User talk:Guety

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CurWorldWeatherMapImage C


entschuldigung ich verstehe nicht was du meinst. was habe ich mit "CurWorldWeatherMapImage C" zu tun? -LadyofHats 09:46, 10 September 2005 (UTC) __________________________________[reply]



Hallo: Du korrigierst gelegentlich templates auf meiner seite User:Chris 73/Work. Bitte lass das, diese template liste wird nicht genutzt, und ist nur von mir erstellt um zu sehen, was fuer templates es auf Wikipedia gibt und welche eventuell auf eine andere template redirected werden muessen. Es ist gut, dass du das ueberpruefst, aber User:Chris 73/Work ist eher eine ToDO list. -- Chris 73 07:28, 14 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Moin Guety, schön, dass Du auch hier gelandet bist :-) Commons:Gemeinschaftsportal kennst Du bestimmt schon als dt. Überblick ... auf die Schnelle einen guten Gruß von :Bdk: 21:58, 14 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Hm, was soll´n das werden? --:Bdk: 05:17, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Weiß ich selbst nicht, dachte es ist besser als nix. Guck dir mal die History an. Und schreib vernünftiges rein wenn dir was enfällt. -guety 05:21, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Das ist ja gar nicht verlinkt, also kann das getrost gelöscht werden :-) ... wie hast Du das überhaupt gefunden? --:Bdk: 05:23, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Auf jeder Seite unten unter Disclaimers, nicht verlinkt ist lustig. -guety 05:25, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Puh, gut das ich gefragt habe ;-) [1] zeigt´s ja nix an. OK dann fülle ich das mal mit Inhalt. Gut aufgepasst, guety! Dank Dir. --:Bdk: 05:31, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Sehr gut, dann fülle mal. Wollte ich ja auch aber meine englischkentnisse haben mir ein Bein gestellt. -guety 05:39, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Hallo Guety. RedNova sagt auf Anfrage recht deutlich: Geht in Ordnung, nur bitte credit redNova angeben. -olorin31k

Hollo und Hi,

ich nehme an, Du kennst das Problem, Sammelsurien zu shooten. Ging aber recht flott mit Canon G5 und Canon S50, kein Vergleich mit früheren Hasselblad Repros...

...zu Deinem Interesse, ein Wikipedianer hat sich gewünscht (kein Zwang), ich möge als Benutzer ein bisschen was über mich für die Benutzer äußern und kundtun.

Ich bin Erfinder und Designer, was soll am da anderes machen, als die wahren Interessen und Auffassungen zeigen. Also habe ich gestern einiges aufgenommen und zusammengesetzt. Ich dachte, so kommt`s schneller als 1000 Worte rüber und meine Artikel Nachbildeffekt und Farbsynthese befassen sich mit den technischen Vorgängen des Augenapparates.

Es bestand kein Photozwang - nur ein muss bei mir, wenn schon was rüberkommen könnte.

Was meinst Du?

Mit freindlichem Gruß

Birger Boldt



Ich sah gerade dein Anfrage auf der Villag Pump. Ich kann zwar kein Französisch, aber User:Rama ist ein echtes Sprachgenie und hat mir heute sehr schnell und freundlich mit einer franz-übersetzung geholfen. Frag ihn mal, der kann englisch und wohl auch ganz gut deutsch (und noch 5 andere Sprachen). -- Duesentrieb 22:12, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Ich schreib ihm mal, danke für den Tipp. -guety 22:16, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Weather report



Those pages hold the file names of the weather report images for Wikinews.

Once interwiki transclusion is working, these will allow all of the different languages of Wikinews to share a central lookup for the current weather map.

