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•'''''Taariikhda Sheikh Ahmadeey Sheikh Muhumad”'''''
{{about|how to edit Wikipedia in general|the editing policy|Wikipedia:Editing policy|information on how and where you can contribute|Wikipedia:Contributing to Wikipedia|getting help from someone|Wikipedia:Questions}}
{{Wikipedia how-to|WP:HEP|H:EDIT|H:E}}
Halkan Ka Akhriso, Taariikhda Sheikh Axmadeey” Sheikh Mixumad.”
{{contributing to Wikipedia}}
Markaan wax yar oon ka soo xigtay odayaasheenii Halyeey wadani Sheikh Axmadeey Sheikh Muxumadʼs Wuxuu ku dhashay Tuulada Dhakaajo oo dagmada Baardheere u jirta ila 15km. Sanadka uu dhashay oo sax ah lama hayo balse qiyaastii waxay ahayd sanadii 1719. Waxay dhakaajo ku taala wabiga Jubba. Wuxuu ku laha dhul beereed lagu qiyasay 275 hictar. Dhulkaas oo ah dhul deegaan ahna dhul aad ogu wanaagsan beerashada dalaga noocyadiisa. Dhulkaas oo ah dhul Sheikhaal khasatan Reer Aw,Caballe Aw,Qudub. Waxaa gacanta ku hayo,
awladii uu dhalay Sheikh Muxumad Hussein. Waxana kamid ah Sheikh Abdikariim Sheikh Osman iyo dad badan oo uu dhalay, Sheikh Muxumad Sheikh Axmadeey iyo dad badan oo uu dhalay, Dr Maxamed Sheikh Abdikariim Sheikh Cusman. Halyeey Sheikh Axmadeey Sheikh Muxumadʼs intaa kadib,
waxaa dilay oo waliba daldalaad ku sameeyay, gumaystihii Ingiriiska. Xilligii isticmaarka Sheekha Axmadeey wuxuu ahaa nin daaci diimeed ah, kana soo horjeeday afkaarta mustacmarka ah. Maadaama uu ahaa nin aqoonyahan ah waliba aad ogu xeel dheeraa, arima diinta iyo xaquulal insaanka. Wuxuu Sheekhu ka dhex muuqday liidharna u
ahaa, Qabaa'illadii Somaliyeed ee deeganka daganaa. Sheikh Axmadeey wuxuu iclaamiyay si layskaga kor qaado mustacmarka najista ah oo diintii iyo dadkii islaamka ahaa fitno ku dhex wada .
Sheikh Axmadeey Sheikh Muxumadʼs markii uu jaajuusiintii isticmaarku ay ogaaden in la helay sirtiisi iclaaminta Jihaadka lala galaayo gaalada, Sheikhu waa la soo qabtay. Waxaana lala soo qabtay dadkii ka qaatay fikirkiisi ee deegaanka. Waxa lagu qiyaasay ilaa 40 Nin oo ahaa wax garadkii deegaanka ee la soo farmuuqay. Ragaas oo ahaa kuwii damiirka iyo dadnimada lagu tuhmayay ee deegaankaas.
Waxaa dadkaas hogaan u ahaa, naxariistii Janno Alle ha siiyo,e Sheikh Axmadeey Sheikh Muxumad Hussein. Waxaana lagu soo xirxiray, silsilado oo lugaha iyo gacmahaba. Ayaga oo waliba lagu soo xirxiray Awr Geel ah seentiisa. Gumaystuhu waxaa saldhig u ahaa magaalada Kismaayo. Sidaas daraadeed ayay si xun oo xanuun badan loogu gaystay safarkii geerida naxdinta iyo xusuusta kululayd, nagu reebta. Walina lama hayo cid diiwaankaasi daba gashay. Allaha swt ha naxariisto dhamantood, waxay ahayeen mushaahidiin lahubo. Sida Alle noogu cadeeyay kitaabkiisa kariimka. Jannatul firdowso allaha ku marti qaado Sheikh Axmedy Sheikh Muxumad iyo xirtiisiiba. Markii
lamarayay Halka lagu magacaabo Sacmooja ee Kismayo Vi Afmadoow, ayaa sida la sheegay mar kaliya laga dhexwaayay halkuu kaga furtay Sheikhu, maxaabiistaasi kale. Balse waxaa la sheegay in uu ku geeriyooday Sacmoojo oo
Kismayo u muuqata. Sacmojo waa geed yaaq ah oo magaalada Kismayo caan ka ah. Cid walbana oo xirtiisii ahaydna ay ku sheegeen, in uu halkaas la soo gaaray. Balse intaas ka dib, aan la xaqiijin karin halka uu Jan iyo cirib dhigay. Raxiima Allaah. Xigasho, Garyaqaan, Mohamed Khaliif Hassan Sheikh Osman.
