemám ráda, ad.

♀This user is female.
NameThis user wants her name to be confidential.XXX
This user is a mammal.
This user is of Czech ancestry.
This user comes from the
Czech Republic.
This user lives in the Czech Republic.
UTC +1This user's time zone is UTC +1.
This userbox was put here by mistake.
This user has a sense of humour and shows it through the use of userboxes.
This user is NOT a vegan or vegetarian, but respects and accomodates those that are.
This user is against racism
Tato uživatelka je proti rasismu
This user cannot eat spicy food under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
This user has never tried any
Tobacco products
This user hopes we can Save the Amazon Rainforest.
This user admires all expressions of nature.
This user is the owner of
a golden cocker spaniel.

Me and en Wikipedia (Já a en Wikipedie)

What am I doing here, etc.
Co zde dělám aj.

This user advocates WikiPeace.
This user appreciates WikiLove.
This user believes in civility and assuming good faith.
This user has created 1 article on Wikipedia.
Creation is goodThis user creates her own userboxes.
This user has created 1 userboxes on Wikipedia.
20+This user has made more than 20 contributions to Wikipedia.
<ref>This user recognizes the importance of citing sources.
This user believes that adding relevant links is never a bad thing.
This user uses the "Show preview" button so as to avoid making a great number of useless, successive edits.
+10This user is watching over 10 pages.
This user believes that articles are useless without images.
This user is a member of
WikiProject Psychology.

Me and cs Wikipedia (Já a cs Wikipedie)

What am I doing to cs Wikipedia.
Co dělám na cs Wikipedii.

This user advocates WikiPeace.
This user appreciates WikiLove.
This user believes in civility and assuming good faith.
This user destroys vandalism when they see it.
This user has created 17 articles on Wikipedia.
Creation is goodThis user creates her own userboxes.
This user has created 15 userboxes on Wikipedia.
200+This user has made more than 200 contributions to Wikipedia.
<ref>This user recognizes the importance of citing sources.
This user believes that adding relevant links is never a bad thing.
This user uses the "Show preview" button so as to avoid making a great number of useless, successive edits.
+50This user is watching over 50 pages.
This user believes that articles are useless without images.

Plans to Wikipedia (Plány na Wikipedii)

What I plan to, or what I wanted to do on Wikipedia.
Co mám v plánu, nebo co bych chtěla udělat na Wikipedii.

This user has created 0 templates on Wikipedia.
This user is working to get the article article title to featured article status.
This user is working to get the article article title to good article status.

This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!