See also: sapphic



Alternative forms




Sappho (Ancient Greek Σαπφώ (Sapphṓ)) +‎ -ic, whence Latin Sapphicus. Sense related to sexuality alludes to Sappho's poetry discussing love between women (see also lesbian).





Sapphic (not comparable)

  1. Relating to the Greek poetess Sappho from Lesbos or her poetry.
  2. (poetry) Of a certain kind of verse reputed to have been invented by Sappho, consisting of five metrical feet, of which the first, fourth, and fifth are trochees, the second is a spondee, and the third a dactyl.
  3. Alternative letter-case form of sapphic: relating to sexual or romantic intimacy between women.





Sapphic (plural Sapphics)

  1. (poetry) A Sapphic verse.
    • 1824, Vicesimus Knox, The Works of Vicesimus Knox, D.D.: With a Biographical Preface:
      His Sapphics, on the story of Bacchus and Ariadne, are easy, elegant, and poetical.
    • 1887, Horace, Horace: The Odes, Carmen Seculare, and Epodes, page 174:
      The first line (which goes by the name of Aristophanes) is a Sapphic without the initial trochees.
    • 1888, Maurice Thompson, A Fortnight of Folly, page 41:
      "A real Sapphic," said Crane, dropping into a poetical tone, as an elocutionist does when he is hungry for an opportunity to recite a favorite sketch.
  2. A person who is sapphic.
    • 2004, Simon Callow, Being an Actor, page 9:
      'Very good,” he said, 'although I must confess that the older I get, the less I am able to enjoy the company of women – except of course our own dear Enid who is so notorious a Sapphic as to be virtually hors concours.
    • 2011 March 17, Annalisa Millo, “A great year for lesbians”, in QSaltake, number 176, page 33:
      There are many of us (yes, even in Utah) who are more style-conscious, socially involved and culturally aware Sapphics than the common opinion dictates.
    • 2019 Summer, Gretal M. (19), review of Her Royal Highness, by Rachel Hawkins in The Chuckanut Reader, page 71:
      Are you a fan of hate-to-love? Roommates? Royalty romances? Geology puns? Sapphics? Her Royal Highness has all of this and more. After Millie discovers her best friend turned maybe girlfriend kissing someone else, she decides to flee []
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Sapphic.



See also