Yaa la dhashay Halyeey, Sheikh Axmadeey Sheikh Muxumadʼs? Waxan haya in ay la
dhasheen afar rag ah iyo hal dumar ah. Balse sax ma ila ahan oo aniga aya wada garaneeynin. Inta aan hayo waa, Abdikariim Sheikh Muxumadʼs, Mursal Sheikh Muxumadʼs, Nuuroow Sheikh Muxumadʼs iyo Ali Sheikh Muxumad.
Ruqiyo Sheikh Muxumadʼs,
Maxaa Caruur ah oo uu dhalay Halyeey, Sheikh Axmadeey Sheikh Muxumadʼs?
Afar rag ah iyo afar dumar ah ayaan aniga ogahay. Ragga waxay kala yihiin, Sheikh Osman Sheikh Axmadeey waa Curadkii
Sheikh Axmadeey, Sheikh Abdullahi Sheikh Axmadeey, Sheikh Abdiraxman Sheikh Axmadeey, Sheikh Salax
Sheikh Axmadeey iyo mid siduu u dhaqaaqay la waayey. Gabdhaha Sheikh Axmadeey, waxay kala yihiin, Amina Sheikh Axmadeey, Maryan Sheikh Axmadeey, Daynabo Sheikh Axmadeey iyo Zaynab Sheikh Axmadeey.
Cidii xog dheeri ah haysa ama sidan wax ka badaleeysa, Taariikhda Sheikh Axmadeey Sheikh Muxumad” fatlan noo soo gudbi.
Qoraa, Mohamed Omar Osman{{About|how to edit Wikipedia in general|the editing policy|Wikipedia:Editing policy|information on how and where you can contribute|Wikipedia:Contributing to Wikipedia|getting help from someone|Wikipedia:Questions}}
{{Wikipedia how to|WP:HEP|H:EDIT|H:E}}
{{Contributing to Wikipedia}}
[[File:Wikipedia video tutorial-1-Editing-en.ogv|thumb|250px|Editing tutorial for Wikipedia]]
{{ombox|image=none|small=y|text='''Note''': You can use the [[Draft:Sandbox|sandbox]] to experiment with page editing.|imageright=[[File:Sandbox.svg|52px]]}}
[[Wikipedia]] is a [[wiki]], meaning anyone can edit nearly any<ref name="protection"/> page and improve articles immediately. You do not need to register to do this, and anyone who has edited is known as a ''[[Wikipedia:Wikipedians|Wikipedian]]'' or ''editor.'' Small edits add up, and every editor can be proud to have made Wikipedia better for all. There are two editing interfaces: the new [[Wikipedia:VisualEditor|VisualEditor]] (VE) and classic [[Help:Wikitext|wikitext]] editing (wiki markup), which uses the [[Help:Introduction to editing with Wiki Markup/1|Source Editor]].
== Editing articles ==
{{Side box|text='''Note''': You can use the [[Draft:Sandbox|sandbox]] to experiment with page editing.|imageright=[[File:Sandbox.svg|52px]]}}
{{see also|Wikipedia:FAQ/Editing|Help:Introduction to editing with VisualEditor/1}}
[[Wikipedia]] is a [[wiki]], meaning anyone can edit almost any<ref name="protection"/> page and improve articles immediately. You do not need to register to do this, and anyone who has edited is known as a [[Wikipedia: Wikipedian|''Wikipedian'']] or ''editor.'' Small edits add up, and every editor can be proud to have made Wikipedia better for all. There are two editing interfaces: the new [[Wikipedia:VisualEditor|VisualEditor]] (VE) and classic [[Help:Wiki markup|wiki markup]] editing (wikitext).