DV 17:10, 31 Jan 2005 (UTC)



danke schon fur die "Catagory" Hilfe

Chilepine 10:22, 1 Feb 2005 (UTC)



i have corrected the mistake with the weather page--LadyofHats 04:05, 3 Feb 2005 (UTC)

User Gegeours


Hang on, this user might not read his commons talk page vers ofter. I'm pasting the text of his commons talk page into his talk page on fr:, see whether he reacts. Cheers ! Rama 07:45, 6 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Hallo guety - ich bin mit der Juristerei überfragt


Ich bin da überfragt, auch die tschechischen Kollegen insistieren immer wieder auf US Copyright-Ritualen, auch wenn ich auf die wiki Quelle verweise. Das Bild war auf, oder war's, und so habe ich es übernommen. Sollte es hier zu CZ/US Juristerei ausarten, müsste ich auf meine Mitarbeit verzichten :-( --User:Wiki-vr 15:19, 11 Feb 2005 (UTC) Re: Hi Wiki-vr, I just wandet to tell you that I put commons:Image:Karl popper.jpg on Commons:Deletion requests because its used as en:fair use. Commons does not accept fair use, if you can to use the image as fair use on cs upload it here. Greetings guety83.129.46.127 20:46, 9. 2. 2005 (UTC)


Ja, schön, habe ziemlich Zeit damit verbracht, mich zurecht zu finden. Unnütz, ich gibs auf :-( Könnt ihr mir sagen, wass ich also dazu pasten soll? :-( --wiki-vr 15:41, 12 Feb 2005 (UTC) Re: If you copied the file from another wiki, please copy all information given there and say who uploaded it to that wiki. Please add as much information as possible. If there is not sufficient information, the file may have to be deleted. If you need help or have questions, please ask at the village pump. --Baikonur 10:31, 8 Feb 2005 (UTC) Re: Hi, ich weiß das die Juristerrei manchmal nervt, aber da anscheinend ganze Anwaltskanzeleien ihr Geld mit Abmahnungen verdienen sollte man damit schon aufpassen. Ich weiß nicht wie es mit den Bildrechten in Tschechien steht, aber auf den Commons versucht man sich an den Rechten zu orientieren die in den meisten Ländern gelten. Und fair use gibt es halt nur in den USA. Wie man es richtig macht hat ja Baikonur schon geschrieben, ist auch eigentlich nicht so schwer. -guety 19:39, 11 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Hi Guety, könntest du bitte noch die Lizenz und die Quelle ergänzen. Das Bild ist heute Bild des Tages, und jemand hat es zur Löschung vorgeschlagen. schöne grüsse —Breezie 08:37, 7 Apr 2005 (UTC)



Hi Guety, about images, excuse me for my error. That images aren't from {{PD}}. So, I gonna change that. --Arrt-932 20:16, 19 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed image file

File:Photo cathedral 01500 Cerkovi Rozhdestva Bogorodicy i Annozachatievskaya.jpg

How do you fixed image file? User:File Upload Bot (Ustas) / --Ustas 06:09, 25 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Star Wars


Sorry for mi english.... The problem is for Wikipedia en español the fair use is not permited, because may in some country is not legal. But in US is permitted mmmm i don't know. --Alexan 02:23, 28 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Ok my apologize for everything I don't do that anymore and don't try to talk with somebody in other language is too hard. Only GFDL images or GNU, Free images. --Alexan 02:36, 28 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

My first Wiki-fan!


Guety, I'm flattered (if puzzled) that you like my voice, but please keep in mind that I am not available and that you have not heard me sing. You are, of course, welcome to go on admiring, use those sound samples elsewhere, such as in the German (?) wiktionary, or join us now and then in the English Wiktionary. We would certainly appreciate any translation help you can offer. --Dvortygirl 01:31, 19 Jun 2005 (UTC)



Hi Guety, do you know what happened at Image:Mumbai Skyline.jpg?

(Warning: unlink(/mnt/wikipedia/htdocs/commons/upload/thumb/f/f1/800px-Mumbai_Skyline.jpg): Is a directory in /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.5/includes/Image.php on line 943)

I reverted. Try uploading it again? dbenbenn | talk 2 July 2005 21:33 (UTC) Die Verwendung von Zitaten ist durch das Urheberrecht geregelt und unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen gestattet, ohne dass eine Erlaubnis des Urhebers eingeholt oder diesem eine Vergütung gezahlt werden müsste (§ 51 UrhG in Deutschland, siehe unten). Die allgemeine Begründung dafür ist, dass Zitate der kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Weiterentwicklung einer Gesellschaft dienen (siehe auch Informationsfreiheit).

