My academic background is (English) Law, International Conflict Analysis, and Public International Law. In the latter case, specifically, the concept of 'state failure' within international law, using the case-studies of Somalia and Yugoslavia in the early 1990s.

I would be interested to host / lead general topics on public international law within the Law school, and be happy to develop basic materials on these areas. I've created the shell of such a Department (also linked to from Social Sciences > Political Science > International Relations), and have created departments that are necessarily delimited by it, i.e. Private International Law and EU Law.

I'm entirely new to Wikiversity, but find the idea fascinating, and as a professional educator and trainer, with a particular interest in virtual learning, I hope I have something to offer. I am just now beginning to get myself familiar with how I might do that.

DJFC, 7 Sept 2006.