Facebook Stars

Earn money with Stars while expressing yourself with on-demand video and Live.
Do what you do best.

See requirements

To be eligible for Stars, creators must meet Community Standards, pass and remain compliant with Facebook's Partner Monetisation Policies, have 500 followers for at least 30 consecutive days and live in a country where Stars is available. Eligible creators must also agree to the Stars Terms and Conditions.

Stars is a virtual good that lets fans show creators love and gives creators the ability to show love back. The Stars universe is expanding from live broadcasts to multiple content types, including reels, on-demand video and more. Create deeper connections with your fans with Stars.

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A simple way to earn

For every Star you receive from a fan, creators earn 1one pence from Meta.

graphic of a group of fans

Connect with fans

Stars is a fun way for fans to express themselves and show you support.

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Be creative and authentic

Engage your fans with on-demand video, live broadcasts and Facebook reels.

Versatile formats

Stars is now available across versatile formats. Learn more about how you can use Stars to drive success by earning money at multiple moments in your content creation journey.

Get Stars tips and tricks from creators such as Dr Jen Caudle and La Fatshionista.

Stars best practices

Check eligibility and apply

More ways to earn

Read more about Stars
