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Anal sex

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Anal sex most often refers to the sex act involving insertion of the penis into the anus.[1] The term anal sex can also sometimes include other sexual acts involving the anus, including but not limited to anilingus and fingering. As the rectal mucosa provides little natural lubrication, a personal lubricant is most often required or preferred when penetrating the anus.


Print, Paul Avril

Anal sex is an alternative form of intercourse between men and women. It creates a very low risk of unwanted pregnancy when not followed by vaginal intercourse[citation needed]. Also, anal sex is sometimes seen as preserving female virginity because it leaves the hymen intact. Anal sex is considered to yield more tactile pleasure for the penis, being tighter than the vagina.[2]

The practice, however, is claimed to be taking place in a climate of reduced sex education and fewer educational media outlets, leading to a lowered awareness of the health risks involved. For example, the risk of injury during intercourse is many times higher than that during vaginal sex.[3]

Anal sex and female virginity

Though more often applied to first penetration,[4][5][6] the concept of "technical virginity" is sometimes conceived as resting solely on vaginal penetration.[7]


A woman using a strap-on dildo to anally penetrate a man is referred to as pegging.[8] Due to the proximity of the prostate gland to the rectum, it has been suggested that males may achieve greater satisfaction in this manner than females.[9]


The US Center for Disease Control determined, in a 2005 survey, that the incidence of anal relations in the US heterosexual population is on the increase. The survey showed that 40 percent of men and 35 percent of women between 25 and 44 had engaged in heterosexual anal sex; in 1992 a similar survey found that only 25.6 percent of men 18 to 59 and 20.4 percent of women 18 to 59 had.[10] By way of comparison, seven times as many women as gay men engage in anal intercourse, a figure reflecting the greater overall heterosexual population."[11] Another survey in 2008 indicates that anal sex is on the rise amongst young people; the survey which focused on a much younger demographic of teens and young adults aged 15–21 found that 16 percent of 1350 surveyed had had anal sex in the previous 3 months, with condoms being used 29% of the time.[12] However, given the subject matter the survey hypothesized that that figure was probably underestimated.

Figures for prevalence can vary amongst different demographics, regions, and nationalities. A 2001 French survey of five hundred female respondents concluded that a total of 29% had practiced anal sex, though only one third of these claimed to have enjoyed the experience.[13] In contrast, in a 1999 South Korean survey of 586 women, only 3.5% of respondents reported having had anal sex.[14]

Figures for the prevalence of sexual behavior can also fluctuate over time. Edward O. Laumann's 1992 survey, reported in The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States found that about 20% of heterosexuals have engaged in anal sex. Sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, working in the 1940s, had found that number to be closer to 40% at the time. More recently, a researcher from the University of British Columbia in 2005 put the number of heterosexuals who have practiced anal sex at between 30% and 50%.[15]

According to Columbia University's health website, Go Ask Alice!: "Studies indicate that about 25 percent of heterosexual couples have had anal sex at least once, and 10 percent regularly have anal penetration."[16]


19th-century erotic interpretation of Hadrian and Antinous, by Paul Avril

Historically, anal sex has been popularly associated with male homosexuality and men who have sex with men (MSM). However, many do not engage in anal sex, and some groups such as frot advocacy groups actively denounce anal sex as degrading toward the receptive partner and an unnecessary health risk.[17]

Among MSM who do have anal sex, the insertive partner is referred to as the top or active partner. The man being penetrated is referred to as the bottom or passive partner. Preference for either is referred to as versatile.

Prostate stimulation

In the receiving partner, being penetrated can produce a pleasurable sensation due to the inserted penis rubbing or brushing against the prostate through the anal wall. Penetration can be initially somewhat painful if the bottom partner's anus is not properly lubricated.[citation needed]

The prostate gland (also known as the "male G-spot" or "A-spot") can be stimulated during anal intercourse.[18]

Stimulation of the prostate gland can result in pleasurable sensations and can lead to a distinct type of orgasm in some cases. The prostate is located next to the rectum and is the larger, more developed[19] male homologue to the Skene's glands, which are believed to be connected to the female "G-spot".[20] The Skene's glands are sometimes referred to as the "female prostate";[21] they are located around the urethra and can be felt through the wall of the vagina.


