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Gulf Stream

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The Gulf Stream, also known as the North Atlantic Drift, is a powerful, warm, and swift Atlantic Ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico, exits through the Straight of Florida, and follows the eastern coastlines of the United States and Newfoundland. Its extension toward Europe, called the North Atlantic drift, makes West-European countries considerably warmer than they would be otherwise.

<nowiki>Corriente del Golfo; Гольфстрим; Golfstraumurinn; گولفسترىيم; Гълфстрийм; Curentul Golfului; 墨西哥灣暖流; Golfský prúd; Гольфстрім; Gōlf dal Mèsic; Голфстрим; Fluo di Gulfo; Golfstrim; Гольфстрим; Golfa Marfluo; Голфска струја; Goifstrom; Stroo yn Eearvooir; উপসাগরীয় সমুদ্রস্রোত; Gulf Stream; Golfska struja; गल्फ स्ट्रीम; Golfowy prud; Gulf Stream; گولفسترىيم; Golʹfstrïm; Golfstroom; Голфска струја; 墨西哥湾暖流; Гольфстрим; Golfstraumen; Golfstrømmen; Qolfstrim cərəyanı; ಗಲ್ಫ್ ಸ್ಟ್ರೀಂ; Golfvirde; Gulf Stream; تيار الخليج; Gulf Stream; Гальфстрым; 墨西哥湾暖流; Golʹfstrïm; Mkondo wa Ghuba; 墨西哥灣暖流; Golkoko itsaslasterra; Golfska struja; Corriente del Golfu; corrent del Golf; Гольфстрим; Golfstrom; Golfa straume; Rryma e Golfit; Голфска струја; 墨西哥灣暖流; Golfstrømmen; გოლფსტრიმი; メキシコ湾流; Գոլֆստրիմ; Гальфстрым; 墨西哥灣暖流; Golfstroom; זרם הגולף; Flumen Sinus; Golfska struja; गल्फ स्ट्रीम; 墨西哥湾暖流; Golfrávdnji; Gelombang Teluk; Corrent del Golf; Golfveʹrdd; வளைகுடா ஓடை; Corrente del Golfo; Гольфстрим; Golfstrôom; Golfströmmen; Golfi hoovus; Gulf Stream; Golfo srovė; Sruth Murascaille Mheicsiceo; Golfský proud; Гольфстрим; گلف استریم; Corrente do Golfo; Golfstream; Golf-áramlat; 멕시코 만류; गल्फ स्ट्रीम; Zalivski tok; ਗਲਫ਼ ਸਟ੍ਰੀਮ; Herka Kendavê; Golfstreymurin; กัลฟ์สตรีม; Prąd Zatokowy; Гольфстрим; Golfska struja; Golfvirta; Гольфстрим; 墨西哥湾暖流; Ọwara mmiri iyi; Corrente do Golfo; Herka Kendavê; Ρεύμα του Κόλπου; حەرکا کەنداڤێ; corriente oceánica del Atlántico; courant marin de l'océan Atlantique; морское течение в Атлантическом океане; Warme Meeresströmung im Atlantik; dòng hải lưu ấm ở Đại Tây Dương; okeāna straume Atlantijas okeāna ziemeļos; 大西洋洋流; Sıcak Atlas Okyanusu akıntısı; havsström i nordvästra Atlanten; podpowierzchniowy prąd morski Atlantyku; Oke osimiri Atlantic ugbu a; 大西洋洋流; mórski prud w Atlantiku; corrente dell'Oceano Atlantico Settentrionale; Atlantin valtameren merivirta; Atlantic ocean current; morský prúd; oceánský proud v Atlantském oceánu; 大西洋洋流; Gulf Stream; Corriente Gulf Stream; Corrientes del Golfo; Gulf-stream; Гальфштром; Golkoko korronte; Golkoko itsaslaster; Nordatlantiske Havstrøm; Den Nordatlantiske Havstrøm; गल्फ स्ट्रिम प्रवाह; Nordatlantikdrift; Golf-Strom; Corrente do atlântico norte; Corrente do Atlantico Norte; Fluentum Sinus; Gulf-Stream; Golf Stream; Golfstrom; 灣流; 墨西哥灣流; Waarme golfstream; Gulf stream okyanus akıntısı; Körfez Akıntısı; Golfstream; 湾流; Golfstrømmen; Golf-virta; Gulf stream; Golfsztrom; Golfstrom; Gulfstrømmen; 灣流; 墨西哥灣流; 灣流; 墨西哥灣流; Hải lưu Gơn strim; Dòng Vịnh; Hải lưu dòng Vịnh; Noord-Atlantische Drift; Golf-rávdnji; Ґольфстрім; Гольфстрим; Golfofluo; Golfa fluo; Γκολφ στρημ; Ρεύμα του Κόλπου του Μεξικού; Golfstrom</nowiki>
Gulf Stream 
Atlantic ocean current
Le Gulf Stream (en orange et jaune) au large de la côte Est des États-Unis (température de surface)
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Instance of
Part of
  • North Atlantic Gyre
Named after
Located in or next to body of water
Time of discovery or invention
  • 1512
Different from
Map35° 00′ 00″ N, 70° 00′ 00″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q130905
VIAF cluster ID: 316598257
GND ID: 4021572-6
IdRef ID: 102364575
NDL Authority ID: 00567579
National Library of Spain ID: XX5252021
Mapy.cz ID: area&id=162254
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