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Donncholg n.loc. doroich cuccu . . . Midir a Donnchuilg, Met.
Dinds. iii 452 .

Donngaile xseeDonngal.

Donngal (donn+gal) m. D. ¤ , Rawl. 129a23 . Donngaile
5mac Ailcride, 160b29 .gen. Fingin macDonngaile , 144c12 .
Slogadach mac Donngaile, AU 758 .m. Dondgaile, LL 320b10 .
Maelguala mac Donngaili, 320a48 .m. Dondgale, 341a36 .m.
Dondgaili, BB 176a7 .m. Dongaile, 160b7 .martra Eodhusa
m. Donngaile o gentibh, TFrag. 184.5 .m. Donnghaile,
10 Caithr. CC § 4 .clann Donngail, Rawl. 159a23 .Mac Bethad
maic Dondgail, 153a23 .m. Dondgail, LL 334a13 .h. Donngail,
BB 111b25 .dat. mathair donDonnghal , BB 111b26 .

Donngalach (Donngal) o,m. D. ¤ , Rawl. 153a46 ;cf. m.
Donngaile m. Cernaich, 49 .Donnghalach Ríoghbhradáin,
15 ITS xv 46.3 .Donghalach hUa Aonghasa, TFrag. 50 .gen.
mac Donngalaich, Rawl. 153b6 .m. Dondgalaig, LL 338h25 .
cland Dondgalaich, BB 111b21 .m. Dongailaig, 143b35 =m.
Dungalaig, 143a34 .
Asadj. donnghaileach, sobriquet of Shanethe Proud
20because he was fostered by an O'Donnelly, O'Gr. Cat. 368 n. 3 .

Donngalan m. m.Dondgalan , BB 72d2 .m.Dondgulan ,
168d8 .

Donngass o,m. tri maic Donngaiss mic Rossa, tri
Dungaiss, ZCP iii 262.26 =tri Dondgais meic meic Rossa,
25 LU 10539 .

Donngus u,m. D. ¤ , Sg. 194 marg. sup. (Thes. ii xxi).
Dongus, 207 marg. sup. (xxii).a saer .i. D. ¤ , SG 93.27 .Donn-
ghus epscop Atha Cliath, FM 1095 .gen. mac Donngusa,
Rawl. 150b25 .maic Donngusa maic Colmain, 159a23 .m.
30Dondgussa, LL 339b17 .m. Donnghusa, 383a23 .m. Donn-
gosa, BB 190b38 .m. Dongossa, 47 .Dondgasa, 175f9 .

donnoa indgl.donnecrai, Fél.² clxxix gl. 29 (2) .

1 dono xseedano.

? 2 dono ind .i. donaei, Lec. Gl. 258 . Fordona? (Stokes).

35 ? do-nochta v(nochtaid) bares,uncovers: dothēit bantrocht
nEmna ara c[h]end ┐ donnochtad a mbruindi fris, TBC² 720
=donnochtat, LU 5199 .Leg. donochtad , omitting ┐?

donogad n(dona)act ofmaking wretched: a Choimhdhe is
mearoghadh daor rem dhonoghadh, Hackett xlvii 2 .

40 Donola m. gen. mac D. ¤ , LL 350g52 .maic D. ¤ , Rawl.
89d46 .m. Donolo m. Conamla, BB 221b19 .

donúall xseedonál.

Donuel m. of aPictishking.gen. Gartnairt f. D. ¤ , Todd
Nenn. 164.7 .

45 do-oggell v(dí-uss-gell-, see Ped. ii 537 . Forms with -ch-,
-g- instead of -c-, -gg- may indicate a verb *dí-fo-gell-orcell-).
I purchases: Pass. indic. pres. s. diuchla .i. cennach,ut est
diuchlatharenech dim .i. cennaighther no adhbullau[g]thar
honour is bought from me, O'Dav. 600 .diuchlither .i. cendaig-
50ther, O'Mulc. 334 .diuclidther .i. crenaidthear, H. 3.18,69a .
Cf. mad giallna tra do rugialltar donaib rathaib so, O'C. 884
( H. 3.18 395b ).Perf. 3 s. dirróggelCummen ┐ Brethán
Ochter ṅAchid cona seilb C. and B. had bought O.A., Ardm.
17b1 ( Thes. ii 239.15 ).dia brathrib fein, febda triall | isse
55dorúacell(written as correction overrochennaig) Iosiaph
(Ioseph, MS.), SR 3148 .iarom rodacar a ben | in tigernai
doruacel the wife of the lord who had bought him, 3174 . re-
demptis omnibus clericis. . . lan in derthaigi issed doruagell
Níall diib dia argat fesin, AU 963 =doruaichill, FM ii 684.16 .
60 dorogill G. in ferand . . . ó maccaib B., Misc. Arch. Soc. 146
(Charters in Book of Kells).doruaichill .i. dochennaig, O'Cl.
3 pl. darucellsathua setaib ón`they had bought it with treasures'
gl.venalem fecerant sacerdotii dignitatem, Ml. 126d7 (see Thurn.
Gramm. p. 526 ).Pass. o Ua Riamándergled , Ir. Charters in
65Book of Kells iii (Misc. Arch. Soc.).ba heisidhe a dunárus(sic
leg.)ó doruaichledh lais, Hugh Roe 186.16 .Sub. pres. 2 s. niss
bera condadergle , Ériu xii 150 ( TE 14 ).3 s. saeirid (saeiri,v.l.) a
fheraind indni adroipre ┐doruaicle , Anecd. i 42.8 .ni udbair
nech seilb acht mad ni doruaicle fadesin acht mad a comcetfaig
70a fine, Laws iii 52.8 (cf. O'Dav. 1386 ). (Of a person who gives
land to the church for supporting him)as diles di( the
church)co raib log fognama di and bes fiu a trian doruaicle, 52.z
.i. is diles don eclais ant orba doruacell ar gaire the land it
purchased for maintenance
, 54.11 Comm. duas do ic do cinn
75in fir isa dan, muna rodeirgle; mad doruaicle is a īc ris fein
if he does not purchase it . . . if he does, v 232.7 Comm. mac
baitside doroigle i mbreathaib aicnigh ┐ cuibse ┐ screbtra,
452.19 .i. do raro deiligedh sain do reir breithemnais, 454.11 .
dergligi .i. cennach, Ériu xiii 76 § 206 .deirgli .i. cennach,
80 O'C. 968 ( H. 3.18 416 ).Pass. cacha fuich a mac conder-
gel[l]tarde to every cuckold his son till purchased from him,
iii 310.16 ..i. co roderbannaigter de, 17 .Cf. mac cumaile
mani dergelltar . . . .i. mene derbcendaigi, O'Dav. 1043 .Cf.
997 .Subj. impf. 1 pl. manisdeirclimmisdi thorud ar laám
85 unless we had bought it with the fruit of our hands, Wb. 26b16 .
With omission ofdo-:dochuas ó Chenel Eoghain . . . dar
muir co ruaiclidis .i. go cendcadís longas Gall-ghaoidhel, FM
ii 1112.1 .
II promises: doruaichill foirb Fer Fidh[gh]a dōib dia
mbidis coscraigh, RC xv 427 ( Dinds. 39 ) =doruachaill, Lec.
5 468a3 .doruachell lógu mora don scolaigi, Aisl. MC 5.23 .
rohorta in bidbu ina chinaid ┐ doruigled [nem] dia hanmain
`heaven was adjudged to his soul', Laws i 12.x Comm. (was