CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-ACC-2015-376
Conference title 6th Evian Workshop on LHC beam operation
Related conference title(s) Evian 2015
Date(s), location 15 - 17 Dec 2015, Evian Les Bains, France
Conference contact HÔTEL HILTON - Quai Paul Léger
email: [email protected]
phone: 0041227673631
Editor(s) Dubourg, S (ed.) ; Goddard, B (ed.)
Imprint 2016
Note Organiser: Michaël LAMONT
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords Evian ; LHC beam operation

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C15-12-15
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

2015 availability summary (p. 19)
by Apollonio, A
QPS - operational aspects (p. 29)
by Pojer, M
LHC cryogenics – Run2 (2015) summary and perspectives (p. 33)
by Brodzinski, K
R2E – is it still an issue? (p. 39)
by Danzeca, S
LHC RF system reliability (p. 43)
by Brunner, O
LHC nominal cycle (p. 45)
by Camillocci, M Solfaroli
Injection (p. 49)
by Jacquet, D
Tune and orbit feedbacks (p. 53)
by Ponce, L
Tune and chromaticity: decay and snapback (p. 59)
by Schaumann, M
Optics model (p. 65)
by Langner, A
Luminosity, emittance evolution and OP scans (p. 71)
by Hostettler, M
Luminosity modeling for the LHC (p. 77)
by Papotti, G
How to survive a UFO attack (p. 81)
by Auchmann, B
LHC aperture and ULO restrictions: are they a possible limitation in 2016? (p. 87)
by Mirarchi, D
Instabilities and beam induced heating in 2015 (p. 95)
by Carver, L R
Performance limitations from electron cloud in 2015 (p. 101)
by Iadarola, G
Beam-beam effects long-range and head-on (p. 111)
by Pieloni, T
TDI - past observations and improvements for 2016 (p. 123)
by Lechner, A
LHC transverse feedback (p. 131)
by Butterworth, A
Instability diagnostics (p. 137)
by Levens, T
Operational and beam dynamics aspects of the RF system in 2015 (p. 143)
by Timko, H
Performance of the LHC collimation system during 2015 (p. 149)
by Valentino, G
Status of the beam instrumentation after LS1 (p. 155)
by Bravin, E
Status of the beam profile measurements at the LHC (p. 163)
by Trad, G
Controls - an OP perspective (p. 171)
by Fuchsberger, K
Feedback on controls from 2015 operation (p. 177)
by Gourber-Pace, Marine
Have we been operating safely in 2015? (p. 181)
by Wollmann, D
How to obtain clean injections (p. 185)
by Burkart, F
BLM threshold evolution and 2016 proposal (p. 191)
by Kalliokoski, M
BLM thresholds and damage limits for collimators (p. 197)
by Mereghetti, A
LHC configuration: can we get to β * =40 CM? (p. 203)
by Bruce, R
How to fight collective effect limitations (p. 211)
by Li, K
LHC YETS recovery (p. 219)
by Pojer, M
Initial commissioning to stable beams (p. 223)
by Salvachua, B
MD priorities for RUN 2 (p. 227)
by Uythoven, J

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 Record created 2016-05-31, last modified 2021-09-20

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