User talk:Orchi/archive 2010

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Dear Orchi,

I have a problem with this file. These are of course leaves of a Colchicum sp., but for sure not of Colchicum autumnale. The leaves of Colchicum autumnale are much narrower (see eg. File:Colchicum automnale1.jpg).

The leaves of File:Blaetter herbstzeitlose.jpg -the picture is clearly taken in a garden- are presumably of the frequently cultivated Colchicum byzantinum. A further argument: Colchicum byzantinum is a sterile taxon. You do not not see any seedpod among the leaves on this picture.

I have uploaded several pictures of the true Colchicum autumnale, which I have as a wild plant in my garden. Next spring I will take pictures of its leaves and upload them on Commons.

The problem in the meantime is that File:Blaetter herbstzeitlose.jpg is used in several wikipedia pages as illustration of the leaves of Colchicum autumnale. How do we solve this issue? Let me know it.

Best regards, --Réginald (To reply) 09:30, 11 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

PS: I have several Colchicum species in my garden including Colchicum byzantinum. I will also take pictures of its leaves in the spring, as I did in the past for C. speciosum and C. montanum. --Réginald (To reply) 10:45, 11 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Dear Réginald,
I think you are right. I'm not an expert, but these leaves are not of Colchicum autumnale. It will be the best to make photos of leaves in the spring. I will photograph as soon, as I see them also. In the meantime you can change the wrong picture from gallery and category Colchicum autumnale in Category:Unidentified Colchicum. This photo should you remove in the other WPs. Unfortunately there is in commons not a picture for changing. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 21:44, 12 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Dear Orchi,
I have done it.
When looking further at the page Colchicum autumnale, I find the identification of picture File:Colchicum autumnale1.jpg also questionable. I will transfer it too to Category:Unidentified Colchicum. --Réginald (To reply) 10:55, 13 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Identification of plants (Colchicum)


Dear Orchi,

It is not the first time that I have my doubts about the identification of flowers. Mostly I am directly changing their category.

The case of File:Blaetter herbstzeitlose.jpg was particular because this picture was used in several sites - the reason why I asked for your advice.

The genus Colchicum is a special case. As I am writing on fr:Colchicum: La nomenclature du genre Colchicum est actuellement extrêmement confuse. L'identification correcte d'une espèce nécessite souvent un examen attentif des fleurs et des feuilles ; ce qui est en pratique difficile à réaliser sur le terrain, car comme mentionné ci-dessus les feuilles et les fleurs de la plupart des espèces apparaissent à des saisons différentes. ... De nombreuses espèces ont ainsi reçu 2 ou 3 noms par différents auteurs et un même nom a été par ailleurs donné à des espèces différentes par ces mêmes ou d'autres auteurs. In addition the true Colchicum autumnale is seldom in cultivation, sometimes are well selections with white or double flowers. The mostly cultivated taxon is Colchicum byzantinum frequently under the incorrect name Colchicum autumnale 'Major'.

Best botanic regards, --Réginald (To reply) 11:31, 13 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Phalaenopsis amabilis ?


Again I can't help you, I looked at the Phalaenopsis photographs but I don't know anything about this species (only that they are very pretty flowers!). Maybe you can find an other WP-user who really knows about Phalaenopsis amabilis.
Kind greetings,


Maarten Sepp (talk) 23:41, 15 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, Maarten. I'm sure, that the pictures are hybrids, but I will ask a friend also and change the photos the next days. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 00:00, 17 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, would it be possible to make a template where you can put the type species name in the template.. like "Tysp1|Ipomoea pes-caprae L." Ulf Eliasson (talk) 08:53, 4 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, Ulf, good idea. I'm not expert for WP software, but I'll try it. Greetings. Orchi (talk)

moved File:Masdevallia caesia - Diogo Correia.jpg to Commons


Done! here it is.

I enjoy your wonderful Masdevallia photos!

Greetings, Maarten

Maarten Sepp (talk) 23:04, 7 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Thank you for this info Ulf Eliasson (talk) 18:05, 13 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Acampe rigida


