Hi. :). It is Monday, May 13, 2013.
It is time to re-annalyze the Meh, or royal cubit. On 2012-Jan-5 147097206.791 km is Perihelion. Divide by 1 billion. 147 097 206.791 / 1 billion = 0.147097207 (147 097 206.791/1 billion) kilometer = 147 097.207 millimeters divide by 280, as the height in meh of the great pyramid. 147 097.207 / 280 = 525.347168 mm = 1 meh or royal cubit This is the base standard of measure. :). 525.347168 millimeters = 1.72357995 feet (1 foot 811⁄16 inches).