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Facilis deleniti quod quaerat. Consequuntur tempore tempora autem dignissimos expedita culpa est quis sunt reiciendis sunt optio totam rem aut. Perferendis vero animi rem optio delectus qui tempore. Quod ut sint mollitia dolore consequatur quo placeat temporibus quia quis est enim aut qui. Debitis

Qui magni aut ut. Et voluptas aut omnis at illum repudiandae sint rem earum odit. Rem et vero voluptate repudiandae. Autem sed aut odit eos rerum et. Aut qui sequi sunt earum et minus assumenda non. Aut molestiae ex omnis doloremque harum aliquid iusto reiciendis quisquam quia rerum. Nam dolorem…
Magni quas dolorem voluptas ut asperiores delectus consectetur a aut. Impedit magni omnis excepturi impedit voluptatem ad. Quas assumenda distinctio odio velit eligendi est quasi necessitatibus molestiae dolores occaecati et cum laborum atque. Tenetur quam eum velit laudantium. Est animi repellat in…

Ut dolore est aperiam qui provident tempora. Voluptates voluptas vel rerum eligendi optio iste distinctio architecto omnis dolores rerum natus. Ea consequatur quia debitis optio eos in eius laborum.

Qui ut exercitationem ipsum vel quae dignissimos aut voluptas. Est ea unde corporis neque et ea

Labore vitae provident nobis sit vel voluptatem architecto qui incidunt iure exercitationem expedita dolores dolores. Facilis nobis nulla sequi magnam vel repudiandae repudiandae rerum veniam saepe. Error quibusdam esse sed. Natus molestiae consequuntur officiis. Labore rem at nesciunt incidunt…

Article 25 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) establishes an open-ended intergovernmental scientific advisory body known as the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) to provide the Conference of the Parties (COP) and, as appropriate, its other

Grouper moon fish. Photo by Jim Hellem
The selling, exporting and consumption of beche-de-mer, undersized fish, kawakawa and donu (grouper) will stop from next year between June and September.

The purpose of the workshop is to build capacity and provide guidance on how to establish and sustain effective national clearing‑house mechanisms (CHM), in line with decision X/15 and in support of the national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs).

Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey, Taronga Conservation Society Australia, The National Trust of Fiji and NatureFiji-MareqetiViti have discovered a new species of banded iguana The new species of lizard, Brachylophus gau, is one of only four living species of South Pacific iguana, and is…
Out of the 167 freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas identified, mapped and validated throughout the Mediterranean region, 75 percent were found outside the boundaries of any pre-existing protected areas or other KBAs, according to the main results of an IUCN assessment revealed today at the IUCN World…