File:A Breeze from Alabama.pdf

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Original file (1,239 × 1,752 pixels, file size: 165 KB, MIME type: application/pdf, 4 pages)



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Source Faithful transcription from Scott Joplin: Complete Piano Works, Fourth Edition, pages 54–57. Both the copyright of the original work (first published 1896, composer died 1917) and of the critical edition that the work is transcribed from (first published 1971, fourth edition published 1981) should be expired by now.

Original: Scott Joplin Restoration: Vera Brodsky Lawrence (editor)

Vectorization: Galaktos (LilyPond)

LilyPond source

\version "2.18.2"

\header {
  title = "A Breeze from Alabama"
  subtitle = "March And Two-Step"
  composer = "Scott Joplin"
  copyright = "MCMII by John Stark & Son"
  tagline = ##f
  page-count = 4

% helper command to print title and composer in uppercase in the title while keeping them in regular case for the metadata
#(define-markup-command (uppercase-property layout props symbol) (symbol?)
  (let ((property (chain-assoc-get symbol props)))
   (interpret-markup layout props
    (string-upcase property))))
% helper command to get the page-count (number) as a string for the footer
#(define-markup-command (string-property layout props symbol) (symbol?)
  (let ((property (chain-assoc-get symbol props)))
   (interpret-markup layout props
    (number->string property))))

#(define ((shift offsets) grob)
"Defines how NoteHeads should be moved according to the given list of offsets."
 (let* (
 ;; NoteHeads
        ;; Get the NoteHeads of the NoteColumn
        (note-heads (ly:grob-array->list (ly:grob-object grob 'note-heads)))
        ;; Get their durations
            (lambda (note-head-grobs)
              (ly:grob-property note-head-grobs 'duration-log))
        ;; Get their length in X-axis-direction
            (lambda (x)
                (let* ((grob-x-ext (ly:grob-extent x grob X)))
                  (if (interval-sane? grob-x-ext)
                      (interval-length grob-x-ext)
 ;; Stem
        (stem (ly:grob-object grob 'stem))
        (stem-thick (ly:grob-property stem 'thickness 1.3))
        (stem-x-width (if (ly:grob? stem)
                          (let ((stem-x-ext (ly:grob-extent stem grob X)))
                            (if (interval-sane? stem-x-ext)
                                (interval-length stem-x-ext)
                                (/ stem-thick 10)))
                          ;; Fall back
                          ;; TODO is it ever used?
                          (/ stem-thick 10)))
        (stem-dir (ly:grob-property stem 'direction))
        ;; Calculate a value to compensate the stem-extension
            (lambda (q)
               ;; TODO better coding if (<= log 0)
               (cond ((and (= q 0) (= stem-dir 1))
                      (* -1 (+ 2  (* -4 stem-x-width))))
                     ((and (< q 0) (= stem-dir 1))
                      (* -1 (+ 2  (* -1 stem-x-width))))
                     ((< q 0)
                      (* 2 stem-x-width))
                     (else (/ stem-x-width 2))))
 ;; Final Calculation for moving the NoteHeads
     (lambda (nh nh-x-length off x-corr)
         (if (= off 0)
           (ly:grob-translate-axis! nh (* off (- nh-x-length x-corr)) X)))
     note-heads stencils-x-lengths offsets stem-x-corr)))

displaceHeads =
#(define-music-function (parser location offsets) (list?)
 Moves the NoteHeads, using (shift offsets)
   \once \override NoteColumn.before-line-breaking = #(shift offsets)
adjustStem =
#(define-music-function (parser location val)(pair?)
 Adjust 'stem-attachment via 
 adding multiples of the stem-width to the x-default (car val)
 and multiplying the y-default with (cdr val).
   \once \override NoteHead.before-line-breaking = 
   #(lambda (grob)
     (let* ((stem-at (ly:grob-property grob 'stem-attachment))
            (stem (ly:grob-object grob 'stem))
            (stem-x-width (interval-length (ly:grob-property stem 'X-extent))))
       (cons (+ (car stem-at) (* stem-x-width (car val))) (* (cdr val) (cdr stem-at))) 