Hallo Orchi,

das hier in den Commons gezeigt Bild zeigt meiner Meinung nach keine Acampe rigida. Es ist noch nichtmal diese Gattung. Leider ist das Bild für eine Identifikation viel zu schlecht. Man erkennt aber ein Hypochil, welches bei Acampe so nicht vorkommt. Ich würde vorschlagen das Bild zu löschen oder in Orchidaceae_Aeridinae_unknown.jpg umzubennen. Gruß Badlydrawnboy22 (talk) 19:21, 23 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo, Badlydrawnboy22, Dank für Deine Überprüfung. Ich habe das Bild erst einmal bei Unidentified deponiert. Hast Du vielleicht ein Bild von Acampe rigida? Ich werde mal sehen, dass ich das Bild aus Collectanea Botanica von der unibas-Seite hochlade, damit auch auf den nationalen WPs wieder ein Bild eingesetzt werden kann.
(Am letzten Freitag war ich in Neu-Ulm. Die Austellung und die Vorträge waren gut ((und gut besucht)). Nach Salzuflen werde ich nicht kommen, aber wenn Krieger in Herdecke seine Orchideentage hat, lass' ich mich als alter Hagener vielleicht mal sehen.) Grüße. Orchi (talk) 19:56, 23 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
....Du bist ja schnell. Tolles Bild; ich glaub', ich muss mal in die Lehre gehen. Gruß Orchi (talk) 20:23, 23 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Die Acampe rigida habe ich in Dresden gesehen. Die Dinger werden richtig groß. Bei Kreiger bin ich eigentlich auch jedes Jahr. Mal schauen ob es dieses Jahr klappt. Ich werde nach meinem Diplom Dortmund wahrscheinlich verlassen und woanders promovieren. Aber meine Eltern wohnen hier in der Nähe. Vielleicht kann ich dann Besuch bei Eltern und die Herdecker-Orchideentage miteinander verbinden. Gruß Badlydrawnboy22 (talk) 20:54, 23 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Ahoj Orchi, uiii, Du bist echt fix :-) LG --:bdk: 11:58, 10 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

....war nur ein kurzer Standardblick auf "unidentified" vor dem Mittagsschläfchenessen. Schön, von Dir zu hören. Viele Grüße. Orchi (talk) 14:28, 10 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

re: Epipactis


Pictures uploaded as requested! ;-)
I understand and respect your taxonomic criteria here on Commons, you are doing a great job! --Esculapio (talk) 18:08, 11 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

....thanks for your action and the gentle comment. Orchi (talk) 21:39, 11 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Renanthera storiei


Hallo Orchi,

meiner Meinung nach ziegen die beiden Bilder Media:Renanthera storei.jpg und Media:Renanther storei orchis 1.jpg keine echte Renanthera storiei sondern eher Renanthera philippinensis oder eine der ganz vielen ähnlichen Hybriden. Wenn man die Bilder mit der vorhandenen Zeichnung vergleicht, dann erkennt man sehr schnell dass die Seitenlappen völlig andres sein müssten. Gruß Badlydrawnboy22 (talk) 06:04, 12 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Badlydrawnboy22,
Dank für Deine Detektivarbeit. Wenn Du zu Korrigierendes siehst, ändere es doch bitte ab. Ich habe Bildermaterial von Renanthera philippinensis mit den zwei in Frage stehenden Bildern verglichen und glaube, dass Du mit Deiner Einschätzung, dass es sich um Cultivars handelt, richtig liegst. Vielleicht schaust du Dir die anderen Bilder des Users:Lars.Kurth auch mal an, die er ziemlich zeitgleich hochgelanden hat. Grüße. Orchi (talk) 20:12, 12 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Orchi. Diese Anträge auf Umbennung sind mir irgendwie lästig. Das dauert immer so ewig bis da mal was passiert. Wenn überhaupt. Ich kann die Bilder auch in andere Kategorien verschieben. Was meinst du denn genau mit "Abändern"? Gruß Badlydrawnboy22 (talk) 21:59, 12 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo Badlydrawnboy22, mit "abändern" meine ich, dass Du, wenn Du eine Neuestimmung eines Bildes vorgenommen hast, ändere es ab. Du bist doch Experte. Wenn es Dir zu viel ist, setz' die Bilder mit neuem und richtigen Namen auf die Seite Category:Orchidaceae. Ich nehme dann die Veränderungen hier technisch vor. Grüße. Orchi (talk) 22:05, 12 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo, muss Euch leider recht geben dass Media:Renanthera storei.jpg keine echte storei ist. Wahrscheinlich Scarlet Yuka = Renanthera imschootiana x Renanthera philippinensis oder aehnlich. Habe leider keine Bilder einer echten storei ueber dessen (c) ich verfuege. Muss mich fuer die Verwechslung entschuldigen: habe die Pflanze als storei gekauft und nicht ausreichend nachgeforscht bevor ich den Eintrag gemacht habe. Lars
Hallo Lars, einige Arten sind vom Bild her schwer zu bestimmen. Ich habe mich mit diesem Zufallsfund File:Orquideapinar.JPG auch schwer getan, ob Renanthera coccinea richtig ist. Vielleicht kannst Du eine Nachbestimmung vornehmen. Sind von Dir weitere Bilder für Commons zu erwarten? Gruß. Orchi (talk) 10:42, 16 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo Orchi, File:Orquideapinar.JPG wird wohl ein Mysterium bleiben. Viele Renanthera Blueten sehen ziemlich aehnlich aus, wenn die Knospen oeffnen. Die Zeichnung and Bluetenform wird erst klar wenn eine Bluete voellig offen ist. Vom Habitus schaut die Pflanze eher nicht nach coccinea aus: die hat meistens dunklere Blaetter mit groesserem Abstand zwischen den Blaettern. 18:53, 20 October 2010 (BST)
Danke Lars! ich werde das "Mysterium" in den "Unidentified Ordner" stellen. Grüße. Orchi (talk) 18:06, 20 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Subtribus: Stanhopeinae - belonging to Tribus:Maxillarieae or Tribus:Cymbidieae ?


