Trilinear interpolation is the extension of linear interpolation, which operates in spaces with dimension, and bilinear interpolation, which operates with dimension , to dimension . These interpolation schemes all use polynomials of order 1, giving an accuracy of order 2, and it requires adjacent pre-defined values surrounding the interpolation point. There are several ways to arrive at trilinear interpolation, which is equivalent to 3-dimensional tensorB-spline interpolation of order 1, and the trilinear interpolation operator is also a tensor product of 3 linear interpolation operators.
On a periodic and cubic lattice, let , , and
be the differences between each of , , and the smaller coordinate related, that is:
where indicates the lattice point below , and indicates the lattice point above and similarly for
and .
First one interpolates along (imagine one is "pushing" the face of the cube defined by to the opposing face, defined by ), giving:
Where means the function value of Then one interpolates these values (along , "pushing" from to ), giving:
Finally one interpolates these values along (walking through a line):
This gives us a predicted value for the point.
The result of trilinear interpolation is independent of the order of the interpolation steps along the three axes: any other order, for instance along , then along , and finally along , produces the same value.
The above operations can be visualized as follows: First we find the eight corners of a cube that surround our point of interest. These corners have the values , , , , , , , .
Next, we perform linear interpolation between and to find , and to find , and to find , and to find .
Now we do interpolation between and to find , and to find . Finally, we calculate the value via linear interpolation of and
In practice, a trilinear interpolation is identical to two bilinear interpolation combined with a linear interpolation:
pseudo-code from NASA, describes an iterative inverse trilinear interpolation (given the vertices and the value of C find Xd, Yd and Zd).
Paul Bourke, Interpolation methods, 1999. Contains a very clever and simple method to find trilinear interpolation that is based on binary logic and can be extended to any dimension (Tetralinear, Pentalinear, ...).
Kenwright, Free-Form Tetrahedron Deformation. International Symposium on Visual Computing. Springer International Publishing, 2015 [1].