\paper {
  % based on the default value in ly/
  bookTitleMarkup = \markup {
    \override #'(baseline-skip . 3.5)
    \column {
      "" % no dedication
      \override #'(baseline-skip . 4.5)
      \column {
        \fill-line {
          \huge \larger \larger \larger
          \concat { \uppercase-property #'header:title "." }
        \fill-line {
          \large \concat { \uppercase-property #'header:subtitle "." }
        \fill-line {
          "" % no poet
          "" % no instrument
          \override #'(baseline-skip . 3) \bold \concat { \uppercase-property #'header:composer "." }
  evenFooterMarkup = \markup { \fill-line {
    \on-the-fly \not-first-page \teeny \italic \concat { \fromproperty #'header:title "." }
  } }
  oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
    \on-the-fly \first-page \fill-line {
      \teeny \italic \concat { "Copyright " \fromproperty #'header:copyright "." }
    \on-the-fly \not-first-page \fill-line {
      \teeny \italic \concat { \fromproperty #'header:title "." }
  print-page-number = ##f

\layout {
  \context {
    \omit BarNumber
    \override NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-permission = ##f
    \override = ##f

LH = { \change Staff = "LH" }
RH = { \change Staff = "RH" }

% a marcato <e'' c'''> chord with an appoggiatura leading up to the C
appoggiaturaCChord = \relative g'' { << { \once \slurDown \appoggiatura { g16 a b } \once \stemDown \once \omit Flag c8 } \\ <e, c'>8^^ >> }

