Wait using callbacks

Callbacks allow workflow executions to wait for another service to make a request to the callback endpoint; that request resumes the execution of the workflow.

With callbacks, you can signal to your workflow that a specified event has occurred, and wait on that event without polling. For example, you can create a workflow that notifies you when a product is back in stock or when an item has shipped; or that waits to allow human interaction such as reviewing an order or validating a translation.

This page shows you how to create a workflow that supports a callback endpoint, and that waits for HTTP requests from external processes to arrive at that endpoint. You can also wait for events using callbacks and Eventarc triggers.

Callbacks require the use of two standard library built-in functions:

Create an endpoint that receives a callback request

Create a callback endpoint that can receive HTTP requests to arrive at that endpoint.

  1. Follow the steps to create a new workflow, or choose an existing workflow to update but don't deploy it yet.
  2. In the workflow's definition, add a step to create a callback endpoint:


        - create_callback:
            call: events.create_callback_endpoint
                http_callback_method: "METHOD"
            result: callback_details


            "create_callback": {
              "call": "events.create_callback_endpoint",
              "args": {
                "http_callback_method": "METHOD"
              "result": "callback_details"

    Replace METHOD with the expected HTTP method, one of GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, or PATCH. The default is POST.

    The result is a map, callback_details, with a url field that stores the URL of the created endpoint.

    The callback endpoint is now ready to receive incoming requests with the specified HTTP method. The URL of the created endpoint can be used to trigger the callback from a process external to the workflow; for example, by passing the URL to a Cloud Run function.

  3. In the workflow's definition, add a step to wait for a callback request:


        - await_callback:
            call: events.await_callback
                callback: ${callback_details}
                timeout: TIMEOUT
            result: callback_request


            "await_callback": {
              "call": "events.await_callback",
              "args": {
                "callback": "${callback_details}",
                "timeout": TIMEOUT
              "result": "callback_request"

    Replace TIMEOUT with the maximum number of seconds that the workflow should wait for a request. The default is 43200 (12 hours). If the time elapses before a request is received, a TimeoutError is raised.

    Note that there is a maximum execution duration. For more information, see the request limit.

    The callback_details map from the earlier create_callback step is passed as an argument.

  4. Deploy your workflow to finish creating or updating it.

    When a request is received, all the details of the request are stored in the callback_request map. You then have access to the entire HTTP request, including its header, body, and a query map for any query parameters. For example:


          headers: {...}
          method: GET
          query: {}
          url: "/https/cloud.google.com/v1/projects/350446661175/locations/us-central1/workflows/workflow-1/executions/46804f42-dc83-46d6-87e4-93962866ed81/callbacks/49c80102-74d2-49cd-a70e-805a9fded94f_2de9b413-6332-412d-99c3-d7e9b6eeeda2"
        received_time: 2021-06-24 12:49:16.988072651 -0700 PDT m=+742581.005780667
        type: HTTP


           "received_time":"2021-06-24 12:49:16.988072651 -0700 PDT m=+742581.005780667",

    If the HTTP body is text or JSON, Workflows will attempt to decode the body; otherwise, raw bytes are returned.

Authorize requests to the callback endpoint

To send a request to a callback endpoint, Google Cloud services such as Cloud Run and Cloud Run functions, as well as third-party services, must be authorized to do so by having the appropriate Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions; specifically, workflows.callbacks.send (included in the Workflows Invoker role).

Make a direct request

The simplest way to create short-lived credentials for a service account is to make a direct request. Two identities are involved in this flow: the caller, and the service account for whom the credential is created. The call to the basic workflow on this page is an example of a direct request. For more information, see Use IAM to control access and Direct request permissions.

Generate an OAuth 2.0 access token

To authorize an application to call the callback endpoint, you can generate an OAuth 2.0 access token for the service account associated with the workflow. Assuming that you have the required permissions (for the Workflows Editor or Workflows Admin, and Service Account Token Creator roles), you can also generate a token yourself by running the generateAccessToken method.