While at the present time it is reported more frequently among same-sex couples, according to Dr. John Dean and Dr. David Delvin, "in absolute numbers, it is hypothesized that more heterosexual couples have anal sex than homosexual couples".[22]

The prevalence of anal sex among homosexual couples in the West has varied over time. Magnus Hirschfeld, in his 1914 magnum opus, The Homosexuality of Men and Women reports the rate of anal sex among homosexual men surveyed to be 8%, the least favored of all the practices documented.[23]

By the 1950s in the United Kingdom, it was thought that about fifteen percent of male homosexuals practiced the method.[24] The Gay Urban Men's Study (P.I. Stall, UCSF) and the Young Men's Study (YMS, PI Osmond/Catania, UCSF), indicate that 50% of men surveyed engage in anal sex. The Laumann study claims that 80% of gay men practice it, while the remaining 20% never engage in it at all.

A survey conducted from 1994 to 1997 in San Francisco by the Stop AIDS Project indicated that over the course of the study, among men who have sex with men, the proportion engaging in anal sex increased from 57.6% to 61.2%.[25]

Health risks

Mucous membranes of the rectum

Anal sex exposes participants to two principal dangers: infections, due to the high number of infectious microorganisms not found elsewhere on the body, and physical damage to the anus and the rectum due to their vulnerability.

Recent reports have documented that risky behavior is on the rise among men who have sex with men.[25] Likewise, among men who have sex with women, a 1992 study of socially and sexually active Puerto Rican men indicated that of the more than 40% who reported having anal sex with women, very few had used condoms.[26] Among gay men, anal sex without the use of a condom is referred to as barebacking.

HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases

Among the diseases with which anal sex is associated are HIV,[27] human papilloma virus (HPV) (which can increase risk for anal cancer)[28] typhoid fever[29] and various diseases associated with the infectious nature of fecal matter or sexual intercourse in general. Among these are: amoebiasis; chlamydia; cryptosporidiosis; E. coli infections; giardiasis; gonorrhea; hepatitis A; hepatitis B; hepatitis C; herpes simplex; human papillomavirus; Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (HHV-8)[30]; lymphogranuloma venereum; pubic lice; salmonellosis; shigella; syphilis; tuberculosis.[31][32][33]

The high concentration of white blood cells around the rectum, together with the risk of cuts to the rectum and that one of the functions of the rectum is to absorb fluid, increases the risk of HIV transmission because the HIV retrovirus reproduces within the immune system's T-cells/CD4 cells. Use of condoms and other precautions are a medically recommended way to lessen risk of infections. Unprotected receptive anal sex is the most risky sexual behavior in terms of HIV transmission.[34][35][36]

Increased risk of anal cancer due to HPV

Most cases of anal cancer are related to infection with the human papilloma virus. The incidence of the disease has jumped 160% in men and 78% in women in the last thirty years, according to a 2004 American study. The increase is attributed to changing trends in sexual behavior and tobacco use. Current use of tobacco increased the incidence of anal cancer fourfold, while a history of multiple sex partners (fifteen or more) or receptive anal sex increased the incidence sevenfold.[37]

Physical damage

Physical damage to the rectum and anus can manifest as generalized ano-rectal trauma, hemorrhoids, anal fissures,[31] and rectal prolapse. An insufficient amount of lubricant can make it especially painful or injurious.[38] Damage is more likely if intercourse is forcible or aggressive, if alcohol or other drugs have dulled sensitivity, if communication is poor, or if technique is clumsy.[citation needed]

Anal incontinence

Loss of control over the bowels, though rare according to some, is thought to be a valid concern[39] and is reported to be caused by repeated injury, or by the insertion of large objects,[40] or simply by regular anal sex, which "leads to internal sphincter dilation and soiling."[41]

A 1993 study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine found that fourteen out of a sample of forty men receiving anal intercourse experienced episodes of frequent anal incontinence.[42] However, a 1997 study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found no difference in levels of incontinence between homosexual men who engaged in anal sex and heterosexual men who did not, and criticised the earlier study for its inclusion of flatulence in its definition of incontinence.[43]

Dr. Jack Morin recommended kegel exercises to prevent loss of muscle tone from anal fisting or insertion of large objects in a presentation of clinical aspects of anal sexuality, delivered at the 1998 joint conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and the American Association of Sex Educators. He added, however, that he had never personally observed "loosening" in any of his patients[44].