Hi Orchi,

I came upon a taxonomic problem: in the English, Spanish and Portuguese WP the Subtribus Stanhopeinae is placed under Tribus Maxillarieae, but in Commons the Subtribus Stanhopeinae is placed under the Tribus Cymbidieae. This could be wrong; see these articles [1] - [2] - [3]. From the abstract of the first article:

«The monophyly of and phylogenetic relationships within the orchid tribe Maxillarieae Pfitzer were evaluated using parsimony analyses of combined nuclear ribosomal and plastid DNA sequence data (.... ). Based on the cladograms, we recognize six subtribes: Eriopsidinae, Oncidiinae (...), Stanhopeinae, Coeliopsidinae, Maxillariinae (...), and Zygopetalinae»

Can you help me with this? Maybe there are different views or new data, plant systematics are just as changeable as the weather in Holland, I'm afraid....

Greetings from Amsterdam,

Maarten Sepp (talk) 14:52, 19 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hi! Thanks for the good explanation, I'll leave the Stanhopeinae in the tribus Cymbidieae.
Fr. Gr.,
Maarten Sepp (talk) 14:23, 24 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

TUSC token 7275b30f57d536c45826d4b913cd7ad3


I am now proud owner of a TUSC account!



Hi! I just wanted to say a huge thank you for helping with the classification of my pictures of orchids. I did my best to classify them appropriately, but obviously I am no expert, so I really appreciate your help. Thanks again! guillom 23:46, 23 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

.....when everybody would transfer the names of plants in exibitions and botanical gardens (they are not ever correct) to the File names as you did, the identification would be easier. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 10:04, 24 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Hello my friend, If you don't mind, I would like to revert your modification. I am trying:

  • to comment the strange category prefix (like "| " or "|&" or "|@")
  • to suppress the strange category prefix when they are not needed (it is the case here)

Cheers Liné1 (talk) 08:10, 1 April 2010 (UTC)[reply] this case I tried the same. Cheers. Orchi (talk) 13:34, 1 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]


I uploaded a drawing of Chloraea piquichen, on the gallery there is already another drawing from the Bot. Reg. (1845), which is no doubt the same sp. as in the drawing from Bot. Mag. that I added. But there is also a photograph, imported from Flickr, which seems to me a different species, maybe you can have al look at it?
Herzliche Gruesse,
Maarten Sepp (talk) 06:12, 9 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Maarten,
there are many synonyms to Chloraea piquichen. I do'nt have pictures of this plant in a book, but I compared the photo with [4]. The blossom in commons is not full opened, but I suppose, that it is Chloraea piquichen. What is your opinion? Groetjes. Orchi (talk) 09:51, 9 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Hey Orchi. Hast du eigentlich schon mal daran gedacht, dich hier als Admin zu bewerben? Falls du nicht etwa „Leichen im Keller“ haben solltest, wären deine Chancen IMHO sehr gut. --Leyo 09:46, 15 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Leyo, danke für Deine Anfrage. Da ich zur Zeit in Urlaub bin und nur einen extrem lahmen Internetzugang mieten kann, werde ich Dir aus meinem "leichlosen Keller" später von zu Hause antworten. Viele Grüße Orchi (talk) 18:52, 16 April 2010 (UTC).[reply]
Lass dir Zeit und geniesse deinen Urlaub! --Leyo 15:54, 17 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Hi. I was in Sardinia the last two weeks. If you are interested, I've got some interesting GPS co-ordinates for you. Greetings. Lycaon (talk) 06:54, 19 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Lycaon, thanks for your kind offer. Until today I never was in Sardinia. But in the future?? I would be glad to obtain your GPS data. I think you have my adress. The last two weeks I spent my days in Mallorca and visited "our" orchid places. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 16:10, 25 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Hello Orchi,
Thanks for this modification providing the source.
It really does in the good direction.
Don't you find my source=? a subtle way to force other contributors to provide the source ;-)
I am the devil ;-)
Cheers Liné1 (talk)

Mon chèr Liné1,
I do'nt know, whether you are a devil. Some times ago a famous german toxonomist said to me: "Everybody who tries to find the right way in taxonomy is a poor devil". Your activity here is hard work. Thank you. Only the differences in sorting like: & , @ and other is chaos for me. Perhaps we find a better way in future. Cheers. Orchi (talk) 09:54, 27 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I also don't like the $ & @. But before we find a better solution, I added comments to explain the choice. Cheers Liné1 (talk) 11:24, 28 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I'm pleased to give you this ...

