This user has been on Wikiquote for
10 years,  1 month, and 6 days.

Quotes of important / famous artists which illustrate and clarify modern art history - that is what I attribute here on Wikiquote. Most of them are quotes of artists, working between 1800-2000. You find the artists which I attributed considerably here, alphabetically ordered. From 2017 I started to add images of the artist's art. My real name is Fons Heijnsbroek. I am a Dutch painter-artist myself, painting mainly abstract art.
I dedicate my Wikiquote-work to my father Theo Heijnsbroek; he showed me the paintings of the Dutch painters like Rembrandt, Ruysdael, Hobbema, Albert Cuyp and others in the Mauritshuis museum in The Hague, when I was still a young boy. This is still a part of me and in me nowadays.

Of the following artists 'A-Z' I attributed till 2019 large amounts of quotes or started their artist-page; then I continued working on the Dutch Wikipedia. I always tried to add images of their art, to make a connection between their words and art.

[ A ]
  • Quotes, Josef Albers
  • Quotes, Carl Andre
  • Quotes, Karel Appel
  • Quotes, Jean Arp
  • Abstract Art, in quotes
  • Abstract Expressionism, in quotes

  • [ B ]
  • Quotes, Hugo Ball
  • Quotes, Giacomo Balla
  • Quotes, Frédéric Bazille
  • Quotes, William Baziotes
  • Quotes, Max Beckmann
  • Quotes, Gerrit Benner
  • Quotes, Joseph Beuys
  • Quotes, Gerard Bilders
  • Quotes, Johannes Warnardus Bilders
  • Quotes, Marie Bilders-van Bosse
  • Quotes, Umberto Boccioni
  • Quotes, Pierre Bonnard
  • Quotes, Johannes Bosboom
  • Quotes, Eugène Boudin
  • Quotes, Georges Braque
  • Quotes, George Breitner
  • Quotes, André Breton
  • Barbizon School, in quotes
  • Blaue Reiter, in quotes
  • Die Brücke, in quotes

  • [ C ]
  • Quotes, John Cage
  • Quotes, Alexander Calder
  • Quotes, Carlo Carrà
  • Quotes, Mary Cassatt
  • Quotes, Paul Cézanne
  • Quotes, Marc Chagall
  • Quotes, Giorgio de Chirico
  • Quotes, John Constable
  • Quotes, Lovis Corinth
  • Quotes, Camille Corot
  • Quotes, Gustave Courbet
  • COBRA, in quotes
  • Color Field, in quotes
  • Constructivism (art), in quotes
  • Cubism, in quotes
    [ D ]
  • Quotes, Salvador Dalí
  • Quotes, Daubigny
  • Quotes, Honoré Daumier
  • Quotes, Edgar Degas
  • Quotes, Eugène Delacroix
  • Quotes, Robert Delaunay
  • Quotes, Maurice Denis
  • Quotes, André Derain
  • Quotes, Narcisse Díaz
  • Quotes, Otto Dix
  • Quotes, Van Doesburg
  • Quotes, Jean Dubuffet
  • Quotes, Marcel Duchamp
  • Quotes, Jules Dupré
  • Dada / Dadaism, in quotes
  • De Stijl, in quotes

  • [ E ]
  • Quotes, M. C. Escher
  • Quotes, Max Ernst
  • Expressionism, in quotes

  • [ F ]
  • Quotes, Helen Frankenthaler
  • Quotes, Eugène Fromentin
  • Quotes, Caspar David Friedrich
  • Fauvism, in quotes
  • Futurism, in quotes

  • [ G ]
  • Quotes, Naum Gabo
  • Quotes, Paul Gabriël
  • Quotes, Thomas Gainsborough
  • Quotes, Paul Gauguin
  • Quotes, Isa Genzken
  • Quotes, Albert Gleizes
  • Quotes, El Greco
  • Quotes, Vincent van Gogh
  • Quotes, Arshile Gorky
  • Quotes, Adolph Gottlieb
  • Quotes, Francisco Goya
  • Quotes, George Grosz
  • Quotes, Phillip Guston
    [ H ]
  • Quotes, Marsden Hartley
  • Quotes, Erich Heckel
  • Quotes, Jacoba van Heemskerck
  • Quotes, Barbara Hepworth
  • Quotes, Ferdinand Hodler
  • Quotes, Hans Hofmann
  • Quotes, Edward Hopper
  • Quotes, Richard Huelsenbeck
  • Quotes, Jopie Huisman

