Combining 3D Technologies in the Field of Cultural Heritage: Three Case Studies

Antlej, Kaja
Eric, Miran
avnik, Mojca
upanek, Bernarda
Slabe, Janja
Battestin, B. Borut

Critical Review of 3d Digitization Methods and Techniques Applied to the Field of Architectural Heritage: Methodological and Cognitive Issues

Buglio, David Lo
Luca, Livio De

THESAURUS: Techniques for Underwater Exploration and Archeology through Swarms of Autonomous Vehicles

Allotta, Benedetto
Caiti, Andrea
Tampucci, Marco
Cocco, Michele
Colombo, Carlo
Daviddi, Walter
Gualdesi, Lavinio
Monica, Denise La
Moroni, Davide
Pieri, Gabriele
Salvetti, Ovidio

Improving High-Speed Scanning Systems by Photometric Stereo

Larue, Frédéric
Dellepiane, Matteo
Scopigno, Roberto

Very Important Faces: Yet Another Character Annotation Tool

Sá, Asla Medeiros e
Vasconcelos, Cristina Nader
Gonçalves, Martina Spohr
Carvalho, Paulo Cezar Pinto

Connecting Information as Navigation Paths for Exploring Digital Video Collections

Damnjanovic, Uros
Hermon, Sorin

From 3D Acquisition to Augmented Reality: the case of the Charterhouse of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon (Gard, France)

Favre-Brun, Aurélie
Luca, Livio De
Florenzano, M.

Reconstructing the Baths of Caracalla

Oetelaar, Taylor

Defixio Digital(is): A Semantic-enabled Digital Archive For the Study of Ancient Curse Tablets

Felicetti, Achille
Murano, Francesca

Geomemories a Spatial-Temporal Atlas of the Italian Landscape

Marchetti, A.
Hast, Anders
Rapisarda, B.
Shepherd, E. J.
Tesconi, M.

The Petit Trianon in Versailles: The Virtual, an Historic Reality

Renaudin, Noémie
Rondot, Bertrand
Luca, Livio De

Detection and Classification of Petroglyphs in Gigapixel Images -- Preliminary Results

Seidl, Markus
Breiteneder, Christian

The V-City Project

Himmelstein, Jesse
Balet, Olivier
Ganovelli, Fabio
Gobbetti, Enrico
Specht, Matthias
Mueller, Pascal
Engels, Chris
Gool, Luc van
Rivière, Jean-Baptiste de la
Cavazzini, Armando

A London Charter's Visualization: The Ancient Hellenistic-Roman Theatre in Paphos

Georgiou, Ropertos
Hermon, Sorin

Usability Evaluation of a Prototype iPhone App for Osaka Castle Museum: Outcomes and Reflections

Carillo, Erminia
Chikama, Masaki
Kadobayashi, Rieko
Shimojo, Shinji
Pemberton, Lyn
Rodriguez-Echavarria, Karina
Arnold, David

Walking, Learning, Enjoying. Mobile Technology on the Trail of Design Masterpieces

Spallazzo, Davide
Ceconello, Mauro
Lenz, R.

Serious Games for Cultural Heritage: the GaLA Activities

Mortara, Michela
Bellotti, Francesco
Berta, Riccardo
Catalano, Chiara Eva
Fiucci, Giusy
Houry-Panchetti, Minica
Petridis, Panagiotis

Multi-touch Rocks: Playing with Tangible Virtual Heritage in the Museum -- First User Tests

Seidl, Markus
Judmaier, P.
Baker, F.
Chippindale, C.
Egger, U.
Jax, N.
Weis, C.
Grubinger, M.
Seidl, G.

A Blender Open Pipeline for a 3D Animated Historical Short Film

Ponti, Francesca Delli
Guidazzoli, Antonella
Imboden, Silvano
Liguori, Maria Chiara

Visualizing Williamsburg: Modeling an Early American City in 2D and 3D

Fischer, Lisa E.