Urheberrecht bei Musik (jünger als 70 Jahre)


Hallo Guety,

habe eine Nachricht von dir bekommen wegen dem Urheberrecht bei Musik die noch nicht 70 Jahre alt ist. Habe Ausschnitte aus Songs als Midi-Files eingespielt. Eigentlich sehe ich mich das juristisch auf der sicheren Seite. Wenn ein kleiner Ausschnitt der Demonstration eines musikalischen sachverhalts dient (wissenschaftliches Interesse), und der Künstler finanziell keine Einbußen in Kauf nehmen muss, ist es legal. Beide Punkte sehe ich bei den kleinen Ausschnitten als Midi-ile gegeben. Habe dir dazu noch ausführlichen Gesetzestext angehängt.


Zitate sind mit Quellenvermerken zu versehen (Gebot der Quellenangabe in § 63 UhrG im Sinne einer genauen Angabe der Fundstelle). Das Zitatrecht dürfen nur Werke beanspruchen, die selbst urheberrechtlichen Schutz genießen, also eine eigene „Schaffenshöhe“ aufweisen. Demnach dürfen sich Zitatsammlungen, die ausschließlich Fremdleistungen wiedergeben, nicht auf das Zitatrecht berufen. Die (wirtschaftlichen) Interessen des Urhebers bzw. Rechteinhabers des zitierten Werkes dürfen durch ein Zitat nicht über Gebühr eingeschränkt werden. -> Durch ein kurzes Midi-Beispiel wird ja niemand vom CD-Kauf abgehalten, eher animiert.

Unterschieden werden:

Kleinzitate dürfen weiterreichend verwendet werden. Der Zitierzweck muss erkennbar sein. Das Zitat muss also in irgendeiner Beziehung zu der eigenen Leistung stehen, beispielsweise als Erörterungsgrundlage. Der Umfang des Zitats muss dem Zweck angemessen sein.' -> Im Artikel dient es der Untersuchung der Musik. Es sind nur Stellen zitiert, die ein gewisses Merkmal beleuchten (Intervalle,etc.)

Zitate in der Wikipedia

Kleinzitate im Sinne kurzer Entnahmen aus geschützten Werken sind ohne weiteres zulässig. Da das deutsche Urheberrechtsgesetz eine deutliche Quellenangabe verlangt, ist darauf zu achten, dass die genaue Fundstelle nachgewiesen wird (im Sinne einer bibliographischen Angabe mit Autor, Titel, Publikationsort, bei längeren Werken, aus denen entnommen wird, mit Seitenzahl oder Abschnittsangabe).

Zitate im Deutschen Urheberrecht

Im deutschen Urheberrecht gilt für Zitate der Paragraph 51 (Stand: 10.9.2003):

UrhG § 51 Zitate Zulässig ist die Vervielfältigung, Verbreitung und öffentliche Wiedergabe, wenn in einem durch den Zweck gebotenen Umfang 1. einzelne Werke nach dem Erscheinen in ein selbständiges wissenschaftliches Werk zur Erläuterung des Inhalts aufgenommen werden, 2. Stellen eines Werkes nach der Veröffentlichung in einem selbständigen Sprachwerk angeführt werden, 3. einzelne Stellen eines erschienenen Werkes der Musik in einem selbständigen Werk der Musik angeführt werden.