If the generateAccessToken request is successful, the returned response body contains an OAuth 2.0 access token and an expiration time. (By default, OAuth 2.0 access tokens are valid for a maximum of 1 hour.) For example:

  "accessToken": "eyJ0eXAi...NiJ9",
  "expireTime": "2020-04-07T15:01:23.045123456Z"
The accessToken code can then be used in a curl call to the callback endpoint URL as in the following examples:
  curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_STRING" CALLBACK_URL
  curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_STRING" -d '{"foo" : "bar"}' CALLBACK_URL

Generate an OAuth token for a Cloud Run function

If you are invoking a callback from a Cloud Run function using the same service account as the workflow and in the same project, you can generate an OAuth access token in the function itself. For example:

const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library');
const auth = new GoogleAuth();
const token = await auth.getAccessToken();
console.log("Token", token);

try {
  const resp = await fetch(url, {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
          'accept': 'application/json',
          'content-type': 'application/json',
          'authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
      body: JSON.stringify({ approved })
  console.log("Response = ", JSON.stringify(resp));

  const result = await resp.json();
  console.log("Outcome = ", JSON.stringify(result));

For more context, see the tutorial on Creating a human-in-the-loop workflow using callbacks.

Request offline access

Access tokens periodically expire and become invalid credentials for a related API request. You can refresh an access token without prompting the user for permission if you requested offline access to the scopes associated with the token. Requesting offline access is a requirement for any application that needs to access a Google API when the user is not present. For more information, see Refreshing an access token (offline access).

Invoke a workflow exactly once using callbacks

Callbacks are fully idempotent which means that you can retry a callback if it fails without producing unexpected results or side effects.

After you create a callback endpoint, the URL is ready to receive incoming requests, and is usually returned to a caller before the corresponding call to await_callback is made. However, if the callback URL has yet to be received when the await_callback step is executed, the workflow execution is blocked until the endpoint is received (or a timeout occurs). Once received, the workflow execution resumes, and the callback is processed.

After you execute the create_callback_endpoint step and create a callback endpoint, a single callback slot is available to the workflow. When a callback request is received, this slot is filled with the callback payload until the callback can be processed. When the await_callback step is executed, the callback is processed, and the slot is emptied and made available for another callback. You can then reuse the callback endpoint and call await_callback again.

If await_callback is called only once but a second callback is received, one of the following scenarios occurs and an appropriate HTTP status code is returned:

  • HTTP 429: Too Many Requests indicates that the first callback was received successfully but hasn't been processed; it remains waiting to be processed. The second callback is rejected by the workflow.

  • HTTP 200: Success indicates that the first callback was received successfully and a response was returned. The second callback is stored and might never be processed unless await_callback is called a second time. If the workflow ends before that happens, the second callback request is never processed and is discarded.

  • HTTP 404: Page Not Found indicates that the workflow is no longer running. Either the first callback was processed and the workflow has completed, or the workflow has failed. To determine this, you'll need to query the workflow execution state.

Parallel callbacks

When steps are executed in parallel, and a callback is created by a parent thread and awaited on in child steps, the same pattern as previously described is followed.

In the following example, when the create_callback_endpoint step is executed, one callback slot is created. Each subsequent call to await_callback opens a new callback slot. Ten callbacks can be made concurrently, if all threads are running and waiting before a callback request is made. Additional callbacks could be made, but would be stored and never processed.


  - createCallbackInParent:
    call: events.create_callback_endpoint
      http_callback_method: "POST"
    result: callback_details
  - parallelStep:
            range: [1, 10]
            value: loopValue
              - waitForCallbackInChild:
                  call: events.await_callback
                      callback: ${callback_details}


      "createCallbackInParent": {
        "call": "events.create_callback_endpoint",
        "args": {
          "http_callback_method": "POST"
        "result": "callback_details"
      "parallelStep": {
        "parallel": {
          "for": {
            "range": [
            "value": "loopValue",
            "steps": [
                "waitForCallbackInChild": {
                  "call": "events.await_callback",
                  "args": {
                    "callback": "${callback_details}"

Note that callbacks are processed in the same order that each call is made by a branch to await_callback. However, the execution order of branches is non-deterministic and can arrive at an outcome using various paths. For more information, see Parallel steps.