== •'''Taariikhda, Sheikh Muhummed Hussein”'''==
Taariikhda Sheikh Muxumad Hussein’s, ratliyalaahu canhu. Wuxuu ahaa daaci ku xeeldheer diinta islaamka. Waxaa lagu tilmaamay in uu ahaa, nin samaafalka jecel. Oo u gargaara dadka. Sheikh Muxumad’s nooma kala cada taariikhdii uu dhashay ama uu dhintay. Balse waxaa lagu qiyaasaa sanadihii 1600 kii. Sidaas oo kale ma hayno halkii uu ku dhashay, waxaase uu ku dhashay Gobolada Shabeelaha Hoose ama Jubooyinka meel ka mid ah. Wuxuu ahaa, Macalimmkii mandaqada Koonfurta dalka Somaliya. Sheikh Muxumad’s Wuxuu ahaa, Halyeey Somaliyeed oo la dagaalamay,
mustacmarkii Ingiriiska iyo Talyaaniga ee dalka Somaliya ku soo duulay. Dagaalkaas oo uu isaga ku adkaaday, uuna ku dilay, ninkii Ciidamada Ingriiska madaxda u ahaa ee lagu magacaabi jiray, ( Elian ) Sheikh Muxumad’s wuxuu ahaa, ninkii bilaabay deegaanka Dhakaajo Bardheere. Wuxuu Dhakaajo isugu keenay Beelo Somaliyeed iyo Beeshiisa, Sheikhaal Fiqi Omar’s. Sheikhu wuxuu ka dhashay Beesha Sheikhaal Aw,Qudub, Aw,Cabdalle gaar ahaan Jufada Reer Sheikh Cas. Balse dhaqanka Sheikh Muhumed Hussein’s wuxuu aha baa la yiri, Shaqsi Ummada Somaliyeed dhammaan u dhexeeyo Jareer iyo Jileecba. Caruurtii uu Dhalay, Sheikh Muxumad’s? “ Caruurta uu dhalay waxay kala ahayeen? •Sheikh Axmadeey Sheikh Muxumad, •Nuuroow Sheikh Muxumad, •Mursal Sheikh Muxumad, •Abdikarim Sheikh Muxumad •Ruqiyo Sheikh Muxumad iyo Ali Sheikh Muxumad. Taariikhda Sheikh
Muxumad Hussein.” Halkan kuma soo koobikarno, waase waxyarookamidah Taariikhdiisa. Sheikh Muxumad Hussein” wuxuu ahaa madaxdii dadkii la dhihi jire (Aji) sida lawada ogyahayna Aji” dagaal ayeey ku qaaday dadkii halkaas hortood daganaa oo Booranta iyo Wardeeyda la dhihi jiray, (Kush People’s) Dadka waagaas waxaa la dhihi jiray, Aji iyo Ajuuraan. Colkaas Aji ka hore majirin oo Aji ayaa bilaabay. Dadkaas Kushka ahna waxay daganaayeen, inta u dhexeysa labada wabi ee Jubba iyo kan Taana Riiva Kenya. Nimankaas lagu magacaabi jiray Ajiga oo Qaybaheeda kala ahaa, marka laga reebo Ajuuraan” wexey qabsadeen dhamaan dhulkii ay daganaayeen, Wardayda iyo Booran. Waxay la wareegeen inta u dhexeysa labadaas Wabi ee Jubba iyo Taana Riva. Sheikh Muxumad’s oo aan marnaba raali ahayn dagaalka lagu qaaday dadkaas. Intaas ka dib, Sheikh Muxumad
Hussein’s wuxuu fariin u diray, dadkaas is biirsaday ee la dhehi jiray, Aji.” Sheikh Muxumad wuxuu u soo jeediyay in ay dagaalka la joojiyo oo Aji” dib uu u soo laabto. Asaga oo raadinaaya nabad iyo in aan dadka la dhibaataynin. Bals Colkii Ajiga ee Somalida ahaa way ka dhaga adeegeen baaqii Sheikh Muxumad Hussein’s. Gabogabo weeyn iyo xasuuq aad u daran ayaa qabsaday colkii Ajiga. Oo hadana iyagii dib isu sii xasuuqay. Intaas kadib Aji” dhulkii ayuu qeebsaday. Ka dibna Dhulkii ayeey qaybsadeen. Balse Sheikh Muxumad Hussein’s waa uu diiday in dhulkaas ay Sheikhaal Qaybteeda ay qaadato. Wuxuuna yiri, ma dooneeyno dhul dadkii daganaa xoog looga qaatay in aan qayb ka qaadano. Waayo taasi waa musiibo Musiibo aduun iyo aakhiraba. Taariikhda Sheikh Muxumad Sheikh Hussein iyo wiilkiisa Sheikh Axmadeey’s, Waxaa iga caawiyey, Farax Abdulle Abdiraxman iyo Ugaas,
Deeqoow Muxumad Abdisitaar iyo Garyaqaan Mohamed Khaliif Hassan. Taariikhda Sheikh Muxumad Sheikh Hussein wali waa socotaa oo ma dhamaan. Fatlan wixii khalad aad ku aragto nala soo xiriir si aan u saxno.