I hereby award you the OrchiBarnstar
for your excellent work in the field of Orchidaceae.

--Esculapio (talk) 23:22, 1 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Esculapio, I'm proud to obtain this special award by you. I suggest to give this pretty sign to the very busy orchid friend User:Maarten Sepp also. Thanks and best greetings to you. Orchi (talk) 23:34, 1 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Dear Orchi, feel free to assign the OrchiBarnstar to User:Maarten Sepp and to anyone else you will consider worthy of it! --Esculapio (talk) 09:00, 2 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

File mover


The functionality of the template {{Rename}} has recently changed. You might need to clear your cache to see the changes. If successful you should then be able to use the new "Quick adding" link in the template to instruct CommonsDelinker to replace the old name with the new name in all wikis. Please use that every time you rename a file. If further questions arise, feel free to write on my talk page --DieBuche (talk) 10:00, 2 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Updated taxonomy of Orchidaceae


Dear Orchi, could you suggest me where I can find a complete and updated taxonomic tree of Orchidaceae family (I mean from subfamilies to genus ?). Thanks in advance --Esculapio (talk) 14:22, 2 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Esculapio, this [5] is in the moment the only link I know, which is nearly according to the new orchid taxonomy of:
"Genera Orchidacearum, Volume 1 - 5 (6);
edited by Alec M. Pridgeon, Phillip J. Cribb, Mark W. Chase and Finn N. Rasmussen; Oxford University Press"
Unfortunately are in the text of this link many little errors. I uploaded this text, tried to repair the mistakes and so I have a better tool. If you have an Wikipedia e-mail, I like to send this text to you.
By the way, the taxonomy of this page: Orchidaceae is complete according to Genera Orchidacearum. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 21:13, 4 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Dear Orchi, I will be grateful to you if you would send to my wikipedia e-mail the text you have created. Thank you --Esculapio (talk) 21:24, 6 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I sent you my e-mail --Esculapio (talk) 11:25, 7 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Arrived, thanks! --Esculapio (talk) 20:48, 10 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Servus Orchi! Könntest du dir bitte dieses Bild ansehen. Ich vermute, dass es sich dabei eigentlich um Paphiopedilum callosum handelt, und nicht um Paphiopedilum barbatum. Ich hab gerade einige Mühe aufwenden müssen, um zwei Bilder, die im Lankester Garden (Costa Rica) als Paphiopedilum armeniacum beschriftet waren, nachzubestimmen. Die Unterscheidung von P. callosum und P. barbatum hat mir dabei Probleme gemacht, aber ich hoffe, dass ich es mit P. callosum einigermaßen hingekriegt habe. Schau dir aber bitte meine Bilder zur Sicherheit auch noch an. Jedenfalls kommt mir aber das eine der beiden Bilder, die hier auf Commons als P. barbatum eingeordnet sind, sehr verdächtig vor. Grüße --Franz Xaver (talk) 18:44, 7 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo, Franz Xaver, vielen Dank für Deine Recherche. Du hast mit Deinem geübten, analytischen Auge wieder das Richtige erkannt. Da das Bild von Dalton Holland Baptista stammte (der hier leider genervt das Handtuch geworfen hat), einem der besonders guten Orchideenkenner in Wikipedia und Mitarbeiter von KEW, habe ich die große Anzahl seiner hervorragenden Bilder mit seinen vorgegebenen Namen übernommen. Die Variationsbreite sowohl bei Paphiopedilum barbatum als auch bei Paphiopedilum callosum ist sehr groß. Das Bildmaterial bei Cribb ("The Genus Paphiopedilum") als auch bei Braem ("Paphiopedilum") und anderen war nicht besonders weiterführend. Aber die Größe des Staminodiums bei dem von Dir angesprochenen Bild, hier also das kleinere Staminodium, deutet sehr eindeutig auf Paphiopedilum callosum hin. Ich werde das Bild umbenennen und dem Artikel callosum zuführen. Dein Paphiopedilum callosum ist typischer. Paphiopedilum callosum war vor vielen Jahren eine der ersten in Massen produzierten Frauenschuh-Orchideen. Heute ist es schon fast eine Seltenheit, sie zu sehen. Ich freue mich auf Deine weiteren Bilder aus Costa Rica und dem dortigen botanischen Garten. Viele Grüße. Orchi (talk) 10:26, 8 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Servus! Danke für die Antwort. Da bin ich jetzt beruhigt, dass ich mich also doch nicht geirrt habe. Mit den Orchideen aus dem Lankester Garden - und mit Bildern aus Costa Rica überhaupt - bin ich inzwischen fast fertig. Da kommt nicht mehr viel. Ich hab mich auch beim Lankester Garden nicht ungeschaut auf Etiketten verlassen. Fehler können halt überall passieren. Soweit ich es bisher sehe, war aber das genannte Paphiopedilum der einzige Fehler. Die Etikettierung als P. armeniacum kann keine Fehlbestimmung sein, da muss jemand beim Hantieren die Etiketten vertauscht haben.
Ein Problem ist inzwischen noch mit Specklinia grobyi (= Pleurothallis grobyi) versus Specklinia picta (= Pleurothallis picta) aufgetaucht: Wenn man der Bearbeitung im "Manual de plantas de Costa Rica" (Autor C.Luer, [6] bzw. [7] und [8]) glaubt, dann sollten die "Sepalen" von Pleurothallis grobyi rein gelb und stumpf sein und die von Pleurothallis picta weinrot gestreift und spitz. Ich hab dann auch noch in der Orchideen-Website des Lankester Garden ([9]) nachgeschaut. Wenn man die Abbildungen sieht, die dort bei Specklinia grobyi und Specklinia picta vorhanden bzw. verlinkt sind, dann verliert sich jede scheinbare Klarheit. Mit dem Schlüssel im "Manual" wäre auch der Holotypus von S. grobyi als S. picta zu bestimmen. Delikaterweise gibt's bei diesem Holotypus ein Bestimmungsetikett von C. Luer. Ich frag mich halt, was für Sinn diese Artunterscheidung dann überhaupt hat. Die Verbreitung beider Arten scheint auch übereinzustimmen. Ich weiß schon, wir werden den Fall hier nicht lösen können ... Grüße --Franz Xaver (talk) 11:32, 8 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Please, check this page: Category:Aerangidinae --Esculapio (talk) 12:00, 15 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks!! Obvious I forgot it. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 12:21, 15 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I have same doubt about the exact collocation of Podangis that here I find placed in Angraecinae but somewhere else is placed in Aerangidinae. Unlukily the genus is not mentioned in [10]! Do you have any other reference? --Esculapio (talk) 16:38, 15 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]
The Tribus Vandeae will be published in vol. 6 of "Genera Orchidacearum" surely. In the moment there are different opinions by Dressler (The orchids) etc. and for example [11]. Orchi (talk) 17:05, 15 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Pleurothallis species list


