Sailing at the 1960 Summer Olympics – Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1960 Summer Olympics program in Naples. Seven races were scheduled. 64 sailors, on 31 boats, from 31 nations competed.[1]

Flying Dutchman
at the Games of the XVII Olympiad
Olympics 1960 Configuration
Competitors64 from 31 nations
1st place, gold medalist(s) Peder Lunde Jr.
Bjørn Bergvall
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Hans Fogh
Ole Gunnar Petersen
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Rolf Mulka
Ingo Von Bredow
 United Team of Germany
1964 →


Helmsman (Country) Crew Yachtname Sail No. Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points
    Peder Lunde Jr.   (NOR) Bjørn Bergvall   Sirene N
2 1291 2 1291 10 592 5 893 1 1592 3 1115 10 592 7366 6774
    Hans Fogh   (DEN) Ole Gunnar Petersen   Skum D
7 747 18 337 1 1592 8 689 5 893 1 1592 13 478 6328 5991
    Rolf Mulka   (EUA) Ingo Von Bredow, Achim Kadelbach[4]   Macky VI G
3 1115 10 592 13 478 2 1291 DSQ 0 6 814 1 1592 5882 5882
4   Alan David Butler   (RHO) Christopher Bevan   Peri KR
1 1592 DSQ 0 3 1115 16 388 4 990 10 592 3 1115 5792 5792
5   Ben Verhagen   (NED) Race: 1 - 5
Gerard Lautenschutz  
Race: 6 & 7
Jaap Helder  
Daisy H
4 990 16 388 5 893 3 1115 6 814 7 747 5 893 5840 5452
6   Aleksandr Shelkovnikov   (URS) Viktor Pilchin   Nokaut II SR
16 388 5 893 4 990 DNF 101 3 1115 4 990 7 747 5224 5123
7   Slotty Dawes   (GBR) James Ramus   Beaver K
14 446 1 1592 7 747 7 747 10 592 9 638 9 638 5400 4954
8   Murray Rae   (NZL) Ron Watson   Harmony KZ
9 638 3 1115 14 446 4 990 9 638 DNF 101 6 814 4742 4641
9   Pierre Siegenthaler   (SUI) Michel Buzzi   Fantasio III Z
6 814 8 689 23 231 14 446 7 747 2 1291 14 446 4664 4433
10   Johnny Hooper   (IRL) Peter Gray   Three Leaves IR
11 551 19 314 11 551 1 1592 17 362 8 689 12 513 4572 4258
11   Juan Manuel Alonso-Allende   (ESP) Gabriel Laiseca   Tajamar E
12 513 15 416 6 814 12 513 14 446 13 478 2 1291 4471 4055
12   Mario Capio   (ITA) Tullio Pizzorno   Aldebaran II I
DNF 101 4 990 2 1291 DSQ 0 12 513 5 893 17 362 4150 4150
13   Imre Holényi   (HUN) Albin Molnár   Balaton M
20 291 12 513 9 638 11 551 2 1291 DNF 101 20 291 3676 3575
14   Jean-Claude Cornu   (FRA) Daniel Gouffier   Calypse II F
10 592 9 638 12 513 6 814 20 291 14 446 21 270 3564 3294
15   Hellmut Stauch   (RSA) Bob Standing   Hakahana SA
5 893 13 478 17 362 20 291 19 314 11 551 15 416 3305 3014
16   DeForest Wheeler Trimingham   (BER) Dick Divall   Bermudian KB
23 231 7 747 24 212 18 337 16 388 19 314 4 990 3219 3007
17   Carl Auteried   (AUT) Harald Fereberger   Evita VI OE
13 478 24 212 8 689 17 362 11 551 DNF 101 8 689 3082 2981
18   Rolly Tasker   (AUS) Ian Palmer   Falcon VI KA
17 362 11 551 19 314 9 638 8 689 20 291 23 231 3076 2845
19   Harry Robert Sindle   (USA) Robert Wood   Vim III US
DNF 101 6 814 15 416 10 592 27 161 17 362 18 337 2783 2682
20   Tony Bentley-Buckle   (KEN) Ronald Blaker   Kenya KK
8 689 14 446 DNF 101 13 478 15 416 18 337 19 314 2781 2680
21   Jacques De Brouwere   (BEL) André Maes   Meteor B
18 337 22 250 21 270 19 314 13 478 12 513 16 388 2550 2300
22   Pierre Desjardins   (CAN) Keith Wilson   Mad Dog KC
22 250 21 270 18 337 15 416 DNF 101 15 416 11 551 2341 2240
23   Konstantinos Lymberakis   (GRE) Stylianos Kyriakidis   Olympion GE
24 212 20 291 16 388 24 212 22 250 16 388 22 250 1991 1779
24   Christian Vinge   (SWE) Bengt Waller   Sjovinge S
19 314 23 231 26 177 21 270 18 337 23 231 25 194 1754 1577
25   Godfrey Lightbourn   (BAH) Sigmund Pritchard   Combine BA
15 416 DNF 101 25 194 22 250 26 177 22 250 24 212 1600 1499
26   Richter Wolfgang Edgard   (BRA) Roberto da Rosa   Terrible BL
21 270 17 362 20 291 23 231 21 270 DNS 0 DNS 0 1424 1424
27   Carlos Braga   (POR) Gabriel Lopes   Calcinhas P
25 194 25 194 22 250 26 177 25 194 21 270 27 161 1440 1279
28   Lie Eng Soei   (INA) Leopold Kalesaran   Tengiri RI
26 177 DNF 101 27 161 25 194 23 231 DNF 101 26 177 1142 1041
29   Khin Pe Gyi   (BIR) Park Wing Chow   Yangon BR
27 161 27 161 29 130 27 161 24 212 DNS 0 28 145 970 970
30   Richard Bennett   (BWI) Gerald Bird   Circus KI
28 145 28 145 28 145 28 145 DNF 101 24 212 DNS 0 893 893
31   Fred Zebouni   (LIB) Antoine Sader   Maid Of Lebanon LE
29 130 26 177 DNF 101 DNS 0 DNS 0 DNS 0 DNS 0 408 408

DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified
  = Male,   = Female

Daily standings

Graph showing the daily standings in the Flying Dutchman during the 1960 Summer Olympics

Conditions at Naples


Of the total of three race areas were needed during the Olympics in Naples. Each of the classes was using the same scoring system. The center course was used for the Flying Dutchman.

Date Race Sea Wind direction Wind speed (m/s)
29 August 1960 I Calm SSW 4-5
30 August 1960 II Calm SW 3
31 August 1960 III Slightly rough W 6-8
1 September 1960 IV Calm SSW 3-4
5 September 1960 V Calm SSW 6-7
6 September 1960 VI Sea force two WSW 4-5
7 September 1960 VII Sea force 1 WSW 6-7


  1. ^ "Sailing at the 1960 Summer Olympics: Two Person Heavyweight Dinghy (Flying Dutchman), Open". Olympedia. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
  2. ^ The 1960 Olympic scoring system was used.
  3. ^ Total after applying discard.
  4. ^ Achim Kadelbach competed as a substitute in one race for Ingo Von Bredow, but was not awarded a medal.