Mahadsanidiin Qoraa, Mohamed Omar Osman Contact email: the website{{See also|Wikipedia:FAQ/Editing|Help:Introduction to editing with VisualEditor/1|label2=Help:Editing with VisualEditor}}
=== Content style and policies ===
{{see also|Wikipedia:Core content policies}}
An [[Wikipedia:Writing better articles#Information style and tone|encyclopedic style]] with a [[Wikipedia:Writing better articles#Tone|formal tone]] is important: straightforward, [[Wikipedia:Summary style|just-the-facts]], instead of essay-like, argumentative, or opinionated. The goal of a Wikipedia article is to create a comprehensive and [[Wikipedia:Neutral point of view|neutrally written]] summary of existing mainstream knowledge about a topic. Wikipedia does not publish [[Wikipedia:No original research|original research]]. An encyclopedia is, by its nature, a [[tertiary source]] that provides a survey of information already published in the wider world. Ideally, all information should be [[Wikipedia:Citing sources|cited]] and [[Wikipedia:Verifiability|verifiable]] by [[Wikipedia:Reliable sources|reliable sources]]. Sourcing requirements are significantly stricter in [[Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons|articles on living persons]].
{{anchor|Edit window}}
An [[Wikipedia:Encyclopedic style|encyclopedic style]] with a [[WP:TONE|formal tone]] is important: straightforward, [[Wikipedia:Summary style|just-the-facts]], instead of essay-like, argumentative, or opinionated. The goal of a Wikipedia article is to create a comprehensive and [[WP:NPOV|neutrally written]] summary of existing mainstream knowledge about a topic. Wikipedia does not publish [[WP:NOR|original research]]. An encyclopedia is, by its nature, a [[tertiary source]] that provides a survey of information already published in the wider world. Ideally, all information should be [[Wikipedia:Citing sources|cited]] and [[WP:Verify|verifiable]] by [[Wikipedia:Identifying reliable sources|reliable sources]]. Sourcing requirements are significantly stricter in [[WP:BLP|articles on living persons]].
=== Edit screen(s) ===
Editing most Wikipedia pages is simple. Wikipedia uses two interface methods: classic editing with the [[Help:Introduction to editing with Wiki Markup/1|Source Editor]] through [[Help:Wikitext|wikitext]] (wiki markup), and a new [[Wikipedia:VisualEditor|VisualEditor]] (VE).
=== {{anchor|Edit window}} Edit screen(s) ===
Editing most Wikipedia pages is simple. Wikipedia uses two interface methods: classicWikitext editing throughusing [[Help:Wikithe markup|wikiSource markup]] (wikitext),and a new [[Wikipedia:VisualEditor|VisualEditor]] (VE). Wiki markup editingEditor is chosen by clicking the <kbd>Edit source</kbd> tab at the top of a Wikipedia page (or on a [[WikipediaHelp: Section|section-edit link]]). This willopens takean youeditable tocopy aof newthe page, containingshowing all the editablewikitext contentsused ofthere, and the currentSource page.Editor Wikitoolbar offers simple menu options to add or change the formatting. markupWikitext is used extensively throughout Wikipedia for such things as [[Help:Link|hyperlinks]], [[Help:Table|tables]] and [[Help:Columns|columns]], [[Help:Footnotes|footnotes]], [[Wikipedia:Inline citation|inline citation]], [[Help:Special characters|special characters]] and so on. The Source Editor lets users toggle on 'wikitext highlighting' which uses different colours to help differentiate article text from wikitext.
The VisualEditor option is intended as a user-friendly, [[WYSIWYG|"What You See Is What You Get"]] ([[WYSIWYG]]) editing aid, allowing one to edit pages without the need to learn wikitext markup. It is only available only to registered, logged-in users through an opt-in choice available through [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures|personal preferences]],. seeSee the [[Wikipedia:VisualEditor/User guide|VisualEditor user guide]] for more information.
<gallery mode="packed" class="center" heights="233" style="font-size:95%" caption="Two editing environments: wikitext and VisualEditor">
File:How to edit a page Edit box.png|alt=Text in a large rectangle below two toolbars and next to a scrollbar.|Edit box showing the [[Help:wiki markupWikitext|wikitext markup]] (screenshot from 2012). You can change the formatting and contents of the page by changing what is written in this box.
File:Wikipedia article in VisualEditor 2018-02-12.png|Screenshot showing the same article in [[Wikipedia:VisualEditor|VisualEditor]]. Unlike the wiki markupwikitext display, VisualEditor will show the text being edited almost as if it were already published.
The Wikipedia community has developed [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style|style guidelines]] to make articles and facts appear in a standardized form, and Wikipedia easier to use as a whole. A basic list of [[Help:Wiki markupWikitext|wiki markupwikitext]] can be found on the [[Help:Cheatsheet|cheatsheet]]. An "[[Help:Edit toolbar|"edit toolbar"]]" is provided just above the edit box (pictured below), which will allowallows logged-in users (by selecting the option in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets|personal preferences]]) to automatically place and format various aspects of wiki code. See [[Help:Wiki markupWikitext]] for more information, remember that you can't break Wikipedia, and, although there are many protocols, [[WPWikipedia:PERFECTIONEditing policy#Wikipedia is a work in progress: perfection is not required|perfection is not required]], as [[WPWikipedia:WIPWikipedia is a work in progress|Wikipedia is a work in progress]].
