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Silent Protagonist


I removed the description of the Exile as a silent protagonist. This is the first sentence of the Silent Protagonist page on wikipedia:

"A silent protagonist is a central character who does not verbally interact with other characters within a story's narrative"

During the course of the game the Exile verbally interacts with almost every other character in the game.

Lower down the same page it is stated that the Silent Protagonist in a game "does not have lines of text on screen" and "does not have scripted character dialog."

The Exile could not possibly fit this description less.Evilrodhull 14:30, 2 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah, the character most definitely verbally interacts with the other characters... we just don't hear it (and the response options in dialogues most certainly counts as "scripted character dialog"). EVula // talk // // 15:57, 2 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Confusing Gender


In one part of the article it states that despite being referenced as a male, the Exile is officially cannonized as a female, but then in the template it explains that cannonically the Exile is male. Can we get some citations on these statements? Thanks. 20:45, 12 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

if the exile is female then why is she refered to as "he" during the trailer for the game and the game itself? "If he joins us on the path to darkness... those who fight along side him will follow."

--^^^I agree with the above sentiments...it is also confusing that Brianna (Handmaiden) is considered to be the Jedi who rebuilt the order after the Exile leaves known space to search for Revan. However, she only does this if the Exile is male and she has joined his party. This would suggest that LucasArts has adopted the stance that both Revan and the Exile are canonically male. I understand how this would upset some fans, but I wish we could just recognize what is actually canon and not just make things up, like in the beginning of this article.

  • I haven't heard anything about Brianna rebuilding the Jedi Order. And the trailer is literally KoTOR with different maps. It has hardly anything to do with the finished game. -- I need a name 23:17, 30 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I would like to mention this here quoting from a dictionary:

 "Traditionally the pronouns he, him, and his have been used as generic or gender-neutral singular pronouns"

so since its conflicting the jedi exile should not be told as a female but rather a neutral as said with the above the pronouns he,him,his and ect should be used in place. (not same as above) honestly it seems for the most part that he is male (as it fits the storyline better such as the handmaiden rebuilding the jedi order etc)i dont really care that much about the exiles gender but the truth is the truth

Didn't George Lucas as well as the game's creators decide the Exile was cannonically female? I'm pretty sure they did. - Anon —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:37, 8 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Where does it even say that the Exile is female? I've never seen anything. Did George Lucas say that the Exile was a female? I've seen no evidence for it like there is for the Revan as a male. Emperor001 (talk) 16:24, 4 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The New Essential Guide to Droids states that the Exile is female. -- I need a name (talk) 20:10, 4 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
And to clarify, that book is considered (by some, at least) to be Star Wars canon, which is why it's used to determine the Exile's gender. --clpo13(talk) 20:36, 4 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The new Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide also says that the Exile is female. JoJoTrue (talk) 23:52, 31 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Congrats and additions


Wow, congrats to the updater of this page. We could make a separate page with info on the female Exile. But this page is great. --Psi edit

I added alot more to the Lightside ending. Please find necessary corrections. --Psi edit
Why make a seperate page for a female Exile if the same done for a female Revan is met with incredible harshness? Make them both ambiguous to reflect the reality of the game. 01:12, 30 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I think until we know for sure, we should assume the Exile's gender is unknown. Therefore, I separated the endings for male and female, because they are slightly different. There may be a better way to do this, but since the Exile's gender is still up in the air, it's not very fair to state "he" in reference to canonical material, even if for the sake of simplism.

Tsk, tsk...being rational about a Star Wars Wikipedia entry? For shame! Seriously though, Exile has been called "she" in dead tree format--a.k.a, a published book about droids. In the same book, Revan was left gender ambiguous, so technically, if you're going to pretend Wikipedia doesn't reflect the realities of the game but only the canon Lucas et al have set up (and then only by the flimsiest of margins), it's Exile that should have people rabidly frothing at the mouth to make sure everyone knows she's female while Revan's article should be changed to make his/her gender ambiguous. I dunno--I think y'all should pick one or the other way ro treat *both* characters and stick with it. Stil, I like the ambiguous for both rout best, because reality says they can be both, and if LucasArts wanted to canonize their genders, they shouldn't have given us a choice in the first place. 01:12, 30 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Canonicity assertions