Hi Orchi,

Thanks for the barnstar! I really appreciate it. "Immensely thankful, touched, proud, astonished, abashed"  ;-) .
I am uploading a lot of Pleurothallidinae illustrations from the Flora Brasiliensis, beautiful small plants (and wonderful fine engravings), a pity we don't have more coloured photographs or illustrations. I want to start with the sp. list for the genus Pleurothallis , to avoid double work I ask you first, maybe you had the same idea! Please let me hear what you think about it.
Kind greetings, Maarten
Maarten Sepp (talk) 11:30, 19 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Maarten, I think it is a wonderful idea of you to start the Pleurothallis work. In the next time I try to fill the genus Masdevallia with pictures from Woolward's "The Genus Masdevallia". Soon I will suggest you some minds. Groetjes. Orchi (talk) 18:44, 19 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Pterostylis coccinea ?


Hi Orchi, could you tell me if Pterostylis coccinea is the correct name? Australian sources appear to use Pterostylis coccina [12][13] Melburnian (talk) 12:13, 6 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Melburnian, KEW and MBg say Pterostylis coccina also. BerndH, who created this article, has an special book about Australian orchids. Here it is named Pterostylis coccinea.
Many time ago I asked him the same question. Now I ask him again and give the information to you later. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 14:07, 6 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks Orchi. Melburnian (talk) 23:36, 6 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Danke Orchi


für die Ausbesserung meines Fehlers bei der Category:Unidentified Ranunculaceae. Gruß --Hedwig Storch (talk) 16:30, 16 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Epipactis palustris


Oops :) Thx for correction. Przykuta[edit] 19:58, 3 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Hallo, danke, dass Du sie verteilst. Ich versuche bisweilen immer ein wenig category:Flowers aufzuräumen. Lieber Gruß --Catfisheye (talk) 20:18, 7 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Danke, wenn ich helfen kann, immer gern. In der Category:Orchidaceae findet man die Bilder dann am schnellsten. Gruß. Orchi (talk) 20:42, 7 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Hi! If you place a dupicate tag on an image, do not remove all information like you have done here. thanks. Amada44  talk to me 21:44, 7 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

o.k.Orchi (talk) 21:46, 7 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]
ahh, hier kann man ja auch deutsch reden ;) . Generell sollte man nie alle infos einer Seite löschen. Bei den dupes muss ein admin immer alle Daten vergleichen (Kategorien, Beschreibung etc.) und dass ist ziemlich mühsam wenn die infos nicht mehr da sind. LG, Amada44  talk to me 21:58, 7 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