Gruß —Boris Fernbacher 3 July 2005 08:30 (UTC)



That's right, I didn't see that non-commercial license is not accepted on Commons.Image:M31-1979 CWRU.jpeg is not intended for commercial use indeed, so it should be removed from Commons. Could you tell me how to do ? May be we would precise first that it is allowed for non-commercial, so that wikipedias can load it on the local databases and use it while they precise the license. Mizalcor 5 July 2005 18:51 (UTC)



The pic is not mine, the owner put it in " Creative Commons " but don't said which one, and probably don't know which one is need. Can we choice for him ? And which CC is the best to respect the original autor ? Yug talk 8 July 2005 11:14 (UTC)

I already contacted him, he confirm the CC and he went to the page but he don't know about all the kind of CC. I think because he just want share this pic he don't care a little of which CC is the perfect one. Yug talk 8 July 2005 11:45 (UTC)



hallo, das ekh ist ein besetztes haus, eine seite die versucht das haus autonom zu halten, glaubst du das da jemand ein bild unter copyright stellt? bei der faust kenne ich sogar den menschen der das bild erstellt hat. was ist die idealste variante => also welche lizenz soll ich angeben wenn das auf der seite nicht steht, das hier am ehesten akzeptiert wird? Subversiv-action 02:12, 10 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]



Hallo Guety, für klare URVs kannst du einen Schnelllöschantrag stellen und musst nicht über die Löschkandidaten gehen. Schöne Grüsse -- Breezie 16:13, 14 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Aber es geht ja auch darum das die Hochlader es mitbekommen. -guety 00:53, 16 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]



Copied from Commons:Deletion requests:

This users (Ivanrguez's) other uploads should also be reviewed by a speaker of spanish. -guety 23:59, 14 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I speak Spanish fluently, just tell me where can I help. --Fibonacci 04:54, 15 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

PS: Ich spreche auch ein bißchen Deutsch (doch nicht so gut). Du kannst auf Deutsch antworten wenn du willst. --Fibonacci 04:54, 15 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

moien, könntest du mir bitte etwas zu meiner idee dort sagen, ob das was ich vorhabe in ordnung geht? würde mich sehr freuen, --Andreas -horn- Hornig 17:43, 22 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Zach Klein


Kudos for obtaining this bunch of photos of artists. Could you please forward the mail that you obtained from Zach Klein to Thanks. David.Monniaux 16:57, 11 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Zach Klein does not allow commercial usage :

David, Yes, I took the photo, but no, I do not agree to all of the terms of the Creative Commons. I do not wish to allow "commercial use of the work".

Thank you.

Zach Klein

On Wed Jan 11 09:17:47 PST 2006, David Monniaux wrote: >> Hi, >> >> Are you the photographer of: >> >> >> and do you confirm you agree to license the image under: >> >> ? >> >> Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the answer. >> >> Regards, >> a Wikimedia Commons administrator

After further email exchanges with Zach Klein, he agreed to CC-BY. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Guety, but when we get "professional" photos (esp. of celebrities and the like), I tend to double-check. Many people send us vague authorizations, often not understanding that we request licences allowing derivatives and commercial usage. David.Monniaux 06:59, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Übertrag von Bildern auf Commons - Image:Uno-karten.jpg:


Hallo, ich habe gesehen, dass Du Bilder auf Commons übertragen hast. Da gibt es ein paar Regeln, die man bitte einhalten sollte. Diese Tool holt sich alle Informationen und bietet eine fast fertige Beschreibung für Commons an. Normalerweise ist nichts bzw. ganz wenig manuel nach zu bessern. Es wäre nett, wenn Du zukünftig, alle notwendigen Informationen bei einem "Umzug" angeben würdest. Nur dann kann das entsprechende Bild auf de:Wikipedia gelöscht werden. Danke ! --gildemax 23:21, 2 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Pay attention to copyright Image:Star Wars X-Wing2.jpg has been marked as a copyright violation. The Wikimedia Commons only accepts free content, that is, images and other media files that can be used by anyone, for any purpose. For details on what is acceptable, please read Commons:Licensing. You can ask questions about Commons policies in Commons:Help desk.