Where is the canonical stuff referenced from? --Yincrash

Not particularly sure. I just amplified what was already there- but it is pretty clear that the light side ending must be the canon ending; as I wrote, having every last Jedi and Jedi Master exterminated by the Exile makes it, err, somewhat difficult for a Jedi Order to exist throughout the life of the Old Republic like we know it did. If you really want to know, you could check out the KOTOR forums. --maru 14:16, 18 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
What I'm particularly interested in is the gender as canonical. --Yincrash
Hmm. Good question actually- KOTOR I was obviously male, but KOTOR II seems more gender netural. I'd guess male, since that would follow KOTOR I and would jibe with leaving Visas behind to train followers, but that's not proof. --maru 15:36, 24 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Since I changed the Darth Revan article Talk:Darth Revan and because this one is even less so known for sure, I'm removing the gender canon stuff. Yincrash 7 July 2005 06:59 (UTC)
Take a look at this page from Wookiepedia, http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jedi_Exile , regarding the canonicity of a female Exile. I would expect that Wikipedia and Wikipedians be just as fanatical about keeping a male Exile reduced to a footnote as they have keeping female Revan that way (unless there is a sudden call to reason which would give both equal time considering that as videogame characters, it's up to the player to choose their gender and alignment. That and there is nothing "obvious" about Revan's gender in game in the slightest, it is quite complete and fully realized as a male Revan game...the only reason there is 'canon' regarding Revan's gender at all is by fiat.) So, I'm going to change the pronouns to female. 05:36, 29 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Does the intro video for game refer to him as he yes it does , i dont know the exact words but also the Droid on dantooine has a video playback recording of Vrook and vandar refering "i caught him in a heated argument" i rest my case.I hope KOTR 3 allows you to choose what happened in the previous ones or allows you to upload your completed save data and follows with what you chose revan/exile to be LS / DS and Male / Female. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

KotOR 2 is rife with numerous bugs because it was so rushed; you should be careful not to mistake an ignored pronoun for a canonical assertion. EVula 15:21, 12 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
If by the "intro video" you mean the opening crawl, it doesn't reference Exile by a pronoun. And the E3 trailer, which does call Exile a "he", was non-canon, it was a deliberate decision to make its events and the narrative voice have nothing to do with the actual game. - Sikon 16:08, 12 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Didn't he sever himself?


From the article:

The amount of death and destruction caused such a substantial 'wound' in the Force that the Exile found himself suddenly and completely severed from it.

Wasn't it later revealed through conversations with Kreia that the destruction didn't sever the Exile from the Force, but rather, the Exile severed himself from the Force because of the destruction? He did it because if he didn't, the sheer amount of pain from the destruction rippling through the Force would have killed him, so he cut himself off completely, albeit he did it unknowingly.

I'd rather have someone confirm this than play through the game again. If I'm correct, I'll go ahead and throw in a sentence or two after the above part. --Sprintabm 23:20, 24 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

My thoughts were confirmed by the Malachor V entry, so I'm going to go ahead and do it. --Sprintabm 23:31, 24 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I concur- I remember Kreia saying some things to the effect that she saw the Exile as a hope for a future without the Force, since he voluntarily lived without it, and became even stronger as a result. --maru 13:16, 25 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]



If there isn't an official statement you shouldn't put it in there. Going off of guesses isn't good enough. People think that if it's been stated here then it's official. You're doing nothing more then starting rumors at this point. --Anonymous

I've tried to not put in anything I didn't feel close examination of dialogue (especially Kreia's; in many ways she is the most important character in the game) wouldn't support. I will reviwe the article for weakly supported statements however. --maru 14:57, 5 Jun 2005 (UTC)



Although it is stated that the male choice is canonical, I changed the Exile's gender from male to unknown. After all, Revan is also referred to as male at the corresponding page, but his gender is listed as unknown.

/scurries off to change it. --maru 18:17, 9 Jun 2005 (UTC)