[[File:AdvancedWikiEditor-advanced toolbar of vector skinmenu-en.png|center]]
When you have finished editing, you should write a short [[Help:Edit summary|edit summary]] in the small field below the edit box (pictured below). You may use shorthand to describe your changes, as described in the [[Wikipedia:Edit summary legend|legend]]. To see how the page looks with your edits, press the "'''Show preview'''" button. To see the differences between the page with your edits and the previous version of the page, press the "'''Show changes'''" button. If you're satisfied with what you see, '''[[Wikipedia:Be bold|be bold]]''' and press the "'''Publish changes'''" button. Your changes will immediately be visible to all Wikipedia users.
Note: Do not sign the edit summary line with your <nowiki>~~~~</nowiki> signature, as it does not work there.
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==== Minor edits ====
{{further|Help:Minor edit}}
[[File:Minor edit.png|thumb|upright|The "minor edit" checkbox (circled) in the wikitext editor]]
A check to the "minor edit" box signifies that only superficial differences exist between the version with your edit and the previous version: typo/grammar corrections, fixing a formatting problem, etc. A ''minor edit'' is a version that the editor believes requires no review and could never be the subject of a dispute. Marking a change as minor does not mean that the edit is unimportant.
A check to the "minor edit" box signifies that only superficial differences exist between the version with your edit and the previous version: typo/grammar corrections, formatting and presentational changes, rearranging of text without modifying content, etc. A ''minor edit'' is a version that the editor believes requires no review and could never be the subject of a dispute. The "minor edit" option is one of several [[Wikipedia:Why create an account?#New editing options|options]] available only to [[Help:Logging in|registered users]]. Editors shouldare notnever feelrequired thatto markinguse athis changebutton. as minorWhen devaluesin theirdoubt, effortconsider your work to be a normal edit.
==== Major edits ====
{{seefurther|Wikipedia:Editing policy#Talking and editing}}
All editors are encouraged to [[Wikipedia:Be bold|be bold]] when improving articles, but there are several things that a user can do to ensure that potentially disruptive edits are performed smoothly. Before engaging in a major edit, a user should consider discussing proposed changes on the article discussion/talk page. During the edit, if doing so over an extended period, the {{tlx|in use}} tag can reduce the likelihood of an [[Help:Edit conflict|edit conflict]]. Once the edit has been completed, the inclusion of an [[Help:Edit summary|edit summary]] will assist in documenting the changes. These steps will help all to ensure that major edits are well received by the Wikipedia community.
All editors are encouraged to [[Wikipedia:Be bold|be bold]] and strong, but there are several things that a user can do to ensure that major edits are performed smoothly. Before engaging in a major edit, a user should consider discussing proposed changes on the article discussion/talk page. During the edit, if doing so over an extended period, the {{tlx|In use}} tag can reduce the likelihood of an edit conflict. Once the edit has been completed, the inclusion of an [[Help:Edit summary|edit summary]] will assist in documenting the changes. These steps will help all to ensure that major edits are well received by the Wikipedia community.
A major edit should be reviewed to confirm that it is consensual to all concerned editors. Therefore, any change that affects the ''meaning'' of an article is major (not minor), even if the edit is a single word.
There are no necessary terms to which you have to agree when doing major edits, but the preceding recommendations have become best practice. If you do it your own way, the likelihood of your edits being reeditedre-edited may be higher.
When making particularly large or complex changes, you may want to copy the article to [[Special:MyPage/sandbox|your sandbox]], so you can make changes without being interrupted by other editors. It is also a good idea to publish changes frequently, so that a browser crash or electrical failure will not result in you losing all of your work.
<!-- Place below here or in intro? -->
When performing a large edit, it is suggested that you periodically, and before pressing "Publish changes", copy your edits into an external text editor (preferably one without formatting, such as [[Notepad (Windows)|Notepad]]). This ensures that in the case of a browser crash you will not lose your work. If you are adding substantial amounts of work, it is also a good idea to publish changes in stages.
=== Adding references ===
{{seefurther|WikipediaHelp:Referencing for beginners|Wikipedia:Citing sources}}
:'' {{hatnote|Introductions: [[Help:Introduction to referencing|Help:Introduction towith referencing (Wiki Markup)/1]] and [[Help:Introduction to referencing (VE)with VisualEditor/1|Help:Introduction to referencing (VisualEditor)]]''}}
[[File:Citing sources tutorial, part 1.ogv|thumb|upright|A screencast that walks through the essentials needed in citing your sources. <small>(2:01&nbsp;min)</small>]]
[[File:RefTools rework.ogv|thumb|right|upright|A screencast that walks through how to use the various features of RefTools. <small>(5:03&nbsp;min)</small>]]
Generally, sources are added directly after the facts they support at the end of the sentence and after any punctuation. Wikipedia permits editors to use any citation system that allows the reader to understand where the information came from and strongly encourages the use of [[Wikipedia:Inline citation|inline citations]] to do so. Common methods of placing inline citations include [[Help:Footnotes|footnotes]], [[Help:Shortened footnotes|shortened footnotes]] and [[Wikipedia:Citing sources#Parenthetical referencing|parenthetical references]].