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Kotepho 19:16, 30 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image deletion warning Image:Katie Holmes.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this image, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. If the file is up for deletion because it has been superseded by a superior derivative of your work, consider the notion that although the file may be deleted, your hard work (which we all greatly appreciate) lives on in the new file.
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Afrikaans  العربية  беларуская  беларуская (тарашкевіца)  български  ပအိုဝ်ႏဘာႏသာႏ  বাংলা  bosanski  català  čeština  dansk  Deutsch  Deutsch (Sie-Form)  Zazaki  ދިވެހިބަސް  Ελληνικά  English  Esperanto  español  eesti  فارسی  suomi  français  galego  עברית  hrvatski  magyar  հայերեն  Bahasa Indonesia  íslenska  italiano  日本語  한국어  조선말  македонски  മലയാളം  Bahasa Melayu  မြန်မာဘာသာ  norsk bokmål  Plattdüütsch  Nederlands  norsk nynorsk  norsk  occitan  polski  پښتو  português  português do Brasil  română  русский  sicilianu  slovenčina  slovenščina  shqip  српски / srpski  svenska  ไทย  Türkçe  українська  Tiếng Việt  中文  中文(简体)  中文(繁體)  +/−
Image deletion warning Image:Neanderthaler-Woman.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

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Afrikaans  العربية  беларуская  беларуская (тарашкевіца)  български  ပအိုဝ်ႏဘာႏသာႏ  বাংলা  bosanski  català  čeština  dansk  Deutsch  Deutsch (Sie-Form)  Zazaki  ދިވެހިބަސް  Ελληνικά  English  Esperanto  español  eesti  فارسی  suomi  français  galego  עברית  hrvatski  magyar  հայերեն  Bahasa Indonesia  íslenska  italiano  日本語  한국어  조선말  македонски  മലയാളം  Bahasa Melayu  မြန်မာဘာသာ  norsk bokmål  Plattdüütsch  Nederlands  norsk nynorsk  norsk  occitan  polski  پښتو  português  português do Brasil  română  русский  sicilianu  slovenčina  slovenščina  shqip  српски / srpski  svenska  ไทย  Türkçe  українська  Tiếng Việt  中文  中文(简体)  中文(繁體)  +/−

This is an automated message from BryanBot. 13:43, 10 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Image deletion warning Image:David Letterman drawing.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

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In all cases, please do not take the deletion request personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

Afrikaans  العربية  беларуская  беларуская (тарашкевіца)  български  ပအိုဝ်ႏဘာႏသာႏ  বাংলা  bosanski  català  čeština  dansk  Deutsch  Deutsch (Sie-Form)  Zazaki  ދިވެހިބަސް  Ελληνικά  English  Esperanto  español  eesti  فارسی  suomi  français  galego  עברית  hrvatski  magyar  հայերեն  Bahasa Indonesia  íslenska  italiano  日本語  한국어  조선말  македонски  മലയാളം  Bahasa Melayu  မြန်မာဘာသာ  norsk bokmål  Plattdüütsch  Nederlands  norsk nynorsk  norsk  occitan  polski  پښتو  português  português do Brasil  română  русский  sicilianu  slovenčina  slovenščina  shqip  српски / srpski  svenska  ไทย  Türkçe  українська  Tiếng Việt  中文  中文(简体)  中文(繁體)  +/−

This is an automated message from BryanBot. 14:15, 10 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Thanks for uploading Image:Neanderthaler-Woman.jpg. I notice the image page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you have not created this media yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the media on Wikimedia Commons (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the media yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page. If the content is a derivative of a copyrighted work, you need to supply the names and a licence of the original authors as well.

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Image deletion warning Image:Lago_de_Atlilan.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

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In all cases, please do not take the deletion request personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

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Iamunknown 06:20, 16 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Thanks for uploading Image:Photo_cathedral_01057_Severnyj_fasad_Troickoj_nadvratnoj_cerkvi.jpg. I notice the image page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you have not created this media yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the media on Wikimedia Commons (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the media yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page. If the content is a derivative of a copyrighted work, you need to supply the names and a licence of the original authors as well.

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Thanks for uploading Image:Photo_cathedral_01062_Cerkov'_Rozhdestva_Bogorodicy_1696_g.jpg. I notice the image page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you have not created this media yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the media on Wikimedia Commons (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the media yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page. If the content is a derivative of a copyrighted work, you need to supply the names and a licence of the original authors as well.

