The Medipix3RX: A high resolution, zero dead-time pixel detector readout chip allowing spectroscopic imaging
/ Ballabriga, R (CERN) ; Alozy, J (CERN) ; Blaj, G (CERN) ; Campbell, M (CERN) ; Fiederle, M (Freiburg U.) ; Frojdh, E (CERN) ; Heijne, E H M (CERN ; IEAP CTU, Prague ; NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Llopart, X (CERN) ; Pichotka, M (Freiburg U.) ; Procz, S (Freiburg U.) et al.
The Medipix3 chips have been designed to permit spectroscopic imaging in highly segmented hybrid pixel detectors. Spectral degradation due to charge sharing in the sensor has been addressed by means of an architecture in which adjacent pixels communicate in the analog and digital domains on an event-by-event basis to reconstruct the deposited charge in a neighbourhood prior to the assignation of the hit to a single pixel. [...]
- Published in : JINST 8 (2013) C02016
IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : iWoRID 2012 - 14th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Figueira Da Foz, Portugal, 1 - 5 Jul 2012, pp.C02016
Characterization of the Medipix3 pixel readout chip
/ Ballabriga, R (CERN) ; Tlustos, L (CERN) ; Wong, W (CERN) ; Greiffenberg, D (Freiburg U.) ; Turecek, D (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Blaj, G (CERN) ; Heijne, E H M (CERN) ; Plackett, R (Glasgow U. ; CERN) ; Campbell, M (CERN) ; Procz, S (Freiburg U.) et al.
The Medipix3 chip is a hybrid pixel detector readout chip working in Single Photon Counting Mode. It has been developed with a new front-end architecture aimed at eliminating the spectral distortion produced by charge diffusion in highly segmented semiconductor detectors. [...]
- Published in : JINST 6 (2011) C01052
IOP Open Access article: PDF;
Spectral CT data acquisition with Medipix3.1
/ Walsh, M F (U. Otago Christchurch) ; Nik, S J (Canterbury U.) ; Procz, S (U. Freiburg, FMF) ; Pichotka, M (U. Freiburg, FMF) ; Bell, S T (MARS BioImaging Ltd, Christchurch) ; Bateman, C J (U. Otago Christchurch) ; Doesburg, R M N (Canterbury U.) ; De Ruiter, N (U. Otago Christchurch) ; Chernoglazov, A I (Canterbury U.) ; Panta, R K (U. Otago Christchurch) et al.
- Published in : JINST 8 (2013) P10012
IOP Open Access article: PDF;
Charge Summing in Spectroscopic X-Ray Detectors With High-Z Sensors
/ Koenig, Thomas (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA) ; Procz, Simon (Freiburg U.) ; Cecilia, Angelica (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA) ; Ballabriga, Rafael (CERN) ; Baumbach, Tilo (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA) ; Llopart, Xavier (CERN) ; Fiederle, Michael (Freiburg U.) ; Zuber, Marcus (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA) ; Hamann, Elias (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA) ; Fauler, Alex (Freiburg U.) et al.
The spectroscopic performance of photon counting detectors is limited by the effects of charge sharing between neighboring pixels and the emission of characteristic X-rays. For these reasons, an event can be either missed or counted more than once. [...]
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 60 (2013) 4713-4718
Medipix3RX: Characterizing the Medipix3 Redesign With Synchrotron Radiation
/ Gimenez, Eva N (Diamond Light Source) ; Ballabriga, Rafael (CERN) ; Blaj, Gabriel (CERN) ; Campbell, Michael (CERN) ; Dolbnya, Igor (Diamond Light Source) ; Frodjh, Erik (CERN) ; Horswell, Ian (Diamond Light Source) ; Llopart, Xavier (CERN) ; Marchal, Julien (Diamond Light Source) ; McGrath, John (Diamond Light Source) et al.
The Medipix3RX is the latest version of the Medipix3 photon counting ASICs, which implements two new operational modes, with respect to the Medipix2 ASIC, aimed at eliminating charge shared events (referred to as Charge Summing Mode (CSM)) and at providing spectroscopic information (referred to as Colour Mode (CM)). The Medipix3RX is a redesign of the Medipix3v0 ASIC and corrects for the underperformance of CSM features observed in the previous version. [...]
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 62 (2015) 1413-1421
Towards a new generation of pixel detector readout chips
/ Campbell, M (CERN) ; Alozy, J. (CERN) ; Ballabriga, R. (CERN) ; Frojdh, E. (CERN ; Mid Sweden U., Sundsvall) ; Heijne, E. (CERN ; IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Llopart, X. (CERN) ; Poikela, T. (CERN) ; Tlustos, L. (CERN ; Freiburg U.) ; Valerio, P. (CERN) ; Wong, W. (CERN ; Houston U.)
The Medipix3 Collaboration has broken new ground in spectroscopic X-ray imaging and in single particle detection and tracking. This paper will review briefly the performance and limitations of the present generation of pixel detector readout chips developed by the Collaboration. [...]
- Published in : JINST 11 (2016) C01007
IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : 17th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Hamburg, Germany, 28 Jun - 02 Jul 2015, pp.C01007
How spectroscopic x-ray imaging benefits from inter-pixel communication
/ Koenig, Thomas (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA) ; Zuber, Marcus (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA) ; Hamann, Elias (Freiburg U. ; Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA) ; Cecilia, Angelica (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA) ; Ballabriga, Rafael (CERN) ; Campbell, Michael (CERN) ; Ruat, Marie (ESRF, Grenoble) ; Tlustos, Lukas (CERN) ; Fauler, Alex (Freiburg U.) ; Fiederle, Michael (Freiburg U. ; Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA) et al.
Spectroscopic x-ray imaging based on pixellated semiconductor detectors can be sensitive to charge sharing and K-fluorescence, depending on the sensor material used, its thickness and the pixel pitch employed. As a consequence, spectroscopic resolution is partially lost. [...]
2014 - 19 p.
- Published in : Phys. Med. Biol. 59 (2014) 6195-6213
X-ray and gamma imaging with Medipix and Timepix detectors in medical research
/ Procz, S. (Albert-Ludwigs-U., Freiburg) ; Avila, C. (U. de los Andes, Bogota) ; Fey, J. (Albert-Ludwigs-U., Freiburg) ; Roque, G. (U. de los Andes, Bogota) ; Schuetz, M. (Albert-Ludwigs-U., Freiburg) ; Hamann, E. (KIT)
The innovations brought by Medipix and Timepix detector readout chips have improved medical imaging. Firstly, the small pixel size enables a very high spatial resolution in imaging applications. [...]
2019 - 14 p.
- Published in : Radiat. Meas. 127 (2019) 106104
In : The Medipix/Timepix ASIC family and its applications, pp.106104
Characterization of Medipix3 with the MARS readout and software
/ Ronaldson, J P (Otago U.) ; Butler, P H (CERN ; Otago U.) ; van Leeuwen, D (Canterbury U.) ; Doesburg, R M N (Canterbury U.) ; Ballabriga, R (CERN) ; Butler, A P H (CERN ; Canterbury U. ; Otago U.) ; Donaldson, J (Canterbury U.) ; Walsh, M (Otago U.) ; Nik, S J (Canterbury U.) ; Clyne, M N (ILR Ltd, Christchurch)
The Medipix3 x-ray imaging detector has been characterized using the MARS camera. This x-ray camera comprises custom built readout electronics and software libraries designed for the Medipix family of detectors. [...]
- Published in : JINST 6 (2011) C01056
IOP Open Access article: PDF;