The Storyline clashes in the Game, but there is a net support that the Character is Male. The disciple was going to be the Exile's Padawan (granted this is only revealed in female play...but then it's creepy because he's also a romance interest and more than ten years younger)...The Counsel traditionally assigns same gender apprentices to avoid un-jedi like behavior, since Mical is male, then he'd be assigned to a male. 2. Atris's fall is only truly explained in male play(that makes any coherent sense) That she had feelings for him and felt torn between those feelings and her need for preservation of all things Jedi.... she didn't support the Going to war against the counsel's wishes plan.... Then she envies the Exile's choice, researching and chronicling the ways of the Sith in order somehow figure why the Exile was unique From those who went to war. 3. Why would the handmaiden randomly show up on Dantooine to pick up Kreia? wouldn't it make more sense if she was part of the crew and her Feelings for the exile through her into passion that made her disregard caution and then bring Kreia to Telos? 4. George Lucas did not write the contents of the Droid Guide.... so it may as well had used "Jessica girly girl" as the noun, and it still would be arguable. George Lucas did consult the storyline of the game though, so if the storyline supports a certain gender, then that should be considered canon(even though the mission was to keep the game vague in this way, it's a very hard thing to do.... especially on short deadline) I don't mind a heroine over a hero, but the KOTOR 2 story is Male biased 09:28, 25 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The Star Wars Droids book lists the Exile as female, making the canon gender for the Exile female. This has no bearing on the game, one still chooses gender for one's own Exile as one wishes. Referring to Atris' fall as only being truly explained by a male is a shallow interpretation. As Atris herself explains, we all have heroes and when we watch them fall, it affects us personally. No need for a male Exile to explain that. The Handmaidens don't need to randomly show up on Dantooine - what makes sense is Kreia summoning them as she sets the pinnacle of her plans in motion; we don't see all of her machinations as they occur, but this is just common sense - that and that Atris was watching the Exile. George Lucas didn't write the Droid Guide - but he did approve it, and that's what makes it canon. I don't feel at all the game is biased toward a male, in fact the Disciple - whom you only get as a female character - lends far more to the depth of the storyline than the Handmaiden does. And no, there's not a "net" support that the Exile is female. There are people unwilling to consider that "their" character can be anything but the gender they chose; that has no bearing on Lucas' choices; and there are many, many people who believe the Exile works better as a female. 15:07, 19 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The Peragus Incident


The holorecords and the accounts of HK-50 tell the story of what happened before the game begins, but this is told in a rather chaotic way, with the records scattered throughout the Peragus facility and the Republic ship "The Harbinger". Here is my account of what happened the way I understand it. If there are any inconsistencies or mistakes please correct me as I go along.

(? days before game starts)

The Jedi Exile is picked up from an unknown location by the Republic ship "Harbinger", which had been diverted from its course to Onderon to deliver the Exile to Telos. This was done on the orders of Admiral Carth Onasi, who wished to learn of Revan's fate in the Unknown Regions. The assassin droid, HK-50, was onboard before this, having sabotaged the Harbinger's previous protocol droid in order to take its place and survey events aboard the Harbinger. After being assigned to watch the Jedi Exile and learning of his Jedi background, HK-50 resolved to capture and deliver the Exile to the Exchange, a criminal organization that was offering a large bounty on Jedi at the time.

On its course to Telos, the Harbinger encountered the stock light freighter "Ebon Hawk" which was being attacked by a Sith warship. T3-M4 and Kreia were onboard the Ebon Hawk at this time, trying to find the Jedi Exile. After receiving an approval from Admiral Carth Onasi to investigate, the Harbinger investigated both the Ebon Hawk and the Sith warship, which was disturbingly devoid of life apart from a heavily scarred human corpse (Darth Sion). In truth, the crew of the warship used stealth generators to hide and sneak aboard the Harbinger as their vessel was investigated. Afterwards, the Harbinger tractored the Ebon Hawk into a small docking bay, while abandoning or destroying the Sith warship. Kreia begins to secretly watch the Jedi Exile from afar.

Some time later, two things begin to occur. First, the Sith assassins hiding aboard the Harbinger begin to systematically murder the crew and disable the ship communications systems, preventing any distress signals being sent. Second, HK-50 disables the Harbinger's engine hoping to use the distraction to smuggle the Jedi Exile off the Harbinger by using the Ebon Hawk to escape. As a precaution, HK-50 drugs the Exile into unconsciousness and hides him in the Harbinger's cargo compartment. When all was ready, the Ebon Hawk launched from the Harbinger, with the Jedi Exile, T3-M4, Kreia and HK-50 onboard. The Harbinger, now taken over by the Sith assassins, fires on the Ebon Hawk, seriously damaging it, but unable to pursue due to HK-50's engine sabotage. The Sith assassins repair communications and the engine afterwards.

T3-M4 partially repairs the Ebon Hawk's engine, then pilots the ship to the nearby Peragus mining facility to be fully repaired. At this time, the Exile was unconscious and Kreia was in a death-like trance.

