The FrOSCon (Free and Open Source CONference) is an annual conference organized by the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and the FrOSCon E.V. The FrOSCon features a variety of lectures and workshops on free and open source software. The event takes place regularly at the end of August since 2006. It is considered one of the largest events of this kind in Europe and the largest in Germany, with the Chemnitzer Linux Days being second.

Music with Linux at FrOSCon 2007

A large range of speakers are part of the scene. Organizational work is done solely by volunteers. Since 2014 the FrOSCon E.V. decided not to charge anything for admission.


Lightshow at FrOSCon 2010

The FrOSCon has covered a wide array of topics over the years.

Year Main topics [1]
  • Bridging the Gap between politics and reality - Open Source Lobbying
  • Security
  • In Rust we trust - Memory safe languages
  • Culture
  • Development
  • Security
  • Web Development
  • Open your Windows for a breeze of fresh air - Open Source in public administration
  • Development
  • If you don't schedule time for maintenance, your system will schedule it for you - everyone needs a break sometimes
  • Culture
  • System Administration
  • This FrOSCon was online on video calls due to the covid-19 pandemic
  • Wood work instead of IT? - Leisure activities you developed during lock down
  • Home-Office365 (-days later) - Lessons learned in the 1st year working from home
  • LPI-Day
  • Development
  • This FrOSCon was online on video calls due to the covid-19 pandemic
  • Working (together) in spite of Corona - Lessons learned on the journey to working from home
  • Clouds on the horizon - What happens when there's no space left in the cloud
  • Privacy vs. pandemic response - Who's protecting our data from the virus
  • Databases
  • Software Defined Anything
  • IOT - The S stands for security
  • Network and Automation Track
  • Security
  • Blessed by the algorithm
  • FrOSCon meets Science
  • there’s a Tux in your window
  • The crossroads of privacy
  • "Coexisting with Bots" – Why can't we just be friends?
  • "The Rise of Machine Learning" – You Only Learn Once
  • "Are you still migrating or have you started working?" – Change in tempo in Open Source development
  • "The golden years are over" – Software-Designpatterns in 2017
  • FrOSCon meets Science
  • Getting to the source
  • Internet of Things
  • Putting Open Data on the map
  • A decade of Free and Open Source Software
  • Cloud
  • New Kids On The Net
  • Open Source to go
  • Open Source Culture
  • Monitoring
  • State of the Init
  • Virtualisation


  1. ^ FrOSCon schedule page