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dorman n ā,f.earlier (?)dormaine harlot,concubine . For legal
status see Stud. in E. Ir. Law 94 ff .dormuin .i. merdrech,
Lec. Gl. 107 .cia leth so a d. ¤ (a gorman, LL), Fing. R. 90 .
fear do Dirborgaill nar dis | is d'ingin Chongail do Choin-
80chind | dormain ma chomchoim nir clis mate of D. and of
Concend his concubine, who was equally fair
(?), Lec. 402a25 .
ina dormuin .i. dormuine mna bis laisin flaith, O'C. 878 ( H.
3.18,393b ).sechtmud do ina dormain ┐ ina be n-imruma
a seventh for injury done to his d. ¤ , Laws v 72 Comm. cuicidh
85saire dia dormaine one-fifth of his free quarters to his d., ii
24.10 . Comm. ar a urail fein bis a chartach ┐ a airach ┐ noco
neadh bis a dormaine, 400.15 Comm. =dormben, O'Don.
2254 ( Rawl. B 506,19d ).mac dormaine (.i. dermuine) nad
narlat co nderlad, ZCP xv 320 § 13 .ma[d] ([c]?)
dormuine, Críth Gabl. 126 .

5 Dormna m., Met. Dinds. iii 88 .

dorn n o,m.Also writtendornn(-nd); formdordoccurs TBC²
1823 ; IT i 40.22 (if not a scribal error,cf. card=carn). Note
alsod s. duirnd, Laws v 310.4 .doirnn, Trip.² 2928 (doirnnin,
v.l.);for assinduirnn , Fél. 146.31 leg. assind iurn out of the
10iron (pot
).dorrann, Ó Bruad. i 66 .dorn m., IGT Decl. § 67 .
(a) hand,fist: na durnu(gl.pugnas), Gild. Lor. 165 .robbad
durnn caurad ┐ robad rig ruanada, TBC² 425 .a dord ima
gāi, 1823 .laigen ina durnn, 2563 .gabaid in gilla imbirt a
dornn foraib, 431 .imberta claideb ar dornaib desaib, LU
15 3424 ( SC § 19 ).méit chléib búana cechtar a dá dordn (leg.
dornd), BDD § 58 .métither ri durnu degléch, LL 237b1
( TTr. 1518 ).rosbuailset dia mbassaib ┐ dornaib, PH 117 .
senais R. a dhurna (lamha,v.l.) ┐ a ruscca dósomh, BNnÉ 319
§ 13 .meni tuga biad im d. ¤ , Laws v 64.21 .is do doarfas in d. ¤
20cen rigidh(of Belshazzar), Lec. 23a37 .lán duirn ahandful:
gabais C. lán duirnd dind feór, TBC² 1643 .comtrom do gach
ní aen-lan duirn an equal handful of each ingredient, 23 P 10,
79.36 .debaid duirn afightwithfists: da ndech i mebail | narop
debaid duirn, KMMisc. 290.2 .da rabhair a ndeabhaidh |
25narab deabhaidh duirn, 3 C 12,122.20 . Handas symbolof
labour or workmanship:radis . . . nach crích no ferand bái
aice acht a uird ┐ a indeona ┐ a duirn, TBC 962 .imin
clochdroichit suidighus o dourn which he erected with his own
, Laws ii 232.11 Comm. tri duirn ata dech for bith: d. ¤
30degsháir, d. ¤ degmná, d. ¤ deggobann, Triads 76 .rindaide,
ráthbuige . . . i tig ríg noibdis corn, | ba hé a ndliged díles d. ¤
the right due to their handiwork, Met. Dinds. i 24 .conarba ní
ri mac oclaig . . . a dornd im suist no im opair so that no son
of a warrior would put his hand to a flail
, Cog. 116.12 .
35 Fig. to denoteseizure,possession: dobhen urlamhas a
atharda a dornaibh danar, FM vi 2178.19 .d. ¤ i mbrollach
(a legal formula signifying arrest?):d. ¤ ina brollach ar daigin
a fastaithe re fiachaibh, Laws i 164.12 Comm. a leanmuin cu
hor criche ┐ d. ¤ ina brolluch i n-or criche, ii 88.18 Comm. =
40 lamh ina brolluch, 20 ;cf. i 128.z . Prov.d. ¤ im cheo a hand
round mist
(=something vain or ineffectual), Laud 615,23 .
na seoid adchi as d. ¤ am cheo, BCC § 138 .d. ¤ im diaid id.,
O'Dav. 1586 ; Buile S. 54.27 .d. ¤ im gae (sic leg.) ngreni id.,
Cog. 162.24 .fá dornaib underhand,secretly(mod.?): raelta
45eoluis fé dhóirnibh, Ó Bruad. ii 46 .súgra . . . fá na ndóir-
nib, 70 .
