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Poslední komentář: před 1 měsícem od uživatele Libor Mathias Vojtek v tématu „Names

prosba o preklad

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sk:Tatra 603 a sk:Tatra 613 -- 10:48, 14. 6. 2006 (UTC)


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Sorry tor writing in English. A question of pre-war names should be researched better. In the article there are: Kopřivnická vozovka, a.s. (1921–24), Závody Tatra, a.s. (1924–36) and Ringhoffer-Tatra a.s. (1936–46). In Kopřivnická vozovka article there are: Kopřivnická vozovka, a.s. (19??-27), Závody Tatra, a.s. (1927-36), Ringhoffer-Tatra a.s. (1936-). According to Pavel Lášek, Jan Vaněk, "Obrněná drezína Tatra T18", it was Kopřivnická vozovka until 1927, then Zavody Ringhoffer-Tatra (1927-36) and Ringhoffer TATRA a.s. from 1936... Pibwl (diskuse) 15. 3. 2019, 18:00 (CET)Odpovědět

Sorry for delay, but I find your question today only. And sorry for my English too. In 1891 the join-stock Company (Actiengesellschaft) Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau-Fabriks-Gesellschaft (vormals k.k.pri. Wagenfabrik Schustala & Co.) was founded, it was registered in the commercial register in 1892 (Amtsblatt zur Brünner Zeitung No. 55, Brünn/Brno, March 8, 1892; Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung No. 55, Wien, March 8, 1892). In 1921, the general meeting of the shareholders of this a change of the Statutes (Articles of Association, Bylaws), among others things, that the company name is new Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau-Fabriks-Aktiengesellschaft or optionally Kopřivnická vozovka, akc. spol. (Minutes of the General Meeting, April 25, 1921, Corporate archive of the TATRA TRUCKS a.s. company). Only in 1923 was these change entered in commercial register (Commercial court, Prague/Praha, Firm 11271, Rej B XI 338(?)/23, August 7, 1923, Corporate archive of the TATRA TRUCKS a.s. company). In 1927 another change of the company name was entered in the commercial register - Závody Tatra, akciová společnost pro stavbu automobilů a železničních vozů (District/circuit court Prague, July 20, 1927, Corporate archive of the TATRA TRUCKS a.s. company). In 1936 the company Závody Tatra merged with the Ringhofferovy závody a. spol. and disapperaed and the Závody Ringhoffer a. spol. changed its company name to Závody RINGHOFFER - TATRA a.s. (these change was entered in commercial register at january 1937 ( District/circuit court Prague, January 23, 1937, Corporate archive of the TATRA TRUCKS a.s. company).
I worked e.g. like a General Counsel of the TATRA Company more than 20 years. :-) --Libor Mathias Vojtek (diskuse) 15. 9. 2024, 23:50 (CEST)Odpovědět