(3 days before game starts)

The Peragus fuel mining facility brings the Ebon Hawk in using a tractor beam. T3-M4 goes into standby mode. The Jedi Exile is placed in a kolto tank for recovery while the supposedly dead Kreia is sent to the morgue. HK-50 is interrogated about the Ebon Hawk and its occupants. The Ebon Hawk's cargo is removed and investigated by the Peragus dock officer. HK-50, still wishing to collect the bounty on the Jedi Exile, plots to sabotage the mining facility in order to arrange an escape. To this end, HK-50 sets himself up to help with the Peragus droid maintenance, with the intent to eventually subvert the mining droids' programming. In his stories about the Jedi Exile, HK-50 reveals the Exile's Jedi background to the maintenance officer and several other people, including the administration and medical officer. HK-50 also helps the maintenance officer set up a sonic imprint sensor to issue voice commands to the droids. This would allow HK-50, who has the ability to mimic voices, to issue orders to the droids using the maintenance officers identity.

(2 days before game starts)

Word of the Jedi on the Peragus facility leaks out to the miners. One miner, Coorta, who was already known as a troublemaker, wishes to collect the bounty on the unconscious Jedi Exile from the Exchange. The administration officer forbids this however, as he had already sent a message about the Exile to the Republic for identity confirmation and to get him off the facility before the miners get even more agitated. HK-50 programs the mining droids to cause several "accidents" throughout the facility, inciting the maintenance officer to send all the ming droids to maintenance, allowing HK-50 to subvert them all at once. At this time, HK-50 also programs several droids to repair the Ebon Hawk, in case it is needed as an escape vessel. HK-50 also learns of Coorta's intentions and persuades him to find transport off the Peragus facility, since the Ebon Hawk's navicomputer is locked, usable only by T3-M4. At this time, HK-50 uses the maintenance officer's voice to keep his identity hidden. The mining accidents send several miners to medlab and the morgue. Coorta discusses his plans to collect the bounty on the Jedi Exile to his crew.

(1 day before the game starts)

HK-50 (using the maintenance officer's voice) tells Coorta of his plans to sabotage the facility and that he should be ready. This is overheard by a Sullustan mine foreman, who has tried to warn the administration officer but is silenced by Coorta (whether he was killed or knocked unconscious I do not know, but it does not matter). HK-50 programs the droids to "mine" any organics (any living miner) and any unauthorized droids (droids not of the mining facility). HK-50 causes a "phantom" fuel leak, initiating an emergency lockdown. Miners, except Coorta and his crew, follow safety protocols and retreat to the facility's dormitories, where HK-50 is able to gas them to death by damaging the ventilation systems, creating a build-up of toxic fuel fumes, but not before a crude relay system is set up to send short-distance distress calls beyond the mining facility. Coorta and his crew are killed by droids when they reach the turbolift the administration level - HK-50 had decided they were no longer useful. HK-50 also uses the voice command to send an overdose of sedatives to the medbay kolto tanks, killing the miners inside, but rendering the Jedi Exile unconscious for a longer period. At this time, the Harbinger, still trying to locate the Ebon Hawk, receives the distress signal from the Peragus facility. Deducing that Peragus was a likely hiding place for the Jedi Exile, the Sith pilot the Harbinger to the mining facility. HK-50 continues to wait for the transport Coorta arranged.

Well, this is my version of the story of what happens before the story "Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords" begins. Enjoy! --Chameleon.



Since when is the light side male ending canon?

As the article says, "While it is not yet explicitly clear which ending is canonical, the official stance from Lucasfilm on games where players can choose between the light side and dark side has traditionally been that the light side ending is the canonical one." Nufy8 02:47, 15 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

And what about the male part of it?

Well, that's still undecided. I removed the "female" and "male" words in the section headings, since it was kind of misleading. Nufy8 04:06, 15 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please don't tell me...


that this has suffered the same fate as the Darth Revan page. They all say that light side male is canon, and their proof is a worker who said that over the internet. What they fail to realize is that the only two things that are canon, are the movies and George Lucas. He owns the copywright to Star Wars, no one else does.

You should really read the article on Star Wars canon. --Cronodude360 22:39, 12 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Calm down; unlike Revan, the canonical gender and alignment for Exile haven't been set yet. See the Wookieepedia article for details. - Sikon 11:42, 13 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Game storyline + general info is C-canon. And generally, if the player chooses, the canon is light sided male. That doesn't mean that the female storyline isn't valid, but that for continuity among other works, Revan and Exile are male and went to the light side of the Force. These are more canon than the dark side / femal endings. – Xolatron 21:31, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You are mistaken. Light side male is canon for Revan, not the Exile, for whom the canonical ending is currently unset. I repeat, see Wookieepedia:Jedi Exile for more information. - Sikon 00:17, 24 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Alright, but why is one set and not the other? – Xolatron 15:58, 27 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I have to wonder why as well--it seems that according to the Wookiepedia article and talk page, the Exile is reffered to as a 'heroine' in a published book, but I don't recall any published evidence suggesting the canon gender of Revan, just a comment on the Internet by someone who didn't want to set Revan's gender and avoided it as much as possible. At least, Revan's article here does not cite any published material on the subject. I'd prefer they remained listed as gender unknown because in the game their gender and allignment is up to the player, which is a far cry from saying any EU character's gender is up for debate if the reader/viewer/player had no choice in the matter. But since Wikipedia insists on defining the reality of a videogame by Lucas fiat, Exile is a woman. 06:01, 29 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Padawan or Knight?


