CERN Accelerating science

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The all-silicon tracker of the CMS experiment / Freudenreich, Klaus (ETH Zurich)
Recently, the CMS collaboration has decided to equip the central tracker exclusively with silicon detectors. The new layout and its performance will be discussed..
In : 30th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Osaka, Japan, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 2000, pp.1240-1 (vol.2)
Physics potential and the status of DOE upgrade at Fermilab / Jaehoon, Yu (MS357, Fermi Nat Accel Lab, Batavia, IL, USA)
The DOE experiment is one of the two collider experiments at Fermilab. The DOE detector is a multipurpose detector and took its data during Fermilab TeVatron collider run in 1992-1996. [...]
In : 30th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Osaka, Japan, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 2000, pp.1235-7 (vol.2)
The PHENIX experiment at RHIC / Aronson, Samuel H (Dept of Phys, Brookhaven Nat Lab, Upton, NY, USA)
PHENIX is a large detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at BNL. RHIC and PHENIX have recently operated for the first time, producing and detecting collisions of gold ions at beam energies of 30 and 65 GeV per nucleon. [...]
In : 30th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Osaka, Japan, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 2000, pp.598-601 (vol.1)
Status of the LHCb Experiment / Muheim, Franz (Edinburgh U.) /LHCb Collaboration
We present the status of the LHCb experiment which will make precision measurements of CP violation in $B$ meson decays. The motivation for the experiment and an overview of the detector design are given. [...]
hep-ex/0012059; EDINBURGH-2000-27; EDINBURGH-2000-27.- Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ., 2001 - 10 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 462 (2001) 233-242 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: hep-ex/0012059 PDF
ATLAS construction status / Jenni, P (CERN)
The ATLAS detector is being constructed at the LHC, in view of a data-taking start-up in 2007. This report concentrates on the progress and the technical challenges of the detector construction, and summarizes the status of the work as of August 2004. [...]
2006 - Published in : Braz. J. Phys. 36 (2006) 115-21
In : 25th Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 25 - 27 Aug 2004, pp.115-21
JINR participation in COMPASS project / Finger, M H ; Savin, I A /COMPASS Collaboration
A new fixed target experiment to study hadron structure and hadron spectroscopy has been approved at CERN as the CERN experiment NA58 - COMPASS. An appropriate two-stage large acceptance spectrometer, with particle identification and calorimetry in both stages, using either polarized muon (100-200 GeV) or hadron (up to 300 GeV) beams and polarized as well as unpolarized targets is being constructed at CERN. [...]
2001 - Published in : Czechoslov. J. Phys. 51 (2001) 17-32
In : International Workshop on Symmetries and Spin, Prague, Czech Republic, 17 - 22 Jul 2000, pp.17-32
Progresses on the ATLAS pixel detector / Andreazza, A
The pixel detector of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC is a silicon vertex tracker consisting of 100 million 50*400 mu m/sup 2/ pixels. Sensors have been produced, able to withstand a radiation damage equivalent to the one induced by a fluence of 10/sup 15/ 1 MeV n/cm /sup 2/, as expected after 10 years at the LHC. [...]
2001 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 461 (2001) 168-71
The CMS muon trigger / Neumeister, N (CERN)
The LHC at CERN will provide proton-proton collisions at a centre-of- mass energy of 14 TeV and a bunch crossing interval of 25 ns. At design luminosity this will result in an inelastic pp interaction rate of 1 GHz. [...]
In : 30th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Osaka, Japan, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 2000, pp.1264-6 (vol.2)
The electronics hybrid of the ATLAS-SCT endcap detector modules / Ketterer, C
An electronics hybrid has been developed for the ATLAS silicon microstrip tracker endcaps. The high-density interconnect board carries 12 readout ASICs, as well as ASICs for the optical data transmission. [...]
2004 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 51 (2004) 1134-9
In : 50th IEEE 2003 Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, 13th International Workshop on Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors and Symposium on Nuclear Power Systems, Portland, OR, USA, 19 - 25 Oct 2003, pp.1650-4 (Vol.3)
CMS high-level triggering / Neumeister, N (CERN)
The LHC at CERN will provide proton-proton collisions at a centre-of- mass energy of 14 TeV and a bunch crossing interval of 25 ns. At design luminosity, L=10/sup 14/ cm/sup -2/ s/sup -1/, this will result in an inelastic pp interaction rate of 1 GHz. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2001 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 462 (2001) 254-8
In : 7th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines, Maagan, Israel, 13 - 18 Sep 2000

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