CSS master


Hello my friend
I was using your css trick (User:Liné1/monobook.css) to display

  • categories in darkgreen
  • visited categories in striped

But the striped part does not work with the latest Chrome version. Sniff. What can I do? Do you know any css sensei? Cheers Liné1 (talk) 11:02, 14 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Liné1, do you mean the "Chrome" browser by google? I will give your question to User:Bdk. She had created my monobook. I'm a greenhorn in software. Cheers. Orchi (talk) 12:16, 14 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Leucanthemum rotundifolium


Hi, Leucanthemum waldsteinii has a correct name Leucanthemum rotundifolium. Take a look:

It is like that: Leucanthemum rotundifolium (Willd.) DC., Prodr. 6: 46. 1838 Homotypic synonyms: Chrysanthemum rotundifolium Willd., Leucanthemum waldsteinii (Sch. Bip.) Pouzar, Tanacetum rotundifolium (Willd.) Simonk. [non DC. 1838], Tanacetum waldsteinii Sch. Bip., nom. nov. Note also that rotundifolium is the oldest name and only one correct even if some old flora still include this taxon as a L. waldsteinii. Best regards Yevaud PL (talk) 18:37, 23 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Category discussion notification Category:Leucanthemum_waldsteeinii has been listed at Commons:Categories for discussion so that the community can discuss ways in which it should be changed. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this category, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for discussion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it. If the category is up for deletion because it has been superseded, consider the notion that although the category may be deleted, your hard work (which we all greatly appreciate) lives on in the new category.
In all cases, please do not take the category discussion personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

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Yevaud PL (talk) 18:39, 23 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Yevaud PL, in confidence to the Polish WP [14] I changed the accepted botanical name. The spelling according the Polish WP and the commons gallery I changed from Leucanthemum waldsteinii to Leucanthemum waldsteeinii according to [15] and [16] and [17]. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 19:08, 23 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

File:Jumellea comorensis Orchi 132.jpg and File:Jumellea comorensis Orchi 131.jpg


The image File:Jumellea comorensis Orchi 132.jpg and File:Jumellea comorensis Orchi 131.jpg seems to be mislabeled. The flower really doesn't look like Jumellea comorensis. Do you think you mislabeled this plant? If so could you correct the mistake?Chhe (talk) 20:46, 6 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Chhe, thanks for your checking this gallery. You are right of course. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 09:24, 7 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

File:Brassavola martiana Orchi 001.jpg - maybe B. tuberculata?


Hi Orchi

How are you? I'm not very active on Commons at the moment, later maybe, nevertheless thanks for your nice "welcome back".
I came upon the gallery Brassavola martiana. I think that your photo (File:Brassavola martiana Orchi 001.jpg) in this gallery is not B. martiana but Brassavola tuberculata. (On your photo the labellum is not fimbriated). I'm pretty sure it is not martiana (I've often collected this plant and had it regularly flowering in my collection in Suriname), I'm not so sure about the name Brassavola tuberculata, I don't know that sp. myself, but there are lots of pics of it on the web.
All the best, and keep up your good work!!

Maarten Sepp (talk) 09:50, 16 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Maarten, thanks for your checking. You are right. The plant was labeled as Brassavola amazonica. Kew says that Brassavola amazonica is a synonym of Brassavola martiana. That is one reason for my misidentification. Some days ago I visited the commons gallery of Brassavola martiana and I had doubts also. And now I'm not sure, whether the plant on the picture is Brassavola tuberculata or Brassavola ceboletta. First I will put the photo to the Unidentified Brassavola. What would you say? I hope you help by identification of the "botanical-garden-labeled" orchids further. Thanks and greetings. Orchi (talk) 18:56, 16 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Hello my friend, I am modifying {{Taxoconflict}} to have internationalization. Even if my mother is german, could you tell me if those phrase are correct:

  • "Anmerkung: xxxx ist platziert in Yyyyy1 durch Zzzzz1 aber in Yyyyy2 durch Zzzzz2"
  • "Anmerkung: xxxx ist platziert in Yyyyy1 durch Zzzzz1, in Yyyyy2 durch Zzzzz2 und in Yyyyy3 durch Zzzzz3"