The article states that the Exile was a Padawan who was about to take the trials to become a Knight. I find this curious, however, because Kreia offers the Exile the three Jedi Master/Sith Lord classes, and a Jedi would have to be a knight before they can advance a class. And some of the characters state that the Exile is the only Jedi Knight to come back and face the Council. So, wouldn't the Exile have been a full Knight before and after the Mandalorian Wars? Jedi Striker 27 May 2006 00:03AM (UTC)

Whatever Kreia offers is gameplay mechanics. Exile was a Padawan, it's explicitly mentioned in the game. --Sikon 07:47, 27 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, the classes were gameplay mechanics; the "increase" in rank wasn't approved by the Jedi Council, etcetera. – Xolatron 16:05, 27 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
And besides, I don't think there was a class specified canonically, was there? --maru (talk) contribs 02:21, 28 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Agreed. – Xolatron 13:56, 28 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

OK, fair enough. But where in the game specifically does it mention that the Exile is a Padawan? --Jedi Striker 30 May 2006 21:23PM (UTC)

Haven't heard anything yet about the Exile being a Padawan, and I've been playing the game and it has yet to mention it. So, still waiting for evidence =:). --Jedi Striker 22:20, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
The Exile being a padawan is news to me. Doesn't the Disciple say that the Exile would have been his master if she hadn't left for the war? (insinuating that she wasn't a padawan if she was about to take on her own) EVula 15:25, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Exile would have been his master if she had been knighted. - Sikon 16:16, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with EVula. I've played and beaten the game numerous times and not once does it mention anything in the Exile's past about her being a Padawan before, during, and after the Mandalorian Wars. Besides, Kavar mention about sparing with her as a Padawan, therefore most likely stating she did pass the trials before the wars. Anyone care to go against this? Otherwise, I think it's pretty obvious the Exile is a Knight. --Jedi Striker 20:30, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I've played the game again, and no where does it mention at ALL about the Exile being a Padawan throughout and after the Wars. Unless I have some evidence that proves me otherwise, I think it's obvious, as I said before, that the Exile is Knight. --Jedi Striker 00:06, 9 July 2006

The Disciple notes when the Exile turns him into a Jedi that before the Mandalorian War the Exile was to be his Master; this would seem to negate any possibility that the Exile was a mere Padawan when she left for the Wars.

Well I am not sure of the whole padawan or knight thing but I do see it possible she was padawn nearing the trials and gaining knighthood before she left for the war but I personally say she was a knight. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Exile confirmed as female


See Wookieepedia:Talk:Jedi_Exile#Exile_confirmed_as_female. - Sikon 05:55, 28 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I've changed the article to reflect this. 05:57, 29 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Who else thinks it's horrible? Plus it's a GIF. - Sikon 06:39, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I think its of fairly low quality, but until someone suggests a better one, it should stay. EVula 15:02, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Would someone please change the image to LSF because that's canon?


I don't feel like getting into a revert war with you, Sikon, but I'd like to point out that Wikipedia:External links#"External links" vs "External link" notes there isn't a consensus on it. Personally, I think its pretty stupid for it to say "links" when there is only a single link, and there are plenty of articles that follow the convention, contrary to your claim. *shrug* EVula 15:35, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well, on Wookieepedia, it's a policy that it always says "External links". It was just a consideration of interoperability. - Sikon 16:31, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
This ain't Wookieepedia. :P
All seriousness aside, I certainly don't think of this as a life or death conflict, or one that drastically changes the message of the article (as opposed to, say, Revan's canonical gender). I was just pointing it out, since its one of my pet peeves. EVula 01:09, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

True Jedi Afterwards


Well, I'm still not liking the Exile being female (cuz I am a guy), but I'll go with it for now. I do have one problem. Does the Exile become a true Jedi after Kreia's death? Some of what the Jedi Masters said at Dantooine got me confused. Does the Exile's leeching stop? If anyoen can explain the science, I'd appreciate it. --Jedi Striker 00:36, 7 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  • You presume that any "leeching" indeed took place, while it was just the Masters' opinion. And what do you mean by "true Jedi"? - Sikon 05:16, 7 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
    • Cuz before Kreia died, she said the Exile was not a true Jedi. And I assumed she did become true because when Kreia died, the 'Wound in the Force' was silenced, and I thought the Exile could feel herself and the Force again. --Jedi Striker 01:24, 8 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Canon Prestige class?