BibTeX (VAST11S)
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Combining 3D Technologies in the Field of Cultural Heritage: Three Case Studies}},
author = {
Antlej, Kaja
Eric, Miran
avnik, Mojca
upanek, Bernarda
Slabe, Janja
Battestin, B. Borut
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Critical Review of 3d Digitization Methods and Techniques Applied to the Field of Architectural Heritage: Methodological and Cognitive Issues}},
author = {
Buglio, David Lo
Luca, Livio De
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
THESAURUS: Techniques for Underwater Exploration and Archeology through Swarms of Autonomous Vehicles}},
author = {
Allotta, Benedetto
Caiti, Andrea
Tampucci, Marco
Cocco, Michele
Colombo, Carlo
Daviddi, Walter
Gualdesi, Lavinio
Monica, Denise La
Moroni, Davide
Pieri, Gabriele
Salvetti, Ovidio
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Improving High-Speed Scanning Systems by Photometric Stereo}},
author = {
Larue, Frédéric
Dellepiane, Matteo
Scopigno, Roberto
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Very Important Faces: Yet Another Character Annotation Tool}},
author = {
Sá, Asla Medeiros e
Vasconcelos, Cristina Nader
Gonçalves, Martina Spohr
Carvalho, Paulo Cezar Pinto
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Connecting Information as Navigation Paths for Exploring Digital Video Collections}},
author = {
Damnjanovic, Uros
Hermon, Sorin
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
From 3D Acquisition to Augmented Reality: the case of the Charterhouse of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon (Gard, France)}},
author = {
Favre-Brun, Aurélie
Luca, Livio De
Florenzano, M.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Reconstructing the Baths of Caracalla}},
author = {
Oetelaar, Taylor
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Defixio Digital(is): A Semantic-enabled Digital Archive For the Study of Ancient Curse Tablets}},
author = {
Felicetti, Achille
Murano, Francesca
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Geomemories a Spatial-Temporal Atlas of the Italian Landscape}},
author = {
Marchetti, A.
Hast, Anders
Rapisarda, B.
Shepherd, E. J.
Tesconi, M.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
The Petit Trianon in Versailles: The Virtual, an Historic Reality}},
author = {
Renaudin, Noémie
Rondot, Bertrand
Luca, Livio De
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Detection and Classification of Petroglyphs in Gigapixel Images -- Preliminary Results}},
author = {
Seidl, Markus
Breiteneder, Christian
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
The V-City Project}},
author = {
Himmelstein, Jesse
Balet, Olivier
Ganovelli, Fabio
Gobbetti, Enrico
Specht, Matthias
Mueller, Pascal
Engels, Chris
Gool, Luc van
Rivière, Jean-Baptiste de la
Cavazzini, Armando
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
A London Charter's Visualization: The Ancient Hellenistic-Roman Theatre in Paphos}},
author = {
Georgiou, Ropertos
Hermon, Sorin
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Usability Evaluation of a Prototype iPhone App for Osaka Castle Museum: Outcomes and Reflections}},
author = {
Carillo, Erminia
Chikama, Masaki
Kadobayashi, Rieko
Shimojo, Shinji
Pemberton, Lyn
Rodriguez-Echavarria, Karina
Arnold, David
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Walking, Learning, Enjoying. Mobile Technology on the Trail of Design Masterpieces}},
author = {
Spallazzo, Davide
Ceconello, Mauro
Lenz, R.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Serious Games for Cultural Heritage: the GaLA Activities}},
author = {
Mortara, Michela
Bellotti, Francesco
Berta, Riccardo
Catalano, Chiara Eva
Fiucci, Giusy
Houry-Panchetti, Minica
Petridis, Panagiotis
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Multi-touch Rocks: Playing with Tangible Virtual Heritage in the Museum -- First User Tests}},
author = {
Seidl, Markus
Judmaier, P.
Baker, F.
Chippindale, C.
Egger, U.
Jax, N.
Weis, C.
Grubinger, M.
Seidl, G.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
A Blender Open Pipeline for a 3D Animated Historical Short Film}},
author = {
Ponti, Francesca Delli
Guidazzoli, Antonella
Imboden, Silvano
Liguori, Maria Chiara
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Short and Project Papers},
editor = {
Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
}, title = {{
Visualizing Williamsburg: Modeling an Early American City in 2D and 3D}},
author = {
Fischer, Lisa E.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-86-9},
DOI = {