(b) handas ameasureoflength: d. ¤ a measure of 6 or 4
, O'Don. Suppl. sé troighthi . . . no da dornd déc ma do
dornuib toimistar, Laws iv 76.21 Comm. naoi nduirn a fot
50. . . d. ¤ leithet a crai . . . tri duirn a leithet ara medon, ZCP
xiv 348.1 ( Laws ii 238.10 ).cetra duirn i n-airde, SG 108.24 .
cubat cóic nd. ¤ , Ériu ii 130 § 102 .dá dh. ¤ décc ina leithet, trí
duirn ┐ dá mér i fad a eite, FM ii 996.9 .Cf.also:in dabach
aile . . . fichis dornaib de it boiled hands high(?), TBC² 724 (see
55 Celtica iii 180 ).in dabach tanaise con figfed durnu di, TBC
1367 =rofhuich d. ¤ uaisdi, St.
(c) handful(=lán duirn),small quantity: dornn biroir,
TBC² 1169 .cia fochertha d. ¤ lán d'fhiad-ublaib fora cenna,
LL 252b17 .nir dirúais dar (= don) charpat . . . acht d. ¤ dina
60bassaib immon roth, TBC 6070 .d. ¤ dona hasnaib . . . d. ¤ dona
fer[t]sib, TBC² 3638 .dornn do thuige ┐ d'édach, Ériu v 24.31 .
(d) blowwith thefist,buffet: ní ba mó nó ó mir nó ó dúrnn nó
ó lúa mair[b]fes cach fer leo, BDD § 94 .marbaid cét fer dib
col-lūib ┐ co ndornaib, Ériu ii 24 § 6 .do buail d. ¤ dásachtach
65ar Chonán, SG 339.7 .doradus d. ¤ dara bhél, Acall. 1428 .
d. ¤ imidrubart, O'Dav. 1348 .
(e) handle . Of a vessel: gl.ansa, Thes. ii 361.29 (Philarg.).
ballán d. ¤ `a bowl of hands' (a two-handed cup?), Moling § 14
(`vessel of handfuls?' Plummer MS. notes).cilorn . . . an stuag
70as a taib no in milan duirn(`thehand-can'; can with handle?),
Laws i 134.4 Comm. Of abell: ássaid bethe tría doirnn
(doirnnin,v.l.), Trip.² 2928 . Ofasword-hilt (only in compds.):
claideb dorngel, TBC² 2847 .claidbi gel-duirn, TBC 4372 .
claidbi ōrduirn, 4396 ;cf. TBC² 2045 , IT i 310.38 .im chechtar
75a dá leth-d. ¤ in chlaidib on each side of the hilt, LL 237b37
( TTr. 1548 ).
(f)Exceptionallyfoot(of an animal) (?): d. ¤ daimh, Triads
76 v.l.(.i. cos ag treabath, p. 37 ).
(g) m. D. ¤ fer do Fénib, H. 3.18,391a .gen. Duirn,
80 AU 682 ; Fél. 68.2 .a síd Duirnn Buidhe, Acall. 7204 ,cf. 3847 .
pl. triDuirn , TBC² 3515 . f. D. ¤ ingin Buidi, Laws i
70.14 .accus. Durn, 68.17 .Dornd bean do Feinaib Temrach,
v 472.12 Comm.
Compds. (a) With adj.: ¤ balc strong-fisted , Met. Dinds. iii
85114 . ¤ chorcra crimson-fisted (epithet of Cuchulainn), MU 4.23 .
¤ gel, RC xx 272.3 ; Cog. 162.15 . ¤ mass:Diurān dornnmas
D. of the beautiful hands, Anecd. i 58 § 63 . ¤ mer deft-handed ,
Met. Dinds. iii 130 . See also under(e)above.
(b) With subst.: ¤ chlaideb` hand-sword ', Marco P. 61 .
¤ ḟáscud squeezing with the hands, CCath. 2521 . ¤ gal: bellum
5(aliasdorndghal) breg h-Eile re n-Ailill molt for Laighniu,
AU i 24.4 .in indeoin fo dorndgalaib, ZCP xiii 276 § 5
(`boilings with bubbles as big as fists', Celtica iii 180 ). ¤ glac:
i ndornnglacaib doitlebra Domnaill, MR 116.23 .dornnfot
a hand's length, Laws iv 76.24 Comm. With adj. formed from
10noun ¤ gualannach:eich dorngualandaig of a horse with
shoulder a hand's breadth
, IT iii 72 § 29 .