Inline citations are most commonly placed by inserting a reference between <code><nowiki><ref></nowiki></code> ... <code><nowiki></ref></nowiki></code> tags, directly in the text of an article. The reference is a footnote, appearing as an inline link (e.g. <small><sup><span style="color:#002BB8">[1][2]</span></sup></small>) to a particular item in a collated, numbered list of footnotes, found wherever a {{tl|reflist}} template or <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code> tag is present, usually in a section titled "References" or "Notes". If you are creating a new page or adding references to a page that didn't previously have any, don't forget to add a references section with this display markup.
Generally, sources are added directly after the facts they support at the end of the sentence and after any punctuation. Wikipedia permits editors to use any citation system that allows the reader to understand where the information came from, and strongly encourages use of [[Wikipedia:Inline citation|inline citations]] to do so. Common methods of placing inline citations include [[Wikipedia:Footnotes|footnotes]], [[Help:Shortened footnotes|shortened footnotes]] and [[Wikipedia:Harvard references|parenthetical references]].
There are a number of tools available to help with citation placement and formatting, some of which are internal tools and scripts, while others are available from external sites. For an example of the former, [[Wikipedia:RefToolbar|RefToolbar]] is a [[JavaScript]] toolbar displayed above the edit box that provides the ability to automatically fill out various [[Wikipedia:Citation templates|citation templates]] and insert them in the text already formatted inside <code><nowiki><ref></nowiki></code> ... <code><nowiki></ref></nowiki></code> tags. For an example of the latter, the [ Citer] converts a [[digital object identifier]] (DOI) or [[Google Books]] address (URL) into a filled-out {{tl|cite journal}} or {{tl|cite book}} template ready to be pasted into an article. See [[Help:Citation tools]] for many others.
Inline citations are most commonly placed by inserting a reference between <code><nowiki><ref></nowiki></code> ... <code><nowiki></ref></nowiki></code> tags, directly in the text of an article. The reference is a footnote, appearing as an inline link (e.g. <small><sup><span style="color:#002BB8">[1][2]</span></sup></small>) to a particular item in a collated, numbered list of footnotes, found wherever a {{tl|Reflist}} template or <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code> tag is present, usually in a section titled "References" or "Notes". If you are creating a new page or adding references to a page that didn't previously have any, don't forget to add a references section with this display markup.
There are a number of tools available to help with citation placement and formatting, some of which are internal tools and scripts while others are available from external sites. For an example of the former, [[Wikipedia:RefToolbar|RefToolbar]] is a [[JavaScript]] toolbar displayed above the edit box that provides the ability to automatically fill out various [[Wikipedia:Citation templates|citation templates]] and insert them in the text already formatted inside <code><nowiki><ref></nowiki></code> ... <code><nowiki></ref></nowiki></code> tags. For an example of the latter, the [ Wikipedia citation tool for Google Books] converts a Google Books address (URL) into a filled-out {{tl|cite book}} template ready to be pasted into an article. See [[Help:Citation tools]] for many others.
=== Adding images, sounds, and videos ===
{{main|WikipediaHelp:Creation and usage of media files}}
:'' {{hatnote|Introductions: [[Help:Introduction to uploadingimages imageswith Wiki Markup/1|Help:Introduction uploading images]] and [[Help:Introduction to images (VE)with VisualEditor/1|Help:Introduction to images (VisualEditor)]]''}}
A file that is already hosted on Wikipedia or the [[Wikimedia Commons]] can be inserted with the basic code <code><nowiki>[[File:FILENAME|thumb|DESCRIPTION]]</nowiki></code>. (<code>Image:</code> can be substituted for <code>File:</code> with no change in effect; the choice between the two is purely a matter of editorial preference.) Using <code>thumb</code> generates a [[thumbnail]] of an image (the most common placement option), which is typically sized differently from the original image. The Wikimedia Commons' [[Commons:Special:UploadWizard|File Upload Wizard]] and Wikipedia's [[Wikipedia:File Upload Wizard|File Upload Wizard]], will guide you through the process of submitting media. All files uploaded are [[mirror (computing)|mirrored]] between Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, and searchable from either one. There are various file formats available.
