Steveozone. That's me.
I have no idea what to do with this userpage, aside from creating some drama. Perhaps my talkpage should say it all. Perhaps it does.
Don't spend extra time here, just move on and read something entertaining. Make it better if you can.
Are you still here?
I'm a parent. I live in the USA. I have degrees and I teach as a sideline. I like beer and music, I watch TV and movies, and play a few video games occasionally. I'm not particularly against anything, but I'm suspicious of those who are.
I suppose I could use this for a "Things to Do list":
Needed Things
editA new article on Gary Ball, because he really shouldn't be just riding piggyback on Rob Hall
A new article on Keith Warburton, the namesake of Warburton Peak
Improvements to Lopsang Jangbu Sherpa
Ang Dorje Sherpa - Another rockstar climber from Nepal
An article on Christian Kuntner
Heavy cleanup on George Mallory
Expand Lincoln Hall (a humble man; he was notable for far more than being a victim left for dead)
1995 K2 Disaster
Shakey Jake the best Mayor that Ann Arbor has ever had; tuning is optional and you only need one chord.
Expand Anatoli Boukreev
Christopher D. Stone (not the porn actor) creates new ways of thinking about how to preserve our global environment.
Constantine Niarchos - Was a really cool guy, despite some of the few things one might find online. A climber, as well.
Everton youth soccer program - an effective football training program, taken international by Tosh Farrell
George Dijmarescu (climber)
Jim Donini - is that all we have? Really?