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An optical sensor for the alignment of the Atlas Muon Spectrometer / Barrière, J C ; Cloué, O ; Duboué, B ; Gautard, V ; Graffin, P ; Guyot, C ; Perrin, P ; Ponsot, P ; Reinert, Y ; Schuller, J P et al.
Optical sensor for the alignment of the Atlas muon spectrometer was discussed. This system uses praxial sensor for tha alignment. [...]
2003 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 504 (2003) 356-358
Calibration and production of praxial sensors for the ATLAS muon spectrometer / Schune, P (Saclay) ; Barrière, J C (Saclay) ; Cloué, O (Saclay) ; Duboué, B (Saclay) ; Fontaine, M (Saclay) ; Gautard, V (Saclay) ; Graffin, P (Saclay) ; Guyot, C (Saclay) ; Jiolat, G (Saclay) ; Perrin, P (Saclay) et al.
DAPNIA-2003-79.- Saclay : DAPNIA, 2003 - 11 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : Conference on Optical Metrology : Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection III, Munich, Germany, 23 - 26 Jun 2003, pp.360-71
Six axis position sensor : principle and clibration / Barrière, J C ; Reinert, Y ; Schune, P ; Schuller, J P ; Ponsot, P ; Perrin, P ; Jiolat, G ; Guyot, C ; Graffin, P ; Gautard, V et al.
- 2005. - 7 p.
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Calibrations of two alignment sensors used in the ATLAS barrel muon spectrometer / Barrière, J C ; Cloué, O ; Gautard, V ; Duboué, B ; Guyot, C ; Fontaine, M ; Perrin, P ; Ponsot P ; Reinert, Y ; Schuller, J P et al.
- 2004. - 6 p.
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Status of the alignment sensor calibrations in the ATLAS-Muon experiment / Gautard, V (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Barriere,J (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Cloué, O (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Duboué, B (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Gautard, V (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Guyot, C (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Perrin, P (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Ponsot, P (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Reinert, Y (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Schuller, J (DAPNIA, Saclay) et al.
DAPNIA-2004-507.- CERN, 2005 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Computing in High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 2004, Interlaken, Switzerland, 27 Sep - 1 Oct 2004, pp.123 (CERN-2005-002)
Development of a highly transparent fluorescent optical sensor for transverse positioning of multiple elements with respect to a reference laser beam [for ATLAS experiment] / Barrière, J C ; Blumenfeld, H ; Bourdinaud, M ; Cloué, O ; Molinie, F ; Schune, P
A new type of highly transparent (95%) two dimensional position sensor has been developed which allows the accurate positioning (below 10 mu m r.m.s.) of successive elements to which each sensor is attached, transversely to a laser beam used as a reference straight line. The present useful area of the sensor is about 15*15 mm/sup 2/, and can be further increased. [...]
1999 - Published in : Proc. SPIE 3823 (1999) 192-9
Development of an optical sensor for 2D multi-point alignment / Barrière, J C (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Blumenfeld, H (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Bourdinaud, M (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Cloué, O (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Molinié, F (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Schune, P (DAPNIA, Saclay)
DAPNIA-SIG-97-001.- Saclay : DAPNIA, 1997 - 5 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 1st Conference on New Developments in Photodetection, Beaune, France, 24 - 28 Jun 1996, pp.264-265 - CERN library copies
Development of a highly transparent fluorescent optical sensor for transverse positioning of multiple elements with respect to a reference laser beam / Barrière, J C ; Blumenfeld, H ; Bourdinaud, M ; Cloué, O ; Molinié, F ; Schune, P
- 1999. - 9 p.
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Two transparent optical sensors for the postioning of detectors using a reference laser beam / Barrière, J C ; Blumenfeld, H ; Bourdinaud, M ; Cloué, O ; Guyot, C ; Molinié, F ; Ponsot, P ; Saudemont, J C ; Schuller, J-P ; Schune, P et al.
- 2001. - 21 p.
Development of a transparent optical telescope for absolute positioning with respect to a reference laser beam [for ATLAS muon chambers] / Barrière, J C ; Cloué, O ; Guyot, C ; Ponsot, P ; Saudemont, J C ; Schuller, J P ; Schune, P ; Sube, S
We have developed an optical system which permits the absolute positioning of an element with respect to a reference laser beam. The resolution is of the order of 10 mu m in translation and 50 mu rad in rotation. [...]
In : 6th Conference on Photomask and X-Ray Mask Technology, Yokohama, Japan, 13 - 14 Apr 1999, pp.212-221

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