Cultural issues

A shunga print depicting a man and a youth

Historically, a number of cultures have recorded the practice of anal intercourse between men. The males who participated in such relationships often did not do so exclusively, as participation in these relationships between men did not preclude sex with women. Such relations have also been documented as taking place in houses of prostitution, which provided youths or young men.

Ancient and non-Western cultures

The term "Greek love" has long been used to refer to the practice, and in modern times, "doing it the Greek way" is sometimes used as slang for anal sex. However, homosexual anal sex was far from a universally accepted practice in Ancient Greece. It was the target of jokes in surviving comedies; Aristophanes mockingly alludes to the practice, claiming that "Most citizens are europroktoi (wide-arsed) now."[45] While pedagogic pederasty was an essential element in the education of male youths, these relationships, at least in Athens and Sparta, were expected to steer clear of penetrative sex of any kind. There are very few works of pottery or other art that display anal sex between older men and boys, let alone with adult men. Most such works depict fondling or intercrural sex, which was not condemned for violating and feminizing the boys. Other sources make it clear that the practice was criticized as shameful,[46] and seen as a form of hubris.[47]

Two Roman males in a lupanar; Warren Cup, British Museum

In later Roman age Greek poetry, anal sex became a common topos, represented as taking place with "eligible" youths: those who had attained the proper age but had not yet become adults. Seducing children into the practice was considered very shameful for the adult, and having such relations with a male who was no longer adolescent was considered more shameful for the young male than for the one mounting him. Greek courtesans, or hetaerae, are said to have frequently practiced heterosexual anal intercourse as a means of preventing pregnancy.[48] The acceptability of anal sex thus varied with the time-period and the location, as Ancient Greece spanned a long time and stretched over three continents and two major seas.

For a male citizen to take the passive (or receptive) role in anal intercourse was condemned in Rome as an act of impudicitia (immodesty or unchastity). Free men, however, frequently took the active role with a young slave, known as a catamite or puer delicatus. In fact the Romans thought of anal sex as something specifically "Greek," although Roman men often availed themselves of their own slaves or others in this way.[49]

In Japan, records (including detailed shunga) show that at least some men in relationships with other men did engage in penetrative anal intercourse.

Man and woman having anal sex. Ceramic, Moche Culture. 300 C.E. Larco Museum Collection

Evidence suggestive of widespread heterosexual anal intercourse in a pre-modern culture can be found in the erotic vases, or stirrup-spout pots, made by the Moche people of Peru; in a survey[50] of a collection of these pots, it was found that 31 percent of them depicted heterosexual anal intercourse, more by far than any other sex act. Moche pottery of this type belonged to the world of the dead, which was believed to be a reversal of life. Thus the reverse of common practices was often portrayed. The Larco Museum houses an Erotic Gallery in which this pottery is showcased.

The 19th century anthropologist Richard Francis Burton has theorized that there is a geographical Sotadic zone wherein penetrative intercourse between men is particularly prevalent and accepted; moreover he was one of the first writers to advance the premise that such an orientation is biologically determined.[51]

Western cultures

In many Western countries, anal sex has generally been taboo since the Middle Ages when heretical movements were sometimes attacked by accusations that their members practised anal sex among themselves. At that time the mainstream Christian clergy was not celibate, but the highest orders of some heretical sects were, leading to rumours that their celibacy was a sign of their attraction to members of the same sex. The term buggery originated in medieval Europe as an insult used to describe the rumoured same-sex sexual practices of the heretics from a sect originating in Bulgaria, where its followers were called bogomils; when they spread out of the country they were called buggres (from the ethnonym Bulgars). Another term for the practice, more archaic, is "pedicate" from the Latin pedicare, with the same meaning.[52]

The Renaissance poet Pietro Aretino advocated the practice in his Sonetti Lussuriosi (Lust Sonnets).[53]

