Dr. Wolfgang Beyer, physicist.
Living in Munich, Germany.
Job-related active in laser medicine (see laser.klinikum.uni-muenchen.de).
Mainly active in the german Wikipedia (see my userpage there) since december 2003. Admin there since march 2004.
Interested in astronomie and physics.
German homepage: www.wolfgangbeyer.de.

My templates

My images


Mandelbrot set: Zoom sequence up to 1:60,000,000,000

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14

Mandelbrot set: Corresponding zoom sequence with frames indicating the position of the next image

Start to 1
Step 1 to 2
Step 2 to 3
Step 3 to 4
Step 4 to 5
Step 5 to 6
Step 6 to 7
Step 7 to 8
Step 8 to 9
Step 9 to 10
Step 10 to 11
Step 11 to 12
Step 12 to 13
Step 13 to 14

Other images:

Mandelbrot set and environment with well defined colour stripes
Bell's spaceship paradox

Modified images

Mandelbrot set and periodicities of orbits

Old versions of images

Mandelbrot set with irregular colour stripes
File:Mandelbrot-Menge Koordinatensystem.png
Mandelbrot set and periodicities of orbits