Klarna Docs
Manage orders with the API
Here you can find everything you need to integrate Order management using our API.
Other actions
Want to know more about additional order actions you can perform in the Merchant portal? Here's a list.
How to use Order management on WooCommerce
This article provides guidelines on installing Order management in your WooCommerce store.
Dispute fees
In this article, you will be informed about the merchant Dispute fees and when they are applicable.
Carrier partner list
Learn which carriers work with us to deliver the goods to your customers.
Extend payment date pricing
Here you can find the fees for extending the payment due date, according to the purchase's country.
Dispute returns improvement guide
If you, the Merchant, are looking for ways to improve your dispute handling, quality and customer satisfaction, here are a few easy tips for you, the Merchant, on how to optimize the process to your benefit.
What is Order management
Read this article for an introduction to Order management, its main features, and its place in the Klarna solution family.
Integration options
Now that you're ready to use Order management, learn the different integration options.
Refund and extend orders
Here you find details of the calls that enable you to refund and extend your orders. For each call, you can find a description, technical details, and sample requests and responses.
Access your orders
Learn about the different ways to access your orders in the Merchant portal.
Refund an order
Check out the options you have in the Merchant portal for refunding orders.
Overview of Shipping assistant
Real-time shipping options in the checkout
Additional features
Depending on the market and the details of your Klarna deal, you may be able to add some extra features to your store.
Pending orders
Learn how we handle the orders we detect as potentially fraudulent and how you help us in this process.