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do-fortai v(see Thurn. Gramm. pp. 504 - 5 ).Indic. pres. 3 s.
45 dofortai, Ériu ii 116 § 45 . ZCP xi 85 § 38 .doforti,dofoirti,
ib. -dortai, Ériu ii 118 § 56 .3 pl. dofortat, Triads 186 .Subj.
impf. 3 s. dofortad, Ml. 36d22 . ?Fut. 3 s. dofoirtbe,dofortbi,
ZCP xii 234 ( Baile in Scáil § 47 ).Pret. 3 s. dórtais, BDD 157 .
Pass. subj. pres. pl. dofortatar, Ml. 124d12 .Subj. impf.
50 doforte, BDD 97 .Fut. doirtfider(sic leg.), ZCP viii 209.7 .
Perf. dorortad, Fél. May 27 .dodórted, BDD 140 .Vn.
dórtad. Later treated as simplevb.with stemdóirt-. See
alsodóirtigid. IGT Verbs § 71 .
(a) pours,pours out,sheds (trans., rarely intrans.): gl.
55 effundere, Ml. 36d22 , 124d12 . Of liquids:doirtid I. in usci
fair, PH 2337 .dorórtadh fíon flann fo glenn, TFrag. 150 .
dodhoirtedh bainne a n-ionaidh a coise, Buile S. 177 .dáilfidher
doirtfighear | deoch báis don buidhin sin, ZCP viii 209 .
radóirt blegon na trí n-erc . . . lesin ṅglassi, ix 199 .dā
60ndoirtidi fairgi ┐ srotha an doma[i]n 'na cenn, RC xxiv 381 .
rodoirtedh é . . . i mbél Marcus(of molten gold), CCath. 140 .
rodoirtestar T. fleda fina ar na clasachaib, TTebe 1645 .iarsin
rosdoirt in diliu poured down on them, Lec. 83(31)a1 .o rodoirt
diliu for bith, Met. Dinds. iii 238 .mar lān mara ag fás . . . no
65co ndoirter e . . . tar in mbaisin amach until it overflows the
, Ir. Astr. Tr. 148 . With noun indicating container as
obj.:isí doirtes curnu fair, TBC 2165 .dórtais M. in cúach
n-usci . . . im-méde Conaire, BDD § 157 .doirt in coire, PH
1269 . Of blood:a fhuil . . . dorortad (rofortad,v.l.) for roenu,
70 Fél. May 27 .dodórted fuil occe, BDD 140 .fola fírén rodoirt-
sibar cen chinaid, LB 141a47 . Of non-liquids:cia dóforte
miach di chnōib fora mullach, BDD § 97 .go ndoirteann
imeasg a chéile iad(of chessmen), TSh. 864 .doirter in spirut
bethad cum na mball, 23 A 4,128.6 .In med. textsemits,
75 passes: doirter an fual gan toil, 23 P 10,80 .doirtidh in silni
a n-aimsir na haxisi, 3 C 19,88vb3 .Fig.:mar doirteastair
Dia a foros a ḟír-eolais do chach, MR 94 .rodoirt in Coimdi
rath na n-uile beannachtan urri, Lib. Flav. ii 3 rb40 .fingal
nís-derna; mairg fors-ndoirter, mairg o ndoirter, ZCP xi 85
80§ 38 .dóirtighe amach bhúr ccroidhe, Ps. lxii 8 .doirt do
ghrása in-ar ccroidhedhaibh, Parrth. Anma 16 .roeirig
Poimp ┐ rodoirt na catha . . . d'foiritin Torquait, CCath. 3741
(=effudit acies . . . in hostem, Luc. Phars. vi 292 ).rodoirtset
co dāna forta iat charged them, 5726 .rodhoirt orra an ghorta
85 descended on them, ML 10 .dodhoirt cách . . . fam chrudh has
swooped down on my cattle
, Misc. Celt. Soc. 150 . Note also:
ar an muintir do dhoirteadh iad féin ar Dhia devoted them-
selves to
, ZCP iv 414 .dhoirtfhinn mé féin comh mór sin go
bhfuighinn trócháire, 426 .
Often with notion ofwaste,spills: doirtfe mo dub, Thr.
5Hom. 120 .do mionaighte lestar an loma ┐ dodoirtea i (= a)
mbīth ind, BNnÉ 318 .Fig. do dhoirt Ceananndas a sccíamh |
ón ló nach maireann Níall, KMMisc. 348 .
(b) destroys: innach dortai in doman i fudomnuibh pían in
that He doth not destroy the earth
, Ériu ii 118 § 56 .trí dofortat
10cach flaith: góu, forsnaidm, fingal, Triads 186 . ?dofortat
táilcend, ZCP iii 463 ( Baile in Scáil § 20 ).doforti a orddan ┐
a ānai, dobádi a greit, xi 85 § 38 .an t-ég . . . cé dhoirtidh mé
le a dtorchar ann dár laochraid, O'Gr. Cat. 562 .tír do doir-
teadh fá chosaibh na méirleach, E. O'Rahilly ii 7 .

