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Societat Catalana de Gnomònica

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Casa Barbey sundial (La Garriga)

The Societat Catalana de Gnomónica (Catalan Gnomonic Society) is, among other cultural groups, a non-profit association that promotes all aspects of sundials.[1][2][3]

One of the most interesting aspects of this association is the creation and conservation of an inventory of existing sundials in the Catalan Countries. The database is of free access and has about 7,300 references.[4]



The Societat Catalana de Gnomónica (Association for the study of the sundial and the measurement of time) has been established since 1988 and is governed by the Statutes approved by the Generalitat of Catalonia and by Law 4/2008, of April 24, of the third book of the Civil Code of Catalonia, relative to legal persons. Register of Associations no. 10,463.[5]



The association aspires to bring together everyone who is interested in the various aspects of the study and promotion of the techniques and arts related to Gnomonics and the measurement of time.[6]

The fundamental objectives of this association are:[7]

  • Encourage the study and research of sundials and other instruments related to the measurement of time, promoting their construction, recovery and restoration, promoting the publication of publications on the subject (translations, monographs, newsletters, reissues, etc.)
  • Promote exchange with other related associations, advising and collaborating with entities and organizations to carry out activities related to the objectives of the association, organizing and promoting such related activities, such as: conferences, meetings, courses, exchanges, contests, visits, travel, etc.


  • La Busca de Paper[8]. - From the beginning, the SCG has published[9] a newsletter based on the studies and activities carried out. (In summer 2021 there were 99 issues published).[10] This publication is mentioned in numerous works on the subject.[11][12]
  • Rellotges de sol de Catalunya: a heritage to be discovered.[13]
    • Sundials.
    • Solar quadrants.

Database with 7000+ sundials

Sundial in the monastery of Santes Creus.

The association has created and maintains up to date a database of technical data sheets of more than 7000 sundials permanently installed in public spaces throughout Catalonia and Andorra. It is being used as a reference in the lists of sundials of the Catalan wikipedia for example in the sundial located in the monastery of Santes Creus.[14][15]

Sundial at the South Pole


With the patronage of the Societat Catalana de Gnomónica there is a sundial installed at the Amundsen-Scott Station.[16]

Similar associations


Throughout time there have been all kinds of entities that have promoted the construction of sundials and the conservation of existing ones. Apparently, however, the existence of specialized amateur societies exclusively in the gnomonic is very scarce.

  • An official French entity is the Commission des Cadrans solaires, attached to the Société astronomique de France.[17][18]
  • 1988. Asociación Amigos Relojes de Sol (AARS), based in Madrid.[19]
    • Analema magazine publication (1991-2005)
  • 1994. Commission des Cadrans solaires du Québec, based in Quebec.[20]
    • Publication Le Gnomiste.
  • The ARCA Patrimonio (Asociación para la Revitalización de los Centros Antiguos de Mallorca) has a Sundial Commission.[21]

See also



  1. ^ Barquero, J.D. (2004). ENCICLOPEDIA DEL RELOJ DE BOLSILLO: Historia, catalogación, mecánica y detalles de las mayores colecciones públicas, privadas y museos internacionales (in Spanish). Amat Editorial. p. 566. ISBN 978-84-9735-189-8. Retrieved 2021-09-04.
  2. ^ Ramón González Calvet (2007). Treatise of Plane Geometry Through Geometric Algebra. R. González. p. 98. ISBN 978-84-611-9149-9. Retrieved 2021-08-27.
  3. ^ Paroles de soleil - tome II (in French). Editions Le Manuscrit. p. 236. ISBN 978-2-7481-5859-5. Retrieved 2021-08-27.
  4. ^ Anuari de Filologia: Estudis àrabs i islàmics. Secció B (in Catalan). Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filologia. 1996. Retrieved 2021-08-27.
  5. ^ García, X.M. (2016). Proyectos con alma: Trabajo por proyectos con servicio a la comunidad. Graó (Editorial Graó : ed. castellana) (in Spanish). EDITORIAL GRAO. p. 72. ISBN 978-84-9980-737-9. Retrieved 2021-08-27.
  6. ^ Gibert, C.L.; López, N.C. (2012). 501 racons màgics de Barcelona que has de conèixer abans de morir. 501 llocs (in Catalan). Ara Llibres. p. 128. ISBN 978-84-15224-29-7. Retrieved 2021-08-27.
  7. ^ García, X.M. (2016). Proyectos con alma: Trabajo por proyectos con servicio a la comunidad. Graó (Editorial Graó : ed. castellana) (in Spanish). EDITORIAL GRAO. p. 72. ISBN 978-84-9980-737-9. Retrieved 2021-08-27.
  8. ^ La Busca de paper : butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Gnomònica. (Journal, magazine, 1989) [WorldCat.org]. OCLC 436523154. Retrieved 2021-09-05 – via WorldCat.org.
  9. ^ Sawyer, F.W.; North American Sundial Society (2004). Analemmatic Sundial Sourcebook: Including Recent Work and English Translations of Early Source Texts on the Analemmatic Sundial and the Variable-center Dials that Derive from it. North American Sundial Society. Retrieved 2021-08-27.
  10. ^ Catalans, I.E. (2016). Un Curs matemàtic a la Menorca de la Il•lustració, en la commemoració de Pasqual Calbó i Caldés (1752-1817): discurs llegit en la sessió inaugural del curs 2016-2017 (in Catalan). Institut d'Estudis Catalans. p. 56. ISBN 978-84-9965-323-5. Retrieved 2021-09-04.
  11. ^ Cabrero, J.D.B. (2005). TODO SOBRE LOS RELOJES DE BOLSILLO: De la decisión de compra a la catalogación (in Spanish). Amat Editorial. p. 294. ISBN 978-84-9735-250-5. Retrieved 2021-09-04.
  12. ^ Catalans, I.E.; generals, P. (2018). Memòria : curs 2016-2017 (in Haitian Creole). Institut d'Estudis Catalans. p. 239. Retrieved 2021-09-04.
  13. ^ Rellotges de sol de Catalunya : un patrimoni per descobrir (Book, 2004) [WorldCat.org]. OCLC 57548544. Retrieved 2021-09-05 – via WorldCat.org.
  14. ^ Mosello, R. (1999). Orologi solari nell'arco alpino: le meridiane della Val d'Ossola (in Italian). Grossi. ISBN 978-88-85407-64-0. Retrieved 2021-08-27.
  15. ^ Specola Cidnea (Brescia, Italy) (1991). Guardare il firmamento dalla Specola Cidnea (in Italian). Il Municipio. Retrieved 2021-08-27.
  16. ^ Reloj en el Polo Sur. Asociación de Amigos de los Relojes de Sol (AARS)
  17. ^ La Commission des Cadrans Solaires.
  18. ^ Société astronomique de France (1985). Bulletin de la Société astronomique de France et revue mensuelle d'astronomie, de météorologie et de physique du globe... (in French). Retrieved 2021-08-29.
  19. ^ Asociación Amigos de los Relojes de Sol (AARS).
  20. ^ Commission des Cadrans solaires du Québec
  21. ^ ARCA - Comissió de rellotges de sol.