GuideHow to customize settlements reportsThe Report Configurator in the Settlements App allows you to customize the CSV and PDF reports to suit you and your accounting system. You can set up individual report configurations per Merchant ID and delivery channel (API, Settlements App, SFTP).
GuideHow to get settlement reports via SFTPLearn how to create SFTP credentials and connect to the Klarna SFTP. Once you have set up your credentials, the next settlement CSV reports will be automatically uploaded to your account. Optionally you can use the “Configure Reports” option in the Settlements App to additionally receive PDF reports or customize your CSV reports. Additionally, you can choose to receive the reports of all your merchant IDs (MIDs) in the same SFTP account, by changing the SFTP target directories.,Settlement reports are kept in the SFTP account for 90 days. After that period, they are deleted automatically.