Processing High-Bandwidth Bunch-by-Bunch Observation Data from the RF and Transverse Damper Systems of the LHC
/ Ojeda Sandonís, Miguel (CERN) ; Baudrenghien, Philippe (CERN) ; Butterworth, Andrew (CERN) ; Galindo, Javier (CERN) ; Höfle, Wolfgang (CERN) ; Levens, Thomas (CERN) ; Molendijk, John (CERN) ; Vaga, Federico (Pavia U.) ; Valuch, Daniel (CERN)
The radiofrequency and transverse damper feedback systems of the Large Hadron Collider digitize beam phase and position measurements at the bunch repetition rate of 40 MHz. Embedded memory buffers allow a few milliseconds of full rate bunch-by-bunch data to be retrieved over the VME bus for diagnostic purposes, but experience during LHC Run I has shown that for beam studies much longer data records are desirable. [...]
2015 - 4 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2015-WEPGF062
Fulltext: PDF; External link: JACoW
In : 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Melbourne, Australia, 17 - 23 Oct 2015, pp.WEPGF062
Usage of the Transverse Damper Observation Box for High Sampling Rate Transverse Position Data in the LHC
/ Carver, Lee (CERN) ; Buffat, Xavier (CERN) ; Butterworth, Andrew (CERN) ; Höfle, Wolfgang (CERN) ; Iadarola, Giovanni (CERN) ; Kotzian, Gerd (CERN) ; Li, Kevin (CERN) ; Métral, Elias (CERN) ; Ojeda Sandonís, Miguel (CERN) ; Söderén, Martin (CERN) et al.
The transverse damper observation box (ADTObsBox) is a device that makes accessible the bunch-by-bunch turn-by-turn data recorded from the pickups of the LHC transverse damper. This device can provide online transient analysis of different beam dynamics effects (tunes and damping times at injection, for example), while also under development is an online coherent instability triggering system. [...]
2017 - 4 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-MOPAB113
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 - 19 May 2017, pp.MOPAB113
Instability diagnostics
/ Levens, T (CERN) ; Boccardi, A (CERN) ; Butterworth, A (CERN) ; Carver, L R (CERN) ; Daniluk, G (CERN) ; Gasior, M (CERN) ; Höfle, W (CERN) ; Jones, O R (CERN) ; Kotzian, G (CERN) ; Lefevre, T (CERN) et al.
This paper gives an overview of the available systems for transverse instability
diagnostics in the LHC with a focus on those that have been added or upgraded
since run 1. The status and performance during 2015 will be reviewed. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2016 - 6 p.
- Published in : (2016) , pp. 137-142
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In : 6th Evian Workshop on LHC beam operation, Evian Les Bains, France, 15 - 17 Dec 2015, pp.137-142
Detection and Classification of Collective Beam Behaviour in the LHC
/ Coyle, Loic (Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne ; CERN) ; Blanc, Frederic (Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne) ; Buffat, Xavier (CERN) ; Krymova, Ekaterina (Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne ; Zurich, ETH) ; Obozinski, Guillaume (Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne ; Zurich, ETH) ; Pieloni, Tatiana (Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne ; CERN) ; Schenk, Michael (Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne ; CERN) ; Solfaroli Camillocci, Matteo (CERN) ; Wenninger, Jorg (CERN)
Collective instabilities can lead to a severe deterioration of beam quality, in terms of reduced beam intensity and increased beam emittance, and consequently a reduction of the collider’s luminosity. It is therefore crucial for the operation of the CERN’s Large Hadron Collider to understand the conditions in which they appear in order to find appropriate mitigation measures. [...]
Geneva : JACoW, 2021 - 4 p.
- Published in : JACoW IPAC 2021 (2021) 4318-4321
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, 24 - 28 May 2021, pp.4318-4321
Electro-Optical BPM Development for High Luminosity LHC
/ Arteche, Alberto (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Gibson, Stephen (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Lefèvre, Thibaut (CERN) ; Levens, Thomas (CERN)
An Electro-Optic Beam Position Monitor (EO-BPM) is being developed as a high-frequency (up to 10 GHz) diagnostic for crabbing and Head-Tail intra-bunch detection at the HL-LHC. Following an earlier prototype at the SPS that demonstrated single-pickup signals, an upgraded design of an interferometric EO-BPM has been beam-tested at the HiRadMat facility for validation and characterisation studies. [...]
2022 - 5 p.
- Published in : JACoW IBIC 2022 (2022) 181-185
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In : 11th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC 2022), Cracow, Poland, 11 - 15 Sep 2022, pp.181-185