Cheers Liné1 (talk) 10:33, 3 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hello! Excuse me, that mix in. I propose the following wording:
  • "Anmerkung: xxxx wird durch Zzzzz1 zu Yyyyy1 gestellt, aber durch Zzzzz2 zu Yyyyy2"
  • "Anmerkung: xxxx wird durch Zzzzz1 zu Yyyyy1 gestellt, durch Zzzzz2 zu Yyyyy2 und durch Zzzzz3 zu Yyyyy3"
Cheers --Franz Xaver (talk) 16:59, 3 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Danke! Franz Xaver. Ich hatte den Vorgang noch nicht ganz verinnerlicht. Grüße.Orchi (talk) 17:04, 3 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hello Liné1, please follow according to the proposal of Franz Xaver. Cheers. Orchi (talk) 17:07, 3 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I was afraid that the phrase would have a different form than english.
Would "Anmerkung: xxxx wird gestellt zu Yyyyy1 durch Zzzzz1, zu Yyyyy2 durch Zzzzz2 und zu Yyyyy3 durch Zzzzz3" mean something ?
Cheers Liné1 (talk) 18:19, 3 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hello Liné1. Of course this wording would mean what it should express, but it would sound rather strange. You have to consider, that in German the order/sequence of words in a sentence is different from English or French. In constructions with auxilliary verbs, this and the participle are separated to build a bracket around the object etc: Subject - aux.verb - object etc - participle. If you change this sequence, the sentence would not be meaningless, but everyone understands immediately that it is written by someone who does not fully cope with the language. Regards --Franz Xaver (talk) 19:00, 3 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hello guys, the last solution I see, would be a more scientific/informatic display of the german phrase. Sorry if I am not clear. In french, I see a syntax difference between a pure book-like phrase and a computer designed phrase (with a lot of : ,)
  • "Anmerkung: Xxxx wird gestellt zu Yyyyy durch Zzzzz"
  • "Anmerkung: Xxxx1 & Xxxx2 sind gestellt zu Yyyyy durch Zzzzz"
  • "Anmerkung: Xxxx wird gestellt zu Yyyyy1 durch Zzzzz1 und zu Yyyyy2 durch Zzzzz2"
  • "Anmerkung: Xxxx wird gestellt zu Yyyyy1 durch Zzzzz1, zu Yyyyy2 durch Zzzzz2 und zu Yyyyy3 durch Zzzzz3"
would become
  • "Anmerkung: Xxxx wird gestellt zu: Yyyyy durch Zzzzz"
  • "Anmerkung: Xxxx1 & Xxxx2 sind gestellt zu: Yyyyy durch Zzzzz"
  • "Anmerkung: Xxxx wird gestellt zu: Yyyyy1 durch Zzzzz1, zu Yyyyy2 durch Zzzzz2"
  • "Anmerkung: Xxxx wird gestellt zu: Yyyyy1 durch Zzzzz1, zu Yyyyy2 durch Zzzzz2, zu Yyyyy3 durch Zzzzz3"
Would it be better? Less strange ?
Cheers Liné1 (talk) 12:20, 7 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
By the way, Orchi, could translate {{Taxoconflict/are placed}} ? Liné1 (talk) 12:21, 7 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hello Liné1, your german translation in {{Taxoconflict/are placed}} is perfect. Greetings, Orchi (talk) 13:26, 7 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Cool. And what do you think of my cientific/informatic display of the german phrase ? Liné1 (talk) 13:42, 7 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
...I propose to change these templates after a time of checking out. Cheers Orchi (talk) 22:37, 7 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Orchi,

Thank you for restoring the three pictures, which were removed by Bapti because of a so-called "copyright violation". In fact, only the formal document "Declaration of consent for all enquiries" from the author, who provided me these pictures for upload on Commons, was missing at the uploading time. The author provided Wikimedia with this document two days later, but the quarantine was removed only yesterday.

Best regards, --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 17:58, 5 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Hallo Orchi, kannst du einen Blick auf das Foto von Baskervilla colombiana werfen? Das steht doch auf dem Kopf, oder hab ich gerade was an den Augen? Gruß, Dietzel (talk) 17:49, 12 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

....gut, dass Du so gute Augen hast. Danke, Dietzel und viele Grüße. Orchi (talk) 23:00, 12 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Orchi, obwohl mein English ziemlich miserabel ist, habe ich ihn hier mal angesprochen und im Anschluß hier einen Hinweis hinterlassen. Seine Einstellung zu diesem Projekt, die aus seinen Antworten deutlich wird, macht mich ziemlich sprachlos, ja fast wütend. Ich weiß, er ist kein Einzelfall, die Mehrheit der ernsthaften Mitarbeiter denkt zum Glück auch anders. Sollte sich seine Auffassung und Haltung hier bei der Mehrheit irgendwann durchsetzen - dann weiß ich eines sicher: dann bin ich von einem Tag auf den anderen weg. Herzliche Grüße, --4028mdk09 (talk) 00:28, 22 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo 4028mdk09, Dank für Deine Nachricht. Ich hoffe, dass es vielleicht doch noch administrative Möglichkeiten gibt, solche Eigennutz-Kameraden in die Schranken zu weisen. Ich habe in den letzten Jahren einiges erlebt, was zwar nervig war, aber sich dann durch Rückzug der Personen selbst erledigte. Schmeißen wir also die Flinte nicht so schnell in das berühmte Kornfeld. Bilder, die zu katastrophal sind, werde ich in Sinnlos ablegen. Viele Grüße aus dem Saarland und meine guten Wünsche zum Weihnachtsfest und für das vor uns liegende Jahr 2011. Orchi (talk) 17:48, 22 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo, schaun wir mal ob die hiesigen Administratoren in absehbarer Zeit Handlungsbedarf sehen. Die Flinte ins Kornfeld - nö, im Winter schon mal gar nicht. ;-) Auch Dir wunderschöne und fröhliche Weihnachtsfeiertage, einen reibungslosen Jahreswechsel und alles Gute für 2011! --4028mdk09 (talk) 19:35, 22 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Season greetings