15 do-forthé xseedo-fóir.

doforthrom: v d. ¤ cotlud fair sleep fell heavily upon him, Otia i
114 .Cf. tortrommaid,-ad.

do-foscai v(*to-oss-saig-, Ped. ii 608 ,cf. Thurn. Gramm. p. 53 )
supports,nourishes,keeps,preserves. Indic. pres. 3 s. d. ¤ escra
20Druim Lethan daglaith the goblet . . . preserves good ale(?),
Anecd. i 14.9 .Rel. criss ān aurlasair(i.e.the Torrid Zone)
d. ¤ iltorad talman which nourishes the varied fruits of the earth,
Ériu ii 110 § 30 . Perh. also:hūasal trínóit donfosca, Hy. vi 5
(perh. to be referred todo-fíuschi). ?Subj. pres. 3 s.(with
25 -ro-)ni ḟodhmad broinn ainfen[e] acht aestoderasa `save
people who can retain it
(?)', Ériu xii 20 § 25 (see p. 62).Perf.
1 s. dosroisecht-saco lléir im bossán I put it up diligently in
my pouch
, TBFr. 331 .3 pl. céin ropridchos doib it macidónii
domroisechtatar who supported me, Wb. 17c1 .
30 Vn. toischid.
This verb anddo-coisigare later replaced by1 taiscid
(vn.2 taiscid),taiscigid, andtaisigid,q.v.

do-foscaig v(*to-uss-scuch-) moves,comes to,withdraws. Indic.
pres. 3 s. donfoscaig(doubtful ex., gl.donfoscai, see under
35 do-foscai), Thes. ii 351.19 .ata im arrad tipra thonnglan . . .
co t[a]oscig dam frim thoscid cen nach ndigna flows(?), ZCP
xi 156 § 121 .3 pl. dufoscaigetgl.cedunt, Ml. 90c26 .amal is
donaib retaibdufoscaiget gl.rebus ex voto cædentibus(=ce-
dentibus), 33b3 .Pass. na tri chemmen cinges in fer graith fora
40cúlu . . . ised tri . . .trisatoscigtherdo chorp Crist`by which
he is moved to Christ's body
', Thes. ii 253.12 ( Stowe Miss. 65a ).
Pret.andperf. 3 s. tafaisig(.i. doérig) . . . co hairm imboí a
máthair withdrew(doubtful ex.), Comp. Con C. 50.17 .
doforscaiggl.cessise, Ml. 37d12 .a ndofoscaigset a dochum
45 when they had come to him, RC x 80.16 .Pass. subj. pres.
condatoscaigthergl.commovere, Ml. 23d21 .
Vn. toscugud. Seedo-scuich.

do-foscart(a?) v(*di-uss-scart-) removes,puts aside. Ipv. 2 s.
díuscartdím andelg remove from me the thorn, Thes. ii 248.4
50(Sg. Incant.).díscart dín in n-écin fil fornd, TBC² 742 (LU).
Pass. impf. domfoscartae-segl.exponebar (inrisu), Ml. 127c20 .
na traight[h]igh notograimtis nódiuscartiss de they were
driven off thereby
, BColm. 94.22 . Perh. also in:in cath ima-n-
uairidar | is cían ó dofuascarfad`would have fled in panic',
55 Tig. 604 ( RC xvii 166 ) =do-fiuscarfad, CS 70.13 =do
fuaiscertadh , FM i 230.5 .Part. a mbandiuscartaein mesbaid
when the dissension was removed, Ml. 19c15 .diuscartegl.
deposita, 32d16 .anas ṅdiuscartae in feidgl. (cum) depossito
(=deposita) (tranquillitate), 108d5 .Vbl. of necess. beddius-
60cartai deponendam (infidelitatem), 115a15 .Cf. díuscar-

? do-fotha ind(B. na filed):d. ¤ (tofotha, LB)tairr tein .i. is mithid
a thiscal do t[h]einidh, Corm. Y 825 .

do-fothlaig v demandsof: inti . . . dia ndligi fiachu dosfothlaid
65fair ask them of him, RC iii 184.16 . Back-formation from
tothlaigid, later form ofdo-tluchethar,q.v.

do-foxla vseedo-fochsla.

doḟrecartha adj(frecraid,fris-gair)thatcannot be gainsaid,
irresistible: ina n-dlúmaib dichra . . . dofreagartha debtha,
70 MR 222.25 .

doḟrecarthach adj=prec.:co clannaib dílsib do[ḟ]recartachaib
(sic leg.) Dedad, CRR 16 .

do-frecmairc v(*to-frith-com-arc-)pret. 3 s. inquired: dosfrec-
maircdoib cid foruair doib . . ., Anecd. i 59 § 75 .