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 20
  • Item
    Combining 3D Technologies in the Field of Cultural Heritage: Three Case Studies
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Antlej, Kaja; Eric, Miran; avnik, Mojca; upanek, Bernarda; Slabe, Janja; Battestin, B. Borut; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    The advantages of 3D technologies (3D digitisation, visualisation, 3D printing...) are recognised by various professions in the field of cultural heritage (CH). Today these technologies have been technologically improved to the point that allows them to be merged for different purposes. The paper presents projects related to the successful combining of these technologies with regard to CH. In three case studies we discuss processes using 3D technologies for documenting and presenting artefacts, 3D collection by the Digital Library of Slovenia and directly using techology for the restoration of museum object. Although all the examples under discussion show how these tools and processes can be used for different purposes and applications in the area of CH.
  • Item
    Critical Review of 3d Digitization Methods and Techniques Applied to the Field of Architectural Heritage: Methodological and Cognitive Issues
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Buglio, David Lo; Luca, Livio De; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    This article concentrates on the epistemological aspects of architectural survey. It offers a critical observation of the technologies used in the field of 3D digitization. More specifically, the study evaluates the way in which the tools and methods used for the acquisition and representation of the data do or do not contribute to the enhancement of architectural knowledge. To understand the relationships between technology and knowledge transfer, we will carry out an observation based on a series of case studies. This is intended to highlight a dual issue of a cognitive nature: the first, perceptual, refers to the comprehension of the object and the second, descriptive, refers to the intelligibility of the 3D information model. This reflexive approach is justified by the fact that the main technological advances rarely compensate the methodological deficiencies encountered. Finally, this article offers perspectives for the in-depth study of all the cognitive mechanisms involved in the architectural survey.
  • Item
    THESAURUS: Techniques for Underwater Exploration and Archeology through Swarms of Autonomous Vehicles
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Allotta, Benedetto; Caiti, Andrea; Cocco, Michele; Colombo, Carlo; Daviddi, Walter; Gualdesi, Lavinio; Monica, Denise La; Moroni, Davide; Pieri, Gabriele; Salvetti, Ovidio; Tampucci, Marco; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    The THESAURUS project (2011-2013) is financed by Regione Toscana (Italy) in the framework of the FAS program 2007-2013 under Deliberation CIPE (Italian government) 166/2007. The overall goal of THESAURUS project is to develop multidisciplinary methodologies and technologies to detect, catalogue and document underwater artifacts and wreckage with archaeological and ethno-anthropological value. In particular, specially designed Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) will be used to systematically explore the sea floor in a cooperative way, by collecting and analyzing in real time heterogeneous data from acoustic, optical and magnetic sensors with the aim of promptly detecting objects of interest. Data recorded from AUVs missions will also be analyzed and integrated off-line, by building large-scale sea-floor maps and 3D reconstructions for granting virtual access to underwater sites.
  • Item
    Improving High-Speed Scanning Systems by Photometric Stereo
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Larue, Frédéric; Dellepiane, Matteo; Scopigno, Roberto; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    High-speed scanning systems can be extremely valuable for Cultural Heritage applications, especially when large collections of small objects have to be acquired. However, fine details may not be acquired using this technology. Nevertheless, it is possible to try to recover them by taking advantage of the additional data provided by these systems: the calibrated video sequence of the acquisition, and the position of the projector light for each frame. In this paper, we propose a workflow that processes the video sequence with a photometric stereo approach, in order to refine the coarse geometry provided by the scanner. A normal map is first extracted by a method that accounts for the unevenly distributed sampling that generally results from the particular trajectory followed by this kind of scanners during the acquisition. This normal map is then integrated in order to recover missing geometric features. Good performances are achieved, since the whole workflow is particularly suited to GPU programming.
  • Item
    Very Important Faces: Yet Another Character Annotation Tool