Dear Orchi,

I wish you too a Merry Christmas and a Happy New-year. Hopefully we will further collaborate in putting pictures of rare plants on Commons and classifying old and new pictures in correct pages and accurate categories.

Best regards, --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 13:20, 23 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Merry Christmas Orchi and a happy new year. For my part I will enjoy my 2,5 years old baby boy first real Chrismas. Even if we are french, I will tell him everything I know about Chrismas is Germany (That I learn from a true Hamburger mom ;-)), that really is better the the french one ;-)
Cheers and lot of happy moments. Liné1 (talk) 13:41, 23 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Merry Christmas and a happy new year! --Esculapio (talk) 08:09, 24 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Seasons greetings and unusual Anacamptis sancta


Dear Orchi,

Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr! And a small problem: I still had this photo: File:Orchis sancta var.- Karinda, Chios, Greece.jpg. It seems to me an Anacamptis sancta, but a very colorful one (soft red labellum with dark red spots). Could it be a hybrid, maybe with Anacamptis papilionacea? What do you think about it?
All the best!

Maarten Sepp (talk) 10:28, 25 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Maarten, thanks for your letter. The first looking at the picture of your Anacamptis sancta was: A hybrid with Anacamptis coriophora. But I'm not sure exactly. The pictures of Anacamptis sancta I know in books are without drawings on the lip all. Kretschmar, Eccarius, Dietrich in Die Orchideengattungen Anacamptis, Orchis, Neotinea from 2007 write as typical of this nothospecies (Anacamptis × kallithea = bas. Orchis × kallithea): "dark red with drawings on the lip". I will ask one or two experts in this genus in january. If you write me an E-Mail, I will send you copies of the pages of mentioned book. Cheers. Orchi (talk) 18:14, 25 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Orchi, thanks a lot for the scans, the last photo (page 449) looks very much the same as "my" plant. I have mentioned this hybridization in the description of my photo, link here. Unfortunately I made only this one photo! There were so many interesting (and for me new) species there that I didn't realize that this was something special.
Kind greetings, Maarten Sepp (talk) 19:28, 8 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hello Maarten, here [18] I found three further pictures of the nothospecies. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 19:51, 8 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hello again! I think that the picture in Kretschmar's book looks more like my photo then the guenther-blaich-photos. But it's always uncertain to try to find an identification with only photographps.
Two of my other Chios photos (from a different location, 7 or 8 km more to the North) seem to be the same sp. As identification is unsure, I shall not upload them to Commons, but I've put them here: [19]. Maybe we can find the right name later.
Gruesse, Maarten Sepp (talk) 20:36, 8 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

re: Greetings


Late for Christmas, but still in time for wishing you happy new year! Thanks --Esculapio (talk) 22:47, 26 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Danke für die netten Weihnachtsgrüße. Ich war die Tage über off-line. Dir alles Gute im neuen Jahr. --Túrelio (talk) 14:55, 27 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Ja, so ist das auch bei mir: Weihnachten versäumt. Alles Gute für 2011! --Franz Xaver (talk) 10:52, 29 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Plant labels


I have seen that you created Category:Plant labels. For photo's of the plant label you deleted the name of the plant. Indeed is the label not a photo of the plant, but I suggest to keep the category of the plant as this is easy for the user to find photo's of the plant. An alternative is to add the photo of the label as "other version" to the photo of the plant and the other way round. In the first situation it makes it clear where the naming of the plant comes from. In the second situation the user can click on the image of the plant. The problem is that most users that upload images of plants and the labels don't do that. What do you think? Regards, Wouter (talk) 21:25, 27 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I would prefer your way like this with the label as "other version" of the plant pictures: File:Rhododendron 'Blaauw's Pink' Tag.jpg. Labels like this: 8227 rbgc10dec.jpg are for me labels only. Greetings. Orchi (talk) 21:42, 27 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]