  • [ I ]
  • Quotes, Jozef Isräels
  • Impressionism, in quotes

  • [ J ]
  • Quotes, Jawlensky
  • Quotes, Asger Jorn
  • Quotes, Jasper Johns
  • Quotes, Johan Jongkind

  • [ K ]
  • Quotes, Frida Kahlo
  • Quotes, Wassily Kandinsky
  • Quotes, Ellsworth Kelly
  • Quotes, Per Kirkeby
  • Quotes, Anselm Kiefer
  • Quotes, Kirchner
  • Quotes, Paul Klee
  • Quotes, Yves Klein
  • Quotes, Franz Kline
  • Quotes, B. C. Koekkoek
  • Quotes, Elaine de Kooning
  • Quotes, Willem de Kooning
  • Quotes, Lee Krasner
  • Quotes, Herman Kruyder

  • [ L ]
  • Quotes, Fernand Léger
  • Quotes, Roy Lichtenstein
  • Quotes, El Lissitsky

  • [ M ]
  • Quotes, August Macke
  • Quotes, Aristide Maillol
  • Quotes, Kazimir Malevich
  • Quotes, Édouard Manet
  • Quotes, Jan Mankes
  • Quotes, Piero Manzoni
  • Quotes, Franz Marc
  • Quotes, Filippo Marinetti
  • Quotes, Marino Marini
    [ M ]
  • Quotes, Jacob Maris
  • Quotes, Matthijs Maris
  • Quotes, Willem Maris
  • Quotes, Anton Mauve
  • Quotes, Albert Marquet
  • Quotes, Agnes Martin
  • Quotes, Henri Matisse
  • Quotes, Hendrik Willem Mesdag
  • Quotes, Jean Metzinger
  • Quotes, Jean-François Millet
  • Quotes, Joan Miró
  • Quotes, Joan Mitchell
  • Quotes, Paula Modersohn-Becker
  • Quotes, Piet Mondrian
  • Quotes, Claude Monet
  • Quotes, Henry Moore
  • Quotes, Giorgio Morandi
  • Quotes, Berthe Morisot
  • Quotes, Robert Motherwell
  • Quotes, Otto Mueller
  • Quotes, Edvard Munch
  • Quotes, Gabriele Münter

  • [ N ]
  • Quotes, Barnett Newman
  • Quotes, Kenneth Noland
  • Quotes, Emil Nolde
  • Quotes, Wijnand Nuijen

  • [ O ]
  • Quotes, Georgia O'Keeffe

  • [ P ]
  • Quotes, Max Pechstein
  • Quotes, Francis Picabia
  • Quotes, Pablo Picasso
  • Quotes, Camille Pissarro
  • Quotes, Jackson Pollock
  • Pop Art, in quotes

  • [ R ]
  • Quotes, Rauschenberg
  • Quotes, Roger Raveel
  • Quotes, Ad Reinhardt
  • Quotes, Rembrandt
  • Quotes, Renoir
  • Quotes, Gerhard Richter
  • Quotes, Suze Robertson
  • Quotes, Willem Roelofs
  • Quotes, Mark Rothko
  • Quotes, Théodore Rousseau
  • Quotes, Peter Paul Rubens
  • Quotes, Luigi Russolo
    [ S ]
  • Quotes, Charlotte Salomon
  • Quotes, Andreas Schelfhout
  • Quotes, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
  • Quotes, Arnold Schoenberg
  • Quotes, Hercules Seghers
  • Quotes, Paul Sérusier
  • Quotes, Georges Seurat
  • Quotes, Gino Severini
  • Quotes, Paul Signac
  • Quotes, David Smith
  • Quotes, Frank Stella
  • Quotes, Clyfford Still
  • Quotes, Kurt Schwitters
  • Suprematism, in quotes
  • Surrealism, in quotes

  • [ T ]
  • Quotes, Antoni Tàpies
  • Quotes, Vladimir Tatlin
  • Quotes, Jean Tinguely
  • Quotes, Titian
  • Quotes, Mark Tobey
  • Quotes, Charley Toorop
  • Quotes, Toulouse-Lautrec
  • Quotes, Constant Troyon
  • Quotes, J. M. W. Turner
  • Quotes, Cy Twombly
  • Quotes, Tristan Tzara

  • [ V ]
  • Quotes, Bram van Velde
  • Quotes, Maurice de Vlaminck

  • [ W ]
  • Quotes, Andy Warhol
  • Quotes, Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch
  • Quotes, Marianne von Werefkin
  • Quotes, Hendrik Werkman
  • Quotes, James Whistler
  • Quotes, Fritz Wotruba

  • [ Z ]
  • Quotes, Ossip Zadkine

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