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Sá, Asla Medeiros e; Vasconcelos, Cristina Nader; Gonçalves, Martina Spohr; Carvalho, Paulo Cezar Pinto; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    This short paper describes the ongoing project of creating yet another character annotation tool, the Very Important Faces (V.I.F.) tool. Although the idea of character annotation is really not a new subject, off-the-shelf software annotation tools have proved to be designed for contexts where the assumptions are not the same as in the case of historic photographic catalogs. Thus, the adoption of such tools has shown, in practice, to be below the expectations. The most evident limitation of the majority of the available photo annotation tools is that they do not process information present in captions and texts produced by experts that describe the contents of the photographic collections. Our dataset is constituted of a contemporary historic character photographic collection, with informative captions, available for public access . The design proposal of the V.I.F. tool is to help the experts responsible for collection organization to migrate the information, documented in the texts associated to the images, to W3C metadata standards. The V.I.F Tool implements face detection algorithms. It also detects proper names in previously inserted captions to help the user (expert) match names and faces in order to produce a photo annotation compatible with semantic web principles.
  • Item
    Connecting Information as Navigation Paths for Exploring Digital Video Collections
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Damnjanovic, Uros; Hermon, Sorin; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    The way information is presented to users is of great importance in today's digital world. This is especially true for data collections that are rich in information that is not always easily understood. In this paper we present a solution for accessing digital video collections using specially created interfaces for data exploration. We developed a data navigation model that is used to establish links between data records and created different webbased tools for using these connections as paths that users can follow in their exploration of the content. We argue that by providing a set of interactive tools for data exploration we can increase the amount of information that is passed from data to users. We show how different interface solutions for accessing informative digital collections can be used to improve users experience of exploring the data and help them make effective use of acquired information.
  • Item
    From 3D Acquisition to Augmented Reality: the case of the Charterhouse of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon (Gard, France)
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Favre-Brun, Aurélie; Luca, Livio De; Florenzano, M.; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    The charterhouse of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon (Gard, France) was created by Pope Innocent VI in the XIVth century. Several times, it was transformed, like its church. Under the program 3D[Monuments] of the Ministry of Culture and Communication, this building was the place of campaigns of digital and photographic surveys. The goal was, in first, to reconstruct the current state of the building, then to propose a restitution of its post revolutionary state. A database which contained documentation, related to the 3D objects, was created. The development of 3D digital mock-up led us to think about the reliability of documentary sources. The site of the charterhouse has been selected as the testing ground for the study of documentary data uncertainty realized as a part of a doctoral thesis.
  • Item
    Reconstructing the Baths of Caracalla
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Oetelaar, Taylor; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    This paper provides an overview of the digital restoration process of Rome's Baths of Caracalla using the parametric CAD package, SolidWorks. It will outline the major hurdles, their solutions, and benefits of the process as well as a brief case study on the reconstruction of the window glazing.
  • Item
    Defixio Digital(is): A Semantic-enabled Digital Archive For the Study of Ancient Curse Tablets
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Felicetti, Achille; Murano, Francesca; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    In this paper we present a relevant example of how new technologies can be applied to the study of the ancient world. In particular, we present a set of activities whereby we apply semantic technologies and open source software for the study of a very specific class of archaeological and textual objects, the so-called defixiones. The term defixio refers to a cursing tablet, engraved on thin sheets of lead, especially as used in the Ancient Mediterranean area for various "magical" uses. The study of this field has not yet produced any complete systematisation of all the different material and interpretations. We intend developing a system bringing together all the existing information in order to offer scholars a tool comprising all available knowledge to date and the possibility to extend it with the results of their research.
  • Item
    Geomemories a Spatial-Temporal Atlas of the Italian Landscape
