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Da controllare

  • Maps
    • verificare quali sono PDF maps e quali SVG maps: ✓ Done
    • verificare quali sono storiche: ✓ Done
    • Inserimento in categorie per area: ✓ Done
  • Blank map by country
    • sono nella categoria giusta: eccetto Austria
  • Bilateral maps
    • controllare inserimento in due categorie: ✓ Done
  • Geology by country
    • spostamento mappe in geological maps by country: ✓ Done
    • spostamento sezioni in geological cross sections: ✓ Done
    • sottocategorie di geology by country
      • spostamento sezioni in geological cross sections: ✓ Done
  • Basins
  1. Creazione pagina di disambiguazione: ✓ Done
  2. Creazione pagine con significati specifici: ✓ Done
    1. Bacini stratigrafici: ✓ Done
    2. Bacini strutturali: ✓ Done
    3. Bacini idrografici=Bacini di drenagggio
  3. Spostamento in sottoapagine specifiche
    1. Da Drainage basin maps -> a Maps of rivers by country: ✓ Done
    2. Da maps by river -> a Maps of rivers by country: ✓ Done
    3. Da maps of rivers -> a Maps of rivers by country: ✓ Done
  4. Ricerca per termini
    1. Basins: ✓ Done
  5. Controllo nelle categorie di Hydrography

Hi, i noted you reverted my last edits about the category "basins". I apologize because i was surely wrong in making such work without discussion. I will try to explain my goal, hoping that you will indicate me the better way to do it without creating some chaos. I was trying to disambig all the categories related to "basin", because this word is by itself ambigue in several languages. There was the same ambiguity in some of its subcategories like "basin by continent or basins maps", that could be refer to a lot of object like industrial basins, rivers, or oil reserves. I supposed that the easiest way to make some order was to leave "basins" as disambiguation page, then create some more specific categories (like "sedimentary basins") and at the end starting to move all the subcategories (and uncategorized files )in theese ones. When it was possible, i've tried to do this using the olds categories, (like "watersheds of Asia") insteed of creating a brand new category (like "drainage basins of Asia"), but everytime i done it with the purpose of leaving all the categories including the word "basins" as empty disambiguation pages. Thanks you for explainations and helps.--Ciaurlec (talk) 21:37, 18 January 2011 (UTC)

Not a major problem, and I did have no time to explain. Such a world wide reorganisation however needs be discussed as it impacts so many categories. A solution is to make a CFD or a document in Category:Commons category schemes. I'dd suggest to discuss it with at least user:Mircea.
Anyway, the major reason why it reverted your transformation to a disambiguation page is that disambiguation pages "forward dispatch" to category trees that are not really related (except for the name) and should be empty as can be seen in Category:Non-empty category redirects.
While basins might be ambiguous in your eyes, it is obviously not in the eyes of most people and anyway, all sorts of basins belong in one single category tree, so no reason for disambiguation, only potentially deeper categorisation. Anyway, I guess that 99 % of the basins on Commons are drainage basins, so don't make it too complex for an average user.
When reading you texts, it gives the impression that it is unrelated with the contained categories, while in fact all river basins and basins by country remain valid (I presume). Indeed, for deep specialisation categories, one better has parallel categories without changing the "main" categorisation logic. --Foroa (talk) 08:35, 19 January 2011 (UTC)

  • .SVG geolog*
    • added category fino a

Controllo watershed of

  • SAM
  • NAM
  • EUR
  • AFR
  • ASI
  • OCE



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