While men who engaged in homosexual relationships were generally suspected of engaging in anal sex, many such individuals did not. Among these, in recent times, have been André Gide, who found it repulsive[54]; and Noel Coward, who had a horror of disease, and asserted when young that "I'd never do anything - well the disgusting thing they do - because I know I could get something wrong with me."[55]

In different religions

François-Rolland Elluin, Sodomites provoking divine wrath, from Le pot-pourri (1781)

This prohibition of the Abrahamic religions against anal sex has been promulgated under the rubric of "sodomy," which includes various other transgressions of a sexual nature, whether with men, women or animals. This idea is vividly brought to life in the popular interpretation of the story of Sodom, where the people were prone to sexual immorality, and as a result were destroyed. There are conflicting views as to why Sodom was destroyed.


Orthodox Judaism teaches that homosexual anal sex is a sin and an abomination. This teaching is from the Biblical passages of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. The injunction "Do not lie with a man the lyings of a woman; it is abhorrent" has led rabbinical scholars to conclude "these verses prohibit anal sex between men without any exception". The Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist branches of Judaism are accepting of homosexuality, but less so of sodomy.[56]


Historically in European countries it has often been referred to euphemistically as the peccatum contra naturam (the sin against nature, after Thomas Aquinas) or Sodomitica luxuria (sodomitical lusts, in one of Charlemagne's ordinances), or peccatum illud horribile, inter christianos non nominandum (that horrible sin that among Christians is not to be named). Christian religions disapprove of anal sex, although the degree of disapprobation varies greatly between denominations.[citation needed]


Liwat, or the sin of Lot's people, is officially prohibited by most Islamic sects. There are parts of the Qur'an which talk about smiting on Sodom and Gomorrah, and this is thought to be a reference to unnatural sex, and so there are hadith and Islamic laws which prohibit it. Practitioners of anal relations are called luti and are seen as criminals in the same way that a thief is a criminal, meaning that they are giving in to a universal temptation. Liwat with a woman is known as lesser liwat and with a man as greater liwat.[57]


There is no explicit prohibition against anal sex in Buddhist teachings. The Buddha left very few absolute prohibitions against specific human conduct and principally encouraged the repetition of right action as a way to enlightenment and the gaining of positive karma.

