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The $\beta$-decay of $^{11}$Li to the deuteron channel and halo analogue states in $^{11}$Be / Zhukov, M V ; Danilin, B V ; Grigorenko, L V ; Vaagen, J S
- 1995. - 18 p.
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Bound state properties of Borromean halo nuclei : $^{6}$He and $^{11}$Li / Zhukov, M V ; Danilin, B V ; Fedorov, D V ; Bang, J ; Thompson, I J ; Vaagen, J S
- 1992. - 66 p.
CERN library copies
Electromagnetic dipole response as a test of the $^{11}$Li g.s. structure and the n-$^{9}$Li interaction / Danilin, B V ; Zhukov, M V ; Vaagen, J S ; Thompson, I J ; Bang, J
- 1993. - 10 p.
CERN library copies
Fingerprints of Possible Low-Lying Resonance in $^{11}Li$ / Zhukov, M V ; Chulkov, L V ; Fedorov, D V ; Danilin, B V ; Bang, J ; Vaagen, J S ; Thompson, I J
NORDITA-92-029-N.- Copenhagen : NORDITA, 1994 - 20 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 20 (1994) 201 - CERN library copies
Simplified three-body model for $^{11}$Li and $^{9}$Li-neutron momentum correlations / Zhukov, M V ; Fedorov, D V ; Danilin, B V ; Vaagen, J S ; Bang, J
- 1991. - 12 p.
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A simplified three-body model for $^{11}$Li and associated $^{9}$Li and neutron momentum distributions / Zhukov, M V ; Fedorov, D V ; Danilin, B V ; Vaagen, J S ; Bang, J
- 1990. - 30 p.
CERN library copies
$^{6}$He beta decay to $\alpha$ + D channel in a three-body model / Zhukov, M V ; Danilin, B V ; Grigorenko, L V ; Shulgina, N B
- 1992. - 14 p.
CERN library copies
$^{8}He$ $\beta$-decay to the $^{6}Li+n+n$ channel / Shulgina, N B ; Grigorenko, L V ; Zhukov, M V ; Bang, J
- 1997. - 13 p.
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Strength functions for $^{6}$He excitations / Danilin, B V ; Zhukov, M V ; Vaagen, J S ; Bang, J
- 1992. - 11 p.
CERN library copies
Three-body structure of $^{8}$Li and the $^{7}$Li(n,$\gamma$)$^{8}$Li reaction / Shulgina, N B ; Danilin, B V ; Efros, V D ; Bang, J ; Vaagen, J S ; Zhukov, M V
- 1995. - 20 p.
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