Try out a basic callback workflow

You can create a basic workflow and then test the call to that workflow's callback endpoint using curl. You must have the necessary Workflows Editor or Workflows Admin permissions for the project in which the workflow resides.

  1. Create and deploy the following workflow and then execute it.


        - create_callback:
            call: events.create_callback_endpoint
                http_callback_method: "GET"
            result: callback_details
        - print_callback_details:
            call: sys.log
                severity: "INFO"
                text: ${"Listening for callbacks on " + callback_details.url}
        - await_callback:
            call: events.await_callback
                callback: ${callback_details}
                timeout: 3600
            result: callback_request
        - print_callback_request:
            call: sys.log
                severity: "INFO"
                text: ${"Received " + json.encode_to_string(callback_request.http_request)}
        - return_callback_result:
            return: ${callback_request.http_request}


            "create_callback": {
              "call": "events.create_callback_endpoint",
              "args": {
                "http_callback_method": "GET"
              "result": "callback_details"
            "print_callback_details": {
              "call": "sys.log",
              "args": {
                "severity": "INFO",
                "text": "${\"Listening for callbacks on \" + callback_details.url}"
            "await_callback": {
              "call": "events.await_callback",
              "args": {
                "callback": "${callback_details}",
                "timeout": 3600
              "result": "callback_request"
            "print_callback_request": {
              "call": "sys.log",
              "args": {
                "severity": "INFO",
                "text": "${\\"Received \\" + json.encode_to_string(callback_request.http_request)}"
            "return_callback_result": {
              "return": "${callback_request.http_request}"

    After executing the workflow, the state of the workflow execution is ACTIVE until the callback request is received or the timeout elapses.

  2. Confirm the execution state and retrieve the callback URL:


    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Workflows page:

      Go to Workflows
    2. Click the name of the workflow that you just executed.

      The state of the workflow execution is displayed.

    3. Click the Logs tab.
    4. Look for a log entry similar to the following:

      Listening for callbacks on https://workflowexecutions.googleapis.com/v1/projects/...
    5. Copy the callback URL to use in the next command.


    1. First, retrieve the execution ID:
      gcloud logging read "Listening for callbacks" --freshness=DURATION
      Replace DURATION with an appropriate amount of time to limit the log entries returned (if you have executed the workflow multiple times).

      For example, --freshness=t10m returns log entries that are not older than 10 minutes. For details, see gcloud topic datetimes.

      The execution ID is returned. Note that the callback URL is also returned in the textPayload field. Copy both values to use in the following steps.

    2. Run the following command:
      gcloud workflows executions describe WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_ID --workflow=WORKFLOW_NAME
      The state of the workflow execution is returned.
  3. You can now call the callback endpoint using a curl command:
    curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" CALLBACK_URL

    Note that for a POST endpoint, you must use a Content-Type representation header. For example:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -d '{"foo" : "bar"}' CALLBACK_URL

    Replace CALLBACK_URL with the URL you copied in the previous step.

  4. Through the Google Cloud console or using the Google Cloud CLI, confirm that the state of the workflow execution is now SUCCEEDED.
  5. Look for the log entry with the returned textPayload that resembles the following:
    Received {"body":null,"headers":...


These samples demonstrate the syntax.

Catch timeout errors

This sample adds to the previous sample by catching any timeout errors, and writing the errors to the system log.