75 doḟrestail adj(frestal)that cannot becoped withorsustained,
irresistible,unbearable: cath . . . dána dofreastail, ZCP vi
52.35 .drécht dana dofreastail dona sluaghaibh, 65.8 .ina
mbuinnedhuibh diana doifresdail, Caithr. CC § 77 .debtha
doilghe doifrestail, FM vi 2112.3 .tonn doifhreastail díleann,
80 TSh. 9719 .tucadar dubgona daingne d. ¤ ar a cheli, CF 129 .
briathra doirbhe dur-misgnecha do-resduil, Celt. Rev. iv
20.13 .Adv. go danardhadoifhreasdail , CRR 84.6 .co díocra
doifhrestail, FM v 1846.1 .

doḟrithis(s)e xseefrithis(s)e

85 do-fúairc v(*to-org-, Ped. ii 590 . See Thurn. Gramm. 532 ).
Indic. pres. 3 s. dufuairc, Ml. 84b12 .dofuáircc(rel.), Wb.
10d6 .3 pl. dufuargat , Ml. 85b6 .Ipv. 2 s. dosfuairc, Anecd.
i 5.6 .Subj. pres. 3 s. dufuarr, Ml. 48c31 . (With perfective
particle)docomar, 23d5 .ducomarr, 85c3 . (See Thurn.
Gramm. 394 . )2 pl. ciadu[n]fuarraid-ni , 78d7 .Impf. 3 s.
5 arnatuarrad , 121d17 .Fut. 1 s. dufiurr, 113a11 .intiur[r] ,
ZCP x 46.3 .3 pl. do-fíurad(-at,v.l.), BDD² 1295 .Pret.and
perf. 3 s. docomart, 45a11 .tuart, Ält. Ir. Dicht. i 28 § 18 .
do-sn-ort, 17 § 4 .dofuart, LL 14188 .dosrort, SR 3398 .
Pass. pres. sg. do-fuarcar, O'Mulc. 424 .Ipv. pl. tuargatar,
10 Ml. 86d22 .Impf. pl. dofuaircitis, Sg. 184b3 .Subj. impf. pl.
contuartis, Ml. 54a18 .Perf. s. ducomart, 111b18 .Vbl. ofnecess. tuarti, 126c18 .Part. túartae.Vn. túarcon. Later as
simplevb., stemtua(i)rc-.
15 buffets (usually of repeated or continuous action). In O.Ir.
glosses transl.atterere, deterere, proterere(passim);triturare,
Wb. 10d6 ;pulsare, Ml. 54a18 .cu ra-thuairge(ut retundes),
Gild. Lor. 149 .tuarcain dofuaircitis inna grán la arsidi with
which corn used to be crushed
, Sg. 184b3 . adraimm(leg.
20 arbaimm?) tuarggar for lar the corn which is trampled on the
, Laws iv 314.18 .dofuarcar al-lār n-āthae, O'Mulc. 424 .
amail tuairgith na mná an líon scutch flax, Buile S. 34 .dos-
comart uman mol they were crushed round the mill-shaft
(impers. constr.?), Fing. R. 881 .is ann dochomart a chnáim,
25 RC xxiii 327 § 22 .tuaircfid in ben do cheann(=conteret
caput tuum, Gen. iii 15 ), Lec. 530a47 .túargit a n-ette ria toeb
strike (flap) their wings, RC xxi 384 .ratuairced sciath
Conchobuir co rogésestair was battered, CRR § 35 .dofuarcatís
in talam, Alex. 721 .robuail a basa ┐ rothuairc a h-ucht, MR
30 72 .níor thuairgeas mh'ucht d'iarraidh maithmhe, TSh. 5991 .
nostuarcend cách araili díb(of combatants), FB § 40 .ro[t]-
tuairgestar mar thuargther iasc for ganmig, RC xiv 408 § 19 .
act nib tarrsna dofuarcartur enech i n-einech(of threshers
threshing opposite each other), Laws iii 220 (with gl.acht nib
35tarrsna indligthech tuairces cach dib aighidh re aighidh in fir
aile, 222 ).cor-thuaircset he dia ṅdornu, PH 2143 .mōr
ceand caistrillsech dochomortatar claidib, Alex. 134 .aon
dona clochaibh dia rotuairgedh Steffan martir was stoned, Fl.
Earls 194 .ilar casrach ngarbthened, ilar ndlúm . . . tuarcat,
40 SR 903 .can tic tuili trethan tuaircc | lethan cuairdd fo
betha barcc? 7901 .tuaircfetsa o anbthine longa in mara,
PH 7041 .romt[h]uairg snechta ar sleibh mhic Sin, Buile S.
120 .Often like Engl.smite,crushof slaying, destroying:
annudacomart [a] chlaidebgl.gladio caedente, Ml. 36d9 ,
45 83b4 , 84b12 , 85c3 .ríg Connacht cáem doscomart, Arch. Hib.
ii 62 § 50 .rothuairc féin in cath fo chóic, LL 4422 .rothuairc
treoit Tesaldai, Alex. 73 . ?dochomairt flaith nAlban do
Gaedelaib, Rawl. 148b13 .doortsadar deamhna fear dia
muindtir, BB 38b1 =doortatar demna fer do muntir hItha,
50 Lec. 27a15 .docomartatar in fhidbaid cut down, Alex. 698 .
Infig.sense: ?dosrocht gorta . . . dosrort fri fodla fodard,
SR 3398 .domchommart a chuma grief for him has crushed me,
LL 123b17 .tuir ┐ túatha . . . dosfúartha fon golgaire were
overwhelmed with noisy grief
, Met. Dinds. iii 212 .