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Thanks for uploading Image:Photo_cathedral_01064_Vid_na_Vsehsvyatskuyu_cerkov'_i_cerkov'_Spasa_na_Berestove.jpg. I notice the image page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you have not created this media yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the media on Wikimedia Commons (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the media yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page. If the content is a derivative of a copyrighted work, you need to supply the names and a licence of the original authors as well.

If the media also doesn't have a copyright tag, then you must also add one. If you created/took the picture, audio, or video then you can use {{self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-all}} to release it under the multilicense GFDL plus Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike All-version license or {{PD-self}} to release it into the public domain. See Commons:Copyright tags for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.

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Thanks for uploading Image:Photo_cathedral_01065_Vid_cerkvej_Kievo-Pecherskoj_lavry_i_r._Dnepr.jpg. I notice the image page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you have not created this media yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the media on Wikimedia Commons (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the media yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page. If the content is a derivative of a copyrighted work, you need to supply the names and a licence of the original authors as well.

If the media also doesn't have a copyright tag, then you must also add one. If you created/took the picture, audio, or video then you can use {{self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-all}} to release it under the multilicense GFDL plus Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike All-version license or {{PD-self}} to release it into the public domain. See Commons:Copyright tags for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.

Note that any unsourced and untagged images will be deleted one week after they have been uploaded, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. If you have uploaded other media, please check that you have specified their source and copyright tagged them, too. You can find all your uploads using the Gallery tool. Thank you. Ahonc (talk) 22:12, 23 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

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This media may be deleted.

Thanks for uploading Image:Photo_cathedral_01060_Cerkov'_Spasa_na_Berestove_(H1-HP_st.).jpg. I notice the image page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you have not created this media yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the media on Wikimedia Commons (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the media yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page. If the content is a derivative of a copyrighted work, you need to supply the names and a licence of the original authors as well.

If the media also doesn't have a copyright tag, then you must also add one. If you created/took the picture, audio, or video then you can use {{self|GFDL|cc-by-sa-all}} to release it under the multilicense GFDL plus Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike All-version license or {{PD-self}} to release it into the public domain. See Commons:Copyright tags for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.

Note that any unsourced and untagged images will be deleted one week after they have been uploaded, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. If you have uploaded other media, please check that you have specified their source and copyright tagged them, too. You can find all your uploads using the Gallery tool. Thank you. Ahonc (talk) 22:14, 23 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Image deletion warning Image:Uno-karten.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this image, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue.
In all cases, please do not take the deletion request personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

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Image deletion warning Image:Uno-cards.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this image, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue.
In all cases, please do not take the deletion request personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

Afrikaans  العربية  беларуская  беларуская (тарашкевіца)  български  ပအိုဝ်ႏဘာႏသာႏ  বাংলা  bosanski  català  čeština  dansk  Deutsch  Deutsch (Sie-Form)  Zazaki  ދިވެހިބަސް  Ελληνικά  English  Esperanto  español  eesti  فارسی  suomi  français  galego  עברית  hrvatski  magyar  հայերեն  Bahasa Indonesia  íslenska  italiano  日本語  한국어  조선말  македонски  മലയാളം  Bahasa Melayu  မြန်မာဘာသာ  norsk bokmål  Plattdüütsch  Nederlands  norsk nynorsk  norsk  occitan  polski  پښتو  português  português do Brasil  română  русский  sicilianu  slovenčina  slovenščina  shqip  српски / srpski  svenska  ไทย  Türkçe  українська  Tiếng Việt  中文  中文(简体)  中文(繁體)  +/−

Teofilo (talk) 13:49, 7 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

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Warning sign
This media was probably deleted.
Thanks for uploading File:Reuters camera.jpg. This media is missing permission information. A source is given, but there is no proof that the author or copyright holder agreed to license the file under the given license. Please provide a link to an appropriate webpage with license information, or ask the author or copyright holder to send an email with copy of a written permission to VRT ( You may still be required to go through this procedure even if you are the author yourself; please see Commons:But it's my own work! for more details. After you emailed permission, you may replace the {{No permission since}} tag with {{subst:PP}} on file description page. Alternatively, you may click on "Challenge speedy deletion" below the tag if you wish to provide an argument why evidence of permission is not necessary in this case.