== Article creation ==
{{main|WikipediaHelp:Your first article}}
[[File:How to create a Wikipedia article - Right to science and culture.ogv|upright|thumb|A screencast demonstrating how to create a Wikipedia article manually. <small>(7:50 min)</small>]]
Before [[Help:Your first article|starting a new article]], please understand [[Wikipedia:Notability|Wikipedia's notability requirements]]. In short, the topic of an article must have already been the subject of publication in [[Wikipedia:Reliable sources|reliable sources]], such as books published by major publishing houses, newspapers, magazines, peer-reviewed scholarly journals and websites that meet the same requirements as reputable print-based sources. Information on Wikipedia must be verifiable; if no reliable [[Wikipedia:Independent sources|third-party]] sources can be found on a topic, then it should not have a separate article. Wikipedia's concept of notability applies this basic standard to avoid [[Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not#Wikipedia is not an indiscriminate collection of information|indiscriminate]] inclusion of topics.
An [[Wikipedia:Article wizard|Article Wizard]] is available to help you create articles — it is not required but will help you construct better articles. '''Note:''' The ability to create articles directly in mainspace [[Wikipedia:Autoconfirmed article creation trial/Request for comment on permanent implementation|is restricted]] to autoconfirmed users, though non-confirmed users and non-registered users can submit a proposed article through the [[Wikipedia:Articles for creation|Articles for Creation]] process, where it will be reviewed and considered for publication. Before creating an article, please [[Help:Searching|search]] Wikipedia first to make sure that an article does not already exist on the subject, and please also review the [[Wikipedia:Article titles|article titling policy]] for guidance on what to name the article.
Before [[Wikipedia:Starting an article|starting a new article,]] please understand [[Wikipedia:Notability|Wikipedia's notability requirements]]. In short, the topic of an article must have already been the subject of publication in [[WP:IRS|reliable sources]], such as books published by major publishing houses, newspapers, magazines, peer-reviewed scholarly journals and websites that meet the same requirements as reputable print-based sources. Information on Wikipedia must be verifiable; if no reliable [[Wikipedia:Third-party sources|third-party]] sources can be found on a topic, then it should not have a separate article. Wikipedia's concept of notability applies this basic standard to avoid [[WP:INDISCRIMINATE|indiscriminate]] inclusion of topics.
An [[Wikipedia:Article wizard|Article Wizard]] is available to help you create articles — it is not required but will help you construct better articles. '''Note:''' The ability to create articles directly in mainspace [[WP:ACPERM|is restricted]] to autoconfirmed users, though non-confirmed users and non-registered users can submit a proposed article through the [[Wikipedia:Articles for creation|Articles for Creation]] process, where it will be reviewed and considered for publication. Before creating an article, please [[Wikipedia:Searching|search]] Wikipedia first to make sure that an article does not already exist on the subject, and please also review the [[Wikipedia:Article titles|article titling policy]] for guidance on what to name the article.
== Talk pages ==
{{further|Help:Using talkTalk pages|Wikipedia:Talk page guidelines|WikipediaHelp:Notifications}}
[[File:Editing basics - Talk pages.webm|thumb|upright|thumbtime=1|A screencast demonstrating how to use a talk page. <small>(2:43 min)</small>]]
Every article on Wikipedia has a [[Help:Talk pages|talk page]], reached by clicking the "Talk" tab just above the title (for example, [[Talk:Alexander the Great]]). There, editors can discuss improvements to the content of an article. If you ever make a change that gets [[Wikipedia:Reverting|reverted]] by another editor, discuss the change on the talk page! The [[Wikipedia:BOLD, revert, discuss cycle|BOLD, revert, discuss cycle]] is a popular method of reaching consensus. It is very important that you conduct yourself with [[Wikipedia:Civility|civility]] and [[Wikipedia:Assume good faith|assume good faith]] on the part of others. [[Wikipedia:Edit warring|Edit warring]] (repeatedly overriding or reimplementing contributions) is highly discouraged.
Most other [[Wikipedia:Namespace|types of pages]] on Wikipedia also have associated talk pages, including the [[Wikipedia:User pages|User page]] each editor is assigned once they sign up. When other editors need to contact you, they will usually do this by leaving a message on [[Special:MyTalk|your talk page]]. When someone has left you a message that way, you will see a notice the next time you log in or view a page on Wikipedia.
Every article on Wikipedia has a [[Wikipedia:Talk pages|talk page]], reached by clicking the "Talk" tab just above the title (for example, [[Talk:Alexander the Great]]). There, editors can discuss improvements to the content of an article. If you ever make a change that gets [[Wikipedia:Reverting|reverted]] by another editor, discuss the change on the talk page! The [[Wikipedia:BOLD, revert, discuss cycle|BOLD, revert, discuss cycle]] is a popular method of reaching consensus. It is very important that you conduct yourself with [[WP:Civility|civility]] and [[WP:AGF|assume good faith]] on the part of others. [[Wikipedia:Edit warring|Edit warring]] (repeatedly overriding or reimplementing contributions) is highly discouraged.
