Flight List Columns

When viewing a list of flights, you can choose which columns display and hide.

This applies to both the list of all flights at https://app.kevel.co/#!/flights/ and to the list of flights for a specific campaign at https://app.kevel.co/#!/campaign/[campaignID]/flights/.

To change which columns display, click the columns icon at the upper-right corner of the screen. Checked the columns you wish to appear, and click Save to apply changes.


You can also choose to view groups of columns using the Settings menu.


See which columns are included within each grouping in the table below.

Your column preferences will be saved for your user only, and not for the full network.

Column descriptions and groupings

Column nameDescriptionGrouping
AdvertiserThe name of the Advertiser for the Campaign to which this Flight belongs.None
Advertiser IDThe ID of the Advertiser.IDs
IDThe ID of the Flight.IDs
CampaignThe name of the Campaign to which this Flight belongs.
Campaign IDThe ID of the Campaign.IDs
StartStart Date of the Flight.
EndEnd Date of the Flight.
PriceThe Price specified on the Flight, along with the Rate.
eCPM Optimized?Whether or not the flight has eCPM Optimization enabled.eCPM
Calculated eCPMFlight eCPM, effective cost per thousand impressions, determines the revenue generated from a thousand impressions regardless of flight rate.

eCPM is calculated as:
(Flight revenue / Total flight impressions) * 1000

Note that:
- Flight eCPM is distinct from the eCPM calculated for each ad in an auction. Learn more about eCPM in auctions here.
- Flight eCPM is calculated from the total lifetime revenue of the flight. Additional revenue from events is included in the calculation.
- The Revenue displayed in the UI is subject to rounding, whereas eCPM is calculated using non-rounded revenue from reporting.
- eCPM for Flat rate flights will always appear as $0.00 since Flat rate revenue is not recorded in Kevel reporting.
ImpressionsThe total number of impressions served by ads in this flight.
ClicksThe total number of clicks generated by ads in this flight.
ConversionsThe total number of conversions generated by ads in this flight.
RevenueTotal revenue generated by ads in this flight.

Flight Performance Metrics

The Kevel UI displays impressions, clicks, conversions, and revenue metrics for Flights as described above. These metrics are from Kevel's Real Time Reporting system. Visit the Real Time Reporting API documentation for details on how these numbers are calculated.