Please see this page for more information on how to confirm permission, or if you would like to understand why we ask for permission when uploading work that is not your own, or work which has been previously published (regardless of whether it is your own).

The file probably has been deleted. If you sent a permission, try to send it again after 14 days. Do not re-upload. When the VRT-member processes your mail, the file can be undeleted. Additionally you can request undeletion here, providing a link to the File-page on Commons where it was uploaded ([[:File:Reuters camera.jpg]]) and the above demanded information in your request.

--Leoboudv (talk) 05:20, 25 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Pay attention to copyright
File:Seagul Brighton-side.jpg has been marked as a possible copyright violation. Wikimedia Commons only accepts free content—that is, images and other media files that can be used by anyone, for any purpose. Traditional copyright law does not grant these freedoms, and unless noted otherwise, everything you find on the web is copyrighted and not permitted here. For details on what is acceptable, please read Commons:Licensing. You may also find Commons:Copyright rules useful, or you can ask questions about Commons policies at the Commons:Help desk. If you are the copyright holder and the creator of the file, please read Commons:But it's my own work! for tips on how to provide evidence of that.

The file you added has been deleted. If you have written permission from the copyright holder, please have them send us a free license release via COM:VRT. If you believe that the deletion was not in accordance with policy, you may request undeletion. (It is not necessary to request undeletion if using VRT; the file will be automatically restored at the conclusion of the process.)

Warning: Wikimedia Commons takes copyright violations very seriously and persistent violators will be blocked from editing.

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--Leoboudv (talk) 04:51, 22 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Tip: Categorizing images


Afrikaans  العربية  беларуская (тарашкевіца)  বাংলা  català  čeština  dansk  Deutsch  Deutsch (Sie-Form)  Ελληνικά  English  Esperanto  español  فارسی  suomi  français  galego  עברית  magyar  íslenska  italiano  日本語  ქართული  한국어  македонски  മലയാളം  norsk bokmål  Plattdüütsch  Nederlands  norsk  polski  português  português do Brasil  română  русский  sicilianu  slovenčina  slovenščina  српски / srpski  svenska  Türkçe  українська  Tiếng Việt  中文(简体)‎  中文(繁體)‎  +/−

Hello, Guety!
Tip: Add categories to your files
Tip: Add categories to your files

Thanks a lot for contributing to the Wikimedia Commons! Here's a tip to make your uploads more useful: Why not add some categories to describe them? This will help more people to find and use them.

Here's how:

1) If you're using the UploadWizard, you can add categories to each file when you describe it. Just click "more options" for the file and add the categories which make sense:

2) You can also pick the file from your list of uploads, edit the file description page, and manually add the category code at the end of the page.

[[Category:Category name]]

For example, if you are uploading a diagram showing the orbits of comets, you add the following code:

[[Category:Astronomical diagrams]]

This will make the diagram show up in the categories "Astronomical diagrams" and "Comets".

When picking categories, try to choose a specific category ("Astronomical diagrams") over a generic one ("Illustrations").

Thanks again for your uploads! More information about categorization can be found in Commons:Categories, and don't hesitate to leave a note on the help desk.

BotMultichillT 14:24, 7 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

File:Ethiopia coa large.png has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

Antemister (talk) 09:51, 30 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

File rename, adding missing infobox template


Hi, Guety, I was wondering if this image could be the subject of renaming because of #2. Also the infobox template is missing. Could you take a closer look? Thank you for your time. :) Lotje (talk) 04:31, 11 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Category discussion warning

Gambia has been listed at Commons:Categories for discussion so that the community can discuss ways in which it should be changed. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this category, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for discussion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it. If the category is up for deletion because it has been superseded, consider the notion that although the category may be deleted, your hard work (which we all greatly appreciate) lives on in the new category.

In all cases, please do not take the category discussion personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you!

Themightyquill (talk) 21:54, 1 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]