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "RH" {
      \clef "violin"
      \key c \major
      \time 2/4
      \relative e' {
        % Intro
        %\tweak X-offset #1
        \tempo \markup { "Not fast.     " } % the extra spaces extend the markup enough that it reaches into the next note’s beam and is moved upwards to avoid collision, matching the original score
        \partial 8
        <e g>8 |
        << { \voiceTwo \tieNeutral <dis c'> r r <e c'>~ | } \new Voice { \voiceOne c' a16 gis a b c8 | } >> \oneVoice
        \stemDown <e, c'>16 g e dis \stemNeutral e f g8~ |
        g16 f d cis e d b a |
        g8 r <g' b d g>^^ g | \bar ".|:-||" \break
        % Part A
        \repeat volta 2 {
          <g e'>16 <fis dis'> <g e'> <e c'>~ q e f fis |
          g c e <g,~ e'-\tweak Tie.direction #DOWN ~ g~> q <fis dis' fis> <g e' g>8 |
          <g e'>16 <fis dis'> <g e'> <e c'>~ q e f fis |
          g c e <g,~ e'-\tweak Tie.direction #DOWN ~ g~> q <fis dis' fis> <g e' g>8 |
          <g g'>16^\< <gis f' gis> <a f' a> <b~ f'-\tweak Tie.direction #DOWN ~ b~> q <g f' g> <a f' a> <b f' b>\! | \break
          <c e c'> <b e b'> <c e c'> <e g e'>~ q <dis dis'> <e e'>8 |
          e'16 d cis d~ d <e, c'> <d b'> <c a'> |
          <b g'>4^>~ q8 <g b d f> |
          <g e'>16 <fis dis'> <g e'> <e c'>~ q e f fis |
          g c e <g,~ e'-\tweak Tie.direction #DOWN ~ g~> q <fis dis' fis> <g e' g>8 | \break
          \stemUp <g e'>16 <fis dis'> <g e'> g~ \stemNeutral g bes a gis |
          a d f <a,~ f'-\tweak Tie.direction #DOWN ~ a~> q f' d a |
        \alternative {
            << { \voiceTwo \tieNeutral <dis, c'>8 r r <e c'>~ | } \new Voice { \voiceOne c' a16 gis a b c8 | } >> \oneVoice
            <e, c'>16 g e dis e f g8~ |
            g16 f d cis e d b a |
            g8 r <g' b d g> g | \break
            #(ly:expect-warning "cannot end volta")
            \set Score.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 2/4)
            a16 gis a b c b c d |
            e8 <g, cis f>4 <g cis e>8 |
            <fis c'! e> <f b e>4 \once \stemDown <f b d>8 |
            <e c'> r \appoggiaturaCChord r | \bar ".|:-||" \pageBreak
        % Part B
        \repeat volta 2 {
          <a f' a> <c a' c>4 <a f' a>8 |
          q <g e' g>4. |
          <d' f>16 <c e> <b d> <c e> <d f> <f a>8 q16 |
          <e g> <d f> <c e> <d f> <e g> <e c'>8 q16 |
          <a, f' a>8 <c a' c>4 <a f' a>8 | \break
          q <g e' g>4. |
          <c e c'>16 <b e b'> <a e' a> <b e b'> <c a' c> <cis a' cis> \displaceHeads #'(0 1 -1 0) <d a' b d> \displaceHeads #'(0 1 -1 0) <dis a' b dis> |
          <e gis b e>8 r <bes e g>4^> |
          <a f' a>8 <c a' c>4 <a f' a>8 |
          q <g e' g>4. |
          <d' f>16 <c e> <b d> <c e> <d f> <f a>8 q16 | \break
          <e g> <d f> <c e> <d f> <e g> <e c'>8 q16 |
          <d d'>8 q~ q16 c' b a |
          <e a>8 <e g>~ q16 c d e |
          <b g'>8 <b f'>4 <f g b>8 |
        \alternative {
          { <e g c> <g g'>16 q q8 q | }
          { <e g c>8 r \appoggiaturaCChord r | \bar ".|:-||" \break }
        % Part C
        \key as \major
        \repeat volta 2 {
          <c' es c'> q~ q16 es as bes |
          q q8 q16~ q <c, c'> <des des'> <es es'> |
          <f as f'>8 q~ q16 q <es g es'> <des f des'> |
          <c es c'>16 q8 q16~ q <c c'> <bes bes'> <as as'> | \break
          <g des' g>8 q~ q16 <es es'> <f f'> <g g'> |
          <as c as'> q8 q16~ q <c c'> <bes bes'> <as as'> |
          <f bes f'>8 <des' f des'>~ q16 <des des'> <c c'> <bes bes'> |
          <as as'>8 q16 q q8 <bes bes'> | \pageBreak
          <b b'> q~ q16 <e, e'> <gis gis'> <b! b'!> |
          <fis b dis fis>16 q8 q16~ q <fis fis'> <b! b'> <dis! dis'> |
          <cis cis'>8 q8~ q16 <fis, fis'> <gis gis'> <ais ais'> |
          <b b'>8 q16 q q8 q |
          q q~ q16 <e, e'> <gis gis'> <b! b'!> | \break