Has an offical Prestige class been set for the Exile? -Jedi Striker 14:03, 9 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Copy-Edit Needed


...for the "The Exile's Journey" in particular. I'll get to it later if no one else does, I guess. Icewolf34 18:09, 9 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Identity confusion


Maybe someone can clear this up for me: isn't the Exile Revan? Or is there not enough evidence to support this? I mean, why else would HK-47 and T3-M4 be present? Clpo13 07:12, 20 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  • No, Exile isn't Revan, if only because one of the Masters says "This is not Revan who stood before you" to Atris, and because Kreia says so, and because Revan is canonically male and Exile female. - Sikon 14:55, 20 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
HK-47 and T3-M4 are there because Revan ditched them to go out to the depths of space (the reason for which was left open, probably for KotOR 3). They're with the Exile because they come with the Ebon Hawk. EVula 16:49, 20 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • All right, got it. I didn't know about the whole gender thing. I suppose that makes sense. (Note: I'm the same guy as above; my IP changes and WP won't let me log in.) Clpo13 05:44, 21 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Behind the scenes


Doesn't Visas refuse to wear the dancer's costume right from the begining? Just wondering because it says in this section that Visas or the Handmaiden will wear it. Darthgriz98 20:35, 31 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You're right, Visas won't wear it, but Mira or the Handmaiden will. Kreia also refuses. 15:12, 19 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Protect this article?


Apparently, a number of users refuse to acknowledge that the Jedi Exile is canonically female and keep editing the article to say otherwise. Would it be possible, perhaps, to protect this article from being vandalized by anonymous users to prevent this? --clpo13 07:39, 27 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Whatever happened to the section in the article that explained the canonicity? It had links and excerpts from Star Wars books but the section seems to have completely disappeared. Anyway, you can request protection on WP:RFP. Gdo01 07:42, 27 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]


I never cited Wookiepedia. The droid book and the keeper of the holocron both say she is female. Both of those are canonical. Geesh, why is it so hard for men to deal with a hero being a woman? Gdo01 22:49, 3 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Maybe a scan of these documents that state the gender would settle it. I tried looking at starwars.com's character bank but it seems the directory entries for Revan and the Exile no longer exist there.

If somebody has the proof of the Exile's gender, then put it up here for all to see. Otherwise it would probably be best to avoid gender specifics in the article, and adhere to referencing the character only as 'The Jedi Exile'. TotalTommyTerror 17:58, 27 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

As Gdo01 said above, the evidence is in two Star Wars books considered canonical: the New Essential Chronology and the New Essential Guide to Droids, I believe. Both reference the Exile as female. --clpo13 20:45, 27 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I'm sure they do, what I'm saying is find a scan of those pages and place them here for all to see or in the article. That should be sufficient evidence to quell the gender war. TotalTommyTerror 18:24, 28 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

AFAIK, only the New Essential Essential Guide to Droids states the Exile's gender. The New Essential Chronology is the source for Revan's gender. I don't have either of these books, so I can't scan the relevant entries from them. I doubt it would quell the gender war though, because, as we all know, only the movies and George Lucas are canon, not some worker over the internet, and the trailer and website refer to the Exile as a male, and if you e-mail iknoweverythingaboutstarwars@hotmail.com, he'll tell you about how the Exile was a male, and... -- I need a name 18:58, 30 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Even if copyright wasn't an issue, people are always going to have their own opinions about the gender. Not everyone can swallow a female player character, as unfortunate as that is. --clpo13 06:20, 31 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I have scans of the New Essential Guide to Droids pages that confirm the Exile is canonically female. Are they needed as evidence? - Sikon 16:24, 2 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Correct Gender


