
API Documentation:EclipseClasspath

The build path settings for the generated Eclipse project. Used by the GenerateEclipseClasspath task to generate an Eclipse .classpath file.

The following example demonstrates the various configuration options. Keep in mind that all properties have sensible defaults; only configure them explicitly if the defaults don't match your needs.

plugins {
    id 'java'
    id 'eclipse'

configurations {

eclipse {
  //if you want parts of paths in resulting file to be replaced by variables (files):
  pathVariables 'GRADLE_HOME': file('/best/software/gradle'), 'TOMCAT_HOME': file('../tomcat')

  classpath {
    //you can tweak the classpath of the Eclipse project by adding extra configurations:
    plusConfigurations += [ configurations.provided ]

    //you can also remove configurations from the classpath:
    minusConfigurations += [ configurations.someBoringConfig ]

    //if you want to append extra containers:
    containers 'someFriendlyContainer', 'andYetAnotherContainer'

    //customizing the classes output directory:
    defaultOutputDir = file('build-eclipse')

    //default settings for downloading sources and Javadoc:
    downloadSources = true
    downloadJavadoc = false

    //if you want to expose test classes to dependent projects
    containsTestFixtures = true

For tackling edge cases, users can perform advanced configuration on the resulting XML file. It is also possible to affect the way that the Eclipse plugin merges the existing configuration via beforeMerged and whenMerged closures.

The beforeMerged and whenMerged closures receive a Classpath object.

Examples of advanced configuration:

plugins {
    id 'java'
    id 'eclipse'

eclipse {
  classpath {
    file {
      //if you want to mess with the resulting XML in whatever way you fancy
      withXml {
        def node = it.asNode()
        node.appendNode('xml', 'is what I love')

      //closure executed after .classpath content is loaded from existing file
      //but before gradle build information is merged
      beforeMerged { classpath ->
        //you can tinker with the Classpath here

      //closure executed after .classpath content is loaded from existing file
      //and after gradle build information is merged
      whenMerged { classpath ->
        //you can tinker with the Classpath here



The classpath containers to be added.


The default output directory where Eclipse puts compiled classes.


Whether to download and associate Javadoc Jars with the dependency Jars. Defaults to false.


Whether to download and associate source Jars with the dependency Jars. Defaults to true.


See EclipseClasspath.file(org.gradle.api.Action).


The configurations whose files are to be excluded from the classpath entries.


The configurations whose files are to be added as classpath entries.



Further classpath containers to be added.


Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way that the contents of an existing .classpath file is merged with Gradle build information. The object passed to the whenMerged{} and beforeMerged{} closures is of type Classpath.

Script blocks


Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way that the contents of an existing .classpath file is merged with Gradle build information. The object passed to the whenMerged{} and beforeMerged{} closures is of type Classpath.

Property details

Set<String> containers

The classpath containers to be added.

See EclipseClasspath for an example.

Default with eclipse and java plugins:
[JRE container]

File defaultOutputDir

The default output directory where Eclipse puts compiled classes.

See EclipseClasspath for an example.

Default with eclipse and java plugins:

boolean downloadJavadoc

Whether to download and associate Javadoc Jars with the dependency Jars. Defaults to false.

See EclipseClasspath for an example.

Default with eclipse and java plugins:

boolean downloadSources

Whether to download and associate source Jars with the dependency Jars. Defaults to true.

See EclipseClasspath for an example.

Default with eclipse and java plugins:

Collection<Configuration> minusConfigurations

The configurations whose files are to be excluded from the classpath entries.

See EclipseClasspath for an example.

Default with eclipse and java plugins:

Collection<Configuration> plusConfigurations

The configurations whose files are to be added as classpath entries.

See EclipseClasspath for an example.

Default with eclipse and java plugins:

Method details

void containers(String... containers)

Further classpath containers to be added.

See EclipseClasspath for an example.

void file(Action<? super XmlFileContentMerger> action)

Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way that the contents of an existing .classpath file is merged with Gradle build information. The object passed to the whenMerged{} and beforeMerged{} closures is of type Classpath.

See EclipseProject for an example.

Script block details

file { }

Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way that the contents of an existing .classpath file is merged with Gradle build information. The object passed to the whenMerged{} and beforeMerged{} closures is of type Classpath.

See EclipseProject for an example.

Delegates to:
XmlFileContentMerger from file