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Dokumentation für das Modul Marker/Params[Ansicht] [Bearbeiten] [Versionsgeschichte] [Aktualisieren]

Dieses Modul enthält eine Parametertabelle für den Aufruf von Karten-Markern, und zwar für die Vorlage {{Marker}}.

Versionsbezeichnung auf Wikidata: 2024-07-02 Ok!
-- Parameter lists and localization
return {
	-- administration
	moduleInterface = {
		suite  = 'Marker',
		sub    = 'Params',
		serial = '2024-07-02',
		item   = 65451902

	-- The item key is used by the Marker module.
	-- The value like ['no-gpx'] is the parameter name used in the template.
	-- Use values for localization.
	p = {
		-- module name = template arg
		alt        = 'alt',
		commonscat = 'commonscat',
		copyMarker = { 'copy-marker', 'marker-copy' },
		country    = 'country',
		group      = 'group',
		image      = 'image',
		lat        = { 'lat', 'latitude', 'coord' },
		long       = { 'long', 'lon', 'longitude' },
		mapGroup   = 'map-group',
		noGpx      = 'no-gpx',
		name       = 'name',
		nameExtra  = 'name-extra',
		nameLatin  = 'name-latin',
		nameLocal  = 'name-local',
		nameMap    = 'name-map',
		show       = 'show',
		status     = 'status',
		styles     = 'styles',
		symbol     = { 'symbol', 'icon' },
		text       = 'text',
		type       = { 'type', 'types' },
		url        = 'url',
		wikidata   = 'wikidata',
		zoom       = 'zoom'

	-- corresponding Wikidata properties
	wd = {
		coord      = { p =  'P625' },
		iata       = { p =  'P238', c = 3 },
		icao       = { p =  'P239' },
		image      = { p = { { p = 'P18' },
		               { p = 'P3451' }, -- nighttime view
		               { p = 'P8592' }, -- aerial view
		               { p = 'P5775' } } }, -- interior image
		rss        = { p = 'P1019' },
		url        = { p =  'P856' },

		facebook   = { p = { { p = 'P2013', f = 'https://www.facebook.com/%s' }, -- Facebook username
					   { p = 'P1997', f = 'https://www.facebook.com/%s' }, -- Facebook places ID
					   { p = 'P4003', f = 'https://www.facebook.com/pages/%s' }, -- Facebook page ID
					   { p = 'P11705', f = 'https://www.facebook.com/pages/%s' } } }, -- Facebook numeric ID
		flickr     = { p = 'P3267', f = 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/%s' },
		instagram  = { p = { { p = 'P2003', f = 'https://www.instagram.com/%s/' },
		               { p = 'P4173', f = 'https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/%s/' } } },
		tiktok     = { p = { { p = 'P7085', f = 'https://www.tiktok.com/@%s' }, -- TikTok username
		               { p = 'P11559', f = 'https://www.tiktok.com/place/_-%s' } } }, -- TikTok place ID
		twitter    = { p = 'P2002', f = 'https://twitter.com/%s' },
		youtube    = { p = { { p = 'P11245', f = 'https://www.youtube.com/@%s' }, -- Youtube channel @ alias
		               { 'P2397', f = 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/%s' } } } -- Youtube channel

	-- default Wikidata requests
	-- iata, icao, rss, social media links only from Wikidata
	wdContent = {
		iata       = true,  -- fetch it by default
		icao       = true,
		image      = true,
		rss        = true,
		url        = true

	-- check for fetch from Wikidata
	ynCheckList = { 'facebook', 'flickr', 'iata', 'icao', 'image', 'instagram',
		'nameLocal', 'rss', 'tiktok', 'twitter', 'youtube', 'url' },

	defaultShow = 'poi, name',

	-- parameters for wrapper tag
	markerData = {
		color           = 'data-color',
		commonscat      = 'data-commonscat',
		group           = 'data-group',
		groupTranslated = 'data-group-translated', -- for MapTools.js
		image           = 'data-image',
		mapGroup        = 'data-map-group',
		nameLocal       = 'data-name-local',
		rss             = 'data-rss',
		symbol          = 'data-symbol',
		type            = 'data-type',
		url             = 'data-url',
		wikidata        = 'data-wikidata'		

	-- possible values for show parameter
	show = {
		all         = 1,
		coord       = 1,
		copy        = 1,
		noairport   = 1,
		noname      = 1,
		none        = 1,
		nositelinks = 1,
		poi         = 1,
		socialmedia = 1,
		symbol      = 1,
		wikilink    = 1