
Object describing actions connected to a service message.

messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction;
messageActionChatCreate#bd47cbad title:string users:Vector<long> = MessageAction;
messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction;
messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction;
messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction;
messageActionChatAddUser#15cefd00 users:Vector<long> = MessageAction;
messageActionChatDeleteUser#a43f30cc user_id:long = MessageAction;
messageActionChatJoinedByLink#31224c3 inviter_id:long = MessageAction;
messageActionChannelCreate#95d2ac92 title:string = MessageAction;
messageActionChatMigrateTo#e1037f92 channel_id:long = MessageAction;
messageActionChannelMigrateFrom#ea3948e9 title:string chat_id:long = MessageAction;
messageActionPinMessage#94bd38ed = MessageAction;
messageActionHistoryClear#9fbab604 = MessageAction;
messageActionGameScore#92a72876 game_id:long score:int = MessageAction;
messageActionPaymentSentMe#8f31b327 flags:# recurring_init:flags.2?true recurring_used:flags.3?true currency:string total_amount:long payload:bytes info:flags.0?PaymentRequestedInfo shipping_option_id:flags.1?string charge:PaymentCharge = MessageAction;
messageActionPaymentSent#96163f56 flags:# recurring_init:flags.2?true recurring_used:flags.3?true currency:string total_amount:long invoice_slug:flags.0?string = MessageAction;
messageActionPhoneCall#80e11a7f flags:# video:flags.2?true call_id:long reason:flags.0?PhoneCallDiscardReason duration:flags.1?int = MessageAction;
messageActionScreenshotTaken#4792929b = MessageAction;
messageActionCustomAction#fae69f56 message:string = MessageAction;
messageActionBotAllowed#abe9affe domain:string = MessageAction;
messageActionSecureValuesSentMe#1b287353 values:Vector<SecureValue> credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = MessageAction;
messageActionSecureValuesSent#d95c6154 types:Vector<SecureValueType> = MessageAction;
messageActionContactSignUp#f3f25f76 = MessageAction;
messageActionGeoProximityReached#98e0d697 from_id:Peer to_id:Peer distance:int = MessageAction;
messageActionGroupCall#7a0d7f42 flags:# call:InputGroupCall duration:flags.0?int = MessageAction;
messageActionInviteToGroupCall#502f92f7 call:InputGroupCall users:Vector<long> = MessageAction;
messageActionSetMessagesTTL#aa1afbfd period:int = MessageAction;
messageActionGroupCallScheduled#b3a07661 call:InputGroupCall schedule_date:int = MessageAction;
messageActionSetChatTheme#aa786345 emoticon:string = MessageAction;
messageActionChatJoinedByRequest#ebbca3cb = MessageAction;
messageActionWebViewDataSentMe#47dd8079 text:string data:string = MessageAction;
messageActionWebViewDataSent#b4c38cb5 text:string = MessageAction;


Constructor Description
messageActionEmpty Empty constructor.
messageActionChatCreate Group created
messageActionChatEditTitle Group name changed.
messageActionChatEditPhoto Group profile changed
messageActionChatDeletePhoto Group profile photo removed.
messageActionChatAddUser New member in the group
messageActionChatDeleteUser User left the group.
messageActionChatJoinedByLink A user joined the chat via an invite link
messageActionChannelCreate The channel was created
messageActionChatMigrateTo Indicates the chat was migrated to the specified supergroup
messageActionChannelMigrateFrom Indicates the channel was migrated from the specified chat
messageActionPinMessage A message was pinned
messageActionHistoryClear Chat history was cleared
messageActionGameScore Someone scored in a game
messageActionPaymentSentMe A user just sent a payment to me (a bot)
messageActionPaymentSent A payment was sent
messageActionPhoneCall A phone call
messageActionScreenshotTaken A screenshot of the chat was taken
messageActionCustomAction Custom action (most likely not supported by the current layer, an upgrade might be needed)
messageActionBotAllowed We have given the bot permission to send us direct messages.

The optional fields specify how did we authorize the bot to send us messages.
messageActionSecureValuesSentMe Secure telegram passport values were received
messageActionSecureValuesSent Request for secure telegram passport values was sent
messageActionContactSignUp A contact just signed up to telegram
messageActionGeoProximityReached A user of the chat is now in proximity of another user
messageActionGroupCall The group call has ended
messageActionInviteToGroupCall A set of users was invited to the group call
messageActionSetMessagesTTL The Time-To-Live of messages in this chat was changed.
messageActionGroupCallScheduled A group call was scheduled
messageActionSetChatTheme The chat theme was changed
messageActionChatJoinedByRequest A user was accepted into the group by an admin
messageActionWebViewDataSentMe Data from an opened reply keyboard bot mini app was relayed to the bot that owns it (bot side service message).
messageActionWebViewDataSent Data from an opened reply keyboard bot mini app was relayed to the bot that owns it (user side service message).

Clients should display a service message with the text Data from the «$text» button was transferred to the bot.
messageActionGiftPremium Info about a gifted Telegram Premium subscription
messageActionTopicCreate A forum topic was created.
messageActionTopicEdit Forum topic information was edited.
messageActionSuggestProfilePhoto A new profile picture was suggested using photos.uploadContactProfilePhoto.
messageActionRequestedPeer Contains info about one or more peers that the we (the user) shared with the bot after clicking on a keyboardButtonRequestPeer button (service message sent by the user).
messageActionSetChatWallPaper The wallpaper » of the current chat was changed.
messageActionGiftCode Contains a Telegram Premium giftcode link.
messageActionGiveawayLaunch A giveaway was started.
messageActionGiveawayResults A giveaway has ended.
messageActionBoostApply Some boosts » were applied to the channel or supergroup.
messageActionRequestedPeerSentMe Contains info about one or more peers that the a user shared with the me (the bot) after clicking on a keyboardButtonRequestPeer button (service message received by the bot).
messageActionPaymentRefunded Describes a payment refund (service message received by both users and bots).
messageActionGiftStars You gifted or were gifted some Telegram Stars.