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Marchetti, A.; Hast, Anders; Rapisarda, B.; Shepherd, E. J.; Tesconi, M.; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    The AeroFototeca Nazionale of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage in Rome maintains an extensive set of some million aerial photographs constituting an important memory archive of the Italian territory throughout the 20th century. Together with the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR in Pisa the GeoMemories project was launched with the aim of creating a web platform covering spatial-temporal dimensions and also integrating multimedia data from other archives that displays the evolution of the Italian Landscape. We present some challenges of the project and achievements so far as well as examples of how the tool presented here has a great potential to become a valuable resource for both historians and archaeologists.
  • Item
    The Petit Trianon in Versailles: The Virtual, an Historic Reality
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Renaudin, Noémie; Rondot, Bertrand; Luca, Livio De; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    It is difficult to grasp the complex history of the successive changes made to the furnishings and to the layout of the Petit Trianon. Our ongoing project addresses this challenge. Based on 3D digitizing, high photorealistic rendering, real-time visualization and spatio-temporal data structuring, our approach provides more than a straightforward 3D model of the rooms : it ensures that the content of the rooms is not fixed in its existing state, but enhanced based on additional perspectives. The refurnished virtual rooms are paradoxically more realistic. They are free from the limitations imposed by visitor traffic and security, and presented not in their current fragmentary state, but as a complete whole. Our data structuring method also enables to explore the successive changes to the furnishings over time (integrating furnitures conserved today in different Museums in the world), providing a dynamic vision of these spaces.
  • Item
    Detection and Classification of Petroglyphs in Gigapixel Images -- Preliminary Results
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Seidl, Markus; Breiteneder, Christian; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    With the advances of digital photography, the number of high quality images of rock panels containing petroglyphs grows steadily. Different time-consuming manual methods to determine and document the exact shapes and spatial locations of petroglyphs on a panel have been carried out over decades. We aim at automated methods to a) segment rock images with petroglyphs, b) classify the petroglyphs and c) retrieve similar petroglyphs from different archives. In this short paper, we present an approach for the unsolved problem of rock art image segmentation. A first evaluation demonstrates promising results.
  • Item
    The V-City Project
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Himmelstein, Jesse; Balet, Olivier; Ganovelli, Fabio; Gobbetti, Enrico; Specht, Matthias; Mueller, Pascal; Engels, Chris; Gool, Luc van; Rivière, Jean-Baptiste de la; Cavazzini, Armando; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    3D geoinformatics have entered the digital age, hesitantly in some areas, and rampantly in others. Google Earth and Microsoft Virtual Earth are household names. However, these projects are limited to textured 3D landscapes, aerial 2D images and a few boxy building envelopes. The V-City project is a European research initiative to surpass these limitations, and create a system for intuitively exploring large urban areas with a high degree of detail. Bringing together technologies from geoinformatics, virtual reality, computer graphics, and computer vision, the system constructs detailed 3D city models from geopositioned aerial images and building footprints. For networked browsing, city models are compressed and streamed for interactive viewing of entire landscapes. A unique tactile table has also been developed to let multiple users visualize the same city model in stereo 3D, and interact with it simultaneously using hand gestures.
  • Item
    A London Charter's Visualization: The Ancient Hellenistic-Roman Theatre in Paphos
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Georgiou, Ropertos; Hermon, Sorin; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    The paper presents an attempt at reconstructing the architectural history of an ancient building taking into consideration the London Charter's principles. The case-study is the Hellenistic - Roman theatre of Paphos, Cyprus and the paper describes the main steps in its virtual reconstruction and how the charter's principles have been implemented.
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    Usability Evaluation of a Prototype iPhone App for Osaka Castle Museum: Outcomes and Reflections
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Carillo, Erminia; Chikama, Masaki; Kadobayashi, Rieko; Shimojo, Shinji; Pemberton, Lyn; Rodriguez-Echavarria, Karina; Arnold, David; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    The evaluation of the effectiveness of new technologies for cultural heritage is becoming increasingly relevant, as the number of tools and media for public presentation grows rapidly across the world. Amongst these technologies, smartphone applications are rapidly increasing, with museums releasing new Apps at an incredible pace. It is therefore important to understand how these Apps are re-shaping the behaviour of museums' visitors and the approach of heritage professionals. This paper presents the outcomes of a user evaluation of a prototype iPhone App developed for Osaka Castle Museum in Japan. It reports on the methodology adopted and the results gathered, but it also reflects on implications and cultural issues.