See also


  1. ^ WordNet Search - 3.0
  2. ^ Anal Sex For Beginners
  3. ^ Deborah Dortzbach, W. Meredith Long, The AIDS Crisis; p.97
  4. ^ Jayson, Sharon (2005-10-19). "'Technical virginity' becomes part of teens' equation". USA Today. Gannett Co. Inc. Retrieved 2007-04-29.
  5. ^ Friedman, Mindy (2005-09-20). "Sex on Tuesday: Virginity: A Fluid Issue". The Daily Californian. Retrieved 2007-04-29.
  6. ^ The 700 Club. "Hayley DiMarco: The New Promiscuous". CBN. Retrieved 2007-04-29.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  7. ^ Uecker, Jeremy E.; et al. "Going Most of the Way: "Technical Virginity" among Young Americans". Retrieved 2007-04-30. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help); Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help)
  8. ^ Savage Love Female-to-Male strap-on sex naming contest, origin of the word Pegging, retrieved May 4, 2007
  9. ^ askmen.com
  10. ^ [1] 2006 survey of sexual behavior from the CDC.
  11. ^ Anne-Christine d'Adesky, Expanding Microbicide Research in amfAR Global Link - Treatment Insider; May 2004
  12. ^ Bradley Hasbro Children's Research Center
  13. ^ "Les pratiques sexuelles des Françaises" (in French). TNS/Sofres. Retrieved 2007-04-30.Survey carried out by TNS/Sofres in a representative sample of 500 women from 18 to 65 years of age, in April and May, 2002.
  14. ^ Yi, Ung-hoe; Sin, Jong-seong; Choe, Hyeong-gi (1999), "한국여성의 성형태에 대한 연구 (Sexual Behavior of Korean Women)", Daehan Namseong Gwahak Hoeji, 17 (3): 177–185
  15. ^ "Healthy sex is all in the talk". The Georgia Straight. 2005-05-05. Retrieved 2007-06-14.
  16. ^ Not all gay men have anal sex Originally Published: May 10, 1996 ~ Last Updated / Reviewed on: October 14, 2005
  17. ^ [2]
  18. ^ The A-Spot, Talk Sex with Sue Johansen, 2005, retrieved 2007-04-29
  19. ^ The G Spot: And Other Discoveries About Human Sexuality by Alice Kahn Ladas, Beverly Whipple, and John D. Perry, pg 57.
  20. ^ Bigger is better when it comes to the G spot, Nicola Jones, NewScientist.com, July 2002, retrieved 2007-04-29
  21. ^ Zaviacic M, Jakubovská V, Belosovic M, Breza J (2000). "Ultrastructure of the normal adult human female prostate gland (Skene's gland)". Anat Embryol (Berl). 201 (1): 51–61. PMID 10603093.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  22. ^ " There is a common misconception that anal sex is practised almost exclusively by gay men. This is certainly not the case. It is thought that an estimated one third of gay couples do not include anal intercourse in their lovemaking. About one third of heterosexual couples try it from time to time. It is thought that about 10 per cent of heterosexual couples have anal intercourse as a regular feature of their lovemaking. In absolute numbers, it is hypothesized that more heterosexual couples have anal sex than homosexual couples.[3]
  23. ^ William A. Percy and John Lauritsen, Review in The Gay & Lesbian Review, November-December 2002
  24. ^ H. Montgomery Hyde, The Love That Dared not Speak its Name; pp.6-7
  25. ^ a b Center for Disease Control, Increases in Unsafe Sex and Rectal Gonorrhea Among Men Who Have Sex With Men -- San Francisco, California, 1994-1997[4], retrieved 2007-04-29
  26. ^ Crandon JE. Int Conf AIDS. 1992 Jul 19-24; 8: D527 (abstract no. PoD 5830) Hertford College, Oxford University, UK; "A study concerning HIV related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours in a sample of Puerto Rican men and its relevance to AIDS education, prevention and outreach in San Juan, Puerto Rico."[5] Accessed 27 September 2007
  27. ^ What are the Dangers of Anal Sex?, SexInfo, University of California at Santa Barbara, retrieved 2007-04-29
  28. ^ Anal Cancer in Gay & Bisexual Men, LGBTHealthChannel, retrieved 2007-04-29
  29. ^ Sexual Transmission of Typhoid Fever: A Multistate Outbreak among Men Who Have Sex with Men, Reller, Megan E. et al., Clinical Infectious Diseases, volume 37 (2003), pages 141 – 144, retrieved 2007-04-29
  30. ^ John Pauk, M.D., M.P.H., Meei-Li Huang, Ph.D., et al., "Mucosal Shedding of Human Herpesvirus 8 in Men" New England Journal of Medicine 343 19: 1369 - 1377
  31. ^ a b Anal Health, Sexual Health Channel, retrieved 2007-04-29
  32. ^ Diseases From Anal Sex Harold Oster, MD, iVillage, retrieved 2007-04-29
  33. ^ Tuberculosis, The Mayo Clinic, retrieved 2007-04-29
  34. ^ High-Risk Sexual Behavior by HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men --- 16 Sites, United States, 2000--2002, MMWR Weekly, October 1, 2004 / 53(38);891-894, retrieved 2007-04-29
  35. ^ "Am I at Risk for HIV Infection?" Mark Cichocki, About:HIV/AIDS, retrieved 2007-04-29
  36. ^ The truth about barebacking Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, PlanetOut, retrieved 2007-04-29
  37. ^ Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Changing Trends in Sexual Behavior May Explain Rising Incidence of Anal Cancer Among American Men and Women[6], retrieved 2007-09-23
  38. ^ Importance of Foreplay dudeman41465, The Sexuality Guide November 3, 2005, retrieved 2007-04-29
  39. ^ The Hot Guide to Safer Sex By Yvonne K. Fulbright p.208
  40. ^ " Although the threat of fecal incontinence from anal sex is small, it can occur from repeated injury to the internal sphincter." Duke University Student Health Center website [7]
  41. ^ The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery By Bruce G. Wolff, James W. Fleshman, J.M. Church, p.654; Springer, New York. 2007
  42. ^ Effect of anoreceptive intercourse on anorectal function AJ Miles, TG Allen-Mersh and C Wastell, Department of Surgery, Westminster Hospital, London; in Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Vol 86, Issue 3 144-147; 1993, retrieved 2007-04-29
  43. ^ Chun AB, Rose S, Mitrani C, Silvestre AJ, Wald A: Anal sphincter structure and function in homosexual males engaging in anal receptive intercourse. Amer J of Gastroenterology 92:465-468, 1997
  44. ^ Jack Morin Transcript
  45. ^ The Eleven ComediesAristophanes et al., Part 7 out of 8, retrieved
  46. ^ Aesop, "Zeus and Shame" (Perry 109, Chambry 118, Gibbs 528), in Fables
  47. ^ David Cohen, "Sexuality, Violence, and the Athenian Law of Hubris" Greece and Rome; V.38.2 pp171-188
  48. ^ James E. Miller, "The Practices of Romans 1:26: Homosexual or Heterosexual?" Novum Testamentum 37 1 (1995): 9. "Heterosexual anal intercourse is best illustrated in Classical vase paintings of hetaerae with their clients, and some scholars interpret this as a form of contraception."
  49. ^ Quignard, Pascal (1996) Le Sexe et l'effroi
  50. ^ Rafael Larco Hoyle and Dr. Francisco Guerra, quoted in Tannahill, Reay (1992) Sex in History, p. 297-298
  51. ^ Burton, Sir Richard Francis (1885). "Section D: Pederasty". "Terminal Essay", from his translation of The Arabian Nights.
  52. ^ "I have derived the word pedicate from the Latin paedicare or pedicare, meaning "to penetrate anally." in "The Warren Cup: homoerotic love and symposial rhetoric in silver," Note 6;The Art Bulletin, March, 1999 by John Pollini [8]
  53. ^ Daileader, Celia R. (Summer 2002). "Back Door Sex: Renaissance Gynosodomy, Aretino, and the Exotic" (PDF). English Literary History. 69 (2). The Johns Hopkins University Press: 303–334. Retrieved 2007-04-30.
  54. ^ Love's Litany By Kevin Kopelson p.62
  55. ^ Philip Hoare, Noel Coward: A Biography p.18
  56. ^ Silver, Ian (1995). "Homosexuality And Judaism". ReligionFacts. Retrieved 2006-09-09.
  57. ^ Anwar, Ghazala. 2001. "Islam, Homosexuality and Migration". Foundation Conference on Islam in the West and Homosexuality. "Some scholars refer back to the Shari’ah rules ... argue that anal sex between men, as considered equivalent to heterosexual intercourse, is punishable by one hundred whiplashes for an unmarried man and death by stoning for a married man. Other traditional scholars have ruled that “sodomy” between men is always punishable by death for both partners, whether married or not, based on a hadith. The punishment of toppling a wall on two men who practised “sodomy,” which is sometimes reported, particularly in Afghanistan, is based on another hadith."

