2006 Governor General's Awards

The 2006 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit: Finalists in 14 categories (68 books) were announced October 16, winners announced November 21 and awards presented December 13.[1] The prize for writers and illustrators was $15,000 and "a specially bound copy of the winning book".[1]

In a novelty, the winners were announced at simultaneous press conferences in Toronto and Montreal, with English-language assembled in Toronto and French-language winners assembled in Montreal. The finale spanned two days in Ottawa, with presentations December 13 at Rideau Hall, the Governor General's residence; readings and books signings at Library and Archives Canada on December 14.[1]


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction   Peter Behrens, The Law of Dreams
Non-fiction   Ross King, The Judgment of Paris: The Revolutionary Decade That Gave the World Impressionism
Poetry   John Pass, Stumbling in the Bloom
Drama   Daniel MacIvor, I Still Love You
Children's literature   William Gilkerson, Pirate's Passage
Children's illustration   Leo Yerxa, Ancient Thunder
French to English translation   Hugh Hazelton, Vetiver (Vétiver, Joël Des Rosiers)


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction   Andrée Laberge, La Rivière du loup
Non-fiction   Pierre Ouellet, À force de voir: histoire de regards
Poetry   Hélène Dorion, Ravir: les lieux
Drama   Évelyne de la Chenelière, Désordre public
Children's literature   Dany Laferrière, Je suis fou de Vava
Children's illustration   Rogé, Le gros monstre qui aimait trop lire
English to French translation   Sophie Voillot, Un jardin de papier (Salamander, Thomas Wharton)


  1. ^ a b c "The Canada Council for the Arts announces finalists for the 2006 Governor General's Literary Awards". News Releases – 2006. Canada Council (canadacouncil.ca). October 16, 2006. Archived 2013-05-29. Retrieved 2015-08-20.