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    Walking, Learning, Enjoying. Mobile Technology on the Trail of Design Masterpieces
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Spallazzo, Davide; Ceconello, Mauro; Lenz, R.; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    The paper describes Looking for Achille Castiglioni - LfAC - a mobile location-based application designed to lead visitors to the discovery of Achille Castiglioni's projects in downtown Milan. The renowned architect and designer's works are valorised and brought back to life through contextual contents delivered to visitors' smartphones: documents, drawings, photos, models tell the story of architectures, temporary exhibitions, interior and design projects that shaped the history of Italian design. The paper frames LfAC in the context of location based services, describes the process of development, presents the results and discusses the lessons learnt.
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    Serious Games for Cultural Heritage: the GaLA Activities
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Mortara, Michela; Bellotti, Francesco; Berta, Riccardo; Catalano, Chiara Eva; Fiucci, Giusy; Houry-Panchetti, Minica; Petridis, Panagiotis; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    The European Union is increasingly investing in new techniques for the acquisition, preservation and fruition of Virtual Heritage. In addition, Serious Games (games designed with an educational purpose) are an emerging way to engage the wide public with an amusing experience while stimulating learning. In this paper we will describe the activities of the Special Interest Group on Humanities and Heritage within the GaLA (Games and Learning Alliance) Network of Excellence, devoted to the identification of best practices and guidelines for the successful design, development and deployment of Serious Games for Cultural Heritage.
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    Multi-touch Rocks: Playing with Tangible Virtual Heritage in the Museum -- First User Tests
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Seidl, Markus; Judmaier, P.; Baker, F.; Chippindale, C.; Egger, U.; Jax, N.; Weis, C.; Grubinger, M.; Seidl, G.; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    More than 50.000 petroglyphs are engraved in rock panels on the flanks of the UNESCO world heritage site Val Camonica (Northern Italy). The engravings are not always visible and are often on steep slopes on which it is forbidden to walk for conservation reasons. To overcome these problems, and to be able to transfer the rock art experience to other places, we designed a collaborative computer game for a multi-touch tabletop display. The game contains the image of a full rock panel and several mini games to be played on the panel. This short paper describes the game design as well as the interface and interaction design. We focus on the evaluation of the user interface as an important step in the user centered design approach. Consequently, we perform first user tests on the game in order to evaluate effectivity and efficiency of the user interface. The tests achieve largely good results.
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    A Blender Open Pipeline for a 3D Animated Historical Short Film
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Ponti, Francesca Delli; Guidazzoli, Antonella; Imboden, Silvano; Liguori, Maria Chiara; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    ''APA and the History of Bologna'' is the first 3D stereo movie made with Blender according to high philological standards and related to the history of an entire city with four different geo-referenced historical digital terrain models and several scenarios, from the Etruscan up to the present day. The methodology developed for this realisation, centered on open source and interdisciplinary framework, has been of great help in this endeavour.
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    Visualizing Williamsburg: Modeling an Early American City in 2D and 3D
    (The Eurographics Association, 2011) Fischer, Lisa E.; Franco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool
    Williamsburg, the capital of Virginia from 1699 to 1780, has been the subject of extensive research for more than eighty years. However this research has never been assimilated to look at the development of this planned city, not at a site level but at a town level. Two digital projects, eWilliamsburg and Virtual Williamsburg, are now seeking to visualize this data in new ways. In 2010, Colonial Williamsburg launched the temporal eWilliamsburg map, an interactive tool for depicting the town's layout for any year in the eighteenth century and for querying information about the structures and residents. Building upon eWilliamsburg, the ongoing Virtual Williamsburg project is using 3D modeling to virtually reconstruct the town as it looked in 1776. Not only are these projects providing novel insights into Williamsburg's eighteenth-century history but, perhaps even more importantly, they are resulting in new online tools for educating and engaging the public.