Further reading

  • Bentley, Toni The Surrender: An Erotic Memoir, Regan Books, 2004.
  • Brent, Bill Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men, Cleis Press, 2002.
  • Hite, Shere The Hite Report on Male Sexuality
  • Houser, Ward Anal Sex. Encyclopedia of Homosexuality. Dynes, Wayne R. (ed.), Garland Publishing, 1990. pp. 48–50.
  • Manning, Lee The Illustrated Book Of Anal Sex, Erotic Print Society, 2003. ISBN 9781898998594
  • Morin, Jack Anal Pleasure & Health: A Guide for Men and Women, Down There Press, 1998. ISBN 9780940208209
  • Sanderson, Terry The Gay Man's Kama Sutra, Thomas Dunne Books, 2004.
  • Strong, Bill with Lori E. Gammon Anal Sex for Couples: A Guaranteed Guide for Painless Pleasure Triad Press, Inc.; First edition, 2006. ISBN 9780965071628
  • Tristan Taormino The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women, Cleis Press, 1997, 2006. ISBN 9781573440288
  • Underwood, Steven G. Gay Men and Anal Eroticism: Tops, Bottoms, and Versatiles, Harrington Park Press, 2003
  • Webb, Charlotte Masterclass: Anal Sex, Erotic Print Society, 2007.