Most other [[Wikipedia:Namespace|types of pages]] on Wikipedia also have associated talk pages, including the [[WP:User page|User page]] each editor is assigned once they sign up. When other editors need to contact you, they will usually do this by leaving a message on [[Special:mytalk|your talk page]]. When someone has left you a message that way, you will see a notice the next time you log in or view a page on Wikipedia.
:Sign your contributions to a Talk page by using four tildes (<nowiki>~~~~</nowiki>), which produces your username and a time/date stamp.
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== <span id="Protected pages"></span> Protected pages and source code ==
{{seefurther|Wikipedia:Rough guide to semi-protection|Wikipedia:Protection policy|Wikipedia:Requests for page protection|Wikipedia:Lists of protected pages}}
Some pages are [[Help:Protection|protected from editing]]. These pages have a "View&nbsp;source" tab instead of an "Edit" tab. You can still edit these pages indirectly by submitting an [[Wikipedia:Edit requests|edit request]]—an editor with the permission to edit the protected page will respond to it.
To submit an edit request, click on the protected page's "View&nbsp;source" tab and then the "Submit an edit request" linkbutton at the bottom right.
== Policies and conventions ==
{{seefurther|Wikipedia:Simplified ruleset|Wikipedia:Simplified Manual of Style}}
[[Wikipedia:List of policies|Policies]], [[Wikipedia:List of guidelines|guidelines]], and [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Contents|formatting norms]] are developed by the community to describe the best practices, to clarify principles, resolve conflicts, and otherwise further our goals. Make sure that you submit information that is relevant to Wikipedia's specific purpose, or your content might be deleted. You can always use the [[Help:Talk pages|talk pages]] to ask questions or check to see if your idea will be accepted. Please make note of which license will cover your contributions.
[[Wikipedia:List of policies|Policies]], [[Wikipedia:List of guidelines|guidelines]], and [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Contents|formatting norms]] are developed by the community to describe the best practices, to clarify principles, resolve conflicts, and otherwise further our goals. Make sure that you submit information which is relevant to Wikipedia's specific purpose, or your content might be deleted. You can always use the [[Help:Talk page|talk pages]] to ask questions or check to see if your idea will be accepted. Please make note of which license will cover your contributions.
== Notes ==
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Some pages are [[WP:Protection policy|protected from editing]] and marked by a lock icon at top right. If you are not allowed to edit the page, it will have a "View&nbsp;source" instead of an "Edit" tab. You can still edit these pages indirectly by submitting an [[Wikipedia:Edit requests|edit request]]: click "View&nbsp;source", then "Submit an edit request" at bottom right, and an editor that is authorized to edit the page will respond to your request.
== See also ==
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;Helpful tips
'''Helpful tips'''
* [[Help:Wikipedia: The Missing Manual/Editing, creating, and maintaining articles/Editing for the first time|Wikipedia: The Missing Manual—Editing for the first time]]
* [[Wikipedia:PageArticle size#If you have problems editing a long article|Wikipedia:Page size §&nbsp;If you have problems editing a long article]]
*[[User:Cullen328/Smartphone editing|Smartphone editing (User essay)]]: a Wikipedia administrator's personal experiences and advice about phone editing
;'''Naming and moving'''
* [[Wikipedia:Article titles]]
* [[Wikipedia:Moving a page|Moving a page to a new name]]
* [[Wikipedia:Namespace]]
'''Style and layout'''
{{Help desk}}
;Style and layout
* [[Wikipedia:Annotated article]]
* [[Wikipedia:Layout]]
* [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style]]
* [[Draft:Sandbox]]
* [[Help:Text editor support]]
* [[Wikipedia:Tools]]
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* [[Wikipedia:WikiProject]]: if you are writing an article about something that belongs to a group of topics, check here first!
* [[outreach:Bookshelf|Wikimedia Bookshelf]]: learning materials, videos, and handouts
* [[Wikipedia:Glossary]]: a glossary for Wikipedia editors
== Notes ==
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<ref name="protection">
Some pages are [[Wikipedia:Protection policy|protected from editing]] and marked by a lock icon at the top right. If you are not allowed to edit the page, it will have a "View&nbsp;source" instead of an "Edit" tab. You can still edit these pages indirectly by submitting an [[Wikipedia:Edit requests|edit request]]: click "View&nbsp;source", then "Submit an edit request" at the bottom right, and an editor that is authorized to edit the page will respond to your request.
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