Make WordPress Core

Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#37672 new defect (bug)

wpautop adds a closing p-tag without an opening p-tag

Reported by: tbarregren's profile TBarregren Owned by:
Milestone: Awaiting Review Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 4.5.3
Component: Formatting Keywords: has-patch has-unit-tests needs-testing needs-refresh
Focuses: Cc:


Following code result in ill-formed HTML.

$pee = <<<EOT
This is a paragraph.

This is another paragraph.

echo wpautop($pee);

This is the output:

This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.

As you can see, the first paragraph lacks an opening <p>.

Attachments (1)

37672.diff (1.8 KB) - added by MattyRob 8 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

#1 @TBarregren
9 years ago

If it is to any help, this is my function.php code to solve this (and related) problem(s).

add_filter('the_content', function ($html) {
  $html_pos = 0;
  $last_html_pos = strlen($html) - 1;

  $opening_pos = null;
  $text_pos = null;
  // See
  // and
  $self_closing_tags_allowed_in_p = explode(' ', 'area br embed img input link wbr');
  $not_self_closing_tags_allowed_in_p = explode(' ', 'a abbr audio b bdi bdo button canvas cite code data datalist del dfn em i iframe ins kbd label map mark math meter noscript object output picture progress q ruby s samp script select small span strong sub sup svg template textarea time u var video text');

  while (($html_pos = strpos($html, '<', $html_pos)) !== false) {
    if (substr($html, $html_pos, 4) === '<!--') {
      $html_pos = strpos($html, '-->', $html_pos + 4);
      if ($html_pos === false) return $html; // Too messy, don't do anything further.
      $html_pos += 3;
    elseif ($opening_pos === null) {
      if (substr($html, $html_pos, 4) === '<pre') {
        $html_pos = strpos($html, '</pre>', $html_pos + 6);
        if ($html_pos === false) return $html; // Too messy, don't do anything further.
        $html_pos += 6;
      elseif (strtolower(substr($html, $html_pos, 2)) === '<p') {
        $opening_pos = $html_pos;
        $html_pos = strpos($html, '>', $html_pos + 2);
        if ($html_pos === false) return $html; // Too messy, don't do anything further.
        $text_pos = ++$html_pos;
      elseif (strtolower(substr($html, $html_pos, 4)) === '</p>') {
        // See
        $html = substr($html, 0, $html_pos) . substr($html, $html_pos + 4);
        $last_html_pos -= 4;
      else {
        $html_pos += 1;
    else {
      if (strtolower(substr($html, $html_pos, 4)) === '</p>') {
        if (trim(substr($html, $text_pos, $html_pos - $text_pos)) === '') {
          $html = substr($html, 0, $opening_pos) . substr($html, $html_pos + 4);
          $html_pos = $opening_pos;
          $last_html_pos = strlen($html) - 1;                
        else {
          $html_pos += 4;
        $opening_pos = null;
      else {
        $tag_end_pos = $html_pos + 1;
        while ($html{$tag_end_pos} !== '>' && !ctype_space($html{$tag_end_pos})) {
        $tag = strtolower(substr($html, $html_pos + 1, $tag_end_pos - $html_pos - 1));
        if (in_array($tag, $self_closing_tags_allowed_in_p)) {
          $html_pos = strpos($html, '>', $tag_end_pos);
          if ($html_pos === false) return $html; // Too messy, don't do anything further.
          $html_pos += 1;
        elseif (in_array($tag, $not_self_closing_tags_allowed_in_p)) {
          $html_pos = strpos($html, "</$tag", $tag_end_pos);
          if ($html_pos === false) return $html; // Too messy, don't do anything further.
          $html_pos += 1;
        else {
          $tag_end_pos = strpos($html, "</$tag>", $tag_end_pos);
          if ($tag_end_pos === false) return $html; // Too messy, don't do anything further.
          $tag_end_pos += strlen("</$tag>");
          $html = substr($html, 0, $html_pos) . '</p>' . substr($html, $html_pos, $tag_end_pos - $html_pos) . '<p>' . substr($html, $tag_end_pos);
  if ($opening_pos !== null) {
    $html .= '</p>';

  return $html;


#2 @Presskopp
9 years ago

  • Keywords needs-patch added

8 years ago

#3 @MattyRob
8 years ago


Thank for your report - I can reproduce this with a unit test and I think I've also managed to create a fix in the 'wpautop()' function. Patch and Unit test attached above.

#4 @MattyRob
8 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch has-unit-tests needs-testing added; needs-patch removed

#5 @desrosj
6 years ago

  • Keywords needs-refresh added

@MattyRob are you able to refresh 37672.diff to apply cleanly to trunk? Having a unit test demonstrating the issue may help others dive in.

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