The class WDS-5 is a diesel–electric locomotive used by Indian Railways for shunting and doing departmental works. The model name stands for broad gauge (W), Diesel (D), Shunting (S) engine. The WDS-6 is used all over India.
Indian locomotive class WDS-5
Mughalsarai WDS-5 doing some shunting jobs at MughalSarai Junction
The class was imported in 1967 to address the need for powerful shunting locomotive that will be able to haul 20-24 coach rakes. The previous WDS-4 class was underpowered for this kind of operation.[1] They were manufactured by BLW varanasi using the kits provided by ALCO.[2] The WDS-5 can easily be recognized by their shot nose and flat-ended cab at one end.[3] Some were sold and transferred to industrial concerns and public sectors, but have IR road numbers on them.[4]