

This links to a specific page in the Congressional Record via the Government Printing Office, and displays the year and volume citation.

This template code was modified from {{Template:UnitedStatesCode}}



Use: {{USCongRec|Year|Section|Page|date=optional}}

  • Year: Year the Congressional Record covers (1995-2007). (Earlier years are not available)
  • Section: Section of the Congressional Record:
    • H: House Pages Section
    • S: Senate Pages Section
    • E: Pages from Extensions of Remarks Section
    • D: Pages from Daily Digest Section
  • Page: Page number (#) within above section.
  • Date: Date of the debate in the Congressional Record (optional).



{{USCongRec|2007|H|1}} returns:
2007 Congressional Record, Vol. 153, Page H1
(First Page of the House proceedings of the 110th Congress)

{{USCongRec|2004|D|1}} returns:
2004 Congressional Record, Vol. 150, Page D1
(Daily Digest Page from the opening day of the 2nd Session of the 108th Congress)

{{USCongRec|1999|S|1457|date=February 12, 1999}} returns:
1999 Congressional Record, Vol. 145, Page S1457 (February 12, 1999)
(A page from the February 12, 1999 edition, during the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton)

{{USCongRec|2005|E|1|date=January 4, 2005}} returns:
2005 Congressional Record, Vol. 151, Page E1 (January 4, 2005)
(Extension of Remarks from January 4, 2005)


View WP version Parameters in (parentheses) are optional.

{{usc-sd}}title(section)(part)(chapter)(subtitle)(subchapter)(posttitle)(endtext)(plainlinks)(pipe)United States Code via Cornell University's Legal Information Institute
{{UnitedStatesCode}}, {{USC}}, {{usc}}titlesection(end of section range)(pipe)USC via Cornell
{{UnitedStatesCode2}}, {{USC2}}, {{usc2}}titlesectiondescriptionUSC via Cornell: description of the section
{{UnitedStatesCodeSec}}, {{USCSec}}titlesection(pipe)USC via Cornell: when citing one of a series of USC sections, where it would be redundant to display the full citation for each section, this template can be used to display only the section number.
{{UnitedStatesCodeSub}}, {{USCSub}}titlesection(levels of "sub")Access to subsection/paragraph/subparagraph/clause/... to allow correct hyperlinking to the anchors embedded in the Cornell pages.
{{USCSub2}}, {{uscsub2}}titlesection(levels of "sub")Combines 'USCSec' and 'USCSub', eliminating redundancy when citing subsections / subparagraphs / &c.
{{usc-clause}}titlesectionclauseUSC via Cornell: allows clauses
{{usc-title-chap}}, {{usctc}}titlechapter(subchapter)(pipe)USC via Cornell: title/chapter links
{{USStat}}, {{usstat}}volumepageStatutes at Large via the Library of Congress, the Government Printing Office, or Google Books
{{USPL}}, {{uspl}}congressordinal lawPublic Law via GPO Access
{{USStatute}}congressordinal law(volume)(page)Combines {{tl|USPL}} and {{tl|USStat}}, then add optional Year (<nowiki>{{{5}}}</nowiki>), Month (<nowiki>{{{6}}}</nowiki>), Day (<nowiki>{{{7}}}</nowiki>)
{{USBill}}congressbill type (S, SJ, HR, HJ)bill number (1–?)(pipe)Congressional bills via THOMAS
{{USHRollCall}}, {{USHVote}}yearvoteHouse Roll call vote via
{{USSRollCall}}, {{USSVote}}congresssessionvoteSenate Roll call vote via
{{USCongRec}}yearsectionpage(date)Congressional Record via GPO Access
{{Federal Register}}, {{USFR}}, {{USFedReg}}volumepageFederal Register via GPO Access
{{Federal reporter}}seriesvolumecase(+ optional parameters)Federal Reporter via Wikisource or OpenJurist
{{CodeFedReg}}, {{USCFR}}volumepartsection(clause)Code of Federal Regulations via GPO Access
{{ExecutiveOrder}}numberExecutive Orders via Wikisource
{{USSG}}chaptersectionU.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines (2009) via the U.S. Sentencing Commission website
{{USSGSub}}chaptersection(up to 3 levels of "sub")U.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines (2009) via the U.S. Sentencing Commission website