Despite everyone scrambling over the exile's "correct" gender, since no other game, book, or other star wars material has a story that absolutly requires the exile to be female, (the mention of the exile's gender in "New Essential Guide to Droids" is simply a statement, not a story which absoulty requires the exile to be female) I can play through the game with a male exile and say that in my mind, that can be the canon story. BassxForte 18:57, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Too bad for you then, as I said, it can be like canon since no story absoulty depends on the exile being female. BassxForte 18:59, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  • It doesn't matter whether a story depends on the Exile being female or not, the references in the New Essential Guide to Droids are still canon. A New Hope doesn't depend on one of the stormtroopers being called DV-523. Is that non-canon too? Does that mean I can call him Bob McStormtrooper if I so desire? -- I need a name 19:04, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You avoided my point, no one cares about DV-523, however exeryone goes crazy over the exile's "correct" gender, when I play through the game I can decide it to be a man or a woman and that can be "canon" as far as i'm concerned. BassxForte 19:42, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  • What you refer to is game mechanics. Personal canon-wise, yes, the Exile can be male. Official Star Wars canon-wise, however, the Exile is female. If you think that the Exile is male, that's fine by me, but I don't see why this is relevant to the article unless you're insisting the gender in the article be changed. -- I need a name 20:06, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

What? no, no, no, I was attempting to take pre-cautions to keep other people from trying to use this page to say the exile is male, I actually has much self-doubt starting this discussion, I felt that it was like foruming. BassxForte 21:19, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I'm a guy, and I don't have any problems with female heroes, in-fact, I tend to perfer female heroes because I don't like sterotypes. BassxForte 04:08, 5 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

What discussion?


All right, I thought the gender issue had been cleared up, but apparently this is one dead horse that's going to keep getting beaten. First off, the consensus on the this talk page seems to be that the gender of the Exile is female. However, The Matrix Prime, among others, keeps making references to some discussion on the Administrator's Noticeboard saying that the article was made gender neutral. I cannot find this discussion anywhere. If such a consensus was made, could someone please link to the actual discussion in question, and not the main page for the noticeboard? It would make life for future editors so much easier if they knew a consensus was made by the administrator's and not just random editors who don't like the Exile as female. --clpo13 19:55, 1 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

There is no such discussion, and even if there was, consensus is irrelevant in this matter: the canonical gender for the Jedi Exile is female. Fact > consensus. EVula // talk // // 20:02, 1 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • Unfortunately the discussion seemed to have been removed or deleted, whether by EVula or one of the other admins I don’t know. The condense of that discussion, as EVula knows, was that the article should be left gender neutral. The fact that the New Essential Guild to Droids book refers to the Exile as of the feminine persuasion (still unconfirmed) is still stated, along with the argument for a masculine Exile.
  • The picture is the only official LucusArt representation of the Exile that I am aware of. If someone could find another that would work but until then, that’s the official picture and it belongs at the top in the template. The fan made picture was placed lower in the article in an appropriate place. --The Matrix Prime 05:45, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Even if the discussion did exist at some point, it doesn't now, leaving only the Guide as evidence of a female gender, which could easily be confirmed by anyone possessing a copy of it. Here, how about we put up some sort of poll or debate on this talk page so we can actually get a consensus by editors working on this page? Options: female, male, gender neutral. Then we accept the results of that poll and get on with things. Does that sound fair to everyone? I mean, half of the people concerned about the Exile's gender aren't going to accept a Star Wars book, and the other half aren't going to accept a currently invisible admin discussion (regardless of its previous existence). We need a concrete consensus that everyone can see when they come on to the article's talk page. --clpo13 17:28, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
To clarify my position: I don't care what gender the Exile is. But a gender neutral article is extremely messy, what with all the "his/her" and "s/he" things going on. It's a bit unencyclopedic as far as readability goes. Besides, if we're going to make this gender neutral because the character can be either male or female, you'd have to change the articles for every video game character that has a user-chosen gender, regardless of canon or other evidence supporting one gender or another. Anyways, as long as there is some evidence supporting a specific gender being the "official" gender, the article should be written for that gender. Filling the article with "himself/herself" and the like makes it look messy. Or, as an alternative, the plot section could be written from the player's standpoint, leaving any mention of the Exile out completely. A good example of that would be The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion plot section. That's just my opinion, though. Anything would work better than the current state of affairs. --clpo13 19:52, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Massive rewrite


I've started on a rather large rewrite of the whole article in order to clean up some rather horrible grammar and sentence structuring throughout it as well as to make the article a bit less messy with regards to the as-of-yet undecided gender of the Exile. The aim is to, hopefully, remove the in-universe tag at the top of the article. I'm not sure if my edits have made any progress towards that goal, but the parts I edited are (I think) much easier to read. I stopped about 2/3 of the way down the Journey section where it says "In Onderon, the great city of Iziz..." If anyone wants to pick up where I left off in cleaning up and rewriting, that's great. Otherwise, this is just a reminder to myself where I need to finish. --clpo13 06:33, 11 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

