Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®


Issue: 1925 2037

Presto - 1925 2037 - Page 26 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

26 August 8, 1925. PRESTO THE PRESTO'S WANT ADVS. MUSIC STORE FOR SALE. Music business for sale in town of 40,000. Reason for selling, going into the automobile game. Address "Business Opportunity, Box 2," care Presto Publishing Co., 417 So. Dearborn Street, Chicago. RETAIL SALESMAN OR MANAGER. One of the recognized experts in floor salesmanship and manager of retail is open for an engagement with large house where expertness, personality and character count. Has been in piano business many years, as head of large retail piano house selling high grade instruments. Can qualify by most exacting tests, and will fit into any large organization. Address H. G., Box 3, Presto Office, 417 So. Dearborn St., Chicago. FACTORY SUPERINTENDENT. Open for proposition: Factory superintendent, thirty years' experience in ail br&nches of Upright and Grand Piano Building. Address "Factory Superintendent," Box 18, Presto Office, 417 So. Dearborn St., Chicago. STORE FOR SALE. For SaleLargest and oldest established Music House in the best business center in the country. All information will be furnished as to the amount of cash to close deal and terms on balance. Reason for selling rapid failing health. Must sell at once. Address Opportunity, Box 16, Presto Office, 417 So. Dearborn St., Chicago. TUNER WANTED. WANTEDPiano Tuner; one with some experience with small pipe organs. Prefer a man who has had selling experience. Central Illinois location. Salary and expenses. Steady work and good treatment. Address "Central," care PRESTO. STORE FOR SALE. FOR SALEGoing out of business and will sublet our lease on established and best music store, location in South Bend, Indiana, and most beautiful show rooms in Northern Indiana. Present lease continues until December 31st, 1925, with privilege of short or long term renewal. Phone Lincoln 5563, Chicago, or address Frank H. Brown's Dependable Music Stores, Inc., 118 North Main Street, South Bend, Indiana. BUSINESS FOR SALE. FOR SALEBecause of ill health of owner, music business; established in present location for forty years. Address W. W. Stevens & Son, Lebanon, Ind. TH: STORE FOR SALE. FOR SALEMusic store in town of 30,000, in southern Illinois. Sells 125 pianos or more per year. $10,000 cash will handle. Address " G . C , " Box 9, PRESTO Office, 417 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. RETAIL SALESMEN Salesmen WantedLarge and famous Piano Factory wants experienced retail salesmen for Ohio and Michigan. Good earnings and future for capable men. Give full particulars, age, experience, etc. A d dress, Capable, Box 16, PRESTO Office, 417 So. Dearborn St., Chicago. RECORD SALES GIRL. WANTEDRecord sales girl for Chicago downtown music shop. Must take charge of record department. Have better than two years' experience in Victor and Brunswick records. Also A1 references. Salary and commission. Atfdress "Record," Box 4, PRESTO Office, 417 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. NOTICEREWARD! $25.00 reward will be paid by the undersigned for information by which we may locate C. L. Selph, piano tuner, thought to be in California. Traveling in a Dodge roadster from place to place with his wife. Wire at my expense. E. M. Curry, Altus, Okla. BUSINESS FOR SALE. FOR SALEMusic and radio store. Only store of its kind in town of 6,000 inhabitants and within a radius of forty miles. An established firm and doing a nice business. Great opportunity for a good music man. Address "Opportunity," Box 10, PRESTO Publishing Co., 417 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. OPPORTUNITY FOR SALESMEN. HELP WANTEDWell known manufacturer needs two good retail salesmen (some country experience preferred but not necessary) to work among dealers In the state of Michigan on special retail sales. Wonderful opportunity. Position leads to that of wholesale traveler. Address "Opportunity," care PRESTO, 417 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. FACTORY FLYWHEEL BURSTS. Repairs were quickly made last week in the plant of the Jesse French Piano Company, New Castle, Ind., where a bursting flywheel interrupted operations. Workmen escaped injury. :LER INDUSTRIES of NEW YORK AFFILIATED COMPANIES (T\ Manufacturing for the trade Upright and Grand Pianos Plaver Pianos Welte Mignon (Licensee) Reproducing Pianos De Luxe Player Actions Standard Player Actions Welte Mignon (Licensee) Reproducing Actions Expression Player Actions Piano Hammers Bass Strings Wholesale Chicago Office and Service Departments KOHLER INDUSTRIES San Francisco Office 462 helan Building 1222 KIMBALL B U I L D I N G CHICAGO PLANS OKLAHOMA BRANCH. Among the fall plans of the Martin Bros. Piano Co., Springfield, Mo., is the opening and operation of a branch at Blackwell, Okla. F. E. Brandenberg, representing the company, recently leased suitable quarters in the Belew Building on East Bridge street, which will soon be completed. A full line of pianos and musical merchandise will be- carried. Business Opportunity Store for sale. Town of 7,000. Fourth richest agricultural county in United States. Sixty-nine miles north Los Angeles, near ocean and mountains. Investment a b o u t $5,000.00. Selling reason, entering banking business. Address West Music Company, Santa Paula, Calif. PRESTO BUYERS' GUIDE NOTICE The 1925 Edition of Presto Buyers' Guide, the "Book That Sells Pianos," is already entirely exhausted. It is the second time in the twenty-nine years since the book first appeared that the demand has been such as to render this announcement necessary. Copies of the preceding editions may still be had, and the issue of 1924 is so nearly up-to-date as to be almost equally useful in the hands of salesmen. The "Premium Edition" also is good for selling purposes, and it may be had for 25 cents a copyone-half the regular price. The entirely new Presto Buyers' Guide for 1926 is in preparation and will be ready in October. Advance orders, especially for quantities, should be placed early. Subscribers to Presto, the American Music Trade Weekly, between now and October 1st, will receive a copy of the new Presto Buyers' Guide for 1926 without charge as soon as it appears. PRESTO PUBLISHING CO., 417 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. The Only Completely Equipped School in the United States In Successful Operation for 24 Years In its own new building especially designed and equipped for its purposes. Every branch taught, including Repairing, Regulating and VoicingAll Player Actions, with Demonstrating Specimens to work with. Diplomas awarded and positions secured. Private and class instructions. Both sexes. School all year. Catalogs on request. POLK'S COLLEGE OF PIANO TUNING WILI.ARD K. POWELL, President LA PORTE, IND. The Entirely New 1926 Edition of PRESTO BUYERS' GUIDE TWO TRADE WINNERS HARTFORD I CHURCHILL "The Book That Sells Pianos'* is in Preparation and Manufacturers are urged to promptly return information blanks which are now being sent them. There will be no Piano Advertising, but a limited amount of space will be devoted to small goods and music publishers. If you want Good Goods at Right Prices, here are two that will meet your requirementsPlayers and Pianos. RELIABLE FINE TONE BEAUTIFUL PRESTO PUBLISHING COMPANY Chicago, 111. 417 So. Dearborn St. HARTFORD PIANO COMPANY Made By 1223-1227 MILLER STREET, CHICAGO Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at

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