          <c es! c'>16 q8 q16~ q <c c'> <bes! bes'!> <as! as'!> |
          <g des'! g>8 <es' es'>~ q16 <des des'> <c c'> <bes bes'>
        \alternative {
          { <as as'>8 es'16 es es8 es | }
          { q q16 q q8 q | \bar "||" }
        % Bridge
        <a, a'> <f' f'>~ q16 <e e'> <d d'> <c c'> | \break
        <g g'> <a a'> <bes! bes'!>8~ q16 <bes d bes'> <a! c a'!> <g bes g'> |
        <f a f'>8 <f as des! f>4 q8 |
        <f a c f>8 r <f' a c f> r |
        % Part D
        \key f \major
        \repeat volta 2 {
          \stemDown <g, bes>8. c16 q8. c16 \stemNeutral |
          r e d c \stemDown bes a bes g \stemNeutral | \break
          \stemDown <f a>8. c'16 q8. c16 \stemNeutral |
          r f e d c b c a |
          <bes a'>8. g'16 bes,4~ |
          bes16 c <bes e> c d e d c |
          <a g'>8. f'16 \once \tieDown a,4~ | \break
          a16 a d a c d c a |
          \stemDown <g bes>8. c16 q8. c16 \stemNeutral |
          r e d c \stemDown bes a bes g \stemNeutral |
          \stemDown <f a>8. c'16 q8. c16 \stemNeutral |
          r f e d c b c a | \pageBreak
          <f f'>8. <g g'>16 <as as'>4 |
          r16 f' <c a'> f g a g f |
          \acciaccatura c'8 bes16 a g8~ g16 bes a g |
        \alternative {
          { f8 c16 c c8 c | }
          { f8 r \LH \voiceOne f,,^\markup { \small \italic \bold "R. H." } fis | \bar "||" \break }
        % Bridge
        g a~ a16 g fis g |
        c8 d~ d16 c b c | \RH \oneVoice
        \acciaccatura b'8 a16 g fis g gis a ais b |
        c8 r \appoggiaturaCChord r | \bar ".|:-||" \break
        % Part E
        \key c \major
        \repeat volta 2 {
          <a f' a> <c a' c>4 <a f' a>8 |
          q <g e' g>4. |
          <d' f>16 <c e> <b d> <c e> <d f> <f a>8 <f a>16 |
          <e g> <d f> <c e> <d f> <e g> <e c'>8 q16 |
          <a, f' a>8 <c a' c>4 <a f' a>8 |
          q <g e' g>4. | \break
          <c e c'>16 <b e b'> <a e' a> <b e b'> <c a' c> <cis a' cis> <d a' b d> <dis a' b dis> |
          <e gis b e>8 r <bes e g>4^> |
          <a f' a>8 <c a' c>4 <a f' a>8 |
          q <g e' g>4. |
          <d' f>16 <c e> <b d> <c e> <d f> <f a>8 <f a>16 | \break
          <e g> <d f> <c e> <d f> <e g> <e c'>8 q16 |
          <d d'>8 q~ q16 c' b a |
          <e a>8 <e g>~ q16 c d e |
          <b g'>8 <b f'>4 <f g b>8 |
        \alternative {
          { <e g c> <g g'>16 q q8 q | }
          { <e g c> r \appoggiaturaCChord \bar "|." \tweak outside-staff-priority #550 \mark \markup { \small \fermata } }
    \new Dynamics {
      % Intro
      \partial 8
      s8 |
      s2*4 |
      % Part A
      s2\f |
      s2*4 |
      s2\< |
      s2\< |
      s4\! s16 s8.\> |
      s2\f |
      s2*11 |
      % Part B
      s2\f |
      s2*5 |
      s2\< |
      s4\! s4\> |
      s2\f |
      s2*8 |
      % Part C
      s2*17 |
      % Bridge
      s2*3 |
      s4 s4\> |
      % Part D
      s2\p |
      s2*10 |
      s2\< |
      s4\f\< s4\> |
      s16\> s16\p s4. |
      s2*2 |
      s4 s4\< |
      % Bridge
      s8.\< s16\! s4\! |
      s4\< s16 s16\! s8 |
      s4\< s4\! |
      s2 |
      % Part E
      s2\f |
      s2*5 |
      s2\< |
      s4\! s4\> |
      s2\f |
      s2*7 |
      s4 s8-\markup { \center-align \italic \teeny \bold "FINE." }
    \new Staff = "LH" {
      \clef "bass"
      \key c \major
      \time 2/4
      \relative c' {
        % Intro
        \partial 8
        c8 |
        << { \voiceTwo \tieNeutral <fis, a c> r r <g c>~ | } \new Voice { \voiceOne c a16 gis a b c8 | } >> \oneVoice
        <g c>16 g e dis e f g8~ |
        g16 f d cis \stemDown e d b a \stemNeutral |
        g8 r <g, g'>^^ r |
        % Part A
        \repeat volta 2 {
          c' <g' c e> g, q |
          c q g q |
          c q g q |
          c q g q |
          d' <g b f'> g, q |
          c <g' c e> cis, <ais' g'> |
          d, <b' d g> d, <c' d fis> |
          << { <d g>4~^> q8 r | } \\ { g, f16 \once \tieUp d~ d b g8 | } >>
