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? degra: ind aní fogeir mo menma | dombeir fri d. ¤ duibe, LL 194a6 .

degrach adj o,ā(degra? See Ériu xvii 51 ).Mid. Ir.adj.occurring
only in early poetry, prob.fiery,fierce;angry,furious: ba
dremun d. ¤ do chath, | sech ba menmnach ba huallach, SR 5471 .
5 aite d. ¤ Diarmata, LL 132b18 .Fallamain fial fuiglech ba dían
d. ¤ , Arch. Hib. ii 67(Fland Main.).dia ránic Mag medrach
Mell | tar drong nd. ¤ na dílenn, Met. Dinds. iii 210 .ba d. ¤ rodéc
immach Míchol, SR 6685 .

Degrota m. g s. meic D. ¤ , LL 349f40 =Degrotha,
10 LB 16e34 ,Deghrota, BB 219e18 ,Degroga, Rawl. 90e56 .

dégsin Latevn.ofdo-éccai, see IGT Verbs § 93 .

? degthach: adj d'ilbrechtrad na n-étach ṅdigrais ṅd. ¤ , TTr. 1365 .
Note also:adeir gur fear deaghthach Dia` bounteous ', Oss. iii
268.2 .má tá sé deaghthach ná duinemhail, 270.7 .

15 deg-therbaid v separateswell: ní rondegtherb ria dremmaib,
Met. Dinds. ii 48 . See1 dag Candterbaid.

Degúaith m. gen. Colmáin meic D. ¤ , BB 178d2 .

Degumrach pnseeDegmanrach.

Degurna meic Cuirb D. ¤ , BB 232b26 .

20 deibe n io,n. d p. debib, Lec. 568b18 . difference,variety,dis-
agreement. WithFRI:difference from. WithAR CHUITorIM:
difference as to: ata debe m[b]ec nand ar chuit forgnuso there
is a little difference there as to form
, Ml. 40a20 .roaisneiseam debi ┐ do aentaig a ciniud, BB 282a3 .debe tintuda a
25difference of rendering
, Ml. 47a14 ,etc. debe canone a difference
of text
, 60c5 .atá debi ocna senchaidib immon dís seo, LL
20a13 .irbága robatar leosom eter desciplu ┐ debe contentions
and discord
, Wb. 7d10 .taisce mo bás can debe|na le nech
eile laige undisputedly , LB 275b50 ( SG 61.13 ).

30 deibech n o.g s. debig(: Nemid), LL 206a9 .deibhech,-thech m.,
IGT Decl. § 22 . See exx. 801 , 802 . contention,strife,conflict:
in ra síd no in ra debech, MU² 827 .bá férr síth ┐ cháinchomhracc
oldáas eisíth ┐ debach, TTr.² 1763 .fir nachdat
daidbri im d. ¤ men that are not stinting in strife, Met. Dinds.
35 iii 330 .conna dernam d. ¤ , TBC 3474 .cor deibig, LL 213a56 .
ferr dál debech, 345c22 .rob iad-sin an triar gan d. ¤ as ferr
enech tainic riam undisputably, ZCP vii 304 .tuc do gach
droing gan d. ¤ , SG 28.13 .

1 deibed n strife,dispute: deibheadh .i. deabhaidh no cathu-
40gadh, O'Cl. triur derbráthar gan deibedh , Laud 615,106 .
is doig comma fearrdi beias uar comand deued do denam
daib, TTebe 439 . Seedebuith.

2 deibed n haste,hurry: deibheadh .i. deithneas, O'Cl. creit in
deibedh nó in deithnes bái fair, SG 357.15 .tug deibheadh
45ar chuirm do chléir, Bk. of O'Connor Don, 229b .beadgais
Eimhior uime soin | deibiodhuirre dá ḟéuchain, 322a . See

? deibeda n f., IGT Decl. § 9 .ag deghail re deibhedhain, ex. 316 .

deibedach adj o,ā. (2 deibed) hasty,hurried: d'élaig . . . d'innsaigid
50in dúnaid co deibidech, SG 357.11 .dogluais le co lainde-
beadach, IT ii2100.5 .deibidach in raet in Gaeidel impetuous ,
Acall. 4480 .guidti (sic leg.) dhúnn co deibheadhach Muire
fervently , Misc. Celt. Soc. 338 .

deibide n io,n.(laterf.)name of the commonest Irishmetre.
55 Cf.Thurneysen, RC vi 340 f .; IT iii 147 .g s. debide, IT iii
22 § 67 .d s. debide, 69 § 11 .d p. deibidib, 17 § 43 .debide
nimrind, IT iii 17.6 , 12 . More usuallydeibide imrind, 67 § 6
etc. debide chenelach, 19 § 52 (B).debide scailte na scel |
ni híside nad athgen, 106.17 .debhidhe bhas re toin, IGT
60 Metr. Faults § 86 .

deiblén xseedeidblén.

Deibriusaigh pl. Devereux , Keat. iii 5778 .

Deic m. Decius: maicc D. ¤ dric, Fél. Prol. 134 .

Deicce io,m. Decce, LL 325a6 .g s., 25 .Déice g s., 336g37 .

65 déicce xseedo-éccai.

deice: n caidi dece an chloidhimh ? cá dece ṡire ? Acall. 2285 - 6 .
` fee ', SG ii 160 .

Deicel xseeDeggell.

deicennaigter, ind Laws iv 214.13 =degcennaigter(see1 dag).

70 1 deich xseedech.

2 deich n- num ten.Sometimes writtendech: Laws ii 96 . BB 11b58 .
(a) Asadj. (b) Asneuter subst. d p. dechib, LL 182a48 .
a p. deichi, Laws v 100. 10 .d. ¤ míli briathar, Wb. 12d25 .
Agnetis d. ¤ n-úagaib, Fél. Jan. 27 .d. ¤ cét in míli, SR 761 .
75 do d. ¤ n-ardaib in domuin, Otia ii 96 .d. ¤ fichit bliadan two
hundred years
, SR 2295 .na d. ¤ n-aithne, PH 7313 .
Abs.ita d. ¤ they are ten, Bcr. 31c6 .a d. ¤ fo d. ¤ ten times ten,
MacCarthy 408 .bliadain for a d. ¤ fa dó twenty-one years,
LL 127b37 .inna d. ¤ ar dib cétaib, Bcr. 33a4 .a óen fo d. ¤ ten
times one
, 31c5 .is aibinniti fo d. ¤ ten times more delightful,
LL 151b50 .dá nd. ¤ sé bliadna, 185b41 .da d. ¤ , SR 745 .cuir na
deichi sin re celi add these tens together, Laws v 100.10 .trí
5chét ar thrib dechib, Fél. Oct. 10 .
Compd. ? ¤ briathar ten words,i.e. the Ten Commandments,
as name of a book: in leabhar as lúgha dá ngoirthear deich
bréithir, Ms. Mat. 495 . ¤ dúan poemoften cantos: d. na heis-
seirge inso, SR p. 118 . ¤ rind ten stars: deichrinn (deithrind,
10MS.) Gabuen . . . gaibthius crith, Ériu ii 126 § 83 . ¤ thimna
ten commandments , SR 4895 .deichtimna De, 4911 .Cf.