Roman Culture/Images of Bacchus

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Source: <,_at_Olimpia,_front.jpg>

This is a statue called, "Hermes bearing the good person", made by the famous sculptor Praxiteles. It is statue of Hermes holding baby Dionysus before Hermes takes him to King Athamas, who was to raise Dionysus. The statue is made out of marble and one of Hermes' arms is badly damaged. Some archaeologists postulate that the damaged arm was once holding a clump of grapes teasingly above baby Dionysus' head. One of baby Dionysus' arms is also heavily damaged, but some archaeologists postulate that his arm was reaching toward the grapes that Hermes supposedly held teasingly above his head.

Source: <>

This statue is called, "Statue of Dionysus", the maker is unknown. The statue is made out of marble and is from the second century C.E. It was found in Italy and the arms and legs were heavily repaired in the eighteenth century. Dionysus is wearing a wreath and has Hellenistic-style hair. He leans on a woody grape vine. According to mythology, Dionysus created the first grape vine from his blood.