          c <g' c e> g, q |
          c q g q |
          c q cis <g' a e'> |
          d <f a d> f <a d> |
        \alternative {
            << { \voiceTwo \tieNeutral <fis a c> r r <g c>~ | } \new Voice { \voiceOne c a16 gis a b c8 | } >> \oneVoice
            <g c>16 g e dis e f g8~ |
            g16 f d cis \stemDown e d b a \stemNeutral |
            g8 r <g, g'> r |
            <fis'' a c dis>r q r |
        <g c e> <a, a'> <a, a'>4 |
        <d d'>8 <g g'> <g, g'>4 |
        <c c'>8 r q^^ r |
        % Part B
        \repeat volta 2 {
          f <a' c f> a, q |
          c <g' c e> e q |
          g, <g' b f'> b, q |
          c <g' c e> c, q |
          f, <a' c f> a, q |
          c <g' c e> e q |
          <a, a'> <a' c e> <f, f'> q |
          <e e'> r <c' c'>4^> |
          f,8 <a' c f> a, q |
          c <g' c e> e q |
          g, <g' b f'> b, q |
          c <g' c e> e q |
          f <a c d> fis <a c dis> |
          g <c e> e, <g c e> |
          d <g d'> <g, g'>4 |
        \alternative {
          { <c, c'>8 r r4 | }
          { q8 r q^^ r | }
        % Part C
        \key as \major
        \repeat volta 2 {
          <as' as'> <es' as c> <es, es'> <es' as c> |
          <as, as'> <es' as c> <es, es'> <es' as c> |
          <des, des'> <f' as des> <des, des'> <f' as des> |
          <as, as'> <es' as c> <es, es'> <es' as c> |
          <bes bes'> <es bes' des> <es, es'> <es' bes' des> |
          <as, as'> <es' as c> <es, es'> <es' as c> |
          <des, des'> <bes bes'> <es es'> <es' g des'> |
          <as c> r r4 |
          e8 <gis b> e q |
          dis <fis b> b, <dis! fis b> |
          \stemDown fis, <e' fis ais> fis, q \stemNeutral |
          <b dis fis b> r r4 |
          e8 <gis b> e q |
          es! <as! c> es q |
          <es, es'> <es' g des'> <es, es'> <es' g des'> |
        \alternative {
          { <as c> r r4 | }
          { q8 r <des, f as des>4 | }
        % Bridge
        <c f a c>8 <f f'>~ q16 <e e'> <d d'> <c c'> |
        <e, e'> <f f'> <g g'>8~ q16 <c, c'> <d d'> <e! e'!> |
        <f f'>8 <des! des'!>4 q8 |
        <f f'> r <f, f'> r |
        % Part D
        \key f \major
        \repeat volta 2 {
          e'' <g bes c> c, q |
          e q c q |
          f <a c> c, q |
          f q c q |
          g' <bes c e> c, q |
          g' q c, q |
          f <a c f> c, q |
          f q c q |
          e <g bes c> c, q |
          e q c q |
          f <a c> c, q |
          f q c q |
          des <f as b> des q |
          c <f a! c> c <a' c f> |
          g <bes c e> c, q |
        \alternative {
          { <f a c f> r r4 | }
          { q8 r \voiceTwo f,_\markup { \small \italic \bold "L. H." } fis | }
        % Bridge
        g a~ a16 g fis g |
        c8 d~ d16 c b c | \oneVoice
        <g' b f'!>4 q |
        <c e>8 r <c,, c'>^^ r |
        % Part E
        \key c \major
        \repeat volta 2 {
          f <a' c f> a, q |
          c <g' c e> e q |
          g, <g' b f'> b, q |
          c <g' c e> c, q |
          f, <a' c f> a, q |
          c <g' c e> e q |
          <a, a'> <a' c e> <f, f'> q |
          <e e'> r <c' c'>4^> |
          f,8 <a' c f> a, q |
          c <g' c e> e q |
          g, <g' b f'> b, q |
          c <g' c e> e q |
          f <a c d> fis <a c dis> |
          g <c e> e, <g c e> |
          d <g d'> <g, g'>4 |
        \alternative {
          { <c, c'>8 r r4 | }
          { q8 r q^^ }


Public domain

This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 70 years or fewer.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1929.

This file has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current10:31, 24 April 2018Thumbnail for version as of 10:31, 24 April 20181,239 × 1,752, 4 pages (165 KB)Galaktos (talk | contribs)User created page with UploadWizard

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