How is the gender undecided? The New Essential Guide to Droids clearly states that The Exile is female. Clearly! JoJoTrue 17:14, 12 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
The gender hardly matters at all. Any plot summary should by ~700 words or less per MOS/practice for featured articles. The fact that follow-up published materials identify the character as female is worth a sentence. So, too, is the fact that boxart or whatever shows something else, and that ultimately the player decides. That's it. It's laughable that so many people keeping reverting back and forth on this gender issue which is, ultimately, an incredibly minor point. --EEMeltonIV 17:57, 12 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Indeed. While I do agree the Exile is female, due to the lack of any solid consensus about the issue, I'm keeping it neutral for now. Also, there isn't really a plot section, per se, in this article since it's about the Exile, not the game (KotOR II) itself. It's more of a fictional bio, although it could bear to be trimmed a bit. I'm just going through and cleaning it up for now. It's quite a messy article. --clpo13 08:00, 13 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
It also occurs to me that, since this is a one-shot character with no notability outside the game, it might be best to turn this page into a redirect and save the rewrite to the KotOR II article. --EEMeltonIV 08:06, 13 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Maybe, but there is quite a bit of information regarding this one character. That's just the inclusionist in me talking, though (clean-up instead of deletion/redirects). I think cutting out some of the really unnecessary content here would be best while leaving the bio mostly intact. I mean, there is a rather nice article on Revan, a similarly one-shot (or two, I suppose, if you include mentions in KotOR II) character. It's a lot more concise than this one is now, and even includes a section specifically regarding the gender, which this article could probably use. --clpo13 08:31, 13 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]



A recent contribution put the Exile's homeworld as Dantooine based on an in-game conversation where it's revealed the Exile grew up there. But does this really count towards homeworld? I thought a person's homeworld was where they were born not where they were raised. I mean, the Exile would have been raised on Dantooine because of the Academy there. Personally, I think the homeworld should be where the Exile was born, and that has yet to be determined (meaning the bit in the infobox shouldn't be there). But that's just my opinion. --clpo13 02:01, 21 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  • well "grew-up" could also mean he/she was not only raised there but born there, Personally I also consider a homeworld where a person was born rather than where they were raised, My own opinion is that dantooine should only be accepted as the exile's homeworld if it makes mention that they were born there, wikitionary has homeworld defined as:

"The world on which a person originated." So that would mean a birthplace,though someone may argue with this - As Above, So Below 20:16, 21 August 2007 (UTC)

I guess that makes sense. Kind of like a hometown: it's not necessarily where you were born. --clpo13(talk) 20:42, 30 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

What happened?


Why has the article been cut down so much? It was much longer some months ago. — Texcarson 22:31, 9 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Certain editors had concerns that the Jedi Exile wasn't notable enough to warrant having her own article, which resulted in a redirect to the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II page. The page was restored, though cut down significantly as a compromise. As far as I can tell, the majority of the content removed was the fictional biography, which was massive and a bit confusing at times, since the Exile's biography changes somewhat depending on player choices. The page had been tagged with an in-universe tag for a while, so I'd guess that most of the removals corrected that problem. The talk page archives might provide more information, but I think the change to a redirect was almost completely undiscussed. --clpo13(talk) 04:11, 10 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]



I have redirected this stub -- which was reduced to game trivia focusing on minutiae between whether the character is played as male or female -- to the list of Star Wars characters. --EEMIV (talk) 14:32, 15 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I have again restored the redirect. Article's contents were entirely in-universe. The references listed adopt an in-universe perspective. The topic fails to meet WP:GNG; the article fails to meet WP:RS. --EEMIV (talk) 21:17, 21 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ending of the storyline


At the ending of KOTOR 2 (being a huge fan completing the first and second of the series) im curious because you learn that the exile and Kreia have a special bond making it so that if one of them are affected the other is also. When you beat Kreia in the final battle in the heart of Malachor v, you have the chance to ask her what happens to your companions futures and then you say at the end its time to rest (she dies) and the cut-scene rolls in with the Ebon Hawk picking up the exile and leaving the planet before it blows up, a result of Bao-Dur's remote carrying out its role in setting off the Mass shield generator holding malachor v together. My question is that shouldn't the exile die when Kreia dies because of the force bond? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:36, 11 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]