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User:Mama shinde

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Mama Shinde is famous name-tag associated with the dynamic young man Pratik Shinde. He is famous for his various mind -blowing talents and abilities to tackle seemingly impossible tasks easily.(That's why Ethan Hunt is desperately trying to recruit him.)

Mama name tag is so important because a girl not only see him as brother but brother of mother and this is also reason for his popularity in ladies that they feel secure with him.

Mama Shinde is not only an expert programmer but also an extraordinary writer, a musician ,a super athlete ( he has beaten all WWE superstars in a single match with his one hand tied behind back and blindfolded ). Talking about programming ,he can program in any language (literally any including binary) and can talk in byte code. he has developed more classes in java than oracle. He is the guy Ranjnikant considered as his heir.In literature he is considered as Shakespeare of 21st century.

All of this feats are possible because of the the whooping IQ of Mama, although it has been not possible to calculate it because there are no tests designed for calculating such high IQ. From that one can say that he has the highest IQ in history of humanity.(Lex Luthor is very jealous of him.) In fact many scientist doubt if Mama Shinde is human. Some people also says that he is tutor of bruce wayne and sherlock consults with him for the tough cases but officially Mama has not said anything about it since he does not want limelight and fame. Mami is lucky to have someone like Mama Shinde with such great ideals. In fact whole humanity is grateful for having him.