        - create_callback:
            call: events.create_callback_endpoint
                http_callback_method: "GET"
            result: callback_details
        - print_callback_details:
            call: sys.log
                severity: "INFO"
                text: ${"Listening for callbacks on " + callback_details.url}
        - await_callback:
                call: events.await_callback
                    callback: ${callback_details}
                    timeout: 3600
                result: callback_request
                as: e
                    - log_error:
                        call: sys.log
                            severity: "ERROR"
                            text: ${"Received error " + e.message}
                        next: end
        - print_callback_result:
            call: sys.log
                severity: "INFO"
                text: ${"Received " + json.encode_to_string(callback_request.http_request)}


      "main": {
        "steps": [
            "create_callback": {
              "call": "events.create_callback_endpoint",
              "args": {
                "http_callback_method": "GET"
              "result": "callback_details"
            "print_callback_details": {
              "call": "sys.log",
              "args": {
                "severity": "INFO",
                "text": "${\"Listening for callbacks on \" + callback_details.url}"
            "await_callback": {
              "try": {
                "call": "events.await_callback",
                "args": {
                  "callback": "${callback_details}",
                  "timeout": 3600
                "result": "callback_request"
              "except": {
                "as": "e",
                "steps": [
                    "log_error": {
                      "call": "sys.log",
                      "args": {
                        "severity": "ERROR",
                        "text": "${\"Received error \" + e.message}"
                      "next": "end"
            "print_callback_result": {
              "call": "sys.log",
              "args": {
                "severity": "INFO",
                "text": "${\"Received \" + json.encode_to_string(callback_request.http_request)}"

Wait on a callback in a retry loop

This sample modifies the previous sample by implementing a retry step. Using a custom retry predicate, the workflow logs a warning when a timeout occurs and then retries the wait on the callback endpoint, up to five times. If the retry quota is exhausted before the callback is received, the final timeout error causes the workflow to fail.


        - create_callback:
            call: events.create_callback_endpoint
                http_callback_method: "GET"
            result: callback_details
        - print_callback_details:
            call: sys.log
                severity: "INFO"
                text: ${"Listening for callbacks on " + callback_details.url}
        - await_callback:
                call: events.await_callback
                    callback: ${callback_details}
                    timeout: 60.0
                result: callback_request
                predicate: ${log_timeout}
                max_retries: 5
                    initial_delay: 1
                    max_delay: 10
                    multiplier: 2
        - print_callback_result:
            call: sys.log
                severity: "INFO"
                text: ${"Received " + json.encode_to_string(callback_request.http_request)}
        params: [e]
          - when_to_repeat:
                - condition: ${"TimeoutError" in e.tags}
                      - log_error_and_retry:
                          call: sys.log
                              severity: "WARNING"
                              text: "Timed out waiting for callback, retrying"
                      - exit_predicate:
                          return: true
          - otherwise:
              return: false


      "main": {
        "steps": [
            "create_callback": {
              "call": "events.create_callback_endpoint",
              "args": {
                "http_callback_method": "GET"
              "result": "callback_details"
            "print_callback_details": {
              "call": "sys.log",
              "args": {
                "severity": "INFO",
                "text": "${\"Listening for callbacks on \" + callback_details.url}"
            "await_callback": {
              "try": {
                "call": "events.await_callback",
                "args": {
                  "callback": "${callback_details}",
                  "timeout": 60
                "result": "callback_request"
              "retry": {
                "predicate": "${log_timeout}",
                "max_retries": 5,
                "backoff": {
                  "initial_delay": 1,
                  "max_delay": 10,
                  "multiplier": 2
            "print_callback_result": {
              "call": "sys.log",
              "args": {
                "severity": "INFO",
                "text": "${\"Received \" + json.encode_to_string(callback_request.http_request)}"
      "log_timeout": {
        "params": [
        "steps": [
            "when_to_repeat": {
              "switch": [
                  "condition": "${\"TimeoutError\" in e.tags}",
                  "steps": [
                      "log_error_and_retry": {
                        "call": "sys.log",
                        "args": {
                          "severity": "WARNING",
                          "text": "Timed out waiting for callback, retrying"
                      "exit_predicate": {
                        